[1.21] Prototyping [8/15 complete]

Hi guys! Just a quick update, as I’ve been very busy prototyping more scenes. It’s hard to talk about without spoilers, but:
  • A scene that wasn’t working got simplified and rewritten
  • A new scene, with two NPCs you’ll be seeing more of, got added (and completed)
  • A key scene got some big changes from the outline

I always have to adapt and make changes like this during the process; no battle plan survives contact with the enemy. Our heroine's going back into the club for a night, and I think it’s working out pretty hot 🥵 look forward to getting your feedback.

Some of the best ideas in the game came from player suggestions. I’m aware that I need to carve out more time to work with others so they can improve the game. (The problem is that I find writing exhausting, by the end of the day my brain is just mush.)
I have been making more of an effort to do this recently. I need to get better at this, but, at the moment:
  • q5 has fixed a bunch of niggly bugs that you guys have reported. I’m incorporating the bug fixes into the next episode.
  • Lizzie M and The Lost Engineer have been working together on a new scene. You’ll get to play it soon.
  • XG has been developing the NPC deep dives I mentioned in the last report, bulking them out with more background and biographical details. As the bargirls become more important and involved in the story, this kind of detailed work will help improve their characterisation and dialogue.

Okay, that’s it for a quick report! Gonna get straight back to it, I’m working on a hot scene today 🔥
🦀 ❤️