Missy 0.7.1 Public Release

Today marks the public launch of Missy 0.7! You can download it here.
Supporters should note that there have been a few small changes since the exclusive release, so you may wish to download 0.7.1 too.
The changes from the supporter release are:
- You can now be punished by Malia on all routes. Go to her after completing Avenging Angel and confess that you sent the text to do this.- The Dream Sequence now works again even if you've completed Avenging Angel
- A number of Bugfixes.
The changes in 0.7 are:
Major Changes
- Chapter 5 "The Reign of Jess Part 2" continues the main quest line.
- The city of Fivaviana provides the setting for much of Chapter 5 and has many new locations to explore.
- Added the fourth nude photography scene with Miss Paris.
- Strip-wrestling combat has been rebalanced, and a new opponent, Raquel, joins The Pussy Pit, complete with win and loss scenes.
- The new Narrative Mode allows you to skip all fights entirely. It can be activated at the start of the game, when you update or from Missy's room.
Minor Changes
- Added bad girl cred score to the wall in Missy's room.
- Replaced the spanking sound with something more realistic.
- Emma can now be the biology subject if she was caught distracting Miss Paris during the group shower.
- Timeskip updated to allow player to skip Avenging Angel.
- Prevented the player being late to school to avoid the nude apology in Avenging Angel.
- Miss Paris now acknowledges if Missy was wearing red underwear during the moment of madness in Avenging Angel and the game no longer awards the bonus for remaining undetected.
- Reworked the stockade scene for Missy when she is defeated by Nissa.
- And bugfixes. Many many bugfixes.
I hope you all enjoy the new version!