[1.21] Prototyping (5/14 complete)

Hey guys! I had another good, solid week of writing. I added two more scenes to the prototype build, (so that’s now 5 in total, of 14 planned), and nearly finished the third. I increased the number of lines in the code from 2209 to 4355.

NPC deep dives
This week, I spent some time working on detailed NPC backgrounds. (This is the kind of work that doesn’t add to the word count, but is absolutely necessary for the story to feel real.)  When I've got a clear picture of the NPC's backstory (and particularly their conscious and unconscious goals), it's so much easier to write dialogue and description for them.

In the past, when I’ve run into creative roadblocks, it’s usually because I’m trying to bend the characters around the plot somehow, so understanding them better helps me write faster and avoid roadblocks.

I did four deep dives this week.  I was worried this would be the bulk of the work, but I still managed to get lots written.  ChatGPT is actually a helpful tool for this – I find the act of explaining who a person is to be more productive than filling in a form with the NPC's birthdate and their fondest childhood memory or whatever.  (Even though I'm explaining to a prissy, censorious toaster.)

Art experiment
I also did a little bit of work with our illustrator, lovely Victoria, on a cool little art experiment! It’s just a small thing, but I really like the effect. (It’s based on something she did in the Christmas episode, Zero Kate Thirty.)

Overall it was a fun, productive week! I’m really enjoying the episode, I think it’s coming out hot, and I’m just excited and buzzing about the story all the time. I’m working long days, and my brain is mush by the time I have to down tools. But the only reason I stop is because I’m too tired, I’d write 24/7 if I could. I love the game and I’m really excited about getting the next episode out to you ASAP.

I’ll get back to work on it tomorrow, and report on progress next week!

Have an awesome Sunday, guys. And thank you so much for helping me do this.

🦀 ❤️