January's Newsletter

Hello, everyone!

I bring forth 2024's first newsletter!

This one comes a little later than usual because I've been hard at work with outlining, writing, and revising!

Let us dive into it.

Pipeline for January

  • The Black King Piece - Chapter 2.
I know a LOT of people are really excited for this story! High School DxD seems to be quite popular. I shall do my best to make Chapter 2 as good as Chapter 1.

  • Learning From President - Chapter 4 (possible finale).
A ton of petty frustration has accumulated between Nagatoro and President from Chapter 1 to 3. I'm sure everyone is excited to witness the climax of that drama, and I'm excited to write it! I am not yet sure if it'll be the finale or not, though. Maybe! There will be no Dual POV this time.

Expect these a little closer to the end of the month, as I am working through several large commissions right now.

Moreover, we have a Prompt Poll this month, starting around the 25th. I will formally announce it around the 20th. Also, as usual, we have our monthly Story Continuation Poll, which will take 1 winner this month.

Plus, lots of commissions! All quite large this time.

Closed Commissions

This month, I did something I've tried to avoid for quite a while but was inevitable: I FULLY closed my queue. In other words, I'm accepting zero new entries to my queue, regardless of tier, sequel status, or any other reason.

I am reluctant to ever fully close my queue because one of the benefits of certain tiers is the accumulation of words and privileged access to my PARTIALLY open queue. However, what inevitably ends up happening is a scalability problem where losing control of my queue takes only a few small missteps along the writing process, resulting in snowball because I'm never entirely closed.

So, I've bit the bullet and fully closed off. My intention is to take zero new commissions until I've cleared out my commissions AND brought my Subscribestar-exclusive stories back to a 30-days window release instead of 90-days.

Furthermore, to prevent this snowball effect from happening again, I may make big changes to my commissioning process once I reopen. I have formed zero solid ideas on what potential changes I'll make, but it might involve changes to tiers or working with batches or whatever else. When the time comes and I have something delineated, I'll let everyone know.

To those who might ask: What happens if you reach the word storage limit of my Hero/Commissioner/Noble tier and I still have not reopened?

The storage limit is what it is. In that case, everyone can decide for themselves if they intend to hold their subscription or not despite not storing any more words. Naturally, even if you unsubscribe, I will give you the opportunity to spend all your wods when I reopen, so don't worry about that.

Thank you all for your understanding.

That is all I have for this month! I hope everyone has a great beginning of year. I intend to run a Character popularity poll in the next few days, as I seem to do every six months. 

Also, I've been playing Final Fantasy VII Remake in my free time to learn the characters for next month's Subscribestar-exclusive. Let it be known that the game is very, very good thus far (Spoiler: I just met Aerith again after kabooing Sector 5's reactor).

As always, thank you all for your continued support! I shall give 2024 my best.