Late Update, 29th of January, 2024

Hello My Friends
Sorry for the very late update, but I spent January putting out (metaphorical) fires. And now my car is crapping out on me. (Scheduled to be fixed.)
Because this is so late, I am skipping the next update which would have been next week.

Struggling with one image
I really hate to say this, but I am still struggling with the same image I mentioned in my last update. It’s further along, and I finally got the clothing to stop exploding. 
In the past I would have spent the day working on that image, but working a couple hours at a time most weeks means it is now taking forever. Though it is close to done, and it sets up similar images that I can piggy back other images off of. (Oh no, ended a sentence with a preposition.) 
I am rendering it as I am posting this, so I am hopefully over that hump.

More time?
At least that’s what I hope. Previously I tried to squeeze out 2 hours, one day a week to work on The Secret of the Island. Now I am trying to double that to twice a week, between jobs.  This starts today. 

Next Update

21st of February, 2024

As always, enjoy life.