Here it is people, the little My New Family Christmas special. This one happens a few months after the ending of the epilogue, with all the children born etc. Usually, I don't make these kind of seasonal specials, but since I'm not able to fully work on My New Memories at the moment, I decided to at least give you guys this to build a small bridge until I can return to it in full effect again. It's a bit longer than your average MNF day, so I hope this will give you a smile during the holidays!

Also, you don't need any saves for this one. Just start a new game and enjoy! But you should have finished the epilogue, or nothing of this will make sense!

Download links:




Android for newer devices ( use this if the above one gives you errors ):

I will try to post a Christmas Render as well soonish. Will most likely only be MNM though, since you have the Xmas special for MNF, right? I really hope you guys will enjoy this one!