Alright, v0.5.3 is here. As previously mentioned, this is a smaller content update to follow up on v0.5.2. Sex sounds have been added to all harem scenes, 9 new renders can be found as pics in game, most of the concepts for these renders came from the community and a few from me. Thank you to everyone who submitted an idea. Finally there a ton of minor bugfixes and dialogue fixes. Unless there are major bugs or I somehow broke something, there won't be another bugfix update until v0.6, but still let me know if you run into issues. Also, as usual, I'll be taking a short 2 week break from development to avoid burnout.

I appreciate the support as always, changelog and download links can be found below.




- Added 9 new custom renders to find scattered throughout the world. Some exploration will be necessary to find them all.
- Added sex sounds/voices to all of the game's harem scenes.
- Fixed various doors that were either mislabeled or didn't open when you had the right lockpick
- Fixed a few collision and line of sight issues
- Fixed a few warping issues (doors not taking you to the right place)
- Fixed Tons of other minor bugs
- Fixed tons of dialogue mistakes