[Experimental] Our Apartment 0.4.9: Progression Implemented, Story up to Act 4, New pose mode features, HDR support, SSGI, and more 

Hey peeps, sorry I'm so late but the past month and a half has been hell. I've been trying to get a solid build since last month and there's just been tons of little issues preventing things.
Due to how long it's been since a build, this release will be permitted to be broader to all supporters.
So, lets get into everything...

What took so long?

Okay so while most of the issues weren't related to this a lot of it, at least the early stuff kinda was. In short, I decided I really wanted HDR support. While there's other stuff, that was the driving factor, and to get it I needed to upgrade Unity versions.
This wouldn't have been too bad of a decision if more other things were functional, but we'll get into that in a bit.
In short, the upgrade went smoothly, the problems were some issues with HDR. Some effects got broken, lighting needed to be re-baked, some UI stuff needed to change, and I encountered some weird issues which resulted in me needing to completely redo the settings UI. This was a lot of work, but what I really wasn't prepared for was what came after this.
Soft locks
Soft locks, soft locks, soft locks, it started small, then escalated. And these things are hard to test, they take time. Without the help of supporters and testers on the discord this would have taken MUCH longer. Cause you have to just play through the game to find out where these things can happen. And they can happen for a lot of reasons.
Besides that, there was a whole section of the code base I thought was working but turned out to be entirely bypassed. And once I realized that and edited things to fix it, I realized that system had a bunch of a problems on it's own.
Then somehow other issues occurred like saving somehow stopped being configured right. Like the game would load before the save data loaded. There's just so much where something was subtlety wrong. Relatively very little code issues, mostly configuration issues.
After all that came fixing some old known issues with make Act 4 functional, like fixing leveling, and preventing issues there.
Another consequence of the update is soon I will need to do major updates to Naomis uber shader.
Be Warned
I put in a ton of effort into this build but there's potentially soft locks or other issues. There's some issues that don't break things like how for some reason the game started doing scene changes before "blinking out" causing jarring visual changes to be visible. Not game breaking but it drives me nuts, will have to be fixed later...
Soft locks were discovered right up to the last build but I just have to be done...I need a break.


Now to outline the actual changes...
  • First time releasing the story broadly! Please forgive the place holder stuff...Proper characters and cinematics will come; the placeholder data basically ensures that stuff will implement seamlessly in the future. FEEDBACK IS APPRECIATED!
  • Some new cinematics in Act 0 and 1, but mainly a lot of place holder scene descriptions!
  • Initial progression systems! Activities selected in the afternoon or evening now affect character stats, these stats have some impacts currently but will have a lot more in the future. Stats dictate unlock of various content and events. Again much place holder is here.
  • Act 4 functional! You should be able to play from the start of the game to act 4, act 4 is what most people have been playing. This is where things like sex sim are unlocked. While what unlocks at this point will change in the future for now it's what you're familiar with.
  • Pose mode updates! Some new features like adjusting exposure, saturation, and other effects have been added! This is still experimental.
  • HDR Support! Initial HDR support has been added, it can be toggled and configured in the settings menu. Changes may require reloading the game or just waiting a bit playing the game. This is an initial implementation.
  • SSGI added! This can enhance the lighting in a lot of scenes, but comes at a performance cost, as such it's off at default.
  • Setting to unlock all outfits! This is cause progression is incomplete, recommended after reaching Act 4.
  • Various fixes to sex sim (still some issues tho)
  • Previews for new lewd activities! I've been silent about what kinds of things to expect but I decided to include previews in this build. These previews may include very little dialogue, and don't have visuals yet, and do not represent the final state at all. They also need to be unlocked. Features include foreplay & blow job training. Foreplay can be done at any time solo or right before sex sim (which will in the future add a buff). Blow job training will trigger automatically under certain conditions then be available from there, and perhaps randomly thereafter.  More will be shown in due time as their concepts get more fleshed out.
  • Other place holder activities like Exercise, Cooking and more, these things affect stat prog
What's not included
New content besides the story is not included yet, that will be next build as I can be less concerned with basic functionality not working. After this build release, there will be some hot fixes to major issues but that's it, rest of the effort will be focused on adding new sex sim or other lewd scenes.
I also will be doing things like re-adding gropes to sex sim next build too.

I didn't have time to focus on character concepts but here's Danni!

Sadly, I haven't had much time to focus on finalizing character concepts, even Danni here I wouldn't call complete but here concept is more final than others like Jackson and especially martin. As such you'll see this sprite as a place holder in the game currently. But in the future she'll have a proper model as with other major characters.
And while Our Apartment isn't about her, doesn't mean I won't make lewds. ;)
I'll show more in due time...


Our Apartment is in a bundle again! If you've been waiting for an opportunity to get Our Apartment on itch but need to use PayPal or something this is your chance!
Just $22 for the whole bundle! Tell your buds!
I didn't say this earlier but this update WILL hit itch shortly! Meaning I need to type up a whole other post...AH!


That was a lot to go over, thanks for your support and please report any bugs (build will be posted right after this post).
Since I need to write a post for itch I'll cut this short, thanks for your support and patience again!
OH! And this build will be released on android as well! Not immediately but soon! Likely other platforms too. Expect it in a week or two since I expect many issues and I need to take a break first.