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Pikkiwynn profile
Building a weeb empire.

Планы подписки

  • Access to polls and events on Discord.
  • Access to discord server. (link is in the pinned post)
USD в месяц
Kawaii Krew
  • Access to polls and events on Discord.
  • Access to discord server. (link is in the pinned post)
  • Access to over 750+ unwatermarked, 4K SFW images every month.
Kawaii Krew
USD в месяц
Baka Band
  • Access to polls and events on Discord.
  • Access to discord server. (link is in the pinned post)
  • Access to over 750+ unwatermarked, 4K SFW images every month.
  • Access to over 750+ uncensored, unwatermarked, 4K NSFW images every month.
  • Can request characters.
Baka Band
USD в месяц
Pocky Party
  • Access to polls and events on Discord.
  • Access to discord server. (link is in the pinned post)
  • Access to over 9000+ unwatermarked, 4K SFW images every year.
  • Access to over 9000+ uncensored, unwatermarked, 4K NSFW images every year.
  • Can request characters.
Pocky Party
USD в месяц
Senpai Squad
  • Access to polls and events on Discord.
  • Access to discord server. (link is in the pinned post)
  • Access to ALL unwatermarked, 4K SFW images.
  • Access to ALL uncensored, unwatermarked, 4K NSFW images.
  • Can request more characters.
Senpai Squad
USD в месяц
Gacha Gang
  • Access to polls and events on Discord.
  • Access to discord server. (link is in the pinned post)
  • Access to ALL unwatermarked, 4K SFW images.
  • Access to ALL uncensored, unwatermarked, 4K NSFW images.
  • Can request even more characters.
Gacha Gang


  • You can request any waifu.
  • You can find our image sets easily on our Discord channel. Link is in the pinned post.
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Публичный пост

[EVENT] Waifu Royale Information


Waifu Royale is a weekly event, where you can vote for your favorite waifu of the current anime season and the winner will get an image set.

How things will work:
  1. You can comment or write a private message to us about your favorite waifu in the current anime season for 2 days.
  2. We will gather the top 5 most popular girls in the first round, and then we will do a poll with these five characters for 2 days.
  3. We will do an image set of the winner waifu in the next 3 days.

  • Everybody can vote.
  • Your Subscriber Tier matters. The higher your Tier, the more your vote counts.
  • A waifu, who already won, will not be able to participate in future votes for 2 weeks.
  • Points will carry to the next round for those who did not win.
  • Waifus who earned points will automatically qualify for the next week's poll.

Thank you!
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Публичный пост

The first version of our image gallery Discord bot will be ready soon. If you would like to try it out, please connect your Discord account to your SubscribeStar account. We will add you to our server and give you your appropriate role once we are ready to test it out.

It is pretty hard to search for images here, using the bot will make it much easier to find characters, especially ones that we did weeks ago.

For now, only the new button will work, which will give you the newest characters up to maybe 10–20. Later, we will expand the functionality so that you will be able to search by date, name and franchise. We will also make a random button just for fun.

We will keep linking to MEGA for the coming weeks, but looking through the gallery via the bot will be much easier.

Thank you!
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Публичный пост

Character Request Information

Hi! Welcome to our SubscribeStar page!
In this post, you can read about how you can request characters.
There are two Tiers you can requests characters in: Ecchi and Hentai.
In the Ecchi Tier, you will get around 15 SFW and 15 NSFW images. You can also ask for specific outfits, poses and environments.
In the Hentai Tier, you will get around 20+ SFW and 20+ NSFW images. Just like in the Ecchi Tier, you can ask for outfits, poses and environments. Plus, you can also request intercourse positions too.

If something is unclear, just ask us in a private message. Comments are harder to find.
  • If you are a $5 supporter you can also request Hentai requests every other month.
  • You can request based on total donation. Tips and Subscriptions are both good.
  • You can also tip to request.
  • These requests have no connection to Waifu Royale.
  • You can request them any time in private messages.
  • You can push forward your requests so we will do them earlier.
  • All the characters we do are of legal age.
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