PiggyBackRide Productions has decided to take a break from November 22, 2024 till February 21, 2025, but you can subscribe anyway.
PiggyBackRide Productions has left this message for you:
It's been about a month since the last release for the lowest-tier subscription and payments were enabled. I'm pausing payments again because the next release isn't ready yet. I'll continue working on the game and keep you updated on my progress, but you won't be charged in the meantime.
Планы подписки
Follow the public posts
Discord Role
602 подписчика Loser
USD в месяц
Class Clown Tier
Discord role
Access to SUBSCRIBER release upon launch (usually 1-month before PUBLIC release)
Class Clown Username credit
Participation in polls (5 votes)
My eternal gratitude!
97 подписчиков Class Clown ; Former Class Clown
USD в месяц
Cool Kid Tier
Discord role
Access to SUBSCRIBER release upon launch (usually 1-month before PUBLIC release)
Cool Kid Username credit
Participation in polls (10 votes)
Special posts with Spoilers and Trivia regarding the plot
My eternal gratitude!
35 подписчиков Cool Kid ; Former Cool Kid
USD в месяц
Concerned Parent Tier
Discord role
Access to PLAYTESTING if desired
Concerned Parent Username credit
Participation in polls (20 votes)
Special posts with Spoilers and Trivia regarding the plot
My eternal gratitude!
7 подписчиков Concerned Parent ; Former Concerned Parent
USD в месяц
Serial Killer Tier
Discord role
Access to Alpha PLAYTESTING if desired
Serial Killer Username credit
Participation in polls (30 votes)
Special posts with Spoilers
My eternal gratitude!
20 подписчиков Serial Killer ; Former Serial Killer
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