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the official release - Join the community on Discord with your "Supporter Tier" role
- Heartfelt gratitude for your invaluable support
7 days after
the official release3 days after
the official releasesneak peeks
and previews before anyone elseon the official release day
Your name will be featured
in the gameVote power
in polls to influence future updatessneak peeks
and previews before anyone else4K artwork
with monthly piecesYour name will be featured
in the game as a valued supporter
on the official release day
Vote power
in polls to influence future updates1 day before
official release dayImagine a special scenario
with game characters and request a custom render
of itone-time dialogue request
to shape the gameSpecial recognition:
Your name will appear prominently in the gameOne-on-one Q&A
or chat with the development teamthank you letter
from the team with digital artworkHappy new year everyone !