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We had a bit of a delay this month due to illness from some of our contributors, along with other complications following the holidays.
This month has mostly been visual progress and code grinding behind the scenes. We're still refining existing bits of the game, as well as working on new tiles, sprites and UI elements for things you haven't seen, yet. 
Noteworthy Changes:
  • Changed the way customer and worker resources are initialized at the start of a game. They are now read directly from disc when needed, rather than kept hanging around as exported variables (moving these makes them subject to breaks/bugs)
  • Moved about 20-35% of repetitive functions during the Work and Recruiting phases into static functions/classes
  •  Cleaned up another 10% of the game directory that was simply old/outdated files and redundant code
  • Added new abilities for all workers not featured the legacy prototype (Healthy, Touch Starved, Devour, etc.)
  • Changed to a custom mouse cursor
  • SKL/CLS/SLU now have their own icons/symbols in addition to explanatory text
  • Reworked the way UI is combined with tile maps. Tile maps now rest in a Node2D while UI elements rest on a CanasLayer or Control node above (situational)
  • Reworked SceneManager to use explicit file paths, rather than exported variables (see change #1)
  • Retooled functions that trigger on game start into a small "_Workers" class
  • General code clarification: Added 40-90 comments on various lines of code to make code more self-explanatory for collaborators
  • Added various chunks of  "defensive programming" checks that prevent game crashes when interconnected scenes are tested independently
The first six monsters to be featured in the game are included below! Bern, Grace, Len, PK, Ruse and Winny.  
We intend to feature more, but are currently trying to stay within budget and see how the rest of things play out.
More art progress next month.
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Hello, monster-lovers.
This month has been a bit slow, considering we have multiple contributors working at the same time and  last month has had various holidays + unexpected circumstances. However, we are plugging ahead. This month contains some visual updates, along with a lot of code jargon (as was the case, last month) and we hope you all had a wonderful holiday. More visual updates--steadier and more frequent, hopefully--will continue on, in February.
Our contributor, Merly, is currently working on character portraits for the full version of the game, which will include new and old faces from the Sylvie's Bar IP. We're choosing to stay mum about which girls will appear, so that it's a (pleasant) surprise. We do, of course, have option to add new monsters if the game does well.
(Some WIPs from our contributor, Merly.)
In terms of code, it's been more ironing out of bugs and refining existing systems. 
  • Save system was completely reworked into a new resource.
  • Cleaned up 900 (no, you didn't misread that) tile errors that were persisting in the editor.
  • Completely restructured the system of saving Settings data (saves more efficiently).
  • Created a variety of new custom classes to improve function typing in other chunks.
  • Changed systems that previously saved resources directly to disc into an alternate function that saves arrays of strings (fresh resources are instanced on game load).
  • Font adjustments
  • Relocated default data from the save resource itself to the Game Manager (save resource is now only called upon saving/loading data).
  • Created a dozen specific cutscenes for character interactions.
  • Creating static functions for adding/removing items from inventory, and checking to see if the player owns a specific item.
  • More UI prototyping/adjustments.
  • Cleaned out 50 redundant/unused scenes from previous versions.
  • Restructured dialog player into a new canvas layer scene (easier to lay over existing scenes).
It's... a lot, but there's still plenty of work to be done. We are planning to have the logo and full game title released soon, so please look forward to it.
It's kind of crazy to think the game has racked up almost 10,000 downloads in six months, but that's just the power of people who love monster girls. We appreciate you giving us your time and attention and will continue to do our best.
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"Welcome to Wright's Emporium"

This month, we redid the shop screen's visual aesthetic, and refined a bunch of things under the hood.. The stylizing of these two screens was the easy part, the difficulties came from reworking some logic.
Shopping has now been split into two screens, "Ana's Supply Depot." and "Wright's Emporium." 

New Shops
Salesman W.G. Wright's store replaces Len's, run by a slightly shady-looking guy who likes to repeat the adage of "no refunds." He doesn't like to talk much about his past, but he will say he hails from a dark place that reeks of "rose and ash." Whatever world he used to hail from  is, for one reason or another, one he can't return to.
Wright's store has things like consumable healing items, skill books, and gifts to give workers.
The other side of shopping, the general supplies store, is run by a mouthy sphinx named Ana. She is similarly stubborn about not offering refunds, though she is at least cute. She has a complex about her meager height of 4'9".
Ana and Wright seem to have a long-standing feud over the territory their stores occupy, previously occupied by a rep from Chimera Co. , but that's none of your business, as the player.

Reworked Systems
We went ahead and reworked the set-up screen. It's still got a lot of placeholder elements, but it's already closer to what we hope the final version will look like.
Scheduling takes place at the beginning of the week via a drag-and-drop interface. Depending on the contract, workers' availability may be limited. Plan carefully, so that you don't have any holes in coverage.
The player can now sort item types both in their inventory, as well as during shopping. We reworked the way this works under the hood by reworking item resources into different classes, as opposed to running a tedious logic check that combs through item IDs and manually checking.
Much smoother and less stress on performance, as well as being more modular (new types of items can be added later, if needed).
Buffs have been added, as well as status ailments. Both conditions will vanish at the end of the night, but if they aren't handled before then, they can have long-term malignant effects.
Status Ailments
Nausea- The game's equivalent of "poison." Worker VIT will be drained at a higher rate. Healing items lose effectiveness. If nausea isn't treated immediately, a worker may become sick and forfeit the remainder of her shift.
Drowsy- A worker may fall asleep during her shift, angering the customer and earning no GP at all. Certain character traits can make a worker immune to this effect.
Wounded- Light knicks and scrapes from rough-housing may cause this ailment. VIT will drain faster, and EXP growth is penalized

Lucky- Gain extra GP and EXP in random spurts.
DEF+ - Take VIT damage at a slower rate.
Scented- Customers are more satisfied with the service they receive.

New items
White Herb- Cures the "Nausea" status.
Red Herbal Tea- Cures a "Drowsy" status.
Bandage- Cures the "wounded" status.
Secret Scent Number Nine- A perfume that gives a worker that "Scented" status. SKL and SLU workers gain a moderate boost to GP/EXP, while CLS workers receive a significant boost.
Dragonbalm Ointment- A topical ointment that causes a worker to incur less stress during the night shift.
Pipkin Charm- A charm shaped like a lucky rabbit's foot. The worker will gain more EXP in random bursts throughout the work night.

Other Changes
Another addition to the game is the ability to sell items. This is a no-brainer. In the original prototype, the player could buy new items but had no ability to sell unwanted ones. The player may acquire items that they later no longer need, and can sell them back to Wright and the Supplies Inc for a portion of the original sale price. As quest items are technically consumed on use, the player does not have to worry about a bunch of these cluttering their inventory.
Final Thoughts
The contents of this dev log don't cover all the ground we covered through September, but it covers all of the important parts. As always, there's a massive list of tiny fixes that were made that are just too numerous to list.
Feel free to follow the SFW and spicy Twitter accounts or join up on Discord to give your support, if you like how things are coming along. Or, if you're feeling extra generous, consider subscribing on Patreon or SS.
See you next month.

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Brothel Sim Devlog # 1- A New Style, and New Work Phase Mechanics

This is the first dev log for the finished version of this game, which I'm choosing not to announce the title of for the time being. It'll become clear why, later on.
Note: It is important to emphasize that while the assets in these devlogs are closer to what will appear in the final version of the game, they are still technically placeholders consisting of purchased assets (shoutout to Merly, a talented pixel artist) or the shoddy work of a dev who's strongest asset is not artwork. Various elements will be drastically different from the final game.).

The biggest change is obviously the visual aesthetic. I decided that we'll gravitate towards higher-resolution pixel art in the final version, along with lower-res sprites and UI elements. The player will have a view of various rooms in isometric style, with low-res sprites of sex scenes and idle poses. Things like data screens/profiles will have higher resolution images.
A lot of ground has already been covered, but instead of splurging it all in a single post, I'll be chopping these logs up into different sections of the game.
Onto mechanical changes from the prototype.

Changes to Work Phase Mechanics
- Implemented a Rock-Paper-Scissors type match system (the game will warn you if you're making a bad matchup, and notify you if it's a good one).
- Implemented changes to GP and EXP earned depending on this matchup. Various others factors are impacted, too (rooms become messier quicker if a SLU worker is dispatched, and slower if it's a CLS-type worker)
- Customers who get multiple bad match-ups will become frustrated, and will leave for 1-2 days. This incentivizes the player to pay attention to who they're pairing up with whom. Sometimes it might be better to have a worker sit out a shift than make a customer displeased.
- Customers will no longer appear repeat over and over. The game now runs a check to see if they visited the last hour, and we've added more customers to the line-up, in general. Some customers may only visit once a night, others may visit more.
- Changed customer resources to accommodate for these checks.
- Added a small "lust" variable to workers. This changes depending on the worker's type. Workers who match up well with a customer in multiple ways build up the lust parameter, and will experience an orgasm scene if it fills completely. A "Golden Time!" animation plays when the player manages to completely fill this gauge. Upon orgasm, workers will take a small amount of VIT damage and receive an EXP/GP multiplier.
- Workers are now layered pixel art cards, instead of buttons. 
- Workers must now be SCHEDULED. At the beginning of a work week, the player will decide what days a worker will work. This adds variety, as some cannot be scheduled on certain days, and prevents the player from spamming the same high-level worker over and over. Obviously, workers that are not scheduled on a given night will not appear as options during the night shift.
- A large number of assets have been replaced by pixel-art styled assets (this took longer than I expected)
- Rooms have their own separate screens that display the workers and customers contained (if applicable). As before, this doubles as a screen for cleaning up the room with various cleaning supplies.
- Cleaning items have multiple uses, depending on their type (medium-sized cleaning items can be used twice before they're depleted, large are three, etc.)

Additional Thoughts
 I know responses for the art style change may be mixed, but I think it's a more interesting visual aesthetic (and allows for potential animations, albeit lower-resolution ones). 
By the time the next dev log rolls around, everything in the Work phase should be more refined and fine-tuned and I can tell you more about the next part of the game.
As always, thank you for your patience. You can always give us a follow on Twitter. No resources are pocketed, and 100% of them are funneled back into making new content (paid and free) for our supporters.
Be sure to join the community Discord to keep up to date with this (and other projects)!
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Enough people have requested it that we've decided to roll out a bit of merch for the Sylvie's Bar doujinshi.
 You can pre-order the oppai(?) mouse pad for Bern, the most popular girl at Sylvie's Bar. For now we're just doing this one item, but we're open to the idea of making more. The design was done by none other than the main contributing artist for Sylvie's Bar, ABBOT. You can find the listing here.
If you're a fan of this series, and want to see more content for it, consider grabbing one to show your support.
Note: This is a limited run. After pre-orders close and the product is shipped, we will not be producing additional stock. 

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