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Okayokayokok profile
Get into Okayokayokok comics with progress, concepts, and commissioned-sketch months

Subscription Tiers

per month

Access to Discord chat, progress sketches, most of the sketches, and most of the polls.

Limited (15 out of 30) subscriptions
SubscribeStar $5.00 tier
per month
Supporter Tier

Join to get access to most of the content and more power with your vote! (ssstar's voting system automatically adds weight to your vote) Access behind-the-scenes sketches and progress. Interact with comments and suggestions giving input on influencing comic stories and original characters.

5 subscribers SubscribeStar $8.00 tier ; Subaroo
per month
Twice as much OKAYOKAY

Access to all ART (even sub-star exclusive art), posts, and polls. Interact with comments and suggestions giving input on influencing comic stories and characters. Links to one sub-star exclusive uncensored, unlisted livestream a month. Get a full page view of last month's comic.

38 subscribers SubscribeStar $10.00 tier ; Nice Sub Nub
per month
Single Sketch (on Sketch Months) PG-13

Access to ALL content posted on this Sub... +PLUS+ Tri-monthly (March, June, Sept, Dec), you get to request a single character, colored sketch with the chance of winning extra work done to it. (See how Fav Sketch contest poll works) You must be actively subbed in this tier when it is time to do your sketch and submit your request by the due date. -> These sketch's contents should be acceptable within the guidelines of DA. (No censoring needed to post on deviantart)

Limited (1 out of 1) subscription
SubscribeStar $40.00 tier
Limit reached
per month
Double Character Sketch Tier (PG-13)

Access to ALL content posted on this Sub... +PLUS+ Tri-monthly (March, June, Sept, Dec), you get to request a DOUBLE character, -or "before and after" of a single character-, colored sketch with the chance of winning extra work done to it. (See how Fav Sketch contest poll works) You must be actively subbed in this tier when it is time to do your sketch and submit your request by the due date that month.

Limited (3 out of 3) subscriptions
SubscribeStar $85.00 tier
Limit reached
per month
Double Character XXX Sketch Tier

Access to ALL content posted on this Sub... +PLUS+ Tri-monthly (March, June, Sept, Dec), you get to request a DOUBLE character, -or "before and after" of a single character-, colored sketch with the chance of winning extra work done to it. (See how Fav Sketch contest poll works) You must be actively subbed in this tier when it is time to do your sketch and submit your request by the due date that month. (If xxx, this sketch might be exclusively Substar. Message me if you are unsure if your idea fits this category.)

Limited (1 out of 1) subscription
SubscribeStar $100.00 tier
Limit reached


  • Help shape, support, and create the OkayOkayOKOK comics with your input, suggestions, and preferences.
  • Hang out and chat with the artist in livestreams and Discord chat.
  • Get peeks and panels of current and past comic pages.

Displaying posts with tag Cow.Reset Filter

Sketch Contest Winners: Expansion/TF 2023 Edition! ๐Ÿ˜

Posted for $5, $8, $13, $45, $90, $100 tiers
Unlock Tier

The subscription gives you:
  • Access to Creator's profile content.
  • Ability to support your Creator by pledging โ€“ one-time or recurring.
  • Means to reaching out to the Creator directly via Instant Messenger.


Bonus Sketch of a poll favorite
to reach
Create a New "Substar Exclusive Gallery of Buried Treasures" containing all sketches removed from other platforms due to censorship.

Other Creators


The subscription gives you:
  • Access to Creator's profile content.
  • Ability to support your Creator by pledging โ€“ one-time or recurring.
  • Means to reaching out to the Creator directly via Instant Messenger.
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