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nradiowave profile
Hello! Since many users had issues with Boosty, If you like my drawings, you can now support me here. Subscriptions list represents possible donations amounts. Any way I try to keep update my drawings archive (some drawings posted only in discord, archives), so this could be helpfull if you not interested to search my drawings in other social media. Thank you for support!
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Títulos de Assinatura

USD mensal
Donation Lvl1

If you want to keep drawings feed hidden for some reason (support the other opensource projects of the author)

Если вам просто хочется поддержать творчество или другие проекты автора. Без доступа к ленте публикаций рисунков.

2 assinantes SponsorBase
USD mensal
Donation Lvl2

Regular subscription without any restrictions

Обычная подписка без каких-либо ограничений

206 assinantes SponsorStar
USD mensal
Donation Lvl2 (Robotgirls FAN)

Regular subscription without any restrictions. For people who want to exclude from feed bdsm related drawings

Если хотите исключить из ленты лишний контент

4 assinantes SponsorStar
USD mensal
Donation Lvl3

Regular subscription without any restrictions. If you want to support wit a little bit more amount. There are no restrictions to access content.

Если хотите поддержать чуть большей суммой. Никаких ограничений по доступу к контенту нет.

21 assinantes SponsorStar
Current drawings archive  -

- Some drawings can be missing in feed because account is new. Feel free to ask if some thing is needed, I'll point where its located in archive.
- Feed posts may contain information about addition drawings that can be found in archive, some scraps \ unfinished works in progress also usually keeped only in archive

Also all archive updates can be tracked here -
Drawings feed \ chat is also available in Discord if needed


  • Warning Feed may contain 18+ content (partly naked figures, bdsm related drawings, etc), if you not interested in this type of content and just want help author with dev \ art projects, use "Donation Lvl1" tier or one time donation

from 27 mar, 2025

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Este post pertence a um $4, $10 nível bloqueado.s
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- Miss, I'm tierd- This forbitten forest is boring

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Este post pertence a um $4, $4, $10 nível bloqueado.s
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from 21 mar, 2025

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Este post pertence a um $4, $10 nível bloqueado.s
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Collaboration with angel girl OC of Son23

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Este post pertence a um $4, $10 nível bloqueado.s
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from 21 mar, 2025

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Este post pertence a um $4, $4, $10 nível bloqueado.s
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