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MuKitsune profile
I draw the arts
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Títulos de Assinatura

USD mensal
Tier 1

SWEET! access to the basics!

USD mensal
Tier 2

NICE! You unlock access to edits and WIPs for future projects!

you also get a 5% discount on commissions!

USD mensal
Tier 3

RADICAL! access to all previous rewards as well as unlocking sketched OC drawings! put the OC you want to see me draw in the #OCPool channel on my discord!

you also get a 10% discount on commissions!

USD mensal
Tier 4

AWESOME! access to all previous rewards as well colored sketched OC drawings! put the OC you want to see me draw in the #OCPool channel on my discord!

you also get a 15% discount on commissions!

USD mensal

INSANE! you are crazy generous! your reward is access to all previous rewards + Subscribers in this tier will also have their OC drawn once a month, full color!

you also get a 20% discount on commissions!

Golden Fruit


  • Tier 2+ gets to decide, suggest, and influence what will be drawn in each tier
  • Higher art output each month with each tier!
  • Everything is released publically but only after a few months have passed, Subscribers have early access to everything here!
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sub reward!

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