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Creating adult visual novel games and artworks
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  • Artworks and VN games

Perfect Bond - Part 1 (V-1)

Live: (on hold because of server issues)

0.9 -> 1 patch:
Extract the content in the root folder and replace all when prompt appears (will update resources folder).

Continuation of the main story.
New characters introduction.
Renders around 400+

Thanks to all for the support.

Special thanks for Whaqadue for believing in the project and contributing.

See you in PART 2

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Perfect Bond part 2 - Release


All zips:
the mega folder includes
Windows, Android and Web serve files
Pass: 5Z'PkN34D
For users of  Mac and Linux, you can easily create a local server and serve the files in web zip.


CGCount: 320 + 

Thank you all

Thanks for following the work guys and your patience.
It may be around 3-4 months of solid work may be more, just quality hours not counting the research and experiments done.
If you like the work consider tipping, A one time tip for game release is more than enought.


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I’ve noticed that some of my audience are confused about whether the new game is a spinoff of 'Perfect Bond' or 'True Bond.' I apologize for any confusion this may have caused (I’ll pin this post for clarity).
To clarify: the new game is not a spinoff or part of 'Perfect Bond.' It is a completely standalone game with its own unique story, characters, and plot. While the characters are inspired by those in the 'True Bond' series, they will have new names and roles within this new game. The genre will focus more on corruption, scandals, politics, and drug-related plotlines. The current title is 'Scandalous Affairs' (though this is subject to change).

I understand that this may be inconvenient for 'True Bond' fans, but it is necessary to ensure that I don’t damage the original Cloudlets story. I also want to be free of any strings attached when telling this new story. 
Once again, this is not a 'True Bond' spinoff, but a new, separate game. I’m sorry for any inconvenience, but I believe this clarification is necessary .

With that done, here are some spoilers:

Also regarding subscription and game access:

You can contribute however you like—either monthly or after the game is released. The game will remain in the free tier for everyone, mainly because of my time constraints and professional commitments. I don’t want to force anyone into a monthly subscription. Once again, I deeply appreciate the support and help from all of you. 
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Sneak peeks

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Sneak Peeks

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Sneak Peeks

Info: I noticed previous sneaks were tied to a tier, was not intentional and is not the pattern for future. Sorry for that.(Subscribstar defaults to lowest tiers on posting and I didn't notice until now).

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Sneak peeks

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Meet new Characters - Noelle

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Sneak Peaks and a Big change

Hey all,

Meet the characters (more will come)

Big change - Tyranno to Godot (80% of setup completed)

I decided to switch from Tyranno to Godot and Dialogic.
Main reason is the rendered images in Tyranno is very blurry even if I add 1440 p mages, and high resolution game feels very buggy.
In Godot the images are very crisp and I loved coding the game in Godot.

And one important think, I completed pretty much 80% things required , from settings to save/load ... need some extra UI addition and function. All to improve user engagement.
It was a heavy change and I think the final test and results were amazing . Mainly the quality of images and overall feel as a game.
and unlike Tyranno, I have complete control over UI, because everything is coded in by me with help from AI and learning docs and tutorials.

Take care guys and again thank you for following this project.
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