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Mr. Unaware Studios profile
Mr. Unaware Studios
Mr. Unaware Studios
I'm creating 2D Open World RPG Adult Games - Unaware in The City and Unaware in The City: Revisited.

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  • Access to the latest Extended version of the game which offers:
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  • Access to some experimental features.
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  • Get to play one of the most ambitious porn game ever created! With frequent updates and without scummy paywalls or shitty patron milking, where bug-fixing is the priority!
  • UiTC is an open world game with many fetishes and features like - advanced character creation, a lot of events & animations, dialogues with choices, backstories, traits, perks, stats, skills, reputation system, 8-piece clothes, items, custom OST, moans, HD art and much more!
  • Help shape the project with your suggestions and by taking part in polls! I always answer all the questions and already added many features suggested by the players.

Displaying posts with tag ProgressReport.Reset Filter
Mr. Unaware Studios
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Progress Report #135 - August Summary

Hey lads!
It looks like we’ve gone from biweekly posts to monthly updates... When I’m really busy, I tend to neglect all social media, and right now, I’m trying to move mountains to release the demo of the remastered version (Unaware in The City: Revisited) by the end of this year. So I apologize for being less talkative lately, but I’m afraid that’s going to stay the case for a while longer. If you have any questions and need them answered ASAP, I strongly advise you to join my Discord, as I’m more accessible there most of the time, and others should be able to help as well.
Discord link:
This is my first time posting on Steam, but since I manage all social media myself, I’m not going to write different posts for each platform. Writing these posts and adjusting them accordingly is already pretty bothersome and time-consuming, so please bear with me.
With the recent beta release of v38b on Patreon/SubscribeStar, it looks like the game-breaking bugs have been fixed, so you should expect a release in the first half of September.
The v39 beta will also be released on Patreon/SubscribeStar in the first half of September, and it will expand the hobo stress relief scene with vaginal and anal sex. It will also add another event where a hobo, who has lost his wife, is comforted by Jane with multiple choices. I want to put more emphasis on dialogue choices in the upcoming remaster in a similar manner. While v39 will focus on the hobos, it will be the last update centered on them. With v40, I will shift focus to different events. For Steam, I also plan to add Steam Deck and Steam Cloud compatibility in v39.
Now, let’s get to August’s progress on UiTC:R.
With my second child arriving in early August, I’ve once again forgotten what sleep feels like... The summer heat (which I absolutely despise, as I’m a fan of cold weather) and the lack of air conditioning at home have made my daily life pure hell. As I’m writing this, it’s 28°C (82°F) in my home... So my productivity has dropped a bit. But!
Mainly, I’ve been working on integrating the Spine animation tool into the game, character customization, working on core aspects of the game, mini-games (mostly for Kevin’s Diner), overall game design and mechanics, syncing the game’s database with Google Sheets, and learning a new UI tool. So, it’s been a busy month, and as you know, I'm the guy who works on multiple things simultaneously to keep myself entertained and to prevent from burning out. As always, it’s a challenge to wrap all this up into one post for multiple platforms, especially when some allow NSFW content and others don’t...
For now, we only have a 3/4 front view, but in the near future, we’ll also add side and 3/4 back views. However, that's not a priority at the moment. Our focus is on setting up the game logic and mechanics to ensure the core features, like animations, the clothing system, and integrating Spine with the dialogue tool, work correctly. Once those are in place, we’ll add the missing views and ensure they function seamlessly.
Body customization will be taken to another level, with around 20 options (not including the face), such as the length and width of arms, forearms, stomach, legs, and the size of breasts and butt, among others. Breast size can range from very small to really huge. Both female and male characters will use similar customization options, so you’ll get to see a wide variety of body types in the game. Check out the linked video, as there’s also an updated character creation window.
Facial expressions are now fully animated and use transitions, making them look much more fluid. The overall number of female expressions will be expanded, and male expressions will be added, so no more NPCs will have the same expressions throughout entire scenes.
I had planned to release a simple character creator for my patrons in August so you could see for yourself how powerful the body customization currently is, but my character artist had to deal with some personal matters, so we haven’t finished it yet. Sorry about that.

Performance-wise, it’s also working really well so far. With 20 walking characters continuously randomizing their bodies, I managed to stress my i9-14900K to 15% and my RTX 4070 to 20%. This is without much optimization yet and with multiple features still missing, but it shouldn’t get much worse once released. I doubt you’ll encounter situations with that many characters at once. Overall, I’m pretty happy with what we’ve achieved so far. Keep in mind that the game will run on Android, so it needs to be optimized to run smoothly.
I’m also adding a mini-game to Kevin’s Diner. The mechanics for changing dishes and placing ingredients, with detection for placement and coverage, are working. The concept is inspired by the game Good Pizza, Great Pizza, but I’m not trying to recreate their entire game. Instead, Jane will take orders, prepare the dishes, and deliver them, all while being touched by the clients and Kevin. She’ll see the order details and aim to get the correct amount of each ingredient (e.g., 40% salami, 20% onion). The closer she is to meeting the client's demands, the happier they’ll be, while Kevin will get annoyed with every ingredient placed. She’ll have limited time before her shift ends. Placing ingredients on top of each other won’t please the clients and will waste ingredients. Her total evaluation will depend on the number of dishes cooked, client happiness, and Kevin’s level of annoyance. Getting a raise will trigger harder orders, with difficulty further adjusted by Jane’s stats, perks, and skills. And yes, the mini-game is fully optional!
We are also working on merging locations to make them larger, eliminating the need for loading screens. And don’t worry about having to do "more walking" as fast travel will be added within locations, allowing you to go from the western part of the main street to the eastern part with a single click on the corresponding map icon. There will be small details like moving cars, walking pedestrians, and movies at the cinema that change every week.
I’ve synced the game’s database with Google Sheets, which should make working on the game faster and easier. I've already synced some data, but there’s still a lot to adjust and sync, so it will take some time before everything is fully set up. However, it’s working well so far - it’s fast, more readable, and that’s great.
Some of you might remember the constant BSODs I was getting while trying to release updates. The culprit turned out to be my Intel i9-14900K, but the recent BIOS update finally fixed the issue. Better late than never, as I was already going mad.
And here are some more plans for upcoming features:
Exhibitionism mini-game - This is probably the most challenging feature/mini-game to develop so far, as it requires me to override default gameplay mechanics and dialogues. In this mini-game, Jane will need to initiate Exhibitionism Mode, which will lock her into a specific location (e.g., only Main Street or only Park). For example, Jane might start the exhibitionism mini-game by clicking on the toilet seat in the park's female restroom. This will cause time to flow passively (still only outside of dialogues). The objective of the mini-game is for Jane to avoid being seen by NPCs while performing acts of exhibitionism. There will be two gauges: Excitement and Stress. The excitement gauge will start filling up as Jane performs acts of exhibitionism, filling up faster when the situation is more dangerous, such as when she is close to NPCs. Meanwhile, the stress gauge will gradually accumulate over time (acting as a time limiter), but if someone gets too close or notices her, her stress will skyrocket much faster than her excitement. If the excitement gauge fills up first, Jane wins and is rewarded. However, if the stress gauge fills up first, Jane will return to the toilet, ending the event and giving her a "stressed" debuff. By default, this can be performed once per day, but like everything in the game, it can be altered with skills, perks, clothes, and so on. The mini-game will have several stages. The first stage might involve flashing underwear, like lifting a skirt. Later stages could involve masturbating or walking naked. As Jane becomes more skilled, it will become harder to excite her, so flashing underwear might not be enough in the later stages, requiring bolder actions (e.g., day vs night, main street vs park).
Each location will be a different "mission" with varying difficulty levels and different NPCs (e.g., rich people, homeless people). NPCs might play with their phones and ignore Jane, randomly turn and walk around, or if they notice Jane doing something lewd, they might react with shock or even try to "help" her out. The course of the mini-game will vary based on the chosen stage. There will actually be two different mini-games. Flashing underwear wouldn’t make sense when Jane is naked, so the second mini-game will involve getting from point A to point B while in underwear or naked. However, this is something for the more distant future, and I’ll fine-tune it later. This mini-game is almost like its own separate game, so it will take "a while" to complete. Early builds will likely include only the park location and 1-2 stages at best. By the way, the park will be a much longer location.
Upgradable home - In the earlier stages of development, I had plans to include multiple living options for Jane, but since the 3 flatmates form a significant part of the gameplay, everyone will likely want access to the flat at some point. Despite resigning from multiple permanent flat options, Jane will still be able to rent a room in a hotel, sleep with the homeless, crash on a park bench, or stay in various other places. There will also be an option to buy the flat from Albert. Since Albert's flat is a core aspect of the game, I've decided to make it upgradeable and customizable to some extent.
Please don't think of it as The Sims, with multiple furniture options to choose from and the ability to move them around. It won't be anything like that. It will be pretty simple - Jane will move into a somewhat neglected flat with low-quality or broken/missing furniture, and she’ll have the option to spend money on buying and upgrading them. These upgrades won’t be mandatory to play but will make gameplay easier; for instance, a better bed will reduce the required sleep or increase the benefits from the well-rested buff.
Furniture will likely have 2-3 upgrade levels, depending on the type, as I don’t want to make this a huge or overly complicated feature. For example, there will be options like adding locks to doors to prevent break-ins from burglars or Rick, getting decor to passively boost stats, or upgrading the kitchen to make cooking easier. I’m also putting more emphasis on the flatmates - since Ben is a handyman, he’ll make repairs easier. Rick is a rich and spoiled brat, so he will help with buying new furniture. The third flatmate, Rachel, will make these upgrades and their buffs stronger. Having to repair or buy furniture would also lead to bonus events, like calling a plumber, etc.
The idea is to put more emphasis on RPG elements & make money more significant. Since we already need to make multiple edits to the art due to the merging of locations, this is the perfect time to add this feature. Otherwise, we’ll end up with a lot of extra work if we decide to do it later.
Albert suspicion mini-game - Since "criminal" playthroughs will be available, one of the ideas is to let Jane break into Albert's flat and stay there instead of renting it, leading to the Albert suspicion mini-game. Essentially, every time Jane does something in the flat, it increases the suspicion meter. It also rises for every hour she spends at home (as she leaves evidence behind). The higher the suspicion meter, the more frequently Albert will visit the flat to check if anything is out of order. To reduce suspicion, Jane would need to clean the house or simply stay out of it, causing suspicion to drop over time.
When Albert visits, Jane will have a few seconds (depending on the current suspicion level and her skills) to hide by quickly clicking on the appropriate furniture, like a wardrobe. The exact form of the hiding mini-game is still undecided. Options include manually moving around the flat, clicking on one or multiple pieces of furniture to increase the chance of hiding, or simply using a UI where you must quickly select the correct option.
If Albert catches her, an event will trigger based on Jane's choices, which could lead to a sex scene or even jail time. Additionally, she either won’t be able to upgrade the flat or get flatmates this way, or she will be able to but at the cost of greatly increased suspicion, requiring her to work much harder to reduce it (living a crazy life). This feature has a low priority and might not appear in the game anytime soon, if at all.
Regarding the pricing, versions, cheats, and overall business model of the upcoming remaster - I have no idea yet. Right now, I’m completely focused on releasing a playable demo in December, and I’ll figure out the rest afterward. The general idea is that I won’t be increasing the prices on Patreon/SubscribeStar, though the tiers might change. I’m not sure how things will look on itch, but everyone who bought my game there will definitely get a free upgrade to the remastered version. As for Steam, I’ve only just released my first game there, so it’s still the most enigmatic platform for me. I can’t say much at the moment, but I do plan to release the remaster on Steam as well. Since I released the first game for less than $1, the remaster definitely won’t be a free upgrade. And yes, UiTC:R will also have a free public version.
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Mr. Unaware Studios
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Progress Report #134 - Unaware in The City: Revisited plans

Hey lads!
In this devlog, I want to focus on the main changes in Unaware in The City: Revisited (temporary name?). It will be a really long one, as I also want to explain my reasoning behind the changes. But first, I'll provide information on v38 and overall progress since the last post.
So, v38 events will be delayed until early August. This week, I spent two days with my kiddo in the hospital in Warsaw for some tests before her surgery next year. Recently, I found out that since my wife is due to give birth in August, her dad has decided to stay with us this weekend (he's not the type to understand that I have work to do) because he won't be able to see his granddaughter anytime soon otherwise. With five days lost in a single week and work piling up, I'll probably release one event this month and two others early next month in v38a. I also wanted to try adding an auto-save feature, but I haven't had time yet to implement it. And yes, after my second kid is born in August, I might have an even harder time working in the first few weeks, but my wife won't be bedridden due to pregnancy anymore, so things should get better in September. Either way, sorry about the delays.
I'll also be supporting UiTC up to v40 or a lower number of events because we have a lot of work to do for UiTC:R. Romstine is taking a few months' leave due to personal matters, and I don't know if he'll be back or not, so all the writing falls on poor Bubba. With two writers, I could work on events for two games simultaneously, but one won't be able to pull it off alone, especially since it's not his only project. Why won't I try hiring a second writer again? Because it's a really time-consuming process, and finding someone competent and willing to also learn my tools is quite a challenge.
There's not much to show, honestly, because I'm working on the core stuff and UI, and since I'm working on multiple things at once, they are too unfinished to present.
Pathfinding is already done, and instantaneous transitions between locations will be possible by merging them and loading everything at once. This will make the game start/load slower and have higher requirements, especially with all the NPCs being spawned with more advanced art and animations. By default, you'll have to wait for all the NPCs and art to load when changing locations, but I'll make it optional to disable the waiting if you want to switch locations instantly or simply enjoy seeing all the mess getting generated :P It's still very rough and unoptimized currently, but I'll reuse the optimization tricks I applied in UiTC in the past, so it shouldn't take me a lot of time to optimize.
The male front rig is complete. Next, we'll be focusing on clothes & hairstyles, and then we will probably start with some basic animations. Anyway, in August we should have much more stuff to show after finally sorting out the basic stuff.
Also, the game's soundtrack has been added to Steam and will be released on the same day as the game! If you feel generous or simply want to listen to the game's OST, you can get it for a base price of $4.99.
Ok, now to the UiTC:R. This is only some of the upcoming plans I have for the game, so more will come, and not everything will be ready for the December's demo, while some stuff can still change or not be added at all in the end.
The most obvious ones are - updating Unity to the newer version, so I can make the game compatible with the newest devices and use some of Unity's new features. Adding 2 new angles, so you get to see characters & animations in more detailed 3 angles (front, side, back), but game still won't be in 3D. Switching animation tool to Spine, so animation quality and customization options get so much better.
We are gonna re-use what we can, then we will edit and re-write outdated stuff, while trying to preserve game's overall spirit. Kevin will keep his charm, Rick will stay an asshole, and Albert will keep looking for hot female tenants. But we are gonna change some core gameplay aspects to make game more entertaining. All these years were a really valuable experience to me, and I will try to make use of it by getting rid of as many issues as possible.
Merged locations, orthographic perspective & instant transitions (partially done already) - Locations will be merged into one based on their theme. For example, Main Street will become a single location instead of being split into three parts. Merging locations will (probably) require changing the background art perspective to orthographic, ensuring seamless connections and avoiding issues when moving and animating characters in the environment. Changing locations will be instant (theoretically), such as moving from Main Street to RLD. This will be the case if you turn off waiting for the art files to load. Even with loading enabled, it should be much faster than it is now in UiTC. Modern PCs and 64-bit Android devices should handle this easily, but it will still require various optimization tricks to work smoothly.
We are still brainstorming about using a perspective vs orthographic view for all the locations. Here's a quick mock-up, showing the shaping of the buildings and combining them into one street that follows the same perspective angle. Yes, you can see here 9 locations in total, because we added 1 more per street part, and then merged them together. Other locations like Slums or RLD will also be bigger and merged.
And here you can compare orthographic vs perspective angle:
Triggering events - Currently, 95% of events trigger upon entering a location while meeting its requirements and passing a successful RNG roll, while 5% are triggered by talking to someone and choosing the event dialogue option. In UiTC:R, events will be triggered by talking to NPCs or moving to the correct spot (e.g., getting near the diner's counter so an event triggers and a man approaches Jane from behind). Most events will have a 100% chance to trigger, focusing on being in the right place at the right time to ensure they occur. However, some random events (designed to be truly random) will still happen. The whole idea is to reduce save scumming and the overall annoyance of being hindered by RNG, while making gameplay smoother and ensuring events feel like an integral part of the world.
Time flow - Passive time flow will be removed, so standing or walking around won’t make time pass on its own, also eliminating the need to pause the game. However, all actions and some events will cause time to pass, such as talking to NPCs or engaging in the exhibitionism mini-game. Jane will still have to manage her time, and time-altering effects will remain in the game. Thus going from one part of the Main Street to the other won't make time pass, but going to RLD will be much more time consuming, as it's supposed to be in the different part of the huge city. This change should make the game less stressful and give you more control over it.
Difficulty settings - There will be 5 (or 3? or 7?) difficulty settings, ranging from very easy to very hard. On the very easy setting, almost all grinding (like experience points, reputation, money, etc.) will be twice as fast, while on the very hard setting, it will be halved (modifiers are still subject to change). I'm still deciding what parts of the gameplay will be affected or if I should add difficulty settings for multiple aspects of the game, like mini-game difficulty, grind difficulty, etc., or just one general difficulty for everything. The idea is to let you customize how easy, fast, grindy, or tough the overall gameplay feels with one button click instead of trying to achieve it by brainstorming with backstories and traits. The game will be balanced with the normal difficulty in mind.
Action tracking - Many of Jane's actions will be tracked, such as how many times she has had sex, engaged in prostitution, dived in the trash, slept, trained in the gym, and more. I don't have a complete list of what should be tracked yet, so if you have any suggestions, feel free to let me know.
Desires system - The system is inspired by the wishes and aspirations from The Sims 3. There will be daily, weekly, and (maybe) monthly desires, each varying in difficulty and rewards. Daily desires would be simple, like masturbating or cooking dinner. Weekly desires would require a bit more effort, like going to the gym 5 times or finding a new job. Monthly desires would be much more demanding, like buying a car or finding a boyfriend. I don't know how many desires will be displayed at once, but it will likely be 3-2-1 for daily-weekly-monthly. I'll start small with these desires, and new ones will be slowly added with updates (similar to weekly buffs). Desires will be rolled based on Jane's current stats, backstories, and choices, so she wouldn't get a "suck a cock" desire without any sexual experience. Essentially, it will be similar to daily/weekly quests in other games, and completing these would reward bonus experience points. The idea is to give you more goals to focus on across The City while being rewarded for doing so and to add more ways to gain experience points, which are used for unlocking new perks (formerly known as traits).
Backstories - Backstories were supposed to be very unique and change how the game is played (e.g., Drifter not having a home or Aristocrat being able to trigger game over), but this caused some customization and freedom problems. For example, what if I liked Drifter but wanted a home? Or I wanted Aristocrat to be forced homeless with negative fame? I tried achieving it with some bonus effects like traits or perks, but it was too convoluted, and people were often unaware of it even being a feature. In UiTC:R, backstories and traits are getting a rework to allow further character customization without overcomplicating things. Complex underhood, simple on the surface. Backstories will still provide some bonuses and penalties, but they will now focus more on background stories and main goals. Multiple backstories will share the same main goal - for example, Aristocrat was about making a name for herself in The City, and now a few other backstories will have the same goal. This approach allows us to add more backstories without requiring a ridiculous amount of work to create unique paths for each story. If you want to play a sex-oriented backstory like Slut, or you liked the backstory's main goal, you will have more backgrounds to choose from who shares the same stuff.
Traits - They won't use Neo Scavenger's concept but will instead follow Fallout 2's approach. All traits will have both a positive and a negative effect simultaneously. They will be optional, can only be picked during character creation, and cannot be removed later, as they describe what your character is (and if possible, I'll generate a small bio based on your choices). This way, you won't have to brainstorm which negative traits to pick to gain TP to unlock positive ones. If you see a trait you like, you just pick it - it's as simple as that. For example, the Indebted trait will let you start with $3000 extra, but you will have to pay $6000 after 30 days or face game over.
I'm also experimenting with something I call Personality Traits (which I've mentioned a few times before, and now it seems possible). You would choose what Jane loves/hates about other characters, like muscular/obese bodies, and it would trigger different reactions from Jane during events and provide some bonuses or penalties. At the moment, I don't know how advanced the system will be. It could be as simple as 1-2 bonus sentences per event with a few Personality Traits to choose from, or it might become something more advanced.
Mini-games - Fully operating the game through the dialogue system becomes bland and boring really fast, which is why I decided to add mini-games to various aspects of the game. But don't worry, they won't be as dumb as clicking as fast as possible or comparing numbers/shapes on the screen. I want them all to make sense in the game and be enjoyable, not a chore, as I personally hate 99% of mini-games in games. And yes, if possible (depending on the mini-game), they will be optional and skippable, rewarding you with an averaged outcome.
Prostitution mini-game - It will be used in brothels, street whoring, or random prostitution events across The City (like in the diner's toilet cabin). I still don't know what to do with the glory hole yet, as I'm unsure if I should reuse the same mini-game system or create something simplified. There will be 4 gauges - satisfaction, pleasure, stress, and time. Different clients will have varying needs and behaviors (for example, a young, stressed virgin who is easy to satisfy or an old veteran without any stress but very difficult to satisfy), thus the values and requirements for filling each gauge will always be different but somewhat predictable (perhaps using client ID cards with stats or small hints).
Satisfaction - Represents how satisfied the client will be after the visit. Jane gets rewarded in the form of tips, experience points, and reputation. Your goal is to maximize this gauge. The exact percentage needed to pass the event is yet to be determined.
Pleasure - Filling this gauge will make the client climax, greatly increasing their satisfaction. However, if the client climaxes too many times, they will leave, so you need to manage this carefully. Different clients will have different climax number limits, demands, and actions with different multipliers will be pleasurable to them (someone into anal won't have much fun from vaginal sex, and someone old won't cum as soon as someone young).
Stress - Represents how stressed the client is. You will need to perform certain actions to lower this value initially. High stress will limit the filling of the pleasure and satisfaction gauges, potentially preventing you from passing the event. Clients can vary greatly in their stress levels.
Time - Represents how much time is left before the client leaves. It acts as a time limit to prevent spending too long with one person trying to fill their satisfaction gauge. Clients may request different durations (e.g., 30 mins, 90 mins), and you must manage your time accordingly.
Diner (cooking) mini-game - This one is really tricky because I'm not fond of cooking mini-games, but I know many people enjoy them (including my wife). Since "Good Pizza, Great Pizza" is one of her favorite cooking games (check the screenshot), I decided to adopt a similar (albeit much simpler) style. If you're unfamiliar with it, I recommend looking it up on YouTube. There would be 3 phases - taking the order, cooking, and delivering the dish. Each phase will have a chance for a touching mini-event (based on multiple factors). Jane will continue working until her shift ends, or she can decide to end it sooner with a penalty. The entire mini-game will be skippable, rewarding Jane with averaged results.
1st) Jane simply talks to the client and takes their order, so she knows what to cook, with a chance of being touched by the client.
 2nd) The main aspect of this feature is the cooking mini-game. The UI covers the entire screen, and Jane selects the base dish (burger, pizza, etc.). Based on the chosen dish, different ingredients appear (beef for a burger, salami for pizza, etc.), and she either drags them using the mouse or clicks to add them in appropriate amounts (undecided). Essentially, she must prepare the dish as accurately as possible according to the client's order, and the more clients she makes happy, the better her overall evaluation score and rewards. Kevin has a chance to appear during this time, interrupting the mini-game UI for a brief moment.
3rd) Jane delivers the food to the correct clients, with a chance of being touched by the client.
I imagine 2 ways of doing it (I might add both, still undecided):
Longer, more immersive variant - Jane starts by speaking with Kevin, then she manually interacts with each client to take their order. Next, she heads to the kitchen behind the counter where the cooking mini-game UI opens. Finally, she delivers each dish to the client individually.
Shorter, more automated variant - Jane just clicks to instantly teleport and get to the next phase. All three touching events will still take place.
I guess that it's enough reading for one post, so I'll announce more plans in the next one!
After reading all that your question is obvious - how the fuck am I gonna do everything mentioned above in mere 6 months? Well, since I won't be doing animating and most of writing anymore, because I hired people for that, I'll have more time to work on these features. And no, there's no guarantee that I'll add everything in those 6 months, as it's just a plan. It can change, it can expand, it can get delayed, but that's what I'm aiming to add currently and I will try, so please don't take it for granted. Feature order is random, and I didn't mention some basic changes like stats, while some features won't be possible to add until we are done with the other stuff first.
Also, even if only temporarily, I've surpassed the $5k threshold and made it to the top 380 among NSFW developers on Patreon. Either way, the UiTC:R release isn't endangered! Special thanks to the multi-annual pledges that helped me significantly fund the freelancers! Thanks a lot, everyone - you are outstanding!
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Mr. Unaware Studios
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Progress Report #133 - Steam, UiTC:R and more

Hey lads!
Long time no see, I know. A lot has happened over the past month, but I'll try to be as brief as possible!
Firstly, I won't be calling the game UiTC2 anymore; it will now be UiTC:R. Calling it "2" made many people think I was making a sequel while UiTC is nowhere near finished, causing confusion. It's hard to explain what I am actually doing - Remake? Remaster? Reboot? I believe the closest term would be a remaster because I’m keeping the original idea and concept behind the game and re-using what I can while updating, changing, or remaking the stuff that really needs it, and adding new features that are finally possible to add. So, the naive girl moving to the big city, unique characters, background art, soundtrack, backstories, traits, choices, and the 2D sidescroller aspect will all stay. However, the game will still get a lot of changes (for the better).
I started writing a really long post about the plans for UiTC:R in the last few weeks, but instead I started posting them one by one on my Discord in the form of threads so you can comment on each separately and tell me what you think. It’s also easier for me to post short news and sneak peeks there, as it’s pretty quick and straightforward. I know not everyone uses Discord, and it would be unfair to keep you in the dark, so I’ll try to summarize the stuff once it's more fleshed out in the next progress report.
The Steam release date is set for July 31st. It will be the same version as the public release, but you will have access to auto-updates (like with every Steam game) and, in the near future, access to Steam Cloud and support for Steam Deck. Aside from that, Steam and non-Steam public game versions will be the same content-wise, though I'll need to make some edits, such as removing any promotion of non-Steam websites or links. I'll charge a mere $0.99 to test how selling the game on Steam works with all the regional pricing settings, discounts, etc., in preparation for UiTC:R release in the future. If you don't want to pay, no worries, you can download the game from my Patreon/SubscribeStar or as always, but I doubt that $0.99 with regional pricing should be an issue for anyone. I will have to register UiTC:R on Steam too, but it's still too early, as I hardly have any concrete info, not to mention screenshots.
Next, v37b will be released on Monday (July 15th), and aside from a few bug fixes, it will add one more event. There were supposed to be 2 events, but I'm moving the clothes shop event to v38 as I won't have time to script it:
BJ version of the hobo stress relief that ends with either cumming in or out, and swallowing or spitting out if he comes inside. The existing HJ variant will also be extended with it. Continuation of the clothes shop event, making Jane cum, which ends with either HJ or BJ, cumming in or out, and finally either swallowing or spitting out. (It will be added in v38, sorry!) For v38, there will be another 2 events based on July's poll (the 4 top votes went for Park, Clothes Shop, Slums, and Albert):
Albert sex scene in 2 variants (vaginal or anal) in the clothes shop. Hobo sex scene in 2 variants (vaginal or anal) that can happen either at the park or slums. So, 1 event for v37b on July 15th, and 3 events for v38 on July 30th.
The majority of existing events are vaginal sex, which is why I wanted to add something lighter or different. Recently, you've seen more fondling, HJ, and BJ events for this reason. Yes, we lack animations, so you will see reused animations in the upcoming few months, but the events are designed with UiTC:R in mind. This means porting them later won't require a lot of extra work.
Now, on to the progress on UiTC:R:
After turning off, rewriting, or removing multiple things, I managed to start the game on Unity 2022.3 LTS (Long Term Support) without any errors. Initially, I wanted to go with Unity 2023.2 or even Unity 6, but Unity 6 barely got released in beta, and from my experience, a lot of things won't work on it for years (I believe Spine isn't even supported yet). The situation with Unity 2023.2 is much better, but it's common knowledge among Unity devs that if you want to work without being a beta tester or if you don't need new features, you go for LTS, as it's much more stable and assets/tools have had enough time to add support. The latest LTS is 2022.3, so here we are. From what I've seen in Unity 2023 and Unity 6, there's nothing that could break my project, so I should be able to easily update it in the future if the requirement arises. This means no more huge engine updates or game remakes in the future. Feature remakes might come, but that's why I want to take care of as much as I can now and do things properly to avoid issues in the future. After all, multiple core aspects of the game weren't designed with a big or long-term project in mind.
There's some bad news - my UI tool is no longer supported in the new Unity versions, so I'll have to remake the UI (which I had planned anyway, but not quite like this). I've already started learning new UI tools, and from what I've seen so far, they are much more powerful and easier to use once I get the hang of them. So it shouldn't be too bad, but I still need to learn them, which is quite annoying (especially given my "love" for doing anything UI-related).
Right now, I'm mainly learning the new UI tool and exploring what I can achieve with it because, as mentioned, I have to remake the whole UI from scratch. Here, you can see the Save/Load window, which I've based on RPG Maker games because we're all familiar with that format, and I think its concept is nice. The main game menu with all the settings will be accessible from the game normally, so you'll be able to see an animated menu by pressing escape, or adjust settings like volume or resolution before creating a character.
Regarding saves, we now have three windows. The left one detects all save files in the folder and displays the save name (which you will be able to edit) and the date of save creation. It supports both mouse and keyboard. The top right window shows a screenshot taken at the moment of saving (I used an existing random screenshot temporarily). The bottom right window displays some data from the save, like the player's name, location, money, day, etc. It's all not finished yet, obviously, as I'm focusing on the game logic for now.
If you want to see a video instead, then check at the very bottom.
Just a small preview of dicks, as NPCs will still use random dick sizes, but we have much more freedom to tweak them now.
Another thing I'm working on is changing how locations are loaded and events are triggered.
Locations will be merged based on their themes. For example, Main Street will become a single location instead of being split into three parts. Merging locations will require changing the background art perspective to orthographic, ensuring seamless connections and avoiding issues when moving and animating characters in the environment. I want Jane to walk freely around her flat without triggering any loading screens. Changing main locations will be instant (theoretically), such as moving from Main Street to RLD. This will be the case if you turn off waiting for the art files to load. Even with art loading enabled, it should be much faster than it is now in UiTC. Modern PCs and 64-bit Android devices should handle this easily, but it will still require various optimization tricks to work smoothly. Just a small test below.
Currently, 95% of events trigger upon entering a location while meeting its requirements and passing a successful RNG roll, while 5% are triggered by talking to someone and choosing the event dialogue option. In UiTC:R, events will be triggered by talking to NPCs or moving to the correct spot (e.g., getting near the diner's counter so an event triggers and a man approaches Jane from behind). Most events will have a 100% chance to trigger, focusing on being in the right place at the right time to ensure they occur. However, some random events (designed to be truly random) will still happen. The whole idea is to reduce save scumming and the overall annoyance of being hindered by RNG, while making gameplay smoother and ensuring events feel like an integral part of the world.
We are going to expand The City with new locations so there's more freedom in doing quests and positioning NPCs. For example, you can meet Jack in more places than just the diner. It becomes easier for us to create events for Marcus if there's already a police station, even if it's just a bare-bones structure. Each NPC will have their own schedule rather than being spawned solely for the purpose of an event. Here are some previews of the upcoming locations:
The eastern part of the Old Town, from left to right, features the Town Hall, Police Station, and Prison. You won't see anything particularly interesting there for now, as restoring UiTC content is our utmost priority.
And here's a bonus location in the Slums with a hole where someone might get stuck if they try to get in for some weird reason.
I believe that next month we might have greater previews, as we are currently dealing with core features, like making the game work at all, so there's nothing really cool to see for now.
P.S. In May, I mentioned that I was waiting for the results of my gastroscopy examination, and I have some great news - everything is fine. They suspected esophageal cancer, but it was a false alarm. That's why I was a bit down at times and didn't want to mention anything without making sure. Huge relief, one stressful thing less to worry about.
And since we're on the subject of my health, I haven't had a single kidney pain since the start of June, so I guess the new meds seem to work? Yes, they are experimenting on me, but I agreed. I have a check-up in late July, and I will get to see if the new meds are working as intended and if they can stay.
Also, I need a proper name for UiTC:R, and I'm thinking of something like UiTC Revisited? Reimagined? Anyway, if you guys have any good name suggestions, please let me know, and I'll bestow eternal glory upon thee!

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Mr. Unaware Studios
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Progress Report #132 - Unaware in The City 2

Hey lads!

As promised, another long-ass report, as I want to talk more about Unaware in The City 2 (yeah, that's right, UiTC2). As some of you remember, back in the day I worked on Unaware of the World together with real-world friends, and it was our group project. But due to various circumstances (you can read more about it in the old progress reports), we disbanded. I wanted to try continuing the project by myself with some freelance graphic artists, and that's how, more or less, Unaware in The City was created. It's a direct continuation of UotW, so UiTC started at the same place where UotW ended. Now with UiTC2 things are much more... Complicated... It's another art update, yes, but done with different tools (Spine), so core code is going to be rewritten from scratch, animations remade from scratch, new character view angles (3/4 from front & back), Unity engine update (so a lot of conflicts with old features), rewriting old dialogues (mainly Kevin's Diner & Kinky Nymph), reworking stat & perk system, support for 64-bit Android, and optimizing it all again... It's basically a chain reaction because changing/updating one thing forces another change, and another, and so on. I could leave the current stat & perk system untouched, but I have a better (and easier to control) idea, and since I'm breaking everything anyway... Well, there won't be a better moment. Thus, Unaware in The City 2 is officially announced and we are aiming to release something playable (probably a demo first) on December 10th, 2024!

Before I go into details, I have an important announcement - because over 2/3 of my patrons are paying in USD on Patreon, I'm switching currency from EUR to USD to lower the fees. What will change? If you were paying in USD, you will pay less (I'm bad with fees & taxes, so I'm sorry about the lack of actual numbers!). If you were paying in EUR, you will pay a bit more. Other currencies should be unaffected by this change, but I'm honestly clueless about how Patreon is going to convert other currencies after the change. So if you want to support me in EUR, now it is cheaper for you, but if you want to do it in USD instead, I advise you to wait a few days. And because Patreon has higher fees than SubscribeStar, I'll go with $6 per tier on Patreon, instead of $5.50 as on SubscribeStar. Your prices won't automatically update, so you will be paying exactly the same amount as before until you cancel your subscription. I won't increase pricing after releasing UiTC2, and everyone who bought UiTC1 on itch will also get access to it for free!

Honestly, I thought that I would have quite a chunk of people canceling subs, so I'm really surprised that I got past 600 subscribers in total! Thanks a lot for the trust! I've already started looking for an additional 2D artist who will take care of all characters' clothes.

Lately, I'm trying to be a bit more communicative on social media, although writing posts on Patreon, SubscribeStar, and itch is really time-consuming, so I usually do it all in my spare time in the late evening (around 22:00 in Poland). Working on your own project requires you to focus on what's important and put some constraints, so you don't slack. And my wife gets really mad at me when I work late at night, so... I'm kinda trying to reconcile it all - work, communication, family.

I've started doing monthly (patron-only) polls on Patreon & SubscribeStar about upcoming sex scenes for UiTC1, so you don't get bored while waiting for me to release UiTC2. Already closed the June's poll, and you will get an option to relief the stress of hobos in the Bunker via the HJ & BJ. Then there will be a 2nd scene with fingering while standing in the shops's queue (1st one was with just touching), and I'm thinking about expanding the clothes shop event, too. And then for Bald Guys maybe something in the gym? Yeah, that's 5 new events, and honestly we overdid it... So for July we will add like 2-3 at best, because releasing UiTC2 is the main priority here.

I'll be working on multiple features for UiTC2, and if I can port any of them to UiTC1, I will. For example, for v37 I'm reworking the movement mechanics from scratch. Movement is now restricted to the X-axis (left and right), and I've added a nice quality-of-life feature seen in many games already - clicking on an object to interact while out of reach won't give you an error sound anymore. Instead, Jane will move closer and interact with it once she's within range. This feature is enabled by default and can be disabled in the settings. Oh, and I've also further optimized the game, so locations load faster and the game uses less RAM!

Ok, let's get into UiTC2 plans details:

Obviously, saves won't be compatible.

Depending on the amount of content we get to redo (writing & animations precisely), the game content-wise might be smaller, but we will make up for it with quality big time.

If you watched any of LustFire's videos, then you already know what we want to do with character customization (I also advise you to follow him on Twitter If not, we want to do something that you have never seen before in any NSFW game - a really powerful character customization, something much more than a simple boob size slider, but a feature that lets you, for example, customize both the height & width of multiple body parts! We can't go too crazy here because it will break animations, but I'm sure you will enjoy the results, as I'm already pretty excited seeing it in Spine ^

We will expand The City with new locations that were planned since the start, which will help us add quests and characters, while the game will get a full world map with all planned locations already on it. I prefer answering people's questions with "it's not in the game yet" rather than explaining what locations are going to be added to the game. It should also give you a better scope of what I am aiming for in the finished project.

I also want to improve the world's immersion by being able to interact with various objects, like you can already do with graffiti in the elevator or with the park's bench. So I would like to hear your suggestions on what you would like to see from such stuff. I want the game to be enjoyable (to some extent) even without porn elements so that the gameplay itself doesn't feel like a chore. Yeah, mini-games would be an answer, but not something dumb as "click as fast as possible for 60 seconds"... The problem is, I never enjoyed fishing in games, leveling up professions in MMOs, and such, so I could really use some help with ideas here.

Since all kinds of people play my game, from those who can die in The Sims to those who beat Dark Souls on a dance mat, I'll be adding something like difficulty settings. I tried balancing the game in various ways, but some people always complained. So I'm going with the "Fuck it, I'm out, balance it yourself" approach. But more seriously, I will need to experiment with it, but the idea is to give you lads some control over gaining stats, skills, money, etc., something like up to 2x faster/slower, so whether you enjoy the grind & slow gameplay, or quick access to sex scenes and Jane becoming a whore within days, etc. - you will be able to choose.

Stats & skills will work a bit differently. I want to get rid of numerical values for stats and stat tiers every 25-50 points (like in the LW case), and instead swap them with something like perks that will get unlocked after meeting the requirements. For example, the cleanliness stat will be removed, and if Jane doesn't wash herself often enough, she will get a "Dirty" effect that will work similarly to the old low cleanliness stat - some NPCs will refuse to talk with her. She will need to accumulate a lot of "dirt" first before gaining the effect. Tissues won't remove the effect, and working hard won't trigger it in the middle of work, etc. And you will get to see dirt stains on the body. Another example would be lewdness and getting corruption levels. All sexual acts will progress a bit towards the Corruption perk, which once unlocked, will change Jane's personality in the same manner as reaching 50 LW before, while for leaving without underwear you would need another perk - Exhibitionist. Before, reaching 100 LW allowed Jane to access everything, but it didn't make sense that being more lewd would automatically make you into exhibitionism, being skilled in sex, or enjoying BDSM or femdom, etc. Now it will be distinctive from each other, slower, more immersive, and RPGish. Innocent & shy girl without any sex experience, but being into exhibitionism? Yes! Virgin who is only into anal? Also yes! That's one of the main goals for UiTC2, but I'll reveal more info as we work on it.

I will have to rename stats, skills, traits, perks, buffs, etc., because we will be removing and reworking a lot, to go with quality rather than quantity. As you create your character, you will still get to choose backstory, blood type, etc., but also a few bonuses (that can be picked only at the start) and a difficulty setting. Then as you play, you will unlock permanent perks by meeting their corresponding requirements. Also, there's experience gained for every single action that can be used to further upgrade Jane. And lastly, temporary effects (similar to buffs) that can be either positive or negative and will be gained by playing correctly/wrongly, like for example being dirty, catching a cold, or sleeping in a comfy bed. So current negative traits will be removed and injected into backstories & temporary effects.

We want to rewrite all scenes and put much bigger emphasis on story & choices, but also on slow corruption and doing quests. I know, seeing "slow corruption" usually makes people think "oh, another project 5 years in development without a single sex scene," but not in this case, as my game already had sex scenes from the start, and they will appear normally with the engine update. We will stretch the scenes, so you won't get into sex with Rick so quickly, but you will still be able to work in the brothel or use the glory hole. I want you to get to know the characters first without rushing to the sex scenes. Back in the day, the game had not enough content, so I rushed with adding sex scenes, but there's plenty of content already to start doing it the right way. You will get to encounter NPCs around The City instead of only through random events and will be able to talk with them about some stuff (check the hospital's Janitor added in v36 for a reference).

Some changes that I can do safely will be added in the upcoming updates (like the v37 character movement remake), but any bigger features that will break your existing saves will come out in UiTC2.

Ok, I wanted to share so much more with you, and this post is pure chaos, but t's another long-ass one. As always, I'm open to any suggestions, and I hope you are at least partially as excited as we are about the future UiTC2 release :)

P.S. In June, I'm experimenting with new meds that are supposed to cause a lower amount of kidney stones but also give me more energy. It's been only a week, and it might be a placebo effect, but I am indeed feeling better overall, so hopefully they work.

P.S.2. Together with my family, I'm going to the biggest convention in Poland - Pyrkon (this year MindaRyn will be there, for example), so I'll be out Thursday-Sunday.


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Mr. Unaware Studios
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Progress Report #131 - Mr. Unaware Studios is getting bigger!

Hey lads!

I've been writing this progress report for such a long time that I had to cut another half into the next progress report, or you would get the longest wall of text ever.

As the title suggests, I've hired more people, and I'm still not done yet! With this project, I'm merely trying to prove that by running a Patreon project, you don't need to milk people with fake projects that have "great potential" but charge you $20-40 to play the latest release on day 1, have no content updates every few months, make false promises, ignore feedback, avoid questions, and refuse to hire more people while shamelessly taking your money and scratching their balls. I want to prove that it's possible to make a great game with actual content, listen to feedback, talk with your fans, make the project transparent, and have the guts to deal with people without running away from uncomfortable questions, since I have nothing to hide (although I learned to ignore obvious trolls and people picking fights). Exactly a year ago, this project was earning around $1,000 (gross/brutto), while now it's earning around $5,000 (also gross/brutto), which wouldn't have been possible without hard work and investing in this project. But because it's still not enough to hire a full team, I had to take out a loan that I'll have to pay back in 12 months. I want to make this project the best in its genre, which is why with December's engine update, this project will also get a lot of features and improvements thanks to my new team working on it. No more me alone doing everything by myself, but now a carefully selected team of passionate members who will take a big load off my shoulders while doing their job better than me since I'm no writer, graphic artist, or animator. But I can do game design and programming, and finally, I'll be able to focus on those!

Anyway, the competition was fierce, and I've set the bar quite high this time, so the winners are really something, and I believe the quality increase of the game will be outstanding, especially since I won't be doing everything alone anymore!

Two writers, Bubba & Romstine, are currently learning Unity basics and how to use my custom dialogue tool. Previous writers had to write scenes in .doc files and send them over, and then I had to move them into the game, edit, polish, and then script everything. Now, they will be working directly with my tools, so I'll be mostly supervising them, and then scripting dialogues (it's really complicated, so I have to do it myself, mostly) plus some small edits and polishing until they fully learn how it all works. It will go slowly at first, but this way of writing is a real game-changer for the project. They already did two variants of the RLD Thugs scene in v36b and v36c.

Lefty Lai will stay as the background artist since I like his art, so redrawing it all with a different artist would be a total waste of money in my opinion. He will slowly continue adding new locations, so we have some space to add quests and expand character stories because, for example, it was hard to do anything meaningful for Marcus (policeman) without a police station in the game yet, etc.

LustFire is both an animator and a graphic artist, so he is in charge of making characters animatable and then animating all characters using Spine 2D (the majority of great 2D games use it). He worked on similar projects, so he already has experience with our style, and you could already see some of his works in action in previous progress reports (and if you didn't, I advise you to check those out!). I sucked as an animator, and he is much more skilled than me, while Spine 2D outclasses my animation tool as well, so I expect really great animations, art, and features (animating lesbians with my tool was impossible without workarounds, but it's easy in Spine) and much fewer glitches. I will need to hire a character artist for all the character additions like clothes, face variants, and so on, because it's too much for one person to handle, and I want him to focus on animations.

Aside from the new character artist, I will need someone to help me out with the UI, so I'll either ask one of my current artists or find one more just for the UI. I will also need a new composer because we parted ways with iamzeryth long time ago, but I'll wait for new locations first. There's also space for more moans, but they are fine, we have 3 variations already, so for now, I'm okay with those and won't look for any voice actress (maybe in the far future).

When I was an indie dev back in the day, before working on this project, the salary was stable and good, but being part of the team in some small indie studio in Poland, without any ambitious or famous titles, the satisfaction was nowhere near compared to running your own project and building everything from scratch yourself. All in all, you have no idea how great it feels to see your game being played by dozens of thousands of players and being able to assemble a small team who shares your passion. After all these years, with a rough start, trolls, and a lot of toxic comments, I'm not stopping! I know I'm creating something grand and huge, and I'll do my best to succeed at this! Don't believe me? Then come back in December, once we have something playable, or check out public progress reports along the way. Updates for the current Unaware in The City build will keep coming out on a monthly basis, as they used to. Just smaller in content and without new art files or animations.

I'm attaching a screen of an updated character model in a pose that will be easy to animate. The face is just a placeholder, though. And here's a little test of animating faces with Spine. Before, we had to draw multiple variations and swap them for each facial expression. Now, there's much less drawing, more animations possible to add, and smoother transitions.

In v36c, I've added some quality-of-life changes that allow you to skip parts of the daily routine, greatly reducing the number of clicks. This will ignore all events and scenes that could trigger along the way, but their benefits will remain (like taking a full shower or sleeping normally, etc.). The choice is yours.

Another small change is the virginity loss tracker. The first time Jane gets deflowered, it will be saved and can be seen by hovering over the virginity status in the stats window. It tracks the character's name (in dialogue), day, and event name (if it happened during an event). So if the NPC was called 'Man 1', it will display exactly that, because the whole process is automated. I was thinking about giving random NPCs some random names during events, but I guess it would be weird and confusing since only unique permanent NPCs should be named, while from Jane's perspective, she doesn't know their names (it's not some cyberpunk game).

I'll get into detail with the upcoming changes of the engine update in the next progress report because it will also be a long one.


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Mr. Unaware Studios
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Progress Report #130 - Aiming for the top

Hey lads!

I've just closed the poll since the 2:1 ratio was maintained basically from the beginning, and those few percentage points won't make much of a difference. It's clear to me that both patrons and non-paying players alike want me to update the engine, but I still can't ignore the 1/3 of people who want me to keep working on the project. Thus, I've decided to continue releasing updates for the current Unaware in The City build. Naturally, updates will be much smaller and will continue to come out on a monthly basis, but the majority of my work time will go into an engine update. Keep in mind that I can't add any new art files or create new animations, although I still can re-use existing animations and create new events. Just creating any new art or animations will be duplicating the work amount, so it's a total waste of time currently, and time is crucial here.

Regarding the progress that I've made for v36b, well, not much, honestly. I mostly did bug-fixing and started working on non-sex events, as I was busy as hell with hiring new team members, calculating risks and the amount of work, experimenting with Spine, and so on. There's so much work, so many things to take care of, and things are piling up, and I feel overwhelmed at times... But it will get better. Beginnings are always hard, and I'm trying to do everything at once to cover as much as possible, but sooner or later it will get smoother and less stressful.

Anyway, v36b is scheduled for May 19th, and I will keep releasing content for v36 until the end of May. Then v37 in June and so on.

The roadmap on Discord is no longer up to date, as the majority of the mentioned stuff there won't make it to the game this year and will be postponed until 2025. Yeah, I know, it sucks, especially for people who waited for the features that were around the corner, like exhibitionism or lesbians, but I can't do anything about it. Hopefully, you will appreciate my choice once the engine update is done, and the game becomes much better than ever. If for some reason you feel cheated, scammed, or whatever, all I can do is issue a refund. Sorry about that.

Ok, now to the "crazy" stuff, as the title suggests. I've decided that I want my game to be number one in its genre, and I will aim to achieve it. Not money-wise, but I want my game to be recognizable when people talk about side-scrollers or open-world games. So I'm gonna start with a pretty messed up idea - I'm gonna take a loan and hire a Spine animator, a proper writer, and most likely a 2nd graphic artist, and do more than just an engine update this year. All existing animations will be remade from scratch in Spine. Front & back character views will be added (not sure if I can make it in time & with my budget to finish character art this year, but I'm attaching an early draft for you to see). Many dialogues, especially old ones, will be rewritten and extended with bonus choices and more emphasis on the story, some core mechanics will be remade, and I want to update the UI, and other stuff I'll mention in the process. That's the plan for the upcoming ~7 months. Yes, that's really a lot, but work goes much faster when you don't have to build the game every few weeks, make sure it's compatible with saves, split mechanics into multiple updates, test every little change etc.

So I either pull it off, and you get a much better game, or I go bankrupt and sell my kidneys full of stones ^ Joking aside, if things go south, I will be forced to find employment somewhere, and I'll work on this project in my spare time. So it really depends on your support during development and how well-received the game will be once I'm done. Either way, I'm motivated and I will try. Naturally, I will post progress reports from both game versions, so you won't be kept in the dark all this time. If you are afraid that I won't deliver, because let's be honest, many Patreon games "suddenly" disappear after announcing big updates and never finish them, then I can't blame you if you decide to cancel your subscription. But, as always, I'll be active on a daily basis on my Discord, and I'll try to post those progress reports at least once per month.

Ok, earlier I've said that I'm gonna hire a Spine animator, but I've already hired an experienced one in the middle of writing this progress report, so please greet LustFire. He is definitely not a worse animator than me :D But check it out yourself, as here's a little preview of his side-project using Spine (these are all early works in progress).

As you can see, Spine is a really powerful tool. For example, I could add support for changing character height or width, as you can see on the screenshot below as a proof of concept (keep in mind it's just a test).

If possible, I want to release the engine update on the game's anniversary - December 10th, 2024. But honestly, I have no idea how feasible this date is, so please don't take it with a grain of salt, but with a full cup of it :P But I'll still try to have something playable by then. I'm a guy who needs to have a goal and deadline set in order to work because once I announce it publicly, it's either a 'do or die' situation, and I have to deliver. And... That's also why you get a lot of delays... :P

Also, I had a gastroscopy today, and... It doesn't look good... So I'm a bit down currently, but I'll have official results in around a month.


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$402 of $1,000
per month
I don't really have a "magical" goal, but if I manage to earn that much, then I should be able to sleep peacefully without worrying about money. Naturally, more $$$ = better quality & updates, since I invest into this project with whatever I can.

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