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MorganGreyHypno profile
Howdy, I am Morgan Grey. I write books and create art with hypnotic as hypnotized women as the central focus.

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Mesmer Card Holders

Join to get full access to all the erotic art content! Unique Discord Role.

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Mesmer's Gulch Citizens

Unique Discord Role.

The ability to vote on new content like comics, short stories, or pictures [renders].

Download a changing catalog of my works. First up, "Maid for Radio". "Maid for Radio" is an original story that started as a commission for Chintel, but I've decided on making it a tier exclusive. I am still currently working on it. Before I publish it here, I will give Chintel a copy because he has waited far too long for this.

"Hypnosis, Love Potions, and Romance in a Magical World" will be the next book added onto this tier, when it is published.

This tier gives more voting power as compared to Mesmer Card Holders.

0 subscribers Gulch Citizens


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