Happy new year!

One of my resolutions as an artist is to hold myself to a more active release schedule. I don't like that it takes me so long to create stuff. Many times it's because I let myself get distracted too easily or I spend a lot of time on tiny details that don't even matter in the end.

I don't want to sacrifice quality, but I do want to release more art for you all to enjoy!

For the new year, I will do my best to release at MINIMUM 1 animation (no matter how short or long in duration) and 1 image or set of images per month. I know it doesn't sound like a lot, but I'm trying to stick to something I know I can start off with.

If that doesn't sound like it's worth your subscription price, I completely understand and I won't be offended if you leave. I hope I can get better at creating more consistent art for you guys and maybe you'll come back in the future!

With all that being said, I am holding myself accountable for releasing the succubus animation by January 14 at the LATEST. Hopefully I get it done before then, but that will be my deadline!

Hope you all have a great start to the new year!