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me-chan Writing profile
me-chan Writing
me-chan Writing
Erotic hypnosis stories, female domination and mind control.

Планы подписки

в месяц

At this tier, you will be able to read new stories one month ahead of postings anywhere else online, and read excerpts of future stories still in-development.

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в месяц

All the previous rewards plus -read new 55 word mini stories more than one month ahead of publishing anywhere else online. -view art and images that have been commissioned for and have inspired stories. -Co-Op/CYOA stories -Caption Challenge (500 to 1K words per) -55 Word Expansion (550 to 1K words per)

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me-chan Writing
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me-chan Writing
Публичный пост

55 Word Captions: "Statistics" "Spiral Notebook" & "Princess Says..."

These captions are inspired by the 55 word story challenge.

For those interested, subscribers of the Enthusiast tier can see newer 55 word captions, and request these 55 word stories to become 55 word expansions (same image with a word count of 550 to 1K words). Limit 5 per month.
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