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MBPanda Writes
Author of smut with story and character.
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Teyvat Troubles - Ei (October Poll Catch-up)

 Ei allows a rogue warrior to defend his honor and loses hers.

It wasn’t every day that Ei came out of the plane of Euthymia. Then again, since she had come to alter her thinking of how to govern Inazuma, there had been little trouble demanding her immediate attention. She had made peace with the rebels and worked with them to make life better for all citizens. However, it appeared someone didn't approve of her methods.

A tall man with wind-swept black hair stood before her in chains and held by two guards. His hard green eyes caught Ei's, and she stared back. Flecks of grey dotted his dark, long beard, marking his growing age. Broad shoulders, a multitude of scars, and sculpted muscles marked him as a lifelong warrior. Many people would find him quite an intimidating opponent.

But not Ei. No matter how skilled the man might be, he would never come to match her power. That didn’t appear to faze him, though. He had led a raid on Narukami Shrine and must have known her retribution for such a blasphemous act would be swift. Not to mention the threat to Miko’s life. That, perhaps, angered her more.

“Ronin Hiroto,” Kujou Sara said in a clear, commanding voice, addressing the prisoner. “You are being tried for an attack on Narukami Shrine, killing several guards, and threatening the life of a personal friend of the Almighty Shogun herself. Do you have anything to say for yourself?”

An amused smile quirked Hiroto’s mouth. “It doesn’t matter what I say, does it? You already have your mind made up.” He glanced past Sara and locked eyes with Ei. A thrill ran down her spine. “Your glorious Shogun, perhaps, might be swayed.”

Indignation flashed across Sara’s face. “I think you’ll find—”

“Sara,” Ei said, stepping forward. “That is enough. He means to upset you, to rile you up. Don’t let him.”

“Sorry, Your Excellency.” Sara pivoted toward Ei and bent into a deep bow.

Ei shook her head. “At ease. You have nothing to apologize for.” Continuing, she approached Hiroto, yet she kept a relative distance. No need to grace him with her presence in full. “You have words for me? Speak them before I pass my judgment.”

Chains jingled as Hiroto shifted around. “I always respected your strength and abilities, but I will never agree with how you try to run Inazuma. You claim to have had a change of mind, but I do not see it. The people shouldn’t be bound to you or your whims. That is why I rebel.”

“I see.” Ei brought her hand, curled, up by her chin. Thoughts drifted through her mind, but she couldn’t understand Hiroto’s perspective. “The people want, need a leader. Chaos would take these lands otherwise. I do agree that they should not be at my beck and call as they have been in the past. It was a mistake on my part. One that I am making great strides to address. Still, that does not give you free rein to do as you wish. Therefore, you must be punished for your reckless actions.”

“I had hoped to test that new resolve of yours, but,” Hiroto sighed, shaking his head, “your words are nothing more than lies.” Disappointment shone all over his face, yet his eyes burned with determination.

Anger sparked within Ei. She swallowed it down and took several steps forward, closing the gap between her and Hiroto. “You attack a great shrine, injure and kill innocent people, and you dare to question my actions, my principles?”

“It seems I won’t get through to you.” A curious thought passed over Hiroto’s expression. “Perhaps your honor is still intact, though I doubt that.” Raising his hands as much as possible, bound, he pointed at Ei. “I challenge you to a duel, Almighty Shogun. A test of skill and steel—no godly powers.

“If you defeat me, I will go quietly to whatever fate you deem fit. However, if you lose, I gain my freedom, and you have to do me a…favor as recompense for your mistakes.” He flashed her a smug, self-righteous smirk.

“Very well,” Ei said without more than a second’s worth of thought. While many people believed in her, she thought it might be a good move to show she is not above it all, untouchable. “If that is what you wish, I will make it so.”

“S-shogun,” Sara stammered, sweeping up beside Ei. “Are you sure about this? He can’t be trusted.”

Ei shot Sara a determined look, and she recoiled. “He is my prisoner, Sara. I will deal with him.”

“Okay.” Sara stepped back, relinquishing any and all protest or say in the matter.

Ei turned from Sara and caught the attention of one of the guards. “Release him and give him your sword. Stay clear of our duel and do not intervene.” She panned her gaze around the room, focusing on Sara. “Any of you.”

Every single person in the room nodded at Ei’s order, save Hiroto. The soldiers at his side uncuffed him, and one of them drew his katana. Hiroto held his right hand out, waiting. Hesitation came over the man, but he followed through. The instant he relinquished his katana, he scurried away. Fear struck her subjects; time to put their minds at ease.

As Hiroto spun his weapon around, testing its balance and feel, Ei summoned a spear to her own hand. It materialized in a flash of violet. The blade curved back in a sublet slope, and the butt finished in a golden spike. She had wielded the polearm many times in the countless years she existed. This was just yet another battle she would overcome.

Hiroto grinned, and he glanced up at Ei. “Whenever you are ready, Shogun.”

“You have the first strike.” Concentration swept over Ei, and she prepared herself. Her grip tightened on the shaft of her spear. “Take it.”

The grin on Hiroto’s face broadened, and he snapped forward. Steel flashed. The tip of the blade swung in a short, upward arc. Ei choked up on her weapon and interposed it between her and the attack. Metal clanged as they clashed together. The force behind his strike didn’t prove all that threatening. A probe?

Pressure relented in an instant, and Hiroto shifted to the side. He retreated before lashing out again. This time, he came closer, but Ei still blocked him. The momentum of the swipe went astray, and he followed along with it. She pivoted, not moving from her spot. If she could defeat him without relinquishing any ground, she would demonstrate herself as a true ruler.

A flurry flashed at Ei, but she deflected all of them. The screeching of metal echoed in the vast, open chamber. Sparks flew. The intent behind each strike betrayed Hiroto’s hatred for her. She had made mistakes in the past but for someone to loathe her with so much passion…she wouldn’t change his mind.

Hiroto lunged at Ei with a lightning-quick stab. She shifted, juking the blow. Air rushed by her, ruffling her billowing sleeves and loose clothing. The blade snapped to the side and charged her. She flicked her wrist to the left, bringing her spear in front of her. Force struck her and caused her to skid across the floor.

Ei grunted as Hiroto continued to push her back. He applied a bit more strength before he slipped away. She took an additional step back to put more distance between them. With a spin, she brought her armament to bear and countered his slash with a thrust. He parried her strike away, but she flipped the butt of her weapon up.

A dull thud sounded as Ei bludgeoned Hiroto in the hip. He grimaced and floundered to the side. She didn’t let him recover, throwing herself at him. A quick series of stabs targeted several parts of his body. He dodged or blocked each one of them, concentration darkening his face. She pushed him to his limits. Not to be unexpected for a human facing an archon.

Clothing tore as the edge of Ei’s blade sliced through Hiroto’s defenses. He managed to prevent her from skewering him, but he couldn’t do much else. That didn’t appear to deter him, however. An opponent like him wouldn’t concede after losing a few tiny exchanges. He needed to plan a way to strike back at her before she overwhelmed him.

Steel screeched as Hiroto brought his katana up to thwart Ei. Her spear dragged along its length, striking the tsuba. Muscles strained, both of theirs, as they pushed their strength and will against one another’s. She stepped forward, bringing her arms to bear. Sandals scraped on the floor as he slipped under her assault.

Ei smirked and pressed on. She shoved Hiroto to the side, and, unable to pull away, he fell with her drive. He stumbled in the direction of her attack. Their weapons came apart, and she drew back for another, final strike. The point of her spear caught the center of his blade, glinting off. She huffed, dissatisfied.

Hiroto took one hand off his sword and snatched at Ei’s haft. She yanked but not fast enough. His thick fingers wrapped around and gripped. Strength tugged, and she lurched forward. Pain flared on her left arm as steel bit into her flesh. The superficial wound would do nothing to slow her down or to settle this duel.

To disengage, Ei spun her weapon. The shifting, altering force ripped it right out of Hiroto’s hand, and she hopped backward. He didn’t let his chance fall by the wayside. A scraping sound rose, and he lunged at her. She snapped her armament to the side, batting aside his blade. However, it didn’t work the way she expected.

An arm flew around Ei’s waist, and she flinched. Hiroto grabbed her tight before she slipped out of his grasp, and his shoulder slammed into her gut. She gasped at the sudden hit, but she didn’t relent. Her heels dug into the wooden floor, preventing her from sliding the way her opponent desired. She brought her left fist forward in a broad arc.

Bone greeted Ei’s knuckles as they thumped into Hiroto’s jaw. He grunted against her punch but carried on. The tip of his blade slid upward, slicing through her right sleeve. She could replace the garment with ease, but the principle of her allowing him to harm even such an insignificant thing weighed heavy on her. She was better than this.

The world flew past Ei in a blur. Weightlessness overwhelmed her, and she toppled. Air rushed out of her lungs as her back hit the floor, and Hiroto landed atop her. Steel pressed into her. She grit her teeth and winced, pain and dishonor overtaking her. How did she allow him to get one over on her?

“It’s over, Shogun,” Hiroto growled as he kept her pinned to the ground. The threat of the point at her side prevented her from struggling too much.

Indignation flickered through Ei. She shouldn’t have let her guard down, to allow this man to overpower her. If not for her honor, she could have used her powers to dispatch him with ease. He never would have lasted more than a second. However, she swallowed down the bitterness that arose. More at herself than the criminal atop her.

“Fine. You win.” Ei let out a sigh and dismissed her weapon. “Now, get off me.”

Laughter bubbled out of Hiroto. “I don’t know, Your Excellency. I believe this position suits you quite well.”

“You asked for your freedom, and you already disgraced me enough.” Ei raised her knee, brushing Hiroto’s thigh. “Leave.”

“If you recall, you also said you would agree to one more favor.” Hiroto bucked, pressing something hard against Ei. Her heart leapt into her throat.

Panic began to set in. Did the bastard really have an erection right now? “You can’t be…”

“I’d say my performance was worthy of earning me a romp with the esteemed electro archon.” A mischievous smirk quirked Hiroto’s lips. “Unless you would like to go back on your word. In front of your loyal subjects.”

“Your Excellency,” Sara shouted, hurrying over toward her. Ei sighed and stuck her hand up, and Sara stopped. “You…”

Ei tilted her head back until her eyes met Sara’s. “I will be fine. Go. Stand guard outside with the rest.” Firmness grew against her belly, and heat began to seep into her.

Footsteps sounded as Ei turned her attention back to Hiroto. He smiled down at her. Voices, hushed and whispered, echoed in the vaulted room, wriggling into her ears. No doubt they feared for her safety, yet, even more so, they were likely horrified by the implications of what was to happen. She couldn’t believe it herself.

As the giant entryway doors slammed closed, Hiroto chuckled. “I’m surprised. You know, I could kill you here without your guard.”

“You know that is not true.” Raising her hand, Ei put her middle finger and thumb together. “I could snap my fingers and eradicate you. The only reason you are still alive is because I honor my word.”

“Ah, I like your feistiness, Shogun. I hope that doesn’t burn out anytime soon.” Hiroto set his blade aside and let his fingers trail along her Ei’s side. She shivered at his touch.

“Do as you wish.” Ei couldn’t believe she said that. “But make it quick. I have far more important things to tend to.”

Hiroto grinded against Ei, and she groaned. His hardness rubbed her crotch, forcing himself on her. “Oh, it won’t be quick. Trust me. I am going to take my time and enjoy myself. I suggest you do the same. Or don’t. I do not care.”

Before another word passed Ei’s lips, Hiroto made a move. His fingers glided over her belly and tugged at the ties holding her outfit together. They came loose with ease, and she lay there, motionless. What else could she do? Of course, she could kill him, wait an appropriate amount of time, and then call Sara and the others back in. Deception had never been her forte.

“You know,” Hiroto said as his hands continued working. The material at Ei’s shoulders slipped further down, exposing more of her cleavage. “You always looked so lonely. You wouldn’t have to be…if you gave yourself to me and leave this place.”

“I could never be with someone like you,” Ei snapped, glaring up at Hiroto. “Besides, my place is here, leading my people. Not to be some ruffian’s concubine.”

“We’ll see after I’m done with you.” Hiroto tugged, and Ei’s dress fell apart.

Instinct told Ei to cover herself before Hiroto saw her nakedness, but his body stopped her arms from coming up to do so. He drew in a sharp breath as his eyes drifted from hers down to her chest. She shied away from him. While she knew this was the only way this would go, she still didn’t like that she allowed him to take advantage of her.

Hands, firm and rough, cupped Ei’s breasts, and she squirmed beneath Hiroto. She groaned. “You have some really nice tits. It’s a shame no one else gets to play with them. Or do you allow your priestess friend to have her fill?”

“Do not speak of her,” Ei managed before she sucked in air to suppress a shameful noise.

“All right, all right. I’ll focus on you.” Hiroto tweaked Ei’s left nipple between his forefinger and thumb. She grit her teeth, and her back arched. “You seem rather sensitive. It’s been a long time, hasn’t it?”

Ei clamped her mouth shut and struggled to remain silent, but she succeeded. Hiroto’s manhood, still separated by multiple layers of clothing, pressed against her womanhood. Something shot through her, something she would rather ignore. There was no way that this man could draw anything out of her but disgust. She had to believe that.

Disappointment flashed over Hiroto’s face, but he continued to fondle Ei. With her top stripped away, hanging onto her arms by the sleeves, her panties were the only thing to remain, save her leggings. She prayed that they would stay that way, yet she knew better. He would have his way with her one way or another. Nothing would change that now.

“Your skin is so nice and soft and smooth,” Hiroto breathed as he groped Ei’s breasts, his fingers sinking into her supple flesh. His breathing turned sharper, more ragged. Lust radiated from his actions, his expression, and his words. “I wonder how the rest of you feels.”

A grumbling murmur reverberated in Ei’s throat. The hungry, mischievous grin on Hiroto’s face broadened. “Have something to say? Perhaps you have a place you want me to explore first.”

“No,” Ei said without hesitation. “I have nothing else to say to you.”

“Ah, then we’d better put that pretty mouth of yours to some other use if you’re not going to speak to me.” Without warning, Hiroto shot up off Ei.

Coolness swept in to replace Hiroto’s body heat, and Ei shivered. Even with the room to do so now, she didn’t cover herself. Perhaps shock had set in—she couldn’t believe her situation—or what he was going to do to her. Her nipples stood on end, and she managed to pinch her legs together. The hem of her stockings teased her inner thighs.

Hiroto’s hands found his belt buckle, and he smirked down at Ei. “Get up. Unless you would rather I facefuck you down there on the ground.”

Disgust wrinkled Ei’s nose, and she rose. Part of her thought to throw her robes back on, to cover her shame, yet she couldn’t bring herself to do it. Instead, she let the ripped sleeves slide down her arms away from her body. Exposed from the waist up, she stood. Her legs wobbled, but she regained her composure.

“No, no. On your knees, Your Excellency.” The clasp on Hiroto’s pants popped free, and the material slackened.

Ei knelt before Hiroto. He pitched a tent in the front of his trousers, and she pursed her lips. Amusement played on his face as he yanked his shirt up over his head. Strong, sculpted muscles appeared. Of course, she understood he kept his body in tip-top shape from the way he carried himself, the power behind his blows.

“How long has it been since you’ve seen a cock?” Hiroto asked, unbuttoning his pants.

“It does not matter.” Ei had no time for this nonsense. “Get on with it.”

Fabric rustled as Hiroto loosened his clothing. “As you wish.” He tugged down.

Thick and long, Hiroto’s cock sprang free. Ei flinched backward to avoid being slapped in the face, and surprise gripped her. She swallowed, eyes wide. He wobbled in front of her, pre-cum leaking from his tip. Defined ridges flared around his bulbous cockhead. He proved quite capable in more ways than one. She might struggle with such a specimen.

Self-satisfaction spread across Hiroto’s face. “What, biggest you’ve ever seen?”

Ei wiped the shocked, astounded expression off her face and reeled in her emotions. “It does not matter.”

Hiroto placed a large, meaty hand atop Ei’s head, weighing heavy on her. “Maybe not, but I can tell you’re surprised. Well, cast that surprise aside or put it to good use. Before I force it.” He pushed on her, shoving her toward his looming dick.

“Fine,” Ei snapped, drawing close enough to have her lips press to Hiroto’s cock.

Pressure gave way, and Ei swayed. Her gaze flicked up to Hiroto, who shot her an eager grin. She rolled her eyes, sighed, and steeled herself. Her hands came up while she refocused on the daunting member before her. She would have to wrangle him first and take things one at a time at her own pace…as long as he allowed her the opportunity.

Hardness and warmth filled Ei’s grasp as she wrapped her delicate fingers around Hiroto’s firm, girthy shaft. A deep, grumbling murmur escaped him. He relaxed his grip on her, but he didn’t remove his hand from her head. That weight, presence urged her on. More so to prevent him from taking control of the situation than the desire to please him.

Ei, allowing her instinct to take over, stroked up and down Hiroto’s length. Smooth skin passed under her digits and through her palms as she worked, interrupted by several distinct veins. She nodded—she could do this. The life of an archon provided many trials for her to overcome. This kind of thing, however, didn’t pop up much.

“That’s it,” Hiroto said in a growling but pleased voice. “Jerk me off with those skilled hands. But don’t forget to use that sweet mouth of yours.”

Ridges bumped up against Ei as she moved, and she slowed. Her bare chest rose and fell as she psyched herself up to do what she needed to do. Goosebumps rippled along her arms, and her hair stood up on the back of her neck. While she continued to slide up and down, she couldn’t take that last little step. How could she?

Ei swallowed, hard. Hiroto's expectant, mocking gaze burned the top of her head. She ran her hands down to the base of his manhood, bunching up against one another. He hovered in front of her, still, and she leaned in. The pre-cum that dribbled from his tip disgusted her, but she couldn’t stop now. Ignoring it as much as possible, she wrapped her lips around the head.

Salty bitterness marred Ei's tongue the instant it connected with Hiroto. She grimaced and almost shot back away from him, but she resisted the sudden urge. Rather, she took more of him into her mouth. His girth caused her jaw to open further, stretching it the slightest bit. He would put her through her paces.

“Very good.” Amusement played in Hiroto's voice. His fingers wove into Ei’s hair, and she tensed, expecting the worst. “You look even more beautiful with my cock in your mouth. It must be my lucky day.”

Ei grumbled her dissatisfaction, the vibrations traveling along his length. Hiroto groaned and smiled down at her. Annoyance burned within her, yet she could do nothing about it. She pressed on, swallowing more and more of him. His broad, fat cockhead hit the back of her throat, and she gagged in surprise. She wouldn’t let him beat her again.

Inhaling through her nostrils, Ei centered her mind. She slid further down Hiroto’s dick. Saliva dribbled out of her stretched lips, but she ignored it. The more she devoured, the more he strained her. She only managed a little more than half of him, but she felt pushed to her limits. Any more and she might break; however, she had to do this.

Soft fabric greeted Ei’s palms as her hands dropped from around Hiroto’s cock to her thighs. She straightened her back and scooted closer, giving her better leverage to perform. The more she drove to swallow the rest of him, the more her fingers curled. Her nails caught on her leggings and almost tore them as they balled into a fist.

Gagging eked out of Ei, and tears welled in her eyes. Little more than an inch remained between her and the base. Her chest swelled, and she forced that last little bit. The tip of her nose bent against Hiroto’s crotch as she devoured him in his entirety. His manhood twitched, causing her to choke. Despite the panicked need to pull back, she held herself there.

“Good girl,” Hiroto said in a breathy voice. He stroked Ei’s hair until she flicked her eyes up to his. Her vision blurred as she teared up. “How’s my cock in your tight throat? Amazing? Delicious?”

Ei attempted to respond, but little more than unintelligible rumblings seeped out of her. Hiroto groaned, rubbing himself against her face. Weighty balls rested on her chin, which begged to be drained. Of course, by the end of it, they would be. She didn’t know if this body could become pregnant, but she knew he wouldn’t spare her if that was a possibility.

Hiroto smirked and tugged Ei back by his grip in her hair. She slipped a couple inches, and glistening man-meat reappeared. “Now, how about you show me what that mouth is capable of?"

Flexing her clenched hands, Ei forced herself into motion. She retreated, inch after inch sliding out. Saltiness lingered on her tongue as she slithered along the underside of his dick on her way back to the tip. If his flavor was so potent now, her head would spin when he came inside her.

Ridges scraped the roof of Ei’s mouth, her cheeks, and squished against her lips. She stopped, suckling, as she caught her breath. With Hiroto no longer blocking her throat, air rushed into her lungs. They inflated and functioned, thankful for oxygen. She continued to tease him while she recovered. He groaned and twitched under her methodical ministrations.

“You’re so eager, Shogun.” Hiroto grinned at Ei, cocking his hips forward. More of his dick slipped into her, and she let out a surprised little noise. “I like that.”

Being praised by the bastard humiliated Ei, yet she didn’t stop. Rather, she picked up her efforts. With a deep breath, she ran down his length again. He disappeared with the swift motion until she kissed the root of his cock. Nails dug into the back of her head, and her braid loosened. Part of her was amazed he didn’t take over, but she assumed he wanted her to debase herself at least first.

Ei didn’t hold still, impaled on Hiroto’s manhood, this time. She reeled backward, sucking to make sure her lips dragged the length of his shaft to prevent any mess. If she got out of this without being covered in filth, she would count that as a win. Regardless of whatever else happened to her after, the man already violated her.

Slurping sounds rose as Ei bobbed her head along Hiroto’s member. Her tongue slithered and teased here and there whenever possible. As he crammed down her throat, all her other functions slackened. It took all her attention to bear his girth and length. Her jaw began to ache, stretched to its limits over and over again.

A wild strand of saliva extended from the base of Hiroto’s man-meat and snapped. Wetness struck Ei’s left breast, covering her stiff nipple. A shiver ran through her, and her back arched. It appeared her body desired to be touched, and shame seared her to her core. She only hoped that he didn’t notice her involuntary reaction.

“That’s good.” Hiroto tightened his grip on Ei, using it to help guide her up and down his cock. “You’re very good at this.” Laughter bubbled out of him. “Far more skilled with a cock than a spear, don’t you think?”

Anger flared within Ei’s chest, and she thought about biting Hiroto as she withdrew. Despite her passionate emotions, she restrained herself. Instead, she sucked harder and flicked the tip of her tongue through his leaking slit. He moaned as saltiness washed over her taste buds. The faster she made him cum, the less time he would have to insult and humiliate her. She hoped.

Throbbing ran through Hiroto’s length. He groaned against Ei’s ministrations, and she picked up her tempo. Loose strands of hair fell out of her braided, swept-back locks and tickled her face. She would brush them back into place after she was done. He slammed into the back of her throat, and she gagged. Drool dribbled out over her bottom lip.

Aching pain rippled out from Ei’s balled-up fists on her thighs. She tightened up so much that she couldn’t bring herself to relax. The ache drove her on. Fat dick penetrated and stretched her more and more. Her lungs burned, and her muscles weakened. The sooner she got this finished, the sooner she could calm down.

Ei’s body swayed with her motions, and her breasts jiggled. The only saving grace for the moment was that he wasn’t—A thick, meaty hand pawned at her right tit. She tensed at Hiroto’s touch, wavering in her ministrations. He let out a low, rumbling noise of approval and squeezed. Her soft, supple flesh yielded to his firm grasp, and a muffled moan eked out of her.

“What was that, Your Excellency?” Hiroto asked, unable to hide the amusement and pride in his voice. He groped her, unrestrained, tweaking her sensitive nipple. “I thought you said you would never like this. I guess you don’t know yourself that well. Don’t worry; I’ll enlighten you.”

Struggling against Hiroto’s touch, Ei continued to work herself up and down his daunting dick. Fingers sank into her tits while he fondled her. She wanted to fight him off, to make him only paw at her head or at least something not so intimate, but she failed. All she could do was blow him, and he knew it, expected it. What else could she do?

A sharp huff of air rushed out of Hiroto, and he groaned, throbbing. “You’re getting me close. I would be upset, but I cannot deny your skill at sucking cock.” He rolled her needy nub between his thumb and index finger and tightened the grip in her hair. “Go all out and make me cum, or I will make you.”

Ei’s heart hammered in her chest, and her breath caught in her throat. She obeyed, throwing herself at Hiroto with wild abandon. His dick lanced her, in and out, causing gags and squelching to rise from her each time she devoured him in full. Twitching enveloped him, and he moaned his approval. She had him so close.

As Ei swallowed Hiroto, he forced her into his crotch. Her face slapped into him, her nose turning up on his belly. Testicles swung and smacked her under her chin. She attempted to pull back, and he tugged. She shot back up to the tip before he jerked her around and crammed her back down his manhood. So much for him allowing her to do as she desired.

“Fuck,” Hiroto growled as he plunged himself into Ei over and over. “Your throat is so good. I’m going to cum.” Panic flared, and she tried to push back against his forcefulness. He didn’t budge. “Make sure you swallow it all.”

The world rushed by Ei in a blur as Hiroto used her for his own pleasure. Her vision blurred, and her head spun. Fingers toyed with her breast and nipple, sending shivers down her spine. While she wished to say she didn’t find enjoyment in his groping, she couldn’t deny her body’s reactions. However, shame superseded such base, instinctual pleasures.

Saliva leaked from Ei’s mouth and dribbled off Hiroto’s sloppy shaft. Tears welled in her eyes as she ran up and down his length at breakneck speed, bending to his will. She had no say in the matter. He would use her until he climaxed and pump his seed into her stomach. As much as she didn’t want to admit it, she preferred this outcome to being covered in his spunk.

Hiroto grunted as he slammed Ei against him and thrust deeper than ever. The force of the blow caused her to tremble, nose bent to his crotch. She sucked in a deep breath, and his cock jumped. Thick, hot jizz shot down her throat. Her body tensed up, stunned at the sudden eruption. Pulses surged through his length, and his balls contracted.

Rope after rope of cum fired off inside Ei. She recovered from her shock just in time to gulp down what Hiroto gave her before it backed up and drowned her. The viscous seed slid down her esophagus into her stomach, filling her with the copious amounts he emptied into her. Bitter sweetness seeped up into her mouth, and she grimaced.

In spite of Ei’s frantic efforts, more spunk continued to spurt from Hiroto’s cock. A fullness began to swell within her, but she couldn’t stop. Not now. He tweaked her nipple, causing her to yelp and flounder. Cum graced her tongue, and she shivered. Her eyes fluttered, overwhelmed. How much could one man fire off?

“Congrats, Your Excellency, you got it all,” Hiroto said, holding back mocking laughter with minimal success. “I guess you are the almighty god of this land…of sucking dick.”

Tension slackened, and Ei shot back away from Hiroto. Her lungs burned, and she hoped he would allow her to breathe now that she got him off. To her relief, he didn’t stop her. She popped off his manhood with a wet smack. A combination of her saliva and his jizz stretched between the tip and her lips. Her chest rose and fell with quick, shallow breaths.

Hiroto eased back, and the strand connecting them snapped. It draped across Ei’s chin and part of it landed in her cleavage. Goosebumps pricked her flesh, and she trembled. Why did he let him do something like that to her, something so demeaning? She was thankful that she had told her subjects to leave her. No one should see her like this.

Even though he just came, Hiroto remained rock-hard. He smirked down at her, pacing in front of her. His cock bounced and wobbled with the motions, and her hazy eyes followed its every movement. “I have to say, that was quite good. I think you earned a say in how I fuck you.”

Indignation flared, and Ei’s gaze shot up to Hiroto. “How about you take what you got a leave?”

“Now, now.” Hiroto came to a stop and waggled his finger…and his dick. “That’s not how this works. You agreed to our arrangement; you owe me whatever I wish until I’m satisfied.” He cracked a smirk, curiosity burning in his eyes. “How do you want to get fucked?”

“I—” Ei snapped her mouth closed, inhaled, and steadied herself. “From behind. That way I don’t have to look at you.”

Raising an eyebrow, Hiroto gawked at Ei’s naked upper half. “Tell yourself whatever you’d like. I do appreciate that my load didn’t extinguish that fire of yours, though.” He gestured with his hand. “Get up.”

Ei unclenched her fists, her fingers aching. She bit her lip and tore her gaze off Hiroto as she rose. Her knees buckled, but she managed to remain upright. She wavered, standing before him. He took stock of her, glancing up and down her body. She still retained her underwear, but they would be coming off soon. She turned around.

Footsteps echoed behind Ei, and she flinched despite herself. She knew Hiroto would creep up on her; she already knew his touch. That didn’t make things any better. While she didn’t enjoy sucking on him, it didn't petrify her like what was about to happen. She stood there, quivering, as he approached her. Something hard, hot, and slimy pressed to her asscheek.

Hands slipped onto Ei’s hips, and she jumped. Breaths rushed over her bare skin as Hiroto laughed at her foolishness. Fingers trailed down and teased the waistband of her undergarments. She didn’t want him to discover that she had soaked them. He would, of course, there was no way around it. She, however, prayed.

Ei yelped as Hiroto slid one hand between her legs, brushing against her damp crotch. “Oh, what do we have here?” He applied more pressure and rubbed her through the thin layer of material. “It looks like you soaked your panties while blowing me…or am I mistaken?” Warm breath blew over her neck and ear, sending shivers down her spine.

“Just shut up and do whatever will get you out of my life the quickest.” Ei resisted the urge to peek back over her shoulder. It would do her no good.

Hiroto grabbed and tore away Ei’s last vestiges of honor. She swayed with the forceful motion. “You really want my cock to go in,” Hiroto slipped between Ei’s legs and parted her folds with his slimy cockhead, “here, huh?”

A shameful whimper eked out of Ei despite her best efforts. Laughter bubbled up from Hiroto, but he didn’t say a word. Instead, he pushed himself further into her leaking entrance. She opened up for him with ease and almost eagerness. No matter how much she screamed in her head that she didn’t want this, her body craved his fat cock.

One of Hiroto’s hands slapped Ei’s back, and she bent over. Her long braid slid over her shoulder and hung down, swaying. In this position, he could plunge into her without resistance…and he intended to do just that. He lingered, only the head of his manhood pressing against her. She wanted to stumble away from him, to make him work for it, but she moved opposite her desires.

“Look at that,” Hiroto mused as he drummed his fingers on Ei’s belly. “You’re moving back toward me on your own. You really do want me to fuck you.”

“That’s not—”

Ei’s protest transformed into a high-pitched squeal. Hiroto’s dick penetrated her, sinking in deep. Force hauled her back, and her insides presented little to no resistance. His thickness stretched her open the further he sank. Inch after inch of his vile cock filled her. She didn’t know how much of him vanished inside her, and she didn’t want to know.

An appreciative noise, almost a whistle, escaped Hiroto as he stuffed her. “Now that’s what I’m talking about. You’re so tight, Your Excellency, but you’re also very wet. So, I slide right in.”

Warmth engulfed Ei’s backside, and pubic hair tickled her sensitive skin. Hiroto hilted in her and stopped, resting with his dick all the way in. She attempted to squirm, to pull away, but his commanding grip held her in place. Instead, all she did was stand there, bent over, as he reshaped her insides for his cock.

Groans and pleased huffs seeped out of Hiroto. He gyrated his hips, grinding against Ei’s ass. The heaviness of his balls brushed the top of her womanhood, and she mewled. Any noise she made, however faint, caused him to twitch in her vulnerable depths. Perhaps her pussy would make him cum far quicker than her blowjob. Wishful thinking.

Hiroto leaned in closer to Ei, his weight and dominating presence bearing down on her. “How would you like it, Shogun? Hard and fast like a beast or soft and slow like a lover?”

Part of Ei craved to tell Hiroto to go easy on her while another part longed to tell him off. If her efforts from earlier were any indication, he would take her however he saw fit regardless of what she asked or wanted. Instead, she remained silent. It was better this way—it gave him less ammunition to use against her when he felt like prodding her.

“No preference? All right. I’ll surprise you.” Without hesitation, Hiroto gripped Ei’s waist and pulled out, slow.

As Hiroto withdrew from Ei’s womanhood, her insides clung to him, not wishing to let go. She cursed herself for her body’s careless reactions. While she had no real control over it, it brought her great shame to show any kind of desire for or pleasure from him. He loved it. Somehow, he noticed each tiny, minute detail and savored it.

The instant Hiroto reached Ei’s entrance, he stopped. Broad ridges rested just inside her, spreading her lower lips for her violator. She sighed, drinking in every second he wasn’t stuffing and ploughing her. Her reprieve didn’t last long. Squeezing her, he thrust. His dick lanced her in its entirety, and their flesh clapped together.

Ei moaned, loud and unable to resist. She clamped her mouth shut as soon as possible, but it was too late; the damage had already been done. Hiroto had heard her cry out for his manhood, and there was no taking it back. Rather than mock her for her unbecoming outburst, he decided to drill into her.

Hiroto pumped back and forth, plunging into Ei’s naughty cunt over and over again. She bit her lip and attempted to suppress any unwanted noises from escaping her again. However, each time he slammed into her, splitting her in half, she let a little slip. Shame seared her, but what else could she do? Her breasts jiggled and swung in time with every impact.

“Don’t be shy, little goddess,” Hiroto whispered, his nails digging into her hips. “Let it out.” He drove himself into her harder, striking deeper. “Shout so loud that everyone outside can hear how much of a slut you are for my cock.”

The thought of any of her subjects hearing her in such pathetic, carnal excitement mortified Ei. None of them would ever look at her the same. Especially Sara or Miko. A flicker of terror ran through her, and she tightened up around Hiroto’s unstoppable dick. He grunted and crashed into her bottom. Slaps and claps rang out, echoing in the vast chamber.

“Did you just get tighter when I mentioned your people hearing you?” Hiroto asked despite knowing the answer clear as day. Arousal trailed down Ei’s thigh as he forced it out of her. “Maybe we should take this outside; show them your true face.”

“No,” Ei blurted out before her voice turned into a shrill moan. Her head and shoulders slumped, and she sighed between harsh breaths trying to keep up with Hiroto’s thrusts. “Isn’t this enough, getting to fuck me unrestrained?”

Hiroto didn’t respond. Not with words. He crashed into Ei over and over, lancing her deeper. Her flesh jiggled, sending her rocking with his motions. As much as she might try to fight it, she was locked in his rhythm now. Nothing could get her out of it other than letting him ravage her to completion.

Groans eked out of Hiroto, and he glided up Ei’s sides. “I suppose I can be satisfied with having complete control over your body.” He stroked her ribs, outlining each one, as he made his move. Rough, large hands cupped her tits, and she couldn’t help but moan. “Fuck. These are incredible. To think that no one has enjoyed them in so very long.”

Ei wanted to scream at Hiroto, to make him unhand her, but she couldn’t deny the pleasure being groped brought her. He was right—it had been far too long since she received any kind of attention. And something about how harsh and uncaring he was with her triggered something deep within her. Delightful tingles danced along her skin.

Cock continued to pound into Ei, stretching and plundering her poor pussy. Ecstasy rippled through her each time Hiroto struck home, and she quavered. He pulled her back, supporting her even as he drove into her from behind. If not for his strong, perverse grasp on her, she would have collapsed to the ground long ago.

Dizziness swept through Ei. She made to steel herself, to regain her composure, but she failed. Between Hiroto’s fondling, and his dick plunging into her, she couldn’t catch a break. Not that her body desired or required one. Squelching rose the faster he thrust into her, and fluids gushed from her, staining her leggings.

Hiroto tweaked both of Ei’s nipples at once, and she tossed her head back, screaming. Thickness struck her from behind and set her nerves a blaze. Something built up deep within her. She longed the bury it, to shove it back down and ignore it, but it came all the same. This bastard was going to make her cum.

“You’re getting so tight and letting out all sorts of lovely noises,” Hiroto said between sharp breaths of his own, the claps of their bodies joining in carnal bliss, and Ei’s overbearing moans. “Don’t tell me: you’re getting close to cumming already?”

“Oh, fuck,” Ei breathed, unable to control herself. Hiroto thrust into her with such force, vigor, and speed that she couldn’t focus on anything, much less keep from sinking into the pleasure inundating her.

Wicked laughter escaped Hiroto, and he squeezed Ei’s breasts harder. “You’re really something, Your Excellency. So stern but yet so naughty. Go ahead, though. I won’t deny you such pleasures.” As if to coax her on, he increased his tempo, plugging away at her without end.

No matter how Ei looked at it or how hard she tried to prevent it from happening, she was going to climax. Sooner rather than later. Her legs remained locked in position, unable to move under Hiroto’s relentless assault. Even if she managed it, he wouldn’t let her slip away. Not now. The moment she came, she would become his whether she wanted to or not.

Convulsions overtook Ei as Hiroto toyed with her tits and ploughed her needy cunt. Her eyes began to roll into the back of her head, and she lost all semblance of control. She clamped down on his driving dick and shrieked. Wave after wave of pleasure wracked her body, and she squirted juices from her battered pussy. Bliss reigned.

“Oh, wow,” Hiroto said in shock and excitement. He never stopped fucking Ei. “You really went off there. You’re getting me all wet, you naughty thing.” Fingertips dimpled her breasts as he gripped her tighter. “I love it.”

Hiroto grunted as he thrust into Ei’s spasming cunt. It attempted to milk him for everything he had, but he overpowered it, plunging into her despite its insistence. Sharp, breathy moans poured out of her as she rode out her potent orgasm while he worked oh so hard to build up another one before she even finished this one. Her limbs shook, and she couldn’t support herself.

Ei’s feet slipped, and she dropped. Hiroto enveloped her, preventing her from collapsing, but she had no strength left anymore. One of his hands remained on her tit, but the other sought her hip. He squeezed her yet again, rolled her hypersensitive nipple between his fingers, and retreated. She slumped forward, and he caught her by her long braid.

With a yank, Hiroto ripped Ei back upright. Pressure and pain flared at the back of her head where her hair connected. That sharp, little bite only seemed to accentuate the pleasure still coursing through her from his relentless assault. Why was she like this? How could she let something as opposite as agony fuel her unwanted delight?

“Hold on there, Shogun,” Hiroto hauled her further up by his commanding grip on her, and his voice increased in volume. “I can’t let you fall now. We have so much more to enjoy together.”

Ei attempted to glance about the place. Her vision swam, brought on by the ecstasy rampaging through her and the lightheadedness her sudden and violent treatment instilled in her. Over her shoulder, she caught sight of Hiroto. He grinned at her, and his face twisted in ecstatic concentration. While he acted like she was nothing more than a bitch in heat for him, he found great pleasure in her.

Force tugged Ei back, and her shoulders bumped into something—Hiroto’s chest. Lust burned in his eyes, and she couldn’t take hers off them regardless of how hard she tried. He had her at his mercy, not that she hadn’t been before. “A leader should always stand up straight. Don’t you think?”

The smug bastard. Mewling eked out of Ei, and she rocked and swayed with his rhythm. He had every right to be. Not only had he defeated her in a test of skill, but he also overwhelmed her in carnal acts as well. She could do nothing against him in this position, and she had no one to blame but her. If only she listened to Sara and denied him his last wish.

Ei bounced with each of Hiroto’s thrusts and found herself pushing back into them. The realization terrified her, but she couldn’t stop. She wanted his cock as much as he desired her pussy, and they fought to claim pleasure from the other. If he realized that she did it on her own, he didn’t say anything. Perhaps he proved closer to climaxing than he let on.

Succumbing to her rising ecstasy, Ei coiled around Hiroto tighter and tighter. The groans and grunts coming from him increased with every second. His hips drove into her with renewed vigor, slamming her ass. Their flesh slapped together with each thrust and reverberated in the massive chamber. Harsh, sharp breaths rushed out of them.

“Fuck, you have me close,” Hiroto admitted, struggling against himself. Ei didn’t know why he resisted so much…then again, she had done the same mere moments before. “Your cunt is too good. So tight, so wet, so naughty. I’m going to fill it with my seed.”

Ei’s heart leapt into her throat, but there was no avoiding it now. She remained firm, rocking back into Hiroto as he plugged away at her from behind. Euphoria surged within her, and she fought off her encroaching climax. She had to wait until he came. Not because she desired to share the experience but because she didn’t want to go first and be left wanting.

Hiroto tugged on Ei’s braid and forced her head back. His eyes met hers, and her mouth opened and closed in breathless, gasping moans. She expected him to attempt to kiss her, but he didn’t. Instead, he stared at her as they approached their limits. The tiny flickers of pleasure and dominance and authority that danced in his gaze made her melt. She couldn’t hold off.

“Cumming,” Ei blurted out, eyes rolling into the back of her head.

Grunting, Hiroto slammed into Ei one last time, giving her a long, hard tug for good measure. She squealed in delight and clamped down on his dick as he jumped and erupted. Rope after rope of thick, hot cum shot into her vulnerable depths, painting her insides. As he emptied into her, she gushed, showering him in her excitement.

Humiliation attempted to creep into Ei, but mind-shattering bliss erased it the instant it flickered to life. She convulsed and spasmed on Hiroto’s pulsating cock as he flooded her. Each burst pumped her full of more and more of his jizz. The excess, unable to be contained, oozed out of her poor pussy around his girthy shaft. Tingles danced along her skin.

Ei tensed and clutched and curled. Tension built and built until she thought she would break and then it seeped out of her with a long, drawn-out sigh. Her head spun, and her vision wavered, but she remained upright. Hiroto clenched her hip and her hair, holding her tight against him. Every pulse gave her less and less spunk.

“You made me give you so much, but you couldn’t take it all this time.” Hiroto sounded disappointed, but the satisfaction in his voice came through clear as day. “So much for the Almighty Shogun.”

Words formed in Ei’s head, but as she moved her mouth, they failed to materialize. Instead, heavy panting and soft moans escaped her. Hiroto loosened his grip on her, and she slumped. This time, however, he didn’t attempt to keep her uptight, to cradle her in his arms. She floundered, slipping off his dick, and collapsed. Her hip crashed into the ground, and she rolled to her back.

Ei’s chest rose and fell with her quick, shallow breaths. Seed leaked out of her abused cunt, running down her taint and asshole to the floor. Shivers ran through her. Her vision began to steady, solidify, and Hiroto stood over her, looming. She gulped. His cock was still hard as anything. How could one man produce so much?

Smirking, Hiroto stepped between Ei’s splayed legs. “It seems you enjoyed yourself in the end. That’s good because I’m not quite done with you yet, Your Excellency.”

“You are truly a demon,” Ei said with a sigh. As much as she wished to draw herself up off the ground, she couldn’t force her muscles to listen to her. “At least give me a moment.”

“No can do. I’m still horny as hell, and your pussy is right there, waiting for me to take it again.” Hiroto dropped to his knees, and Ei attempted to snap her thighs together. They crashed into his sides, unable to close.

Glaring at Hiroto, Ei lay on her back. He could take her right then and there, plunge back inside her filthy, stretched womanhood. Nothing would stop him. He reached for her waist, grabbing ahold of her. With a forceful tug, he hauled her up. However, when their intimate bits greeted one another, he continued. Her hips rose off the floor higher and higher.

“Wh-what are you doing?” Ei demanded, anxiety tightening her chest as her heart hammered out of control.

Hiroto flashed Ei a smile as he drew her up onto her shoulder blades. Hair scrunched up and flared out around her. He shoved her legs toward her, until she folded in half, her crotch staring up at him. “Putting you in your place.”

Strain flared along Ei’s spine, but she hadn’t the strength to fight back. Her feet dangled over her head, toes touching the wooden floor. Even more pressure settled down atop her as Hiroto all but sat on her upturned backside. He stepped beside her elbows, and her hands shot out to his knees. She pushed, but she accomplished nothing in her vulnerable position.

“Stop,” Ei stammered, panic flaring up within her. “If you’re insistent on continuing to fuck me, at least don’t put me in this humiliating position.”

“Oh, come on. Where would the fun in that be?” Hiroto shook his head as he rocked his hips back and forth, rubbing his cock through Ei’s drenched folds. “I dominated you fair and square, only reasonable that I can do with your body as I want. Besides, I’ll make you cum again; I promise.”

Hesitation gripped Ei. So many words, thoughts, and insults flew around in her mind, but she silenced them all. What more could she do? “I—Fine.” She let out a harsh sigh. “If I ever see you again after this, I will kill you.”

“We’ll see how you feel after this,” Hiroto said with an amused, knowing smile. “I figure you’ll be inviting me back before long for my services.”

“Oh, shut up and—”

Hiroto plunged his dick back into Ei. She gasped at his sudden intrusion, quavering as his thickness stuffed her full in a single stroke. He had just been inside her, forcing her to orgasm twice, yet he felt just as big as he had when he first threatened her. Pleasure ripped through her, and she moaned in delight. She couldn’t say no to him. Not now.

A shuddering groan rumbled out of Hiroto. “Fuck, this pussy is heavenly. I’m going to have to keep attacking places and defeat you more in the future if you don’t call for me.”

“Just shut up and fuck me, and I’ll let you live after this.” Ei’s chin pressed tight to her chest as force bent her neck against the ground. She stared up at Hiroto past her hanging breasts.

“So you’re admitting you want my cock? You’re finally being honest. Time to reward you for being such a good girl.”

Flexing his thighs, Hiroto rose away from Ei. His cock slipped out of her messy womanhood, yet her insides still clung to him. She shuddered as she watched inch after inch of glistening man-meat reappear. From the other position, she couldn’t see him pound her. This time, she would get a front-row seat to his dick pumping in and out of her.

Shivers ran through Ei as the flared ridges of Hiroto’s broad cockhead peeked out of her lower lips. Her hips rolled forward to prevent him from slipping out of her. The fact that her instincts told her to keep him inside her disgraced her, yet she couldn’t deny it. More than just her body craved his manhood…no matter how much she wished it wasn’t the case.

Hiroto placed his hands on Ei’s taut, stretched asscheeks. They slid down her thighs as he sank back into her. Unlike before, he took things slow. His change surprised as well as frustrated her. She grit her teeth to prevent herself from begging for his cock. He would never let her live it down if she did. Cumming for him multiple times was already bad enough.

Weight rested on Ei’s bottom, pressing her shoulders and neck into the ground. Hiroto’s dick struck her deep, but she craved something more, something harder. She rocked, attempting to coax him into faster movement without saying a word. No doubt he would understand what she desired. She only hoped he picked up on it soon.

An amused grin spread across Hiroto’s face, and he rose again. His fingers glided over Ei’s smooth, silky skin as he moved. Her insides gripped him tighter and stretched out to hold onto him for a single moment longer. Ecstasy swelled within her. If he did give her what she longed for, she would cum in no time. She didn’t care anymore—all she needed was sweet release.

Hiroto’s gaze slipped down from Ei’s eyes to her bosom. Twitches ran through him despite only the tip remaining inside. He sucked in a labored breath and thrust. The entirety of his cock plunged into her, hitting home. She moaned her delight and jiggled with the motion. He retreated the instant he buried himself balls deep in her and started to work up and down.

Ei mewled and writhed beneath Hiroto. Each slap of their joining flesh caused her to slip. However, whenever he rose, she slipped back underneath him into the right position. When he did go all-out on her, she might fall. That only delighted her further, being under his control. She craved the pounding he gave her earlier.

“It’s so good,” Hiroto said as his pace increased, keeping his steady rhythm. “I’m sure all of your guards want to do this to you, but I’m the only one who gets the honor.”

Instead of responding, Ei bit her lip. She focused on the euphoria every one of Hiroto’s thrusts instilled in her. He crashed down into her, sending her tits jiggling. If she bent any further, they might smack her in the face, ample as they were. Many a man, and even some women, have snuck—or attempted to sneak—glances at her cleavage.

Quavering overtook Ei, and she tightened around her thick, unrelenting invader. Hiroto groaned against her tightness but continued to plunge into her with long, deep strokes. With each passing moment, he sped up. His testicles slapped her exposed asshole as he piledrove into her. Pleasure ratcheted higher and higher, and her eyes fluttered.

Despite herself, Ei couldn’t keep her mouth closed. “I-I’m going to cum.” The instant the words left her lips, she gasped, heart leaping up into her throat.

Hiroto throbbed as he crashed into Ei, floundering. A grin spread across his face. “There we go. That’s much better. Your sweet voice: no need to stifle it. Let it out.”

The way Hiroto spoke to Ei while his cock plugged away at her and drove her wild competed her to wish to obey his every command. However, she resisted. At least in part. She didn’t attempt to suppress any of her moans or other unladylike noises she made, but she didn’t tell him what was on her mind.

Ei’s eyes rolled into the back of her head as Hiroto pushed her to the edge. His dick slammed into her poor pussy over and over again, splitting her in two and stretching her to her limits. She let go, throwing all caution to the wind. Her cunt clamped down on the wonderful cock fucking her, and she squealed.

Juices squirted from Ei’s happy womanhood, showering her with her own delight. They flowed into her face and ran down her abdomen to her breasts. Hiroto wished to humiliate her as much as possible, and it was working. What could be more humiliating than cumming all over herself while he continued to piston in and out of her?

Squelching rose more and more as Ei gushed. Her body trembled in ecstasy as her fingers and toes curled tight. She contracted around Hiroto, attempting to milk him. He grumbled and pushed on, faster. Just as before, he didn’t intend to give her a chance to enjoy her climax to the fullest. Instead, he meant to push her from one right to another, relentless.

“Every time you cum,” Hiroto grunted and increased his tempo, “you get so damn tight. I can’t believe it. You’re so wet, too.”

Ei’s head spun, and her own sweetness teased her lips. She attempted to focus, on anything, but failed. Her mind swirled with countless things, yet they were all overpowered by the pleasure Hiroto inflicted on her. Nothing but moans, mewling, and other unladylike noises seeped out of her with each passing second. None of them befitted a woman of her station.

Pressure swelled in Ei’s neck, and she grimaced. However, euphoria blinded her to any discomfort the instant Hiroto thrust back into her. Thickness stretched her wide, and pins and needles danced down her legs to her toes. Claps sounded whenever their bodies joined, resonating. His fat crown struck her g-spot as he drove home, and her voice rose higher in pitch.

“R-right there,” Ei blurted out, much to her shame. Her cheeks burned, but she could do nothing more than lay there, suspended in ecstasy, while Hiroto ravished her.

“Come on, Shogun, tell me more,” Hiroto encouraged, tearing his eyes off her bouncing, glistening tits.

Dryness tightened Ei’s throat. She wanted to obey him, yet some lingering part of her pride held her back. If Hiroto gave her such pleasure, why would she deny something so simple as speaking her mind, her body’s desires? No one else would hear her even if she screamed at the top of her lungs. Besides, if they could, they already would have heard her moans and shrieks.

Swallowing, Ei forced her eyes open. They only managed halfway, but that was enough to meet Hiroto’s expectant, self-satisfied gaze. “Keep fucking me like this with your big, fat cock. Reach so deep into me and stretch my pussy to its limits.”

Pleasure fluttered across Hiroto’s face, and he wavered. “Yes, you’re such a slut, Your Excellency. A couple orgasms, and you’re eating out of the palm of my hand.” He sank his fingers into her supple thighs to gain the leverage he needed to pump faster.

“Yes, yes yes,” Ei shouted, ignoring the nagging voice in the back of her mind. “You’re hitting just the right spots. Faster.” She sucked in a sharp breath. “Faster. Make me a moaning, drooling, leaking mess.”

Letting go filled Ei with such carnal bliss. Each time Hiroto stuffed her, she cried out in utter joy. He throbbed whenever he slammed, balls deep, in her. She started to slip, and he grabbed her and drew her back up. Tremors racked her, and shuddering breaths escaped her. She didn’t know how long she could hold on now freed of her hang-ups.

Hiroto’s brow furrowed in concentration. His dick twitched, wild. Not much longer now, and he wouldn’t be able to deny her either. She coiled around his wonderful, plunging cock and pawed at his knees. Her fingernails raked his skin, leaving behind small red trails. She rocked her hips, humping the air to aid in him penetrating her deeper, harder.

“Fuck,” Hiroto grumbled as his pace and rhythm wavered. Muscles tensed, and he worked himself back up to speed in no time, plugging away at Ei’s naughty womanhood. “I’m going to cum again. You’re too good, you horny little thing.”

“Do it.” Ei stared up at Hiroto, moaning as she tried to form her thoughts into words. “Plunge into my pussy and fill me with your seed. Make me cum again.”

A shaky growl rumbled out of Hiroto, and he pistoned in and out of Ei faster, wilder. She smirked up at him, tightening around his thickness. The tips of her fingers clung to his thighs, digging into them, as he slammed her over and over. He pushed her closer and closer to the edge, losing her grip, her willpower. Not that she needed it anymore.

Panting, Hiroto grabbed Ei’s legs and held her tight. “I’m going to pump your naughty cunt full of my jizz. Make sure you take it all this time.”

Ei knew she couldn’t, not if Hiroto shot anywhere near as much as last time. However, she nodded. As best she could in her bent, crumpled-over position. He plunged in and pulled out of her without hesitation. Throbs filled him, and she quavered in delight, teetering on the edge. Nothing else mattered.

“Cumming,” Ei shrieked as euphoria overtook her.

Hiroto crashed down into Ei, hilting inside her. Her shriek transformed into a high-pitched squeal, and she clamped down on his amazing cock. Fluids squirted from her happy pussy yet again, bathing her in her own excitement. He erupted in her spasming womanhood as he grunted and humped against her.

Rope after rope of thick, hot spunk pumped into Ei’s vulnerable depths. Not a single millimeter of her was spared. This time, her womanhood’s attempts at milking Hiroto didn’t go to waste. Each time he pulsed, he thrust, and her insides coaxed more and more out of him. His balls contracted near her rear entrance, tickling and teasing her.

Thrills ran down Ei’s spine as her toes and fingers curled. Her digits bit into Hiroto’s flesh. Tension gripped her muscles and left her spasming under the strain. Every pulse of seed that he emptied into her pushed her to her limits. The first spurt of excess oozed out of her cunt, and she let out a little whimper. As much as she wished to take everything he gave her, her body failed.

Cum stained Ei’s belly while also leaking down her curved back, mixing with her juices. Filth clung to her, but she didn’t feel the revulsion she expected to. Rather, she basked in the mild warmth and the satisfaction that brought out the mess. Tautness melted out of her muscles, and she relaxed. Her insides continued to spasm here and there, basking in the delight of being stuffed and overflowing.

With a sigh, Hiroto withdrew from Ei, standing. His softening manhood drew out of her, and she shivered as each inch vanished. The void he would have left behind instead overflowed with his jizz. More slopped out as he exited with a wet pop. No longer held by his hands or his cock, she slipped. Her ass crashed into the floor, splashing in a puddle of their combined filth.

The world spun as ecstasy rippled through Ei. A warmth burned in her core, and tingles danced along her skin. She didn’t care that Hiroto dropped her. The only thing on her mind was the satisfaction filling her alongside the copious amounts of his spunk. Her eyes fluttered, but she caught little more than blurred movement and streams of light.

“That was better, but you still didn’t manage to take it all,” Hiroto said, and, despite not seeing his expression, Ei heard the self-satisfied smirk in his voice. “However, that was a good attempt. If you would like to try again, seek me out south of Tatarasuna…Your Excellency.”

Footsteps echoed away. Ei attempted to raise her head, to move her arms, to say something, to do anything. However, exhaustion invaded each and every fiber of her being. Her eyelids weighed heavy, and she floundered. A sigh rushed out of her. She gave up and flopped down, covered in Hiroto’s and her fluids.

Ei’s chest rose and fell in short, shallow bursts. More cum leaked out of her and marred her intimate bits, and a smile quirked the corners of her mouth. Hiroto pounded her good; she couldn’t deny it. As enjoyable as it might have been, she wouldn’t find him again. She had far more important things to do than get fucked by some random stranger.

Despite her assertion, Ei felt something pull her away from the throne. She tried to ignore it, but, no matter how much she attempted, she couldn’t shut it out. Maybe going to see Hiroto from time to time wouldn’t be a bad idea. She could use a break, some stress relief every once in a while. No. She couldn’t. Her duties demanded she stay here and lead her people. Unless….

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Teyvat Troubles - Lumine (September Poll Story)

Lumine gets in over her head when she goes out to wrap up some seemingly low-level commissions before the day is through and ends up a hilichurl breeding pet.

“Are you sure this is the right way?” Paimon asked, floating over Lumine’s shoulder. “None of this looks familiar.”
A rocky expanse spread out before Lumine as she stepped up to the edge of a cliff. She peeked down at the small river that ran in the ravine below. On the other side and above, a snow-covered mountain raised into the sky. Katheryne at the Adventurers’ Guild had advised not going near it—it was dangerous—but the only commission left led Lumine here.
While she had ventured far from Mondstadt on her quest, Lumine had yet to attempt such a place. She turned to Paimon, who wore a concerned expression, glancing around. “I think it’s just down there near the end of the stream. Looks like a camp is there.”
“Don’t you think it’s a little too close to the mountain? Maybe we should let someone stronger handle this one.” Paimon always worried too much.
Lumine shook her head. “We came all this way, should see it through.”
“Okay.” Hesitation remained on Paimon’s face and in her voice. “Just be careful. I don’t want to get eaten by some hungry hilichurls.”
“I’m always careful,” Lumine said with a wink and threw herself off the cliff.
Sharp, high-pitched words rose behind Lumine, but she couldn’t understand them through the roar of air around her. She plummeted toward the bottom of the ravine, hair and the ribbons on her back fluttering behind her. The rush she received from leaping into the unknown thrilled her to no end. It was one of the parts of adventuring she enjoyed the most.
Before she dropped to the ground below, Lumine popped her glider. The sudden change in momentum caused her to lurch. Drag increased, and her descent slowed. She tilted to the right to realign herself with the path of the water. About a hundred yards out, the camp she sought stood. Hilichurls had been seen gathering here and needed to be broken up.
Paimon’s chattering voice followed Lumine. However, she ignored it. Instead, she focused on the moving figures in the distance. One, two, three, four…seven. That wouldn’t be so bad even if they did prove to be a little tougher than the usual fare. Of course, there had to be more in the immediate surroundings.
If Lumine wanted to handle this, she would need to strike fast. A quick descent into a flurry of blows and some wind blasts would suit her needs just fine. She had done this countless times before and dealt with much more daunting foes. This would be sorted out in a jiffy, and she could go catch some lunch with Amber back in Mondstadt.
Drifting down, Lumine decided to attack. She descended until she positioned overtop of a hilichurl tending to a cooking pot and retracted her wings. A gust of air rushed by her as she plummeted, sword down. Her target and its comrades glanced up. She smiled and struck.
Lumine hit the creature with as much force as she could muster. Unintelligible chatter rose from it and the others nearby. It flinched away from her strike, managing to avoid being slammed. She landed and confusion gripped her. They never evaded her attacks before, at least not some run-of-the-mill creatures like these.
As Lumine spun to follow through, one of the other hilichurls hefted a crossbow charged with electro. She slashed and felled the one before her and dodged. A bolt zipped past her, the rush in its wake disturbing her hair and clothes. Their preparedness surprised her.
One with a shield held it up in front of itself and rushed Lumine. She lashed out, but her blade only bounced off the wooden object. Another charged in, flailing as it approached. She dipped backward to line up her opponents and raised her hand. A vortex of raging wind materialized as she concentrated and drew in her enemies.
The three hilichurls Lumine captured attempted to run from the suction. However, they failed. The flames from the nearby cooking fire were sucked into the mix, charging it with pyro. Her adversaries cried out before the whirlwind collapsed. It exploded, sending the creatures flying and causing tons of damage.
Lightning surged and crackled. Another arrow flew in from the side and struck Lumine in the shoulder before she reacted. Pain flared, but it didn’t slow her down. The shock that proceeded it did, however, if only for a moment. She grunted but dashed toward one of the enemies she sent spinning but didn’t defeat.
The hilichurl stood, dazed, and Lumine descended upon it. She slashed it across the chest. A pained cry rose, and it fell away from her, motionless. Something slammed against her back. A small club wielded by a simple monster cracked between her shoulder blades. She dropped forward, startled and stunned, but didn’t lose her footing.
Lumine spun around to face her attacker. Another creature with a hydro-charged crossbow emerged from behind the little hut and fired. She danced backward out of the line of fire and evaded the other archer by accident. How did these hilichurls manage to tax her so much? Any other time, she would have been in and out by now.
A horn sounded, and a cacophony of chitters and footsteps arose. Lumine spared a glance behind her to see a host of six more hilichurls coming in to reinforce their comrades. She cursed under her breath and dove forward to try and break through the weaker position. Her blade cut through the air with ease but struck upon nothing but a plank of wood.
Force reverberated through Lumine’s arm, making her reel backward and almost drop her weapon. She moved to redouble her efforts, but a pyro slime flew in from out of view. It burst the second it connected with the ground and blew her off her feet. Another electrified projectile struck her in the side, and she froze, paralyzed. This was bad.
Standing and brushing off the seared edges of her clothing and hair, Lumine assessed her options. These things were much more dangerous than the normal affair. She might be able to take them on still, but she would need careful, meticulous planning and execution. The easiest thing to do would be to run…after creating a bit of a distraction.
Lumine gathered all the anemo within herself and channeled it toward a massive attack. If she blew away at least the reinforcements, who remained bunched-up near the entrance to the camp, she could manage to slip away. While she didn’t want to give up, she didn’t believe she had another choice. She wasn’t ready for this.
Preparing to unleash her last-ditch effort, Lumine spun to face the group behind her. Elemental energy swirled, and something tugged on her from behind. Force yanked her, interrupting her attack. Fabric strained and pulled tight as she was hauled backward by one of the tassels on her outfit. Her concentration wavered, but she cried out and loosed her burst.
Wind rushed around in a swirl of anemo. It swept through the air, raging and whirling toward its target. Lumine collapsed on her back, slamming her head into something solid, and grunted. She didn’t have time to flounder or delay—the tornado wouldn’t last long. Her body obeyed her, but several hands clamped down on her shoulders and head.
Lumine blinked, baffled and terrified. She glanced toward where she had aimed, only to see the swirl shoot off to the side, missing everything. The stunned hilichurls stared at the tempest but were unharmed or otherwise unaffected by it. She tried to rise again, but unintelligible chatter rose above her. The two archers crept in front of her, crossbows trained on her.
In her haste to deal with the others and escape, Lumine had left herself open to the lowest form of enemies. Nails dug into her as she squirmed, fighting her captors. They let out shocked noises but didn’t relent. If she didn’t dispatch them, they would kill her. All this trouble just because her ego got in the way and made her do something reckless.
Despite knowing it would do no good, Lumine opened her mouth to speak. “L-let me go.” She struggled to no avail. “I’m sorry. I’ll tell my friends to leave you alone, too.”
Impassive masks stared back at Lumine, and the hilichurls kept their weapons drawn on her. They stood shorter than her, but they weren’t weaker because of it. In fact, they showed remarkable strength, keeping her pinned down. Only two restrained her, yet half a dozen more regained their senses and approached.
If Lumine didn’t escape now, she would be done for. She raised her sword arm and slashed at the enemy behind her to the right. It gasped, surprised, and leapt back. Pressure slackened, but the other creatures yanked her by her hair. She yelped in pain and collapsed on her side. Force pawed at her and ripped her blade from her hand.
Lumine attempted to shoot upright, to get out of such a vulnerable, prone position. However, the reinforcements descended upon her. They clamored toward her, menacing her with their crude weapons. Even the crossbowmen advanced. She flinched, managing to sit and scramble backward. Something poked the back of her head.
Panic surged through Lumine as her heart leapt up into her throat. The monster could push and kill her in her vulnerable state. Her limbs began to tremble. This was it—she wasn’t going to make it out of here. Her chances were slim, yet she had hoped. She never should have taken this commission.
A hand clamped down on Lumine’s head, and she jumped. Fingers wove into her locks, taking hold of her. The other hilichurls crowded in, excitement bubbling from them. She had known them to be beasts, but she never saw them so happy to kill. They lowered their weapons, casting them aside, and confusion flitted through her.
Force yanked Lumine. She turned to her captor, and a hard, slick thing stabbed at her cheek. Her eyes shot wide. The creature’s erect manhood stared her in the face. Disgust flared, and she tried to jerk away from him, but he held her in place. The others, as they came closer, sported the same long, thick members, eager and ready.
“N-no, no,” Lumine whined and craned her neck away from the dick before her. Another poked her other cheeks, smearing pre-cum along her skin. “Get those away from me.”
The grip in Lumine’s hair only tightened at her words, and chattering rose from the creatures around her. They laughed at her. Frustration and indignation burned in her chest. She wanted to slay them, to cut them down, but any hopes she had of doing so with her dignity intact melted away. They were going to have their way with her.
Bodies pressed in around Lumine. Her hands shot up to try and push them away, but hands snatched at her wrists and dragged them away. Cocks prodded at her grasp, and she snapped them closed to prevent them from slipping inside. However, despite her quick reactions, they didn’t appear dissuaded or off-put.
Cockheads poked the openings of Lumine’s fists. She squeezed harder, not wanting them to do as they wished, but they persisted. Pressure swelled where they held her, and she grunted in agony. Her focus, her attention floundered. Thick, meaty shafts slipped into her grip. She shuddered at their smooth, veiny skin sliding against hers.
“Stop it,” Lumine shouted, attempting to push away but only managing to slide down to the base of their members. “I’ll—”
Lumine gasped and clamped down, but it was too late. One of the hilichurls stuffed his cock into her mouth. Bitter saltiness greeted her taste buds, and she grimaced. Her eyes flicked up to her captor, pleading, but only an impassive mask stared down at her. She had seen so many before but never quite like this, never with such devious intentions.
Muffled cries escaped Lumine as she attempted to pull away. No matter how much she struggled, her captor’s grip didn’t relent. The dicks in her hands began to thrust in and out of her grasp. She loathed the firm, slimly sensation of them running back and forth, but she focused elsewhere.
Thickness invaded Lumine, stretching and straining her jaw. She bit down, but his girth prevented her from inflicting any actual damage or deterrent. Rather, her attempts at stopping him, and the rest, appeared to excite them. Chittering rose, and they pressed in around her. A cloying, musky scent invaded her nostrils, making her head spin.
All thought vanished. The only thing that filled Lumine was numbness. She didn’t want to admit her defeat or endure such humiliation. However, it would come to her regardless. Nothing she did would save her now, and she knew it. A sinking feeling gripped her as her assailant pushed deeper.
The hilichurl’s cockhead stuck the back of Lumine’s throat, and she gagged. She never imagined her first time would be like this, bound and restrained, used by a horde of monsters. It was fitting, after everything she had done and been through. What did she expect to happen when she flung herself into battle, heedless, in the pursuit of adventure?
Eager, urgent noises rose from Lumine’s assailants. The two jerking themselves off with her body twitched as they ran in and out of her grasp. Their crotches slapped against her, echoing with faint wetness. She resisted the urge to squeeze them harder to slow them down or make them stop. No doubt they would enjoy the tightness, her resistance.
Rather than fight what was happening to her, Lumine relaxed and let them do as they wished. She hated being put in the position, but she didn’t want to give them an ounce more pleasure or thrill than they already squeezed out of her. Shame, humiliation, and self-loathing seeped into her, but she shook it off.
More hands pawed at Lumine, attempting to rip her away from the ones monopolizing her. They chattered in their language, raising their voices and shoving the others away. Still, more grabbed at her hair, clothing, and arms. One of them snatched the band around her neck, pulling it back. Not only was she being suffocated by the cock sliding into her, but they appeared to want to strangle her at the same time.
Tension continued to build while more still played with Lumine’s hair, her face, her shoulders, and the top of her dress. Panic resurged and swelled within her. Them using her hands and mouth was bad enough; now they sought to undress her to get at her other useable parts. She shivered and pinched her legs together. No. This wasn’t happening.
Fabric tore as the force tugging on Lumine’s collar grew too much. She lurched, freed of the stress, which made her swallow inches of the dick cramming her throat. A surprised, muffled yelp followed by a panicked gag eked out of her. She tried to push back but only managed to stroke the other hilichurls off more.
Growing impatient, the hilichurl before Lumine yanked on her. She sank forward, devouring the rest of his dick. His crotch slapped against her face, balls slapping her chin and her nose bending up against him. She squirmed, impaled, and her lungs burned. Her nostrils flared. A tear streaked down her cheek.
What Lumine understood as laughter bubbled out of her captor as he stared down at her. Rather than hold her there, choking on his manhood, he hauled her back. Inch after slimy inch reappeared as he slipped out of her. The broad ridges of his cockhead scrapped the inside of her cheeks, the roof of her mouth, and teased her tongue.
Hope flickered within Lumine. The creature’s dick almost popped out but it came to a stop right at the tip. She drew back. Fingernails dug into her scalp, preventing her from moving. He gazed down at her and thrust. His length slammed back into her, and she cried out in shock and fear.
As the thick man-meat delved back into Lumine’s inexperienced throat, fingers assaulted her top. Clothing slipped down with each tug and pull. She moved her arms to try and cover herself, to stop them from stripping her, but failed. The grip on her wrists and the dicks slamming into her grasp prevented her from doing much.
Fingertips grazed the small swell of Lumine’s cleavage, and she shuddered. The hair on the back of her neck stood on end. She had always wondered what having another person touch her in her most intimate areas would feel like, but this wasn’t what she imagined. These things weren’t gentle or loving.
Lumine’s attire fell past her modest bust. Gnarled fingers sank into her supple flesh and dipped below her bra. She recoiled but, even with her desperation, didn’t provide her much room if any. Her clothing remained, but it didn’t appear that they cared much. Another hand slipped in under the thin material and cupped her softness.
Lumine yelped, muffled, and gagged on cock. As the two hands groped her, others wrenched her hands off the cocks she stroked. Warmth left her palms for a brief moment, soon to be replaced by two new members. She opened her grip, but they were forced closed. One of the newcomers proved larger than the rest so far. She hoped he was the largest.
A new hilichurl grabbed Lumine’s hair and yanked her to the side. She slipped partway off the dick, but he didn’t let her go. Aggravated chattering rose from the two, and they pushed each other. She drifted back and forth as they fought for use of her mouth. While they struggled, the one in her didn’t plug away at her.
Squeezing drew Lumine’s attention away from the struggle. She let out a soft, muffled moan, and her nipples stabbed into the palms of her gropers’ hands. The fact that her body reacted, however slight, to what they did to her disgusted and shamed her. She banished the thoughts. No. She didn’t want this; the reactions were nature, not her own.
Movement shifted and dragged Lumine to the left. The man-meat in her throat popped out, and she sucked in a deep breath, free and clear. However, musky scents surged into her, cloying and thick. Her eyes fluttered as she reeled. A hilichurl jerked her head and stuffed another cock past her lips. She bit down but, once again, failed to prevent her violation.
Thickness crammed down into Lumine’s throat again, stretching and staining her jaw to its limits. She gagged and squirmed but could do nothing against her captors. More hands clutched at her slipping dress and tugged. Fabric tore, ripping to shreds. She wanted to cover herself, to shield her nakedness from the creatures, yet they had her in vice-like grips.
Cool air rushed in to replace the warmth Lumine’s clothing kept. She shivered as the hilichurls forced her to jerk them off and blow another. Several more crept in closer now that she had been bared, save for her underwear, and pawed at her flesh. Their dicks poked in close or slapped at her, begging for attention. She writhed between them all.
Keeping up with how things were going, force yanked Lumine’s hands off the pair of cocks she stroked and forced them onto yet more different ones. It didn’t matter to her which she was made to stroke—they were all the same. Disgusting, horrible, eager. She wished to escape, to never have to endure such vile humiliation. However, she had not the strength to do so.
Frustrations and indignation flared within Lumine. The cock in her mouth drove back and forth, drawing squelches and gags alike from her. She didn’t fight it. Rather, she allowed the creature to do as he wished. Her tactic didn’t appear to be working at all. No matter how lifeless she acted, denying them any kind of enjoyment from her participation, they used her regardless.
Something brushed Lumine’s lower belly, drawing her out of her brooding. She flinched away from the touch as her abs spasmed. Her eyes attempted to snap down, but she didn’t need to see what was happening to know what they were after. The waistband of her panties sagged as fingers teased and sank. She managed to scoot backward away, only for them to follow.
Lumine cried out in agonized panic and yanked her head back. Sharp pinpoints of pain flared as the ones holding her by her hair tugged against her scalp. The cockhead inside her almost slipped out, half of it exposed by her lips. Saltiness washed over her taste buds, and her nose wrinkled. Annoyed chatter rose and hauled her forward.
The monster’s hefty testicles slapped Lumine’s drool-coated chin with a wet slap as his cock lanced her throat. Her face crashed into his crotch, sending her head spinning. Discomfort flared in her jaw and her face as it pressed against his firm flesh. His manhood throbbed and jumped, choking her. Muffled sounds of panic escaped her but did nothing to stop the inevitable.
Despite Lumine’s best efforts to pull away, her captor kept her pinned to his pelvis. As curious, devious digits stretched and slid into her underwear, thick ropes of cum erupted into her stomach. The fact that some beast used her until it came horrified her, yet she could do nothing but accept its seed. She swallowed out of instinct, afraid of what might happen if she didn’t.
Lumine yelped and squirmed as she drank down the warm, sticky jizz. Roughness brushed her little button, and she whimpered, trembling. Spunk backed up into her esophagus no matter how much she gulped down. If each of these creatures were capable of producing such quantities, she might drown before they proceeded to any other part of her.
To Lumine’s relief, the hilichurl’s pulsating began to slow. She choked down the mess creeping up on her and tried to relax. However, frisky fingers snuck into the folds of her womanhood. She gasped and froze, what little pumped into her filling her mouth. The bitter sweetness stuck to her tongue, but she couldn’t focus on that. She was wet.
Horror and shame gripped Lumine. How could she be turned on by the creatures’ rough, violating treatment? No. She wasn’t, she couldn’t. Much like the stiffness of her nipples, she couldn’t stifle her body’s reactions to being toyed and played with. Not to mention the thick, permeating musk that inundated her and seeped into every fiber of her being.
Rational thought fled Lumine. Gooey jizz clung to her throat despite her many attempts to swallow it. She attempted to pull back, to get away, but many hands held her in place. As the devious digits rubbed up and down her dampness, the other hilichurls groped her. Heat flared in her core.
Regardless of how Lumine felt, her body wanted more. Her pussy throbbed and leaked more fluids to try and coax her forceful partners into doing more than using her hands and mouth to get off. The thought of them stripping away her underwear and plunging into her most intimate of places terrified her. However, she couldn’t shake the thrill of anticipation from her mind.
The spent hilichurl drew his softening cock out of Lumine. Saliva, mixed with spunk, dribbled down her chin. The filth made her feel like a failure, a whore, but she managed to do nothing but glare at her captors. As the one who came withdrew, more pushed in from either side. One of the ones she grasped slipped away and moved to claim her now-vacant hole.
Lumine closed her lips and turned her head the slightest bit before the newcomer overwhelmed her. Hot firmness pressed against her cheek before slipping upward, pre-cum smearing all over her skin. What was a little more of the messy stuff after everything she had been through and what they would soon put her through? She took solace in her little act of defiance, short-lived though it would be.
More cocks slapped and prodded at Lumine. She did what she could to avoid giving in to them, but she didn’t last too long. They hauled her to yet another set of dicks, passed around to make sure none of them were left wanting. A fat, slick cockhead poked her pursed lips. No matter how hard she clenched, he pushed his way inside.
One of the hilichurls pinched Lumine’s left nipple, and her mouth shot open in a stifled cry. Her assailant took the opportunity and crammed his manhood into her opening. He struck the back of her throat in an instant, but she didn’t gag. The realization shocked her, and she almost attempted to force herself to as some form of protest. However, something pushed inside her, and her mind went blank.
Fingers, a pair of them, curled into Lumine’s waiting cunt. They sank in with ease, parting her tight, narrow walls. She froze, and mewling whines seeped out of her. Even if she became wet from the touching, the sensation, the scent of the cocks around and in her, she never wanted this. She wanted to give her body to someone she cared about, not some horny creatures.
A moan escaped Lumine as the hilichurl pressed deeper into her tightness. The others let out ecstatic noises. No doubt they were thrilled to hear her make such an unladylike noise at their behest. She hated it. However, she could do nothing but sit back and let them violate her. They owned her now.
Pressure swelled around Lumine’s back and shoulders. The tension snapped, and her bra fell clear of her torso. Her instinct to cover herself with her arms failed, barred by the many hands snatching at her wrists and passing her back and forth. The creatures thrust into her waiting grasp, slickened with each other’s pre-cum. They didn’t care as long as they received a piece of her.
Lumine cocked her hips back in a vain attempt to prevent the one in her pussy from going deeper. Instead, her movements only managed to simulate him working in and out of her, giving him what he wanted. Rough fingertips curled and pressed against her g-spot. She quavered and moaned despite herself.
One of the dicks Lumine jerked off twitched and jumped. A spray of hot, sticky cum splattered up her arm and shoulder. She flinched at the shot, only forcing the cock and fingers inside her deeper. Every rope that struck her caused her to wince. Satisfied noises seeped out of her ejaculating captor, but he continued to hump her hand.
Warmth lingered wherever the fiend marked Lumine’s skin with his spunk. Being forced to drink such a potent load was bad enough, but having it stain her body, visible to all, turned her stomach. However, her disgust only made things easier for the rest. Juices gushed from her womanhood as the hilichurl fingered her.
Lumine cursed herself. Was she a masochist, getting turned on by being debased, or was she imagining things? The thought that she might enjoy their harsh treatment made her want to throw up, yet she couldn’t deny the building sensation deep within her. Then again, besides being a little overzealous, the hilichurls had been rather gentle with her when they didn’t need to be.
No. Lumine shut down that train of thought. These were monsters who wanted to ravage her and would either kill her after they satisfied themselves or imprison her to be used over and over again…if she survived their first go at her. Part of her hoped they would finish her off, so she wouldn’t have to live with herself. The other….
Tightness coiled around the invading digits, yet they pressed on all the same. Lumine’s insides parted for them as they increased their pace. She continued to try and limit the access he had to her, but that somehow proved worse. That was…if she didn’t want him to finger her with such speed and insistence.
More chattering rose from the horde surrounding Lumine. They grew more frantic and impatient with every passing second. Another cock throbbed in her grasp, and she flinched before he erupted. Semen squirted out and struck her in the cheek. She cocked her head, neck, and shoulders opposite as far as possible to lessen the sting of each of the filthy ropes.
Hilichurl’s groped at Lumine’s breasts. Several hands traded places every few squeezes. While they acted in self-interest and desire, they knew how to work as a tribe. One would fondle, tweak, or squeeze and then give his place to another. The constant barrage of stimulation made her head spin, and unwanted sensations burned brighter, deeper than she wished.
Pleasure peeked its way through the revulsion and dread—much to Lumine’s shame. She hated herself for feeling such things at the hands of these vile creatures. However, she couldn’t deny it. Try as she might, attempting to suppress it or ignore it only made it bloom. If the hilichurls continued at this pace, this intensity, she didn’t know what would happen to her.
Gags eked out of Lumine as the hilichurl in her throat plugged away at her. Saliva dribbled out of her mouth and down her chin as he pumped. Cum trickled down the side of her face, arm, and collarbone. She loathed the sensation of their seed on her skin, but she couldn’t wipe it away. No doubt they would leave her covered in the stuff, too, as a show of their dominance over her.
Twitching began to run the length of the dick in Lumine. She tensed in preparation for its ejaculation, but force drew her back. A surprised noise escaped both her and the one in front of her. She rose to her feet at the behest of a half dozen gripping hands. The world spun. Fingers slipped out of her with the sudden motion, and she let out a relieved sigh.
Lumine’s feet dragged in the dirt as one of more hilichurls tugged her sideways. Despite her desire to break free now that she was presented with the opportunity, she couldn’t act. Her legs were weak, trembling. The only reason she remained upright was the many hands that grabbed, groped, and tugged at her. Her vision swam, and she flopped onto a waist-high crate stomach-first.
The air in Lumine’s lungs rushed out of her in a sharp huff. She floundered, struggling against the hard, splinter-ridden surface. Pinpoints of pain flared where an errant splinter stabbed at her vulnerable flesh. Her hands found the edges, and she pushed. The same creatures that hoisted and hauled her clapped her back and shoulders, pushing her down.
Panic bloomed as Lumine crashed into the solid object. Fingers caressed the curve of her backside and thighs while several wormed their way between them. She went rigid and turned her hips away from the fondling, yet she couldn’t pull out of range. They had her right where they wanted her, and they no doubt intended to make use of her while they did.
Eager noises escaped the host scrambling to surround Lumine. The urge to scream at them, to try and make them stop before things went any further flitted through her mind. However, she remembered the last time she opened her mouth. Instead, she clamped it closed as several cocks wobbled into view in front of her. For what little good it would do her.
Digits sank into the flesh of Lumine’s thighs. She winced and jerked away to no avail. They forced her legs further apart, and arousal trailed down her skin. Humiliation seared her to her core. Not only had these creatures used her to relieve themselves, but her body had become turned on by their forcefulness. She didn’t want to admit her enjoyment, however slight or instinctual.
Several hilichurls snatched at Lumine’s wrists, grabbing her and prying her hands away from the crate. She attempted to resist, but they won out with ease. Thick man-meat slipped into her reluctant grasp. Smooth slick skin ran over her palms, and she tightened her grip. Groans escaped her inadvertent partners as they began to thrust.
Pre-cum smeared Lumine’s digits as the girthy shafts slid in and out of her fingers. The musky stench from their members caused her head to spin. Shuffling rose from behind her, and several of the groping hands shifted away, only to be replaced with more. They clapped her presented asscheeks, squeezing and spreading them. Her heart leapt into her throat.
As Lumine drew closer and closer to shouting, a slimy cockhead pressed up against her. She recoiled, allowed to move away the slightest bit. Fingers wove into her hair and yanked her forward. The bulbous head of his dick pried her lips open and slipped inside. She let out a muffled noise of protest, but, as usual, it went unheeded.
Something moved close to Lumine’s puckered asshole, and she tensed, eyes wide. Out of everything, she expected them to go for her womanhood out of all her holes. The idea of one of the fat, vile cocks plunging into any part of her made her stomach churn, yet she didn’t know if she could take one in her rear and survive.
Desperation took ahold of Lumine, and she raised on her tiptoes. Maybe if she presented her pussy to them, they would ignore her ass. While that didn’t sound appealing in the least, it was the lesser of two evils. She stood as tall as possible, wiggling her backside at them, trying to coax them on.
Jostling rose behind Lumine. Something hot and hard slipped between her thighs, and she jumped at the sudden invasion. A splinter stabbed at her belly, but it paled in comparison to shame, the humiliation of having enticed one of these creatures to have its way with her. Her breath caught in her throat as the dick plugged her.
Lumine inhaled through her nostrils as thickness teased her drenched folds. Despite all the thrusting in front of her, all her mind, and body, were focused on was what came from behind. He prodded her entrance, waiting to be let in. She didn’t have to do a thing; she was wet enough, much to her embarrassment.
He didn’t make it easy on Lumine. Instead of plunging straight in, he poked at her and rubbed up and down her sex. A moan escaped her, stifled by the man-meat lancing her. Hefty balls slapped against her chin as he hilted into her. The tip of her nose bent against his firm muscle. It didn’t phase her anymore.
As Lumine settled back into being a hand and mouth fucktoy, the newcomer made his move. With an abrupt thrust, he plunged into her. She gasped as his fat cockhead pried her open. The more force he applied—less than she had hoped—the further he sank. Inch after inch of thick cock penetrated her vulnerable, wet cunt.
Pressure swelled inside Lumine. She squirmed, instinct telling her to pull away from the invading dick. However, no matter how much she tried, she did little but force the hilichurl deeper into her esophagus. Her jaw strained, stretched to its limits. Never in her life did she imagine she would be spit-roasted, let alone by hilichurls.
The creature plunged into Lumine, and she moaned louder. She was mortified that a beast drew out such raw, unfiltered noises from her and that she enjoyed it. Still, it drove into her, and her body allowed it. Despite her tightness, he split her as if it were nothing. Her eyes fluttered in overwhelmed response to everything happening to her.
Firm muscle pressed up against Lumine’s ass, squishing her supple flesh. He no longer plunged any deeper, hilted to his maximum. Hairs tickled her bottom, and she groaned at the fullness inflicted upon her. She whined as she attempted to refuse the pleasure bubbling up within her. Whatever she did, it didn’t appear to matter—it came all the same.
Desire swept through Lumine, but she choked it down. Even if she experienced such things, she didn’t want to admit it or show it. However, more juices ran down her thighs from her stretched pussy. These creatures knew her better than herself, and they seemed keen on taking her for what she was worth.
Thickness slid out of Lumine’s womanhood. Her lower lips clung to the shaft and extended as he withdrew. When she feared she might tear, they retracted the slightest bit. He didn’t slow his efforts. Why would he now that he had her right where he wanted her? In a moment, he would drive back into her and ravage her over and over.
Flared ridges split Lumine’s entrance open, threatening to slip out. For a fleeting moment, fear shot through her. She didn’t want him to leave…and the realization devastated her. Why? How could she, in any reality, long for this monster to fuck her? She wanted to deny it, to shout down the very idea, but her head spun, and another cum-shot splattered across her cheek.
The twitching cock in Lumine’s right hand fired rope after rope onto her already marred skin. She flinched as she was painted in the thick, warm spunk. The overwhelming musky scent caused all thought to drain from her mind, and she lost all semblance of resistance she had left. What else was she supposed to do in this position than take everything they gave her?
Cock plunged back into Lumine’s needy cunt, and she cried out around the one in her mouth. Throbbing filled her throat as the two hilichurls worked to meet in the middle inside her. She mewled as they split and stretched her, working to a synchronized rhythm of in and out. She swayed as the two fucked her while more still clamored for use of her hands.
The creatures jerked Lumine around, making the crate she lay upon creak under the stress. Clapping rose as the one behind her picked up his pace. His man-meat drove deep into her. Each time he struck home, she moaned in delight. She couldn’t believe that she had turned the instant one of them lanced her pussy with wonderful thickness.
No. Lumine trusted that she had more self-respect than that. There was no way that she enjoyed what was happening to her. No matter how many moans or other perverse noises she let out, she didn’t want this. Of course, her body betrayed her, trembling and tightening and squirming. She had no way to stop herself from reacting with nothing but positivity.
Force strained Lumine’s lower back as the beasts continued to plug away at her from either end. Pleasure surged within her, much to her growing shame. Why did she want to fight it when it felt so good? Cock stuffing and stretching her to her limits and striking her deepest depths and weak points over and over again elated her more than anything.
Tremors wracked Lumine as she succumbed to the delight being inflicted upon her. She writhed between the two hilichurls, and the one in front twitched. Excitement shot through her. He was going to cum soon and give her another load of delicious jizz. She frowned at her reaction, but she couldn’t deny how true her desires became.
Incomprehensible sounds rose, and the hilichurl grabbed Lumine by the hair and hauled her forward. His fat dick lanced her throat as he hilted inside her. hefty balls rested against her chin, dampened by the saliva that leaked from her mouth. She inhaled, sharp, in anticipation. Cloying musk invaded her nostrils, and she shuddered. He erupted.
Copious amounts of thick, gooey cum shot straight into Lumine’s stomach. She let out a surprised little noise of approval between moans and gulped down everything possible. As he emptied into her from the front, the creature behind pumped her poor pussy. Each time he withdrew, only to thrust in once more, felt like the first time. Her insides didn’t relent.
Bitter sweetness backed up in Lumine’s mouth as her aggressive partner pulsed and continued to empty his balls. She savored the surprising flavor but swallowed, nonetheless. If she relented for a moment, she might be overwhelmed by how much he gave her. The first one had set the precedent, and this one proved it not to be a one-off.
Lumine’s hips crashed into and rubbed against the edge of the crate. Force slammed into her from behind, and the structure of the thing began to waver. It didn’t appear to affect or distract her friend, though. He ploughed her with unrelenting speed and intensity. Her eyes fluttered as ecstasy overwhelmed her. She was going to cum.
A flicker of revulsion flitted through Lumine, but she suppressed it. Why did she want to deny herself such pleasures? There was nothing wrong with climaxing from being fucked. It was only natural. The fact that it was because of some creature rather than someone she cared for, or herself, didn’t matter. This was beautiful, exciting, perverse.
The hilichurl in front of Lumine retreated, his softening, twitching dick slipping out of her. As his cockhead popped out from between her pursed lips, she planted a kiss on the tip. Saltiness washed over her taste buds. She surprised herself with the gesture, but she couldn’t stop herself from doing it. Not with her full stomach and impending orgasm.
“Fuck me,” Lumine managed through a tight throat stained with semen. “Make me cum.”
Excited noises rose around Lumine, and her friend picked up his speed. The faster he slammed into her, the louder their joining flesh clapped together. Her ass jiggled under the reckless assault, and she loved it. Tiny pinpoints of pain flared up from the splintered surface of the crate. The mild annoyance paled in comparison to the pleasure she received.
Lumine tightened up around her partner, and he grunted against her renewed resistance. He began to twitch, and a smile curled her filthy lips. Two dicks swept in to take the place of the last one, to throat-fuck her. Sliminess smeared across her face as they prodded and wobbled and fought with one another. She didn’t care who won; she wanted more cock to suck.
“Come on,” Lumine said as she gasped in delight and almost swallowed one of the newcomers. Her partner’s movements turned frantic. “So close. Do it.”
Ecstasy swelled within Lumine, building up and up. Her insides coiled around the invading dick as it hammered her over and over. She trembled, juices running down her legs. The hilichurl sped up further, grunts and groaning escaping him. She tried to push herself back into him to coax him along but failed due to his relentless pressure.
Lumine couldn’t hold on any longer. “C-cumming.” She threw her head back as a shriek escaped her. However, a strong hand grabbed her and wrenched her forward. As she clamped down on her ecstatic friend, another popped into her mouth.
The world exploded in ecstasy, and Lumine’s vision went white. She convulsed and gripped the creature tighter than ever before. He hilted inside her, finished, and humped her backside. Warmth rushed into her, and her eyes shot wide. Pressure filled her and bloated her stomach as monster jizz flooded her womanhood.
Fear seized Lumine, but it was washed away by the elation of her climax. Pleasure rippled through her from her core, sending tingles dancing along her skin as her limbs trembled. She squeezed the cocks in her hands and almost bit the one sliding into her throat. Her friends groaned at her sudden roughness, but they didn’t dare stop using her.
Each pulse from behind filled Lumine with more seed. She couldn’t take anymore. The excess oozed out around her partner’s manhood, trickling down her thighs. No matter how much her mind screamed at her to take more, her body couldn’t. She quavered as she accepted all she could, reveling in the bliss of her mind-shattering orgasm, and rocked as the others used her.
Eagerness rose from deep within Lumine. The delight coursing through her didn’t go away, but it did diminish with each passing second. She wanted, needed more. If this was how incredible these creatures were going to make her feel, she might as well enjoy herself while she had the opportunity. Letting them ravage her this one time wouldn’t hurt anything…right?
As dick lanced Lumine’s throat, and her face crashed into the owner’s crotch, she wiggled her backside. The hilichurl in her leaking cunt let out an overwhelmed noise. He grabbed her hips and pulled out of her, still pulsating. She shuddered and moaned as he retreated. Her lower lips clung to his softening, shrinking shaft, desperate for more.
Several of the creatures that Lumine didn’t service already clamored behind her. Once again, she didn’t care which one took her as long as one of them did. The moment her friend popped out of her, she waggled her ass at any prospective partners. A glob of semen gushed out of her and dribbled to the ground.
Scuffling sounded, and several hilichurls scrambled, jockeying for use of Lumine. Hands pawed at her bottom, thighs, and hips. None of them appeared shy to take sloppy seconds. If not for the dick throat-fucking her, she would have told them to calm down, that she would take each and every one of them.
Another one of the men in Lumine’s hands throbbed and thrust. Rope after rope of viscous, wonderful cum shot out and struck her flesh. Filth trickled from her cheek, neck, and chest. Warmth seeped into her and filled her with contentment. She never would have expected to enjoy being covered in jizz let alone so very much.
Two thick, hard cocks slapped Lumine’s ass. She flinched as they did so and pushed toward her vulnerable holes. It appeared they still hadn’t decided who would claim her used pussy. They bucked and tugged at her. She lurched back and forth between them. One of them slipped lower while the other stayed put. Firm eagerness prodded at her womanhood and asshole.
Lumine’s breath caught in her throat. Her entire body tensed as the one hilichurl pressed himself against her rear entrance. She adored taking one in her cunt, but she didn’t know if her ass could take the same beating. Not that she had a choice in the matter. She was still at their mercy regardless of her enjoyment. They would do whatever they wished to her.
Excitement shot through Lumine at the thought of being dominated by these creatures. They had already done such a wonderful job, why not give them her remaining hole? If everything else was anything to go by, she would love it and receive oh so much pleasure. She let out a long breath through her nose and tried to relax to let them work.
A cockhead slipped into Lumine’s drenched folds and plunged into her battered womanhood with ease. Between her juices and her previous partner’s, she was lubed-up to take anything. Ecstasy and anticipation swept through her. She quavered at the delight and found herself pushing backward. As inch after inch of delightful cock split her pussy, stress swelled.
The hilichurl at Lumine’s ass pressed forward, and he began to pry her tightness open. She gasped at the sensation, but his persistence and pre-cum won the day. Little by little, his dick sank into her tight hole. Tremors wracked her as he fed more and more into her. She held her breath, waiting, as the others plugged away at her.
After cramming in the slightest bit, he withdrew. He didn’t go far enough to leave Lumine, but he teetered on the brink. Instead of leaving or hesitating, he grabbed her waist and thrust. Finger dug into her supple flesh as his cock impaled her asshole. This time, he went in much easier and pushed deeper and deeper with each passing second.
Pressure swelled within Lumine’s lower half as two dicks now penetrated her. The one in her cunt worked back and forth, rubbing against the other through her walls. Ecstasy bloomed from each and every minute sensation. Her head spun. Fingers wove into her hair and drew her down another long, thick shaft. She managed to fit three hilichurl cocks inside her at once.
The two creatures behind Lumine gripped her by her hips and went to work. They drove into her slow and steady at alternating rhythms. As one plunged into her, the other withdrew. They rubbed against one another within her, forcing each other to strike her weak points. Stiff, flared ridges scraped against her g-spot with every in-out.
Moans seeped from Lumine as her partners dominated her body. She shuddered in ecstatic delight and tightened around them. That only made their efforts inflict more pleasure. She couldn’t understand how things could get any better. Yet, here she was, reveling in being stuffed and impaled from both ends, on the verge of another climax.
Lumine murmured around a cock, sending vibrations along its length. Groans and other noises of blissful affirmation rose around her. She swayed between her friends, split by the tiniest action. Nothing remained on her mind, save for the burning desire to cum again and have them pump her full of their seed.
Cocks pumped into each of Lumine’s vulnerable, willing holes, increasing in speed. Bliss surged through her. She rocked with the motions, trying to add her own movements to aid them in fucking her. Because of her precarious and crowded position, it didn’t translate into much. However, they clamored in enjoyment and grabbed at her to keep her going.
Force yanked Lumine’s head to the side. The dick in her throat slipped out of her, and a whining gasp eked out of her. Saliva and pre-cum dribbled from the tip of her partner. She licked her lips, craving it back inside or, at the very least, to lick the mess up. Instead, her vision blurred as she was turned to face another hilichurl. He thrust at her, and his cockhead pried her mouth open.
Several dicks slipped in and out. The hilichurls snatched Lumine from one another in a desperate bid to have some part of her. She didn’t mind their roughness anymore, enjoying how much they wanted her. The attention, the desire, the pleasure thrilled her more than anything. Why did she ever want to deny them?
Lumine moaned as her partners ploughed her faster, harder. Their cocks stuffed and stretched her to her limits. Before, she didn’t believe she would have been able to take them all with so much ease or enjoyment. Now, she couldn’t imagine living without them. Hilichurls weren’t destructive monsters if you got to know them…and had holes they wished to fuck.
Groans and grunting rose all around Lumine. She attempted to moan louder to join her voice of ecstasy with theirs, buts the cock stuffing her prevented all but slight, muffled noises from escaping her. That didn’t stop her, though. The more she let out, the more her friends would know she loved their ministrations.
Euphoria surged as the dicks inside Lumine began to twitch and throb. Her heart leapt into her throat at the thought of them all cumming in her at the same time. Her insides coiled around them, and her lungs burned with excitement. She tried to coax them on, but all she managed were frantic, eager murmurs and pathetic attempts at pushing forward or back.
Hefty, swinging balls slapped Lumine as their owners pumped in and out of her. She imagined them all firing off into her until she burst. Her body could handle more, but she didn’t know what would happen if they kept filling her one after another. An image of her laying on the ground, leaking cum from every hole with her exhausted friends passed out around her almost made her climax.
Ragged breaths accompanied frantic, desperate thrusts. Lumine’s eyes fluttered, and she gripped her partners tighter. They split and ploughed her with ease, but her newfound tightness added to all their pleasure. She mewled as they ravaged her without end. Even when they came, there would be more to have.
Bliss overwhelmed Lumine, and she lost herself. She squealed and clamped down on the cocks plunging into her, and the ones she grasped. Grunts escaped the hilichurls, and they thrust into her one last time. Juices squirted from her happy pussy, showering the floor and her friends as they burst.
Copious amounts of thick, hot, delightful cum erupted in Lumine, on her skin. Convulsions wracked her. Each of the creatures’ desperate, powerful pulses gave her more and more virile seed. Warmth inundated her, inside and out, as she milked them for all they were worth. They bucked, twitched, throbbed, and groaned as they flooded her from both ends.
Lumine drank down the spunk her friend gave her while her ass and pussy failed to retain all they were given. Tons of semen oozed from her used and battered holes, leaking down her taint, crotch, and thighs. A pitter-patter rose between her feet. She shuddered and more dribbled from her. These creatures would impregnate her—there was no doubt.
Tension rushed out of Lumine while ecstasy tingled throughout her. They withdrew from her at the same time, pulling her this way and that. Her holes clung to them as they retreated, and she suckled on the dick sliding from her mouth. Salty sweetness washed over her taste buds. Her tongue wriggled to collect as much as possible while she had the chance.
One, two, three dicks popped free, and Lumine let out a shuddering moan. The sudden lack of filling man-meat in her sent a spike of panic through her. Warmth leaked from her, yet she craved more. The emptiness felt…wrong, awful. She tried to raise her head, to push backward, do anything, but she failed. Her muscles refused to listen to her.
Fingernails raked along Lumine’s tingling skin. She whined as her friends abandoned her. Again, she attempted to move, to follow them. This time, however, her trembling limbs lifted her from the surface of the crate. She shifted back to stand, but her knees buckled. The world rushed around her as she dropped on all fours in the grass, clear of their mess.
Lumine blinked. Dizziness swept through her besides the exhaustion caused by her partners. She crawled, blind, seeking anyone to replace the hilichurls who were just inside her. Footsteps sounded behind her, and hope and anticipation bloomed within her. She bent forward, presenting herself.
To Lumine’s delight, hands grabbed at her waist. A mewling noise eked out of her, and she pushed back toward her new partner. Chattering rose and something hot and hard slipped between her legs. She tensed, eager, arousal dripping down her inner thigh. Her body rocked, and the new cock penetrated her cum-seeping cunt.
Pleasure blossomed as Lumine accepted the fresh dick into her pussy. A throaty moan ripped from her lungs, and she threw herself backward. The entire length plunged into her in one single stroke, and the creature’s crotch clapped her ass. Her supple flesh jiggled, and an excited groan escaped her friend.
“Oh, yes,” Lumine managed in a shaky, breathy voice. “Give it to me. Use my,” she gasped as the hilichurl withdrew, “filthy pussy. Make me yours.”
Flared ridges teased the entrance of Lumine’s womanhood. She mewled and pushed backward to make sure he didn’t leave her—not that she imagined he would. Her insistence or his lust, perhaps both, drove him forward. He slammed into her to the base, and a loud clap sounded. Her asscheeks stung from the pounding she received, but she loved every second of it.
Curiosity overtook Lumine, and she cocked to the side and turned her head. Glancing all the way up the curves of her naked body, she caught sight of her partner. She couldn’t see his face due to the mask he, like the rest of the hilichurls, wore, but he pumped himself in and out of her in desperate desire. A smile curled her lips as she moaned out in bliss.
Every one of his powerful thrusts drove his cock deep into Lumine’s vulnerable depths. She shuddered and mewled and threw herself back into him. Their bodies slapped together with each frantic motion, and her insides stretched and split to accommodate him. He struck her weak points over and over.
Lumine began to tremble as her pleasure ratcheted higher and higher. The hilichurl pounded away at her womanhood, thrusting faster and faster. If he hadn’t cum yet, it was no wonder why he worked so hard. She wanted all her new friends to get their fill and enjoy themselves. The fact that she came from their actions encouraged her encouragement.
Ecstasy swelled, and Lumine tightened around his driving shaft. She couldn’t believe he had her so close so soon. The others, and her previous orgasms, left her vulnerable and sensitive. She longed to climax again on yet another filthy creature’s cock. Force slammed into her and, no matter how much she tried to push back, he pinned her forward.
Pressure rose, and Lumine’s cheek squished against the ground. Weight crashed into her from behind, forcing her face down while he held her rear up. She didn’t mind him taking control—in fact, she reveled in it—but she desired to help. Their euphoria would increase, yet she loved his neediness.
Lumine’s partner grunted and ploughed into her one last time. She gasped and shrieked in bliss as she clamped down on his erupting dick. Cum flooded her as she squirted all over him. Pleasure ripped out from her core, and convulsions overtook her body. Her eyes rolled into the back of her head as more and more jizz pumped into her before leaking out.
Weight slumped against Lumine, and her hands shot up to keep herself from moving and collapsing. Her friend pushed away from her, groping her bottom. His dick slipped out of her, slow and steady. She whimpered and trembled as inch after inch vanished. His softening manhood flopped out of her, and excess spunk dribbled out with it.
As Lumine recovered from another orgasm, dazed in euphoria, yet another hilichurl swept up behind her. Excitement surged through her, and she arched her back and stuck out her ass again. Palms clapped her asscheeks, stinging her and sending a jiggle through her. She yelped, but the rough treatment turned her on.
Thumbs sank into Lumine’s bottom, spreading her cheeks. She flinched away out of instinct as her new friend crept closer to her used asshole. As much as she craved for him to plunge into her pussy, she wouldn’t deny this one his preference. Perhaps he liked to use her less-used, tighter hole. She bit her lip and waited for him to take her with bated breath.
The hilichurl’s bulbous cockhead pressed against her rear entrance, prying her open. Whimpers seeped out of her the further he penetrated her. Shuddering wracked her legs, and she thought they were going to give out on her. To her relief, her partner shifted his grasp to her hips, holding her up as he hilted inside her.
Stretched and full, Lumine mewled and rubbed her backside on her lover. His manhood reached deeper into her tightness. She opened her mouth to tell him to fuck her, yet only pathetic whimpering escaped her. However, despite her wordlessness, he knew what she desired. He did, too, and he withdrew.
Lumine shifted backward as her friend retreated. Her insides clung to him as he went, not wanting to let go. Inches of man-meat slipped out and left a void within her. She wanted, needed him back in her right then and there. Pleasure radiated through her, and she couldn’t wait for him to begin in earnest.
Before the hilichurl retreated from Lumine, he stopped and thrust. His fat cock lanced her asshole, plugging her in one swift motion. Flesh slapped together, and she jerked forward. Grass stabbed at her cheek as she cried out in glee. She had never wanted a dick in her more than she did now. Her limbs trembled, and she pushed herself back against him.
Fingers dug into Lumine’s waist, and the creature began to work her over. He ploughed in and out of her rear, working himself up to a quick, steady rhythm. She moaned her excitement and pressed the heels of her hands into the ground to help her ram opposite her friend’s thrusting. Ecstasy surged, and her mind swam. She didn’t care that he wasn’t in her pussy.
Claps rang out as Lumine’s ass was plundered. Her flesh jiggled, and her breasts swayed as her body rocked back and forth with each powerful thrust and counter-movement. Blades of grass brushed her stiff nipples here and there, and the burning desire to have them groped bubbled up. She could hold herself up while he ravaged her if he fondled her.
Lumine moaned and braced herself against her partner’s vigorous pounding. “Play with my tits but don’t stop.” She didn’t know if he understood her, but she hoped her point got across.
The hilichurl cocked his head to the side, yet he did as Lumine asked. At least in part. He fucked her harder, faster. Frustration bloomed within her, and her nipples ached. She tried to twist around to show her bosom off and entice him. However, she couldn’t move much. Strain flared in her shoulder as force slammed into her.
A huff of desperation escaped Lumine, and she shifted around. Her arm snaked back behind her, pressing all her weight on her right side. She reached backward, struggling and groping to grab at her friend. Her fingers prodded at his hands, and unintelligible chattering eked out of him. He bent forward, their bodies melting together, and he left her hips.
Fingertips glided up Lumine’s torso, and she shivered in delight and anticipation. He didn’t stop thrusting into her as he approached her chest. She adjusted herself and forced herself into a better position to push back against him. Cock lanced her asshole, reaching deeper than before. She mewled as pleasure overtook her.
Moans and other unladylike noises crept up out of Lumine as she threw herself back. He groaned and grunted against her efforts and his own. Firm roughness cupped her breasts, and she gasped. Euphoria coursed through her, and she arched her back to present both her ass and tits to him. He took full advantage of what she offered.
Fingers sank into Lumine’s softness. Her body quavered, and her erect nipples grinded against the palms of her partner’s hands. Pleasure and desire overwhelmed her. Her insides tightened around the wonderful cock plugging her rear. Tingles danced all over her skin, and the hairs on the back of her neck and arms stood on end. She couldn’t last much longer.
Huffs and gasps rose. “Cu-cumming,” she managed between her breathy noises. “Don’t st-stop. Fuck my ass.”
The pace and intensity of Lumine’s friend’s thrusting grew. Twitches ran his length each time he slammed into her, and frantic breaths eked out of both of them. She worked herself and forth to match his tempo as he groped her. He tweaked her left nipple. His balls slapped her taint with every thrust. She reveled in the blissful sensations, giving in.
Lumine squealed in euphoria as she clamped down on the hilichurl’s dick. He grunted and rammed into her one last time. Juices squirted from her happy pussy as her friend erupted. Thick, warm gooeyness flooded her, painting her walls. Convulsions wracked her as every fiber of her being sang with taut bliss.
More and more cum pumped into Lumine until she couldn’t hold anymore. The excess oozed out with each subsequent pulse, and she shivered. He squeezed her breasts as he emptied his contracting balls into her. The roughness set her sensitive skin ablaze. Her fingers and toes curled as her eyes rolled into the back of her head. How did she not know getting fucked in the ass felt so good?
Tension rushed out of Lumine, and her trembling legs gave. She lurched forward, supported by nothing more than the hands fondling her bosom. He swayed with her, keeping pace for a moment before he failed. His softening, pulsating manhood slipped out of her with a sudden rush. An errant rope of spunk streaked across her right asscheek.
Lumine struck the ground with a soft thud, and the air huffed from her lungs. The world spun, but she shut her eyes. Warmth radiated out from her core. She sighed, content and exhausted. Nothing moved around her—it seemed her newfound friends had worn themselves out. She rolled on her side before shifting to her back.
All around Lumine, the hilichurls lay motionless, limbs sprawled. Her most recent partner stumbled away from her and plopped down. A smile curled her lips. She had found a way to neutralize them that proved rather effective. However, she didn’t think many people would be willing to go through with such methods. She hadn’t been at first.
Exhaustion sapped Lumine’s strength, and she joined her friends, spread out. Unlike them, cum leaked from her battered and pleased holes. If she tried, she could escape before they regained consciousness. The moment she lifted a finger, though, she found herself unable to move. Perhaps they would leave her alone now that they were satisfied.
Disappointment flashed through Lumine at the thought. After everything she had been through, and all the pleasure she received, how could she imagine denying them, herself? No. She would stay, and they would use her over and over again. They would impregnate her—if they didn’t already—with their virile seed and make her give birth to cute little hilichurls.
Lumine sighed. She didn’t have to worry about anything; she could give herself over to these creatures as she had today. The fighting, the drama, the constant schemes and traps were nothing. Even finding her brother didn’t matter anymore in the face of such peaceful bliss. She closed her eyes, cradled her full stomach, and drifted off to sleep, euphoric delights filling her dreams.
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