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manyeyedhydra profile
I am Many-Eyed Hydra. I write erotic horror games and tales featuring seductive succubi and other sexy monster girls. These demon girls will give you pleasures beyond your wildest dreams and terrors beyond your darkest nightmares.
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Subscription Tiers

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Succubus Thrall

This is the basic membership tier. Benefits are largely unchanged from when it was the only available tier. Members will get:

  • The regular end-of-month release of whatever project I'm working on. Currently this is access to the latest version of the text-only version of House of Hellish Harlots. In future it might be a chapter of a novel I'm working on or a new short story. My aim is to try and put out one item of short-story length (3-5K words) at the end of every month.
  • Access to my regular weekly updates on what I'm currently working on.
  • Access to my rough brainstorming for future projects.
  • My gratitude for enabling me to continue writing and creating sexy new succubus and monster girl stories and games.
6 subscribers
per month
Succubus Summoner

The additional tiers were created to help support the commissioning of art and other external assets for projects such as House of Hellish Harlots. As such the rewards will be related to the products of those external commissions. Members will get access to the same rewards as the previous tiers as well as:

  • A first look at art commissioned for projects.
  • Access to some of my raw project materials. For House of Hellish Harlots this is the raw word docs of the harlot scenarios.
  • Early access to the more advanced version of House of Hellish Harlots with graphics and UI.
  • Any additional short stories if I happen to have a productive month. Currently this will likely be updated versions of the H-space Bestiary stories.
1 subscriber
per month
Succubus Harem-Master

This is for people that really like what I'm doing and would like to provide additional funding to help see these various projects (currently House of Hellish Harlots) to completion. As such I don't really have additional rewards to offer other than profound gratitude.

In future this tier might allow for members to provide additional input on projects, or opportunities to provide their name or likeness to 'succubus-bait' characters. I'm open to suggestions!

1 subscriber


  • - Regular end-of-month release of whatever current project I'm working on
  • - Regular weekly updates
  • - Early looks at current projects (short stories and games)

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Hell Harlot - Kanna bi Grafolita

Posted for $1, $5, $10 tiers
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Hell Harlot - Chén

Now that I have a proper template in place, I can return to the original plan of publicly revealing harlot art for House of Hellish Harlots as MGE-style profiles.

Here is Chén.
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Re-introducing Hell Harlot Profiles

I had a another stab at trying to create MGE-style profiles for the various monster girl harlots in House of Hellish Harlots. The original plan was to use these to reveal the art to the general public once the period of timed patron-exclusivity had worn off. Creating the templates proved trickier than I thought. I didn't really get the new ones right for the second stab at it either.

Thankfully Noeru knocked up a simple open book background for me and I think this has solved the problem. Sometimes simple is better.

The layout was inspired by Kenkou Cross's Monster Girl Encyclopedia and Pêl-V Gnoi is inspired by the watermelon monster girl from Monmusu Quest. She's also a character in the game project I'm working on, House of Hellish Harlots, where - like the 70-odd other harlots in the House - she has a fairly detailed and hot CYOA sex scenario. I've made this post public to widen the number of people who can see it, and because Pêl-V was due to be revealed publicly on my blog today anyway.

For a quick bit of background on the profile text. The section in italics is written by The Madam of the House in order to entice visitors into picking one of her 'gals'.

The section in regular text below is written from the perspective of The Portly Gentleman. He's been trapped in the House for a while and knows a bit more about the various Hell Harlots than The Madam is prepared to reveal!

I'm hoping I've finally found a template that works for this. If people like it, I'll create more for the other harlots which have had their art revealed and continue to do so for future harlot art reveals.

I want to use these to help promote the game, so please feel free to spread them around the internet in places that enjoy sexy monster girls and succubi.

Let me know what you think below!

Also, what I forgot to add in the excitement. The artwork for these was done by Marwmellow. If you want to find more of his work or get in touch for commissions of your own, he has a DeviantArt page here.
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Hell Harlot - Pêl-O Sugn

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Hell Harlot -  Pêl-Z Perffeithio

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$15 of $666
per month
My cult will finally perform the obscene rite to open a way to our world for a swarm of succubi to enter and claim us all in a sensual orgy beyond even the most depraved imaginings. Oh wait, I wasn't supposed to let that out. Let's just pretend I never said it. Mad author here, tee hee hee. Actually, that number probably isn't that far off what I need to cover the everyday, boring monthly expenses. It absolutely won't be used to bring about the end of the world through hellish succubus invasion. Honest.

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  • Access to Creator's profile content.
  • Ability to support your Creator by pledging – one-time or recurring.
  • Means to reaching out to the Creator directly via Instant Messenger.
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