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NSFW Artist, Animator, and Game Developer (
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Publicação pública

June 2024 Status Update

Hello, everyone. First, let me apologize for the lack of activity in my Subscribestar. I've had so much internal struggle with the main reason I created this page in the first place, which is to make H-games. Let me detail what has happened since the last post.

In the beginning of 2023, I started a new idea and kept working on my Spine Sprite Model, which I have been publicly showing off recently in my Twitter. However, I was strictly focusing on its production and not everything else, such as Game Design and implementation to Engine. I think by June 2023, I wrapped up the work on both the Male and Female model (though, I kept making improvements to the Spine Model afterwards).

In the last half of 2023, I was busy with other projects, particularly with AstroKaen (Monster XXXperiment).

For my project, I was actually planning to go with Unity, but then that Unity pricing fiasco happened. It raised a ton of awareness on Godot and I ended up looking at that engine more. In the start of 2024, I made a critical decision to start learning Godot. With a little help (special thanks to my friend), I became more familiar and really gave me a solo-path forward to make my ideas come to life.

I do not know when the next Blog will be, because I need some time to put my plan together. But I will be a lot more active in Twitter now!
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Mecha Girl Public Test Build 1

The first public test build of our touch game is released! I want to spend this month observing a few feedbacks and then work as much as I can on necessary improvements. My goal is simply to meet a good standard for a portfolio on websites like Newgrounds.

Regarding a lot of the past efforts I've shown off here and on Twitter, I am still aspiring toward the H-game industry. I'm a little reluctant to publish my activities too frequently, but I understand that I need to keep my presence active as much as I can.

What I've been doing lately is restarting the character sprite, simply because I want a better quality rig for my main project. I will see if I can show off my work a couple times as I work on the project.

Test Build is attached as a .zip file (223mb Uncompressed).
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December 2022 Blog

Development Update for my Touch Game. We need just a little more time before uploading the first build. I have finished the visual content, but there's still some complex work to do on the animation setup and coding. I will try hard again until we see the finish line!
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Touch Game: Development Preview #1Almost all of the visual elements are complete, though the fina...

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November 2022 Blog

I've started a new project that is expected to be available to the public before next month's blog. The interactive games are simple work that directly tests my best abilities as an artist and are products I want to start adding to my personal portfolio. Once everything is done, I'll publish this to sites like Newgrounds. I'll push out more interactive games like this as a continuous side project!
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October 2022 Blog

Developer Log #4

As a few may be aware, there's been some major changes to my production goals.

First, I got into contact with AstroKaen, the creator of Melting Point. Melting Point was a project I was heavily involved in as an artist / animator. However, AstroKaen's current priority is to create a new game, temporarily called Project Droid Shop. I am working as much as I can before that project is in a more ready state.

As for my original project, I decided to change the game design almost completely. It is now going to involve a new character design and shooting combat. This only set me back a little, because I am still using my core sprite asset.

I have not set a precise goal for next month, since a lot has happened to me. Please look out for more posts here and in my Twitter!
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$14 of $100
per month
This is my publicity goal. I will be regularly posting artworks and updates to my game development. More supporters mean I can keep producing new things every month!
$14 of $300
per month
When this goal has been reached, it will be much easier to spend a couple hours every day on my artworks and projects!
$14 of $500
per month
With this monthly earning goal, I will have the capability to deliver solid monthly updates to my project demos! I can also use some of my earnings to hire talents that I need!
$14 of $1,000
per month
Once I've reached this goal, I will be able to develop my projects full-time, meaning that I'll always have something to create and post every week in my life! It won't be enough to sustain a living, but it will definitely keep me moving forward for my projects and look for growth!
$14 of $3,000
per month
This is my ultimate goal from the beginning. This will indicate that I've made it to the professional position and will continue to create inspiring artworks and games!

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