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Lucius Logan profile
Lucius Logan
Lucius Logan
Creating 3D Adulting Comics Adults with Mom/Son or Brother/Sister taboo.
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Títulos de Assinatura

USD mensal

Access to all of my 3D comics currently in production 5 days after initial posting.

  • Access to content released within that CURRENT MONTH and 3 MONTH's BEFORE (Ex: December/24; November/24 and October/24).
  • Around 50 to 60 pages per month.
  • Access to server from Discord.
USD mensal

You will have all the benefits of previous Tiers.

  • Access immediate to my HQ 3D currently in production as soon as it's released.
  • Access to content released in the CURRENT MONTH and 7 MONTHS BEFORE (Ex: December/24; November/24 until July/24).
  • Around 50 to 60 pages per month.
  • Access to server from Discord.
USD mensal
VIP Bronze Shareholder

You will have all the benefits of previous Tiers.

  • Access to all content already published on the site.
  • Access the NO TEXT versions.
  • Around 80 to 90 pages per month.
  • Your vote carries much greater weight in decision polls on the site.
VIP Bronze Shareholder
USD mensal
VIP Silver Shareholder

You will have all the benefits of previous Tiers.

  • Your vote carries much greater weight in decision polls on the site.
SubscribeStar $25.00 tier
USD mensal
VIP Gold Shareholder

You will have all the benefits of previous Tiers.

  • And you will be able to participate with greater weight in the survey on the topic for new stories.
  • You are a Fan who really wants me to dedicate myself full time to making more stories and with better quality!
VIP Gold Shareholder
USD mensal
VIP Platinum Shareholder

You will have all the benefits of previous Tiers.

  • You can write a mini-story of up to 5 pages for me to create the 3D artwork.
  • And you will be able to participate with greater weight in the survey on the topic for new stories.
  • You are a really BIG FAN who really wants me to dedicate myself full time to making more stories and with better quality!
Assinatura limitada (0 de 1)
VIP Platinum Shareholder
Lucius Logan
Are you new here on the site and would like to know how it works?
 1) How often is the site updated and how many pages?
Answer: UPDATES ON AVERAGE "5" DAYS and with a minimum of 10 pages or  more pages.

2) VIP subscribers have some additional benefits:
- Access to all content on the site;
- NO TEXT version;
- And also an 02 EXTRAS VIP COMICS stories.

Go see all the plans and benefits offered so far as a subscriber.
If you like the comic, leave your review or like to let for me know if I'm on the right track! Thanks​!

DISCORD link:                  


A subscrição dá-lhe:
  • Acesso ao conteúdo do perfil da Creator.
  • Capacidade de apoiar sua Estrela contribuindo - uma vez ou de forma recorrente.
  • Significa entrar em contato com a Estrela diretamente por meio do Instant Messenger.
Lucius Logan
Publicação pública
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Lucius Logan
Publicação pública

Ongoing 📝📈 Stories:

- Pleasure & Money Ch 1 - 110 pgs (On going). - Updated on 01/14/25. - TO ACCESS IS REQUIRED TIER VIPs.
- Homework Ch 4 - 131 pages (On going). - Updated on 01/17/25.
- My New Girlfriend? Ch 4 - 140 pages. (On going). - Updated on 01/22/25.
- Why not me too? Ch 3 - 120 pages. (On going). - Updated on 01/27/25.
- Unhappy Ch 1 - 155 pages. (On going). - Updated on 01/30/25. - TO ACCESS IS REQUIRED TIER VIPs.
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Lucius Logan
Publicação pública

Hello my friends! Below is the schedule of posts for the month of January/25.

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Lucius Logan

Unhappy VIP Comic - 156 until 170 pgs.

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Este post pertence a um $20, $25, $35, $60 nível bloqueado.s
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Lucius Logan

Why not me too? Ch 3 - 111 - 120 pgs No TEXT.

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Ver proximas publicações (6 / 89)
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