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USD mensal
Supporter Tier

You'd like to throw a dollar my way to help, you have my thanks it goes towards paying the bills and so I am able to entertain you with my stories. I'll give you a preview look at a story or new chapter as a gift every now and again in thanks for your support.

USD mensal

You get access to new chapters or short stories before they are published. You can also participate in polls to influence what I'm working on next.

USD mensal
Once upon A Time

At this tier you get additional votes in the polls for what stories I will write next. You will also get first look at any illustrations created to go with my work.

USD mensal

All of the previous tier benefits, along with the occasional additional first look at my upcoming slate of stories and ideas. At this tier I will also consider your story ideas for inclusion in my schedule. So put your thinking cap on about what fun stuff you'd like me to write.

USD mensal
Story Commission

So you want something specifically written for you eh? Message me and discuss before signing up for this tier, see if I'm taking commissions at the moment, find out my list of things I won't write, and to see what my schedule is like, when do I have a spare slot to get to yours. Story length will be discussed with you, up to 10 chapters, above that will need further discussion. Make sure you change this back to a lower tier once you've been charged for the story, if you don't want to be charged $100 per month (I don't mind if you do want to keep paying :-) ).

 This content was created for artistic and entertainment purposes FOR ADULTS ONLY and may include pictures and materials that some viewers may find offensive. If you are under the age of 18, if such material offends you or if it is illegal to view such material in your community please exit the page IMMEDIATELY. All depicted characters are fictional. No live victims were produced during this content creation and no harm was imposed upon any live creature. All characters depicted in sexual situations are 18 years of age or older and of the age of consent, even if it looks otherwise. Acts depicted are all consensual. 


  • Short stories and multi chapter epics as well as everything in between. I will also be comissioning some talented artists to created artwork and comics based on my work or in collaboration with me. You'll see it all here first!

The final pic of Supergirl and Zod. By the talented Exxidor459 General Zod decides it's time to u...

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Part 2 of Supergirl captured by General ZodBy the talented Exxidor459General Zod makes Supergirl ...

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A new pic from the talented Exxidor459. Ursa from Superman II meets the Helen Slater version of S...

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Starship Troopers a sci-fi classic I've always loved. Here is an image inspired by the scene wher...

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Here's Chapter 8 of the GoT Time Of The Flayed Man story. Ramsay meets Ellaria Sand and the Sand ...

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Ver proximas publicações (6 / 98)


18 assinantes
99 publicação


$80 of $500
per month
This allows me to devote more time to creating new content, and begin paying artists to illustrate or create comic book versions of my work
$80 of $1,000
per month
This allows me to generate more content and get multiple pieces of artwork created regularly.

Outras Creators

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