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LiteraryLewdity profile
Smut author playing around with a mix of sexy and sensual. A lot of fantasy - dragons, and furries, and ghosts, oh my - along with some works that are grounded...ish... in this reality.


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Public post
Part 2

When Lily and I finally came down the stairs, on slightly wobbly legs, my partner Sasha had let themself in and was already in the kitchen making dinner. They had dough rising in a bowl, cheese out for gating, and was chopping mushrooms. I bound across the room for a hug. They returned it with only one arm until they set down their knife.

"You have to see my nest! It’s perfect!” I said, practically vibrating in their arms. “Lily was so helpful, and it's so cozy, and perfect for cuddles!" Sasha squeezed tighter to keep me from bouncing them to pieces. They held me in place like I didn’t have a couple inches on them. Through our embrace I could feel laughter bubbling out of their chest.

Behind me Lily chuckled. "You should try it out, Sha, it really is its own little world.”

I stepped back so Sasha and Lily could share a hug and a peck on the lips. Sasha stayed there, arm around Lily’s waist, and grinned at me. In their untucked blue flannel and cargo pants they looked like a curly haired lumberjack. But kinda short. A dwarf and an elf cuddling.

"I'd say you and I should break it in, but sounds like you two already did?" Sash looked up at Lily. “Did I miss out, waiting for you two to come down?"

Lily shook her head. "It’s only for cuddles, Nico says. Very important.  Although,” Lily pulled the neck of her shirt to the side, exposing the bite mark that was crossed by the Wartenberg wheel’s tracks, "Nico has an interesting idea of what cuddling means."

“Ooh!” Sasha poked the freshly bruising bite, making Lily squawk and flinch back.

"I know full well what Nico's version of cuddling entails.” Chuckling, Sasha came over and kissed my cheek. “Looks like you had a good time."

"You know I don't think I've ever been in bed with someone, come away with bites and scratches, and not even kissed them?" Lily smiled at me. "It was novel. I've got to go but I'll text you days that work for me and some ideas for our date? I want to see if I can earn that kiss!” 

“A date?” Mischief smoldered in Sasha’s eyes. “One of you is going to be given a run for their money, and I’m not sure who. I can’t wait to hear all about it.” Fuck, I started to blush. Again!

Lily had another hug for me, and a lingering kiss for Sasha. “We should also plan a time to hang out, helping Nico gave me some ideas!” Lily said, slowly stepping away from Sasha.

“I bet they did. Can’t wait.” Sasha walked Lily out.

I got some water and leaned on the counter. The scratches were tickling my back. My shirt rubbed them when I moved; temporary tattoo reminders of the afternoon with Lily.  It’d had been a lot of fun, I still couldn’t believe today happened, and was looking forward to this nebulous upcoming date. What was it going to be? She said she’d reach out, so I didn’t need to do anything about it. Right? She was so much more adventurous than I was, what was she…

Sasha startled me by rubbing my shoulder. Thankfully I didn’t spill any water, that would have been a lot, just then. They pulled me into another hug, their body on mine. A loose curl tickled my cheek. It also felt really nice for it to be just Sasha and me. That hug had  a special kind of quiet that didn’t happen when other people were around. Our breathing matched. I could tell they were slowing their’s down for my sake.

“Good day?” They whispered into my ear.

“Good day. Unexpected and full. I’m a bit unbalanced right now.” I rubbed my hands on their shirt. “I’m glad it’s just you and me, lumber-dwarf.”

Sasha popped up onto the counter opposite their prep work. Wispy, dark blonde curls escaped from the bun high on the back of their head, coiling like springs where they hung. They were half a head taller than me up there. “I guess that makes you a hobbit.”

My partner reached out and pulled me back into a hug. Leaning in, my head rested on their chest and I squeezed my arms tight around their waist, the best body pillow ever.  They hung their arms over my shoulders and rested their chin on my head. “But you’re good?”

Squished there, against my partner’s body I found a little more balance, covering the knot of chaos that was living in the bottom of my chest. “I will be. Like I said, unexpected but good.”

"So, bites and scratches, but no kisses?" Laughter filled their words.

"I thought about it, but Lily challenged me. She suggested I wanted to kiss her, and she was being all toppy and smug. There was no way I was going to after that," I mumbled into Sasha’s boob. 

"But you really wanted to, didn't you?" Sasha chuckled, making my head bounce. They ran some fingers down my back, making my shirt rub against the scratches Lily left there. I shivered and hummed happily, it was a lovely reminder of my time with Lily. It also made me feel unsettled, today had been so full of strong emotions and unexpected adventures.

"So much!” I said, looking up at my partner. “She is really good with the claw. Also, she had me blushing as soon as she walked in. Didn’t even have to try, just ‘I’m here to help and I know what I’m doing and not making a big deal about it.’ When they saw why I was blushing, they tried to make me do it again. They are so mean," I said, grumbling the last bit.

"You mean except how they helped make your bed super cozy and broke your brain with scratches, right?” 

"One hundred percent." I looked up at them and Sasha leaned down to kiss me. Perched up on the counter, Sash made me feel small and safe, especially with their legs wrapped around my back to give an extra squeeze. Kissing them pushed down some of the chaos I could feel building in my body. I hugged back, pulling myself into their kiss, trying to disappear into it. 

"I love you being taller than me. Maybe I should get Lily to help me put in a pair of yoga swings so you can kiss me like this all the time." For emphasis I pulled them closer to the edge of the counter for another kiss. As an added bonus, they had to wrap their legs around me just a little tighter to stay balanced. Like this, I was able to press against them without knocking the countertop.

"Yeah, that would be really nice.” Sasha chuckled. “That could be your date," This beautiful lovely human wove their fingers into my hair and gently tugged to tilt my head up into a deeper kiss. If I could have turned Sasha  into a blanket to wrap around me, at that moment I would have. They were so warm and safe.

"So, did you win by not kissing Lily?" They asked when we broke our kiss. Their nose inches from mine, eyes crinkled in mischief. 

"Of course I won!" Indignation welled inside of me. “It wasn’t easy, I really wanted to. That cute, smug butt!”

"I don't know, you seem to need kisses more than normal. Maybe more than garlic bread."

"Oh, I won! She set a challenge, whether she meant to or not, and I met it. Besides, if I happen to be in greater need of kisses, that's a win for you. And fuck you, garlic bread is delicious!” I bent my left hand so its nails dug into the small of Sasha’s back. “Are you feeling left out?"

"That doesn't work on me the way it does on you, remember?!” A grimace passed across their face.

"Much as I wish it did," I said, leaning my back head against their chest. They smelled good, like sun-warmed flannel and early autumn leaves. Their fingers in my hair loosened as we relaxed into each other.

I could feel tension welling inside me again, the unexpected course of the day must have left me more on edge than I thought. It was fun, being flustered, then flirty, and having those cuddles full of intimacy and teasing that marked our bodies and left them glowing. Stiil, now I was having trouble settling myself down, and I could feel it bubbling out of me. 

Snuggles with Sasha lasted only a few moments before I bit them on the top of their breast. Hard enough to make them gasp and yank on my hair, but not hard enough to leave a mark.

"You brat!" They tilted my head back. The excitement dilating their pupils was mismatched by the surprise in their voice.

“Yeah, but I know what works on you.” With big eyes I looked up at them, looking as innocent as I could, and tried to lower my head again only to have it yanked back. "Are you saying you don't like bites?" 

Their hands in my hair kept me from moving, and my look morphed into a wicked grin. 

The flannel shirt Sasha was wearing had been pushed up their body while we kissed. It was nothing to get my hands under it and squeeze hard on their waist. I wasn't feeling bashful and flustered by a sudden crush like I had been with Lily, this was reconnection time with my partner. Snaking my hands up their sides, I tried to tickle them, hoping they would be surprised into letting me go. Instead, they clamped their elbows in, trapping my hands. With my head and hands stuck I wiggled my body, hoping to shake something free. Sash just shook their head and clicked their tongue three times. 

"Where do you think you are going?" They said through gritted teeth. Sash was working hard to keep me trapped. I knew they liked the power of being taller than me, but I also had them trapped on the counter. 


The pressure on my scalp would not have been so rough if I hadn't been trying to pull free, but I really wanted to bite them again. Knowing I looked like a maniac, I bit at the air and giggled. 

With my body trapped I couldn’t do anything when they left quick kisses on my cheek and forehead. They were grinning down at me. 

"You want more cuddles?" Sasha asked, moving a hand to hold my chin. "Then you need to show you can be nice about it. No more bites!” They emphasized this with a jerk of my hair. They still had their legs around me, too. I was truly stuck.

"But biting is so much fun!" Still, I stopped tugging and looked up at them. Taking a deep break, I stopped trying to escape. Sash still had my hair in one fist and my chin in their other hand. I was trying to show I could settle.

"I can behave,” I said, taking another big, slow breath. “I was just excited to see you." As I said this, Sasha relaxed their pull, if not grip, on my hair so I could lean forward. With my chin tipped up, I did my best to project calm and well-behaved. They chuckled and gave me a quick kiss.

Definitely over-stimulated from the earlier adventure with Lily, and excited to see Sasha, I felt nervous I'd gone too far. What if they had wanted to catch up at the end of the day instead of deal with me being bratty? Sasha was amused by a project turning into a hardcore cuddle session, that I was confident about. But the rest? Maybe I was being too much, starting this game right away. I hadn’t planned to, but Sasha was a person I could stop masking around. It was safe to be this kind of crazy with them, and they said what they needed and I had heard them. My mind was spinning too much.

Slowly, I leaned forward to press my head into their chest. They still had their hand in my hair, but it was a softer control they exerted, loving and protective, instead of defensive - but still cautious. I had flashed from penitent to bratty enough times that they would make sure I was actually calming down.

"I'm sorry for getting over-excited right away when we came down. I should have checked. There were a lot of emotions today, as good as it was, and it’s been over stimulating," I whispered. Sash’s chest was as comfy as ever. As I breathed in the smell their day filled me up and slowed me down. I picked up some of their own scent, that undefinable smell that is unique to a person. I felt my heart rate drop. Sasha's hand no longer felt like it was ready to defensively grip my hair, instead they created a comforting pressure with their palm and pushed my head into their chest. Their other hand moved between my shoulder blades giving me a good squeeze. If a human could be a weighted blanket, it would be them.

"I got you," they said. “It was a bit much, that energy right away after you came down.”

"Sorry,” I whispered. 

"But,” they continued, over me, “I know you, and am not surprised, based on the bit I’ve heard about your day. Nor am I hurt. You don't need to make anything up to me. But, if you feel like you have to, tell me about how you have a date coming up while I make dinner.” They put their hands on my cheeks and tilted my head so I was looking at their face. "Also, I'm getting hungry.”

"Okay, but one thing first." They let go and I leaned into their neck, almost like I had done just a little before with Lily. I needed to fill my lungs with them one more time. Their scent wasn't anything I could describe to another person  - like cinnamon or woodsmoke - but it was Sasha's smell. Layered with that was falling leaves and warm flannel, my favorite season mixed with my favorite person. After a slow breath out, I gave them a small squeeze and pushed back.

"You smell so good." I smiled up at them "What's for dinner?”

They hopped off the counter and started to chop the mushrooms again. "What's for dinner? You spend the whole day galavanting," they looked at the stairs that led to my room and smiled, "and have the audacity to demand food from me?"

“Fuck yeah I do!” I said, taking a seat on the other side of the island.

Sasha moved easily about my kitchen, they’d made so many dinners here it was practically theirs, and set about finishing the pizza they were making. I sat back and watched them work. As the sausage cooked, they kneaded the dough into shape, the side of their hand massaging it thinner and thinner. I imagined them doing that to me and shivered.

They rambled about their work at the park, getting things ready for winter. I'd heard them talk about planting seeds of grasses and flowers that needed the cold of winter to germinate, and pulling up invasive plants a million times. It never got old.

"There was a new retiree volunteering today," Sasha gossiped, leering at me. "A man!" 

"A man?" I gasped, bringing my hand to my neck, clutching pearls in dramatic shock.

"A man! Not bad looking for 65, either. Paulo? I think? Anyway, Janice and Martha could not be more helpful."

"Hah! I bet not. I get Janice, prowling after a divorce, but lonely widow Martha? Good on her!" I stole a piece of cheese and got glared at for it.

When the pizza was consumed we cuddled on the couch to watch a show and digest.

"Let me see what you two accomplished upstairs?” Sasha said, grinning at me.

"It's so great! I can't wait to show you!" I blurted, going from a contented puddle to a blur of excitement, hopping off the couch and pulling them with me. "I'm calling it my nest, and it's almost perfect!"

"Just almost?" They ask, arching an eyebrow.

"You'll see. C’mon!" I pulled them through my house, from the living-room, through the kitchen, and up the stairs to my bedroom. Soft curtains hung from the ropes strung between the hard points Lily and I had installed in the ceiling. With the fairy lights plugged in, and the overhead off, the curtains seemed to float on invisible posts around my bed. It was my soft, cozy space, tucked away in my room, hidden in my house.

Sasha whistled through their teeth when they saw it. 

"That's really nice. You two did a good job!" They ran their fingers across a curtain, and stopped before parting it. "May I?" They asked and inclined their head to the entrance.

"Of course! climb in." I bounced in place as they disappeared inside and another whistle sounded. 

"It is cozy in here!" They said from behind the curtains.

I poked my head in, closing the curtain around my neck. Sasha was already reclining across the width of the bed, perpendicular to how Lily and I had napped earlier today. They were spreading out across my blankets and had moved some pillows behind their head. Sasha was so lovely, I could just imagine their curls heaped over their head as they actually relaxed, instead of posing for my benefit.

"Now it's perfect," I said and climbed in. I straddled their hips, cupped their head in my hands, and kissed them. This was a different kiss from earlier in the kitchen. My hands along their jaw and cupping their head was not a sign of possession but of christening this space as the sanctuary it was meant to be. This afternoon’s impromptu touching and cuddling with Lily had been a trial run. Now, with Sasha, I’d be able to really make the space my own. 

"Yep, now it's definitely perfect,” they echoed, wrapping their arms around my back and returning the kisses. I wasn't nervous like I had been with Lily. Sasha was my person. Their kisses were familiar and comforting, like an old sweater that always fit just right. Cuddling with them, and being kissed, I felt some of that knot of chaos inside me melt away. I needed them, not in the out-of-control way from the kitchen. I needed them because their presence made my nest even better, cozier.

"Can I have skin? I'd like to feel you against me," I asked, breaking the kiss.

"Of course!" Sasha smiled up at me. "Is tonight a playful night or a squish your soul back into your body night?”

"Yes?” I sat back up to take my shirt off. "I want to please you as a way of reconnecting, and because it feels normalizing. I also need squishes because today has been a lot! Not bad, it was a really good day, but a lot." 

I flopped off Sash onto my back, feet poking out of the nest’s curtains, to give them room to take their shirt off. Just mentioning the events of the day made my heart start to race and my brain spin a little. I closed my eyes and took a long breath. After a few moments of shifting around, Sasha rolled over and put a hand on my chest, adding a smidge of pressure, helping me reregulate. A few deep breaths like that and I was level-ish again.

"Why are you still in pants? I thought you wanted skin,” they said as they straddled me, minus their pants and shirt. The warmth from their naked legs on either side of my waist and the hand still on my chest was better than a weighted blanket. More curls had escaped their bun and made Sasha look like a wild person. I pulled their hips onto mine, the pressure doing even more to recenter me. They shivered at my touch.

"How are your hands so cold!" Sasha glared at me but didn't move.

"Just for you!” I said with a wicked grin. “How did you get naked so fast?"

After planting a kiss on my forehead, Sasha sat up. They were gorgeous as they sat there, comfortable in their body and the space it occupied - The perfect mix of compact strength and warm squish. Even as concern crossed their eyes, I was drawn to the curve where their neck met their jaw. Tense jaw muscles worked as they also looked down at me. I wanted to kiss them right there and make that worry disappear.

"You were in your head for a moment there," they said. “It looked like you were centering yourself again. I know you had a full day. Do you want to just chill?" Leaning down, hands resting on either side of my head, they looked down at me. Even with concern filling their eyes, they looked so good.

"Not a bit!" I pulled them down to me, so their breasts pushed against my chest. "I want my time with you! I meant what I said, I need my soul squished back into my body, and I'm also not leaving you wanting!”

"You don't–" they started.

"I want to! It may not be a lot tonight, maybe more akin to a blowjob than what we usually do. Assuming you," I paused on that last word turning it into a kiss, "still want me to?” 

They kissed me back. "I mean, if you are only saving that energy for Lily…" they said, leaving that thought hanging there, but mischief sparkled in their eyes.

I tickled them and they flinched, rolling onto the bed. Grabbing Sash’s side, I stole some of their momentum. Despite trying to get away from me, Sasha wound up trapped with my hand on their shoulders, being pressed into the bed. I abused my newfound power and leaned down to bite their breast.

"Play nice!" Sasha yanking my hair and I leaned towards them, into the pull, deepening the feeling.

"As you wish," I said and winked at them. The pressure on my scalp eased, but the hand stayed tangled i
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Part 1

Inspiration struck me one evening when I was out with my partner, Sasha, and a mix of our friends, including Lily. After a few drinks we began trying to one up each other with sexual misadventures. Lily began her tale by describing the hardpoint hooks she had installed in her bedroom ceiling for the purposes of rope suspension. This caught my attention and I zoned out, distracted and inspired by ideas for how I could use them  in my bedroom. Design ideas spun through my head, and only caught the end of her story when, Lily, after having been secured to her brand new hard points, feet off the ground, she had to be untied, quickly, because she had to pee.

After jeers and jokes along the lines of “rookie mistake” and “you’re not into golden showers?” died down, I asked her for help installing my own. See, my house is really old, and my room in particular gets cold in the winter. I wanted to use those hardpoints to build a blanket fort! Turn it into a cozy nest with strings of light, pillows, and soft - make it a place to be cozy and warm with a book on the worst winter night. That was the plan... You know what they say about plans.

Over the next week I found the studs around my bed and bought the hardware. I asked Lily if she would help me put everything together. I'm not great with housework like that, and she is. Plus it's always easier to actually do something like this if another person is involved.

When she showed up on Saturday, her short black hair was already tucked away in a bandana and she had a canvas bag with her. I was barefoot and she was in boots, so she was just a smidge taller than me. She pulled me into a hug as soon as she came through the door. Pressed into the curve of her neck, scents of leather and shampoo fill me up. Lily’s strong, she looks it, she knows it, and she does not hold back when giving a hug. This was hard enough to make me squeak and leave me a little weak kneed. It was a really good hug.

After hanging up her jacket, she picked up her canvas bag that clinked as the tools in it resettled. "C'mon, show me what we're working with," she said with a smile, "this is going to be the best blanket fort ever!"

"I'm kinda surprised you are not teasing me about this. Based on your stories, this is meant to be soft, not sexy at all." I followed her through my house, as if I were the guest.

"Listen, I'm not one to yuck another person's yum," she said while I put shoes on. "Just because I really like being bound to the ceiling while I'm forced to hold a vibrator between my legs, or beaten..."

"Or eaten until you're jelly, or fucked like an object," I filled in.

"You get it!" she quipped back. 

"It doesn't mean the thing that brings you pleasure is less valid.” Lily continued earnestly. “If a nest of soft is what you want then I'm here for it! Besides, anyone who says soft can't be kinky is wrong, and ignorant, or boring." She put a hand on my shoulder, I could feel the warmth from her hand in that gentle squeeze. "C'mon, let's see what we are working with."

Lily winked as she walked by. I felt myself start to blush. I’d always thought she was cute, but this was new. She was in her element, in project mode before she had entered my house, and I was feeling like her bumbling apprentice. Fuck.

Lily had been a guest often enough that she knew my house and led the way to my bedroom. I impressed her by having the studs marked and all the mounts we'd be using set out. We were clearing things out of the way when the drawer in the bedside table she was moving slid open.

"Look at all this!" She exclaimed like she’d found buried treasure and held up a little leather pocket. "What's in here?" Out came a little wheel, covered in spikes attached to a metal handle. I started to blush, again.

"I knew you had it in you!" she leered at me as she held up the Wartenberg wheel. "And I didn't know you'd had this in you!" She'd put down the wheel and picked up a silken opera glove with metal fingertips. 

"That's my claw glove," I mumbled.

"I've never seen something like this before! It looks amazing! Can I put it on?" She was sliding it across her hand so the pieces of sewn on metal, which looked like rings turned into broad claws, clinked and tickled her palm.

"C-can we do the mounts first?" I could feel the blush spreading out from my face and down my neck.

"Oh, god, yes, I'm sorry." Lily put everything back where it had been in the drawer and finished moving the table out of the way. She sat down on the drawer and looked at me earnestly. “I hope I didn't make you uncomfortable!”

"It's okay, it's not a thing I share with a lot of folks. Just my partner or people I'm dating that I'm comfortable sharing it with." I went to grab one end of the bed and motioned with my head for her to get the other. 

"One, two, three!" With the workspace now clear of obstacles we took a second, sitting on the bed we'd just moved. I was hyper-aware of Lily's arm resting against mine. Watching movies together or sharing a booth in a restaurant with her had never caused goosebumps before. It felt full of promise, like the anticipation of the first sip of tea.

"Gods," she laughed, "it is so dusty under your bed. Good thing we are making more of a mess or I'd suggest we clean it up first. Let's get to it."

Setting the mounts took little time. Putting up the rope, with all the requisite kinky jokes from my friend, then hanging and securing the fuzzy sheets to make the fort, took enough effort that Lily demanded a break when they were finally hung.

"Why didn't you just get curtains?" She took my proffered cup of water. Her fingers warm on mine. I wanted them to linger there.

"Not comfy enough. Nest. All the comfy and soft, that's the goal." I couldn’t help bouncing with excitement. A little water spilled out of my cup. 

"That's it? No tying up your partner or a lover?" Her look, over the rim of her cup, was almost mocking, but I could see curiosity as well. Her eyes never left mine the entire time. 

"That's going to be down to the date space, since we've got the room. Up there is going to be a fort of soft, and comfy, and” I paused to get the right word, “indolence. Most of those toys you saw in that drawer," I could feel a blush starting again, "are Sasha’s and will be downstairs. That will be where people can get as sweaty and sticky as they want."

"Does that include the wheel and the glove? I'm curious about those." Lily was leaning against the counter, her hands resting on the edge, her head cocked. She was grinning at me, knowing it was making my blush worse! It must have been creeping down my chest at this point.

I finished my water in a gulp. "Let's finish the rest up, yeah?" Then rushed up the stairs.

Stringing the fairy lights, getting the floor swept and all the furniture back in place took next to no time. Inside we layered pillows, a couple soft stuffed animals, and a comforter. The light was soft and warm, and if more was needed for reading I could move aside the blanket blocking my nightstand and use the lamp there. I flung myself into my new nest before even kicking shoes off. 

"Oh my god, it's perfect! Come on, check it out!" I had to kick my feet, which were still hanging off the bed, to release some of the energy.

"Okay," Lily said, sitting in the stuffed chair on the other side of the room, "but maybe take your shoes off before you make a mess?" She was already untying her own.

"Right!" I scrunched up, feet in the air to untie them. "Come cuddle! And make sure you close the side when you get in."

Lily crawled into my nest and, still on hands and knees, looked around. "Hold on, one thing's not quite right."

She climbed back out and flicked off the overhead lights in the room. My nest was aglow from the fairy lights, and it was perfect! I was laying in the middle of my bed and it was like being in the center of my own warm, soft, cozy campfire. Lily crawled in next to me and laid her head next to my shoulder.

"This really is perfect for you, isn't it?" I knew she was staring at me, but I was so enraptured with the how perfect my space was, layered in blankets and pillows, the lights' pattern on the ceiling I looking like clouds. Lily lifted my arm up so she could scooch in and lay her head in the crook of my shoulder. I was suddenly aware of her body pressed against mine.

"It really is cozy in here," she murmured, her voice low, only for me. Her smile wasn’t the mischievous grin from the kitchen, it was more sincere. From the crook of my shoulder she had to look up, through her eyelashes. I still felt like I was following her around, not sure what to do next. 

"Um..." I really couldn't think of anything else to say. I was very aware of her thigh resting against my knee, her stomach curved to my hip, and her chest pressed to my side. Every breath added light pressure against my ribs, then receded. I had no idea what to do with my body. Trying to force my muscles to relax didn't work, I could feel my muscles getting tense. 

"You said cuddle, do you still want to? Maybe as little spoon?" She said. 

I could feel her pulling back just a little, making space. I rolled only my side and pressed back into her. That felt better and I started to relax. My body molded into hers, still hyper-aware of her there with me, but the stress of being perceived was gone. Her arm rested across my stomach, the front of her thighs against the back of mine. I adjusted my hips and back to fit more snuggly into the curve of her body. Our breathing began to sync.

 It had gotten warmer in the nest, the kind of warmth that sucks the energy out of a persona and makes them want to nap. I could smell the fresh sweat from both of us. It wasn’t smelly, yet, but tickled the inside of my nose. Between that, the cozy warmth building in my nest, and the pressure of her body against mine I started to relax.

Have you ever had a conversation with someone, or maybe a dance, where everything was so perfectly in tune? Every phrase matched with a "yes and,” building upon each other? Maybe it is strange to describe a cuddle like that, but every little adjustment I made she matched. Each part of our bodies sought to create more connection. My feet and hers twined together. My calves against her shins in a sandwich. Our knees bent like they had been formed together by a craftsman, perfectly shaped so our thighs melted against each other. Her chest rising and falling against my back, guiding our breaths to the same rhythm.

But it's the hips that make a good spoon, big or little. They need to fit just right. I always feel safe when I'm the little spoon, my butt pressed into another person's hips. Like I belong, there, to them, warm and safe. Being the big spoon is just as good, I can tell how comfortable and safe a person is by how much they try to match their contours with mine. And it all starts with the hips. Ours fit perfectly.

I melted into this cuddle, all blushing and stammering gone. As Lily held me, I could feel her strength without her having to squeeze a muscle. As cozy as my nest was, it was blissful with Lily there. I wasn't about to fall asleep but I didn't want to move.

I don't know how long we were like that, time is weird, but I could feel her starting to get antsy. Her feet fidgeting, fingers looking for something to do. 

"Roll onto your back, I want to be a koala!" I sat up and stared at her. Cuddling in my new nest had calmed my nerves. "And would you feel comfortable without a shirt? I want to feel my skin against yours"

"What, koala? And yes!" Lily sat up and pulled her shirt over her head. Her sports bra was purple. Amazing. "You want to be a koala?"

"I want to keep cuddling, but you need to be the tree.” I lifted my shirt up, but I got a bit stuck putting my arms into a string of lights. The neck of the shirt caught around my chin. Lily snickered, but helped me get my shirt off. “Thanks. Okay, you lay on your back arm out, like how we started, and I cuddle up to your side, like a koala in a tree. You're the tree. Plus now there's skin contact!" 

After she lay back I scooched up against her, my head in the crook of her shoulder, my top leg flung across her thighs. It didn't matter that we were basically the same height, I felt small and cozy again. She was warm, that special warmth of skin pressed to skin when it's any time of year except the middle of summer. It felt like sunshine in the late afternoon of an autumn day. And she smelled really good, sweet shampoo and a bit of exercise. It made me want to sink even more into her skin, just be completely enveloped. This was one of the great things about being the koala, another way to feel secure against another person.

The other was that I could also touch her. If being still was too passive, I could fidget and keep her engaged. I traced my fingers up her side, softly touching her skin. Up the hip on her other side, then touching her ribs as softly as a breath. I went around the outside of her shoulder to avoid tickling her, then down the inside of her arm. I wanted to find a spot where a muscle would twitch, a nerve reacting to this light touch, seeking more. 

"What are you doing?" She looked down at me, our faces close enough that we could kiss if one of us tried, just a little.

"I want to see if I can find spots on your body that are... responsive." Holding eye contact I brought my finger up her arm, making contact light as a whisper. Nothing happened until I crossed the bottom of her neck. Her eyes grew wider and her pupils dilated.

"Did I tickle?"

"No? Like almost, but good?" She shivered as I traced my hand back over the spot again. Whispers of fingers traced across her neck and down her chest, like I was drawing a tie. I added a touch of nail across her collarbone and made her shiver again. 

"Almost like your nerves are reaching out for more," I whispered, moving closer to her ear.

"Are you doing ASMR on my skin?" She laughed a little as she said it.

"Hold on." I sat up and leaned over her body to open my bedside table. A leg across her hips and a hand on her chest kept me from falling off the bed, and kept Lily where I’d left her. 

"Are you getting out your date toys?" Her voice grew lower with excitement. It felt like a challenge and I could feel the blush starting.

"Not in my cozy cave! No, I'm getting some other things." I hummed tunelessly and took out the claw glove and Wartenberg wheel.

"This is for later," I said, setting the glove to the side, the metal claws clinking together. I moved some pillows to support me against the wall, sat back, and opened my legs.

"Head,” I directed her, tapping my leg, “back on my thigh." 

"Don't people face the other way for this?" Lily smiled up at me as she arranged her body. Resting her head on my right thigh, she snaked her left arm under my left leg, and curved that hand round to my shin. Her right arm reached over her head and took hold of my hip. She looked up at me, and the warmth of her had me wanting more, wishing we could fill the same space.

"What now?" she asked.

"Give me your right arm," I said and took the wheel out of its leather sleeve.

I held her right  arm and guided it to bend over her head, palm up. It rested in my palm, her wrist cradled between my thumb and fingers. Lily gasped when the Wartenberg wheel graced her palm, tracing from heart line to life line. 

Then she giggled, "That's the wheel? How is it doing that?"

With as much patience and dexterity as I could muster, I rolled the wheel down her forearm, one spike at a time, barely dimpling her skin.

"This was originally used for testing nerve reactions. I have no idea if doctors still use it, but it does the job." I walked the wheel back up her arm still trying to move slow as honey.

"I wasn't kidding when I asked if you were doing ASMR on my nerves." In my hand her right arm lay still, but her left hand was starting to squeeze my calf. The calluses on her fingers a juxtaposition with the light touch off the wheel. “I wasn’t wrong, either.”

"Are you enjoying yourself?" I lifted my eyes from her forearm to look at her face. As we made eye contact, she started to turn red and her pupils had grown larger. Her hips wiggles against my legs.

"I'm great. This is great! Can you push harder?"  The grin she passed me looked like the one I imagined she gave her partner while suspended from a hard point, a challenge.

"I could... But that's not the point of this." I lifted the wheel from her arm and let her hand go. Lily adjusted so that arm reached over my thigh and her hand rested on my right hip.  I cupped my fingers under Lily’s chin and rolled her head to the left, exposing her neck.

"Remember that spot on your neck? Imagine how the wheel would feel, gently kissing it. Give those nerve endings just enough that they want more, but not enough to satisfy." I put the first spike of the wheel on top of her right breast and walked it along the top of her sports bra. Spike by spike it rolled to the center of her chest and began a trip up her body. I could feel her back muscles engaging and releasing as she tried to stay still.

Point by point I rolled the wheel up her sternum. I could feel her tension building, the anticipation of the feeling was as much a part of this as having singular areas of skin engaged. The fear of a needle about to break skin, but never doing so. The pressure built and dimpled her skin, then moved on, building pressure but never passing the breaking point, tracing nerve reactions across her chest and towards her neck. 

Lily had not breathed out in at least ten seconds. I imagine the pressure in her brain as the wheel eked precise responses through its trip across her skin. One hand was tight on my calf, the other gripped my hip, and her long held breath, waiting for the wheel to continue towards her neck.

And then I make a right turn at her clavicle.

The breath Lily had been holding exploded out of her.  Frustration and amusement flared from her eyes. "That was so rude! ugh!" 

There were pin prick dots appearing on her skin now. I could trace the wheel’s path across her chest. Instead of letting the wheel continue on its journey, I took it away.

"You didn't like what I was doing?" I pitched my voice higher than even a question required. "It seemed like you were. But I could be wrong. I'll stop if you want."

My left ring finger lightly traced the path marked by the wheel and I grinned down at her. More goosebumps rose in its wake. Lily flushed again, deeper this time. 

"You know... that's not what I.... Meant!" Even without the pins of the wheel poking her she was responding to my touch. I gently traced a fingernail along the dots the wheel had left and Lily wiggled as if it were retracing its steps. 

"I do," I said, and in a flash zippered the wheel up her shoulder to the base of her neck. Slowly, I rolled it up her neck and under her jawline. Her body tensed at first, then melted as it continued to trace her neck. She bent her head over further, making more room for the wheel. A few more trips along her neck and her wiggles stopped. She’d become a puddle in my lap. 

"Ugh! I would be such a slut for a vampire." Sighing, Lily looked up at me, "I think I'm done. I need a rest, then maybe I can try that glove out on you?"

"That sounds lovely. Do you want to cuddle like this?" I set the Wartenberg wheel down on the side table, being careful to move my legs as little as possible. 

Lily rolled over onto her right side, still using my leg as a pillow. I brushed fingers though her hair and  rested my left leg against her back. "You are so comfy. And really good at that, cuddling and using that wheel. It's your turn next.”

She was so nice and warm against me, a big lazy cat laying in a sunbeam. It made my blanket fort even cozier. When she started to breathe deeply I knew I wasn't going anywhere for a while, and settled myself back against my pillows for a nap.

I woke up to something chewing on my forearm, the teeth felt too big to be my cat. Looking down I saw Lily using me as a chew toy. She was gnawing on the side of my arm with little
deliberate bites. Each time she did this she made an "omn" sound. When she felt me stir, Lily tilted her head back to make eye contact with me, winked, and kept biting up and down my arm. All her focus seemed to be on doing this and making that cute little sound.

I watched her bite me like for as long as I could stand it. None of the bites hurt, but I was filled with energy that had nowhere to go, and the need to leap on top of Lily bubbled up in me. I wanted to push her over and squeeze her as hard as I could. Lying there in her purple sports bra and pants, biting me in such an adorable way created a feeling that was usually reserved for cats, dogs, and pictures of fat bears about to hibernate.

When the cute aggression boiled over, I rolled us over and sat on her. It was a bit awkward disentangling the leg she was lying on, it got stuck between her hips and the sheet. Lily – strong, tall, intimidating – squeaked in surprise as she was suddenly rolled onto her stomach. This only made the cute aggression fiercer. I straddled her butt, and leaned forward to slip my arms around her chest and squeeze with my whole body. Giggles shook Lily and vibrated against my body. Trying to release this energy with aggressive cuddling wasn't enough. Every response from her made the need to squish her stronger. I needed another outlet for this energy. 

So I bit her. 

Right on her bare shoulder, where I had used the Wartenberg wheel just a little while before. It was not as hard as I could bite, I wasn't trying to hurt her, but I was over-stimulated. That energy needed a way to flow out of my system, and this worked like a charm.

"Hey!" Lily protested, "not fair!" She tried to push herself up. “It's your turn! you are supposed to be on the bottom!" I squeezed harder with my legs and bit her on the other shoulder. With another squawk, Lily tried to escape, but I held on tight, like a carnivorous jetpack. When Lily rolled over, I could feel my entire ass hanging out of the curtains.

It was my turn to squawk. "Okay, I can be in control! And on the bottom! Truce! Truce!"  Panic filled me. Falling out of my nest into the outer abyss sucked away the cute aggression.  I was still holding on tight, only now it was for dear life. Lily moved into the nest, dragging me with her. and she was chortling! The nerve! But she pulled herself further on the bed and saved me from facing a humiliating fall.

"Now, if you are ready to behave..." she said, looking over her shoulder at me. 

"It wasn't my fault. You were biting me and it was so cute I had to tackle you!" With my butt back on the bed, I could let her sit up.

"That makes an absurd kind of sense," she side-eyed me. "Now, where is that claw glove? I want to try it out."

"It's called cute aggression," I said as I crawled across the bed to my side table. "Like when you see a kitten or chinchilla and it's so cute you want to squeeze it to pieces!”

“Like puppies," she said as she slid the fake silk opera glove up her arm. "Ooh this is cool!" The metal claws at the end of each finger clinked as she brought her fingers together. "How should we do this?"

"Remember what you said about skin ASMR? Same idea, but these are sharp so go light. Try it on yourself first." Watching her run the gloves across her skin for the first time delighted me. I bounced on the bed in anticipation. Goosebumps broke out across her arm and her eyes grew wide with surprise. 

"This is amazing! You are going to have to try this on me at some point!" She said and kept dragging the tips of her clawed fingers up her arm. When she was done scratching her arm she spider-walked her fingers across her legs. "I could just ignore you and keep this all for myself,” she said and flashed a wicked grin.

"Oh sure!" I said, "Keep all the fun sensory feels for yourself! Rude!" I paused, feeling the blush coming back. "So I really like it when those are used on my back. I could lay on my stomach while you straddle my butt or," and here I really felt myself blush, "you could be on your back and I could lie on top of you. Both would let you scratch my back, one might just let me bite you too.” 

Lily scooched into the spot I had occupied minutes before. She settled herself into a supine position: with the clawed arm extended out to the side, she made the bed look like hers! 

That wicked grin came back and she was in charge again! "You don't have to limit yourself to just biting. You could kiss me, if the urge struck you."

I froze. Despite how intimate we had already been, kissing her had not occurred to me, not in any serious way. The blush was spreading to my chest and I felt trapped by her smile.

“Well? Are you going to come cuddle?" The way Lily was looking at me,I felt like prey, and liked it! This was her trap, but I was walking into it deliberately. She held her un-clawed hand out to me, an invitation fraught with excitement- and just a little trepidation.

Refusing to acknowledge the blush, I threw a pillow at her face. Even though she caught it, I had enough time to crawl up her body and get nose to nose before she could respond. 

"You want a kiss?” I asked, looking into her eyes. ”What makes you think that's something I want? Full of ourselves, are we?" Braced on one arm, I used the other to trace the marks left by the wheel. A small gasp escaped her barely parted lips. They did look very kissable, but she had been so smug in making her suggestion. I left the lightest of pecks on the very corner of her mouth.

Now, I was straddling her, our chests pressed together, my head resting along her shoulder, nose at her hairline.  Oh god this was a good cuddle position. Fuck, she also smelled really good! Like sweet shampoo, sweat, and something sharp that was inescapably her.

"No bites in places I can't hide." She said. I got a preemptive poke on my hip- from the ungloved hand - as emphasis.

"Who said I wanted to bite you!” I said, and I bit her on the shoulder to make my point. 

"These are sharp, right?" Lily asked and, light as a breeze, dragged the claws across my back. An electric wave swept through me. Whatever I was about to say was replaced by a gasp. 

My head relaxed into her shoulder, and then she did it again. The glove moved slower this time, ensuring that every nerve it crossed was activated, and I was melting into her. Each caress was almost painful, almost tickling, and caused my back to undulate with pleasure. I knew I was gasping and moaning into her ear, but she didn't seem to mind. Like a strong wind, each pass of the glove blew across my back, making me shake like a tree. It made me shiver and roll against her body. Each pass with the gloves built into a gale of sensation that crumbled away when she lifted her hand.

Until, instead of skating across my back, the claws marched down my spine. Each point rested in place while its companion stepped forward. I pressed my hips onto hers. My arms, along her side, taking some of my weight, pressed into her, my hands kneaded the bed behind her shoulders. Fireworks were going off in my brain. 

I was not going to bite her, not after what she had said. There was no way I was going to give her the satisfaction. And, I was definitely not going to kiss her! She would be endlessly smug.

Still, the explosions of pleasure each pin made as it stepped across my back made me moan and wiggle. Truthfully, my gyrations couldn’t be read as anything but dry humps, and I think she laughed a little at that.

My hands gripped her shoulders, they needed an anchor and the sheets were not enough. With Lily's gloved hand engaged on my back - and her other pressing our hips together -  it was easy to hold her shoulders from underneath. Pressing them into my cheek, filling my nose with her scent, helped relieve the need to do something with my mouth. I mean, I wanted to bite her, and the kissing comment was fully rooted in my brain - I really wanted to kiss her, now. Squishing her shoulders between my hands and cheek, while my hip pressed into hers, helped a bit.

Reasonably, there is only so much a person can do while their back is scintillating with sensation. Lily had found my Spots. Having the claws used on the base of my scalp, right under my hairline, made me groan into her neck. If she were a werewolf, I would be the most willing snack ever. Each caress across my neck felt like every kiss I'd ever had there, sharpened to a knife's edge! 

Oh god, when she moved to my shoulder blades, I tried to press up, into the claws, to get more feeling. I hungered for more contact. How could she manage to go even lighter there than the rest of my body? It was like drinking sea water. The more I got, the more I thirsted for it. My nerves wanted to reach out of my skin and force her to rake the claws across my body! Each time I arched my back, my hips were forced down onto her. Each whisper of a touch made me quiver and tremble above her. I held hard to Lily's shoulder because breaking any contact with her body would be worse than biting or kissing her; I'd lose skin contact, and she might think I was done. This internal struggle made me giggle a bit, a mad counterpoint to the moans already escaping me.

My mind felt like it wasn’t inside my head anymore. Most of my awareness was in my back. Those gloved touches trapped my reality in the nerve endings there, chasing each clawed stroke. The rest, a minute piece of consciousness, rested on top of my head like a hat, and it wanted to fly loose. I was both deeply grounded in my body and felt like I was floating away.

It wasn't until she returned her attention to the small of my back that I lost control of myself. 

All my gyrating and dry humping, had pushed my pants as low as they would go while I straddled her. They were low enough to blur the boundary between the small of my back and the top of my butt. Lily's touch had reduced me from gasps to guttural moans made in the back of my throat. To keep from biting her, despite my lips pressing hard into her shoulder, I had locked my jaws. There was enough sapience left in me to do that. 

I was not going to give in.

Lily knew what she was reducing me to. My nerves were singing from her caresses and spider walks across my back. My conscious mind was floating away, leaving my body a puddle of pleasure. 

Lily took all five claws and poked them into my skin, simultaneously, right where my spine, hips and butt met, I saw stars. It wasn't mean, or cruel, but this five-fingered jab was everything my body had been craving: intense, direct, forceful input. The feeling cascaded up my back. A full breath was forced out and I gasped with my whole chest and bit, hard, into her shoulder. 

All the tension that had built inside me flowed out through my teeth and into her shoulder. When I came down all the strength left my body, it had become flaccid jello, blobbing on top of Lily. I still shook and shuddered as she strummed her claws over that same spot. Jolts of nerve responses still filled me, but I was done, undone. Instead of writhing in pleasure, I just shook.

"Yellow" I mumbled, my mouth, still slack as the rest of me, and still around her shoulder.

"Yellow?" The claws immediately stopped. "Was that a safe word? We didn't pick something before, and I could tell that was intense.”

"Uh-huh,” was all I could mumble around her shoulder. A bit of drool slid from my mouth. There was probably a puddle under her.

"Okay, one sec," she said and did something above me. A clink on my bedside table anounced she had taken off the glove. I still jumped when she touched me with bare hands. They rubbed my back with warm, dull and soothing weight, bringing me down. As soon as I was able, I sat up, still straddling her. A filament of drool stretched from her shoulder to my mouth then snapped, tracing the marks I had left much earlier with the wheel.

After smacking my lips a couple of times, I said, "That was amazing! You are so good at that." 

The only word for what I did next was flop: I flopped off Lily onto my side, like a drunk seal on a beach. Lily moved up next to me, one leg over mine, her hand on my hip, forehead to forehead.

"That looked amazing!” she whispered to me. "Will you do that to me sometime?"

"Not right now. When I can move, the next thing I'm doing is getting water. Another time? Sounds like a date," I whispered back.

"A date? What will Sasha think?" Lily gasped in mock surprise.

"My partner? Who has been teasing me about my crush on you for weeks? They are going to laugh and say, ‘About damn time!’ Besides, I won, I didn't kiss you."

Lily stared deep into my eyes, a slow smile spread across her face and she tilted her head so our noses touched, too. "I didn't know that was a bet. What happens if I kiss you?"

Her eyes did that thing that happens when a face is too close to yours and your eyes can't focus so everything squashes together and the other person becomes a Cyclops. Her mouth was so close to mine I could lick her lips. I didn’t know if she was going to kiss me, and I wanted her to.

"I'll get you some water," she said as she rolled away. “You are too broken to move. Then we can plan an actual date!" I watched as she slipped out of the perfect nest she’d helped me make. 

And now we were planning a date. 

Oh yeah, Lily was right, Sasha was going to have a field day with this. 

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Part 1

Capìtan Floofencorn was having a bad day, and then the dragons arrived. 

Floofencorn had been out collecting black walnuts on a beautiful, if damp, autumn day. The rain the night before made the hill behind his home smell of fallen leaves, and the early morning sunshine had that special quality that was only found at this time of year. The angled light, and shadows made by the trees, turned the hill into a natural cathedral. Sunshine warmed his wool, which appeared as clouds of  red, yellow, and blue growing off his body. He glowed: his wool glowed, his single spiral horn glowed. His whole heart glowed.

As he climbed the hill, a wicker basket in the crook of his elbow, he hummed happily to himself. His work gloves rested in the back pocket of his stained and sturdy coveralls. It was a perfect morning, and in a few weeks time he was going to be snacking on delicious nuts and have more than enough materials to make dye. Come spring he would collect wool from the other sheep that lived nearby and sell it as yarn. Though, as far as he knew, he was the only sheep with  wool that grew in bright primary colors, which must have been the result of having a unicorn as a parent… that and the single spiral horn growing from his head. 

At the top of the hill stood the oldest tree in the grove. From its towering branches the rest of the hill had been seeded and become a treasure trove for the Floof. Breath clouding in the early morning light, he mounted the crest of the hill. After a brief rest and stretch, Floofencorn his pulled gloves onto his hands and put his helmet on, slotting his horn through the hole he had drilled for it. He made sure the extending rod, with weighted ball tip, he used for knocking walnuts out of trees was in his chest pocket and then started to climb.

Hooves evolved for rocky terrain worked just as well for climbing trees. He climbed as high as he dared and then bounced on a limb, testing if it would hold his weight. With one hand holding the trunk for balance, Floof smacked the tree limbs around him with the weighted rod. A satisfying “thwok” sound echoed around the hill, was followed by deep thuds as the ripe walnuts rained to the ground. It took most of the morning to harvest a third of the hill - shaking trees, whacking limbs, filling his basket, and depositing the nuts in his workshop - now Floofencorn was ready for a snack.

Working his way down the hill, Floof felt damp leaves slide beneath his hooves. He hop-stepped to keep his balance but a hoof caught on a fallen branch. Capìtan Floofencorn tumbled. The basket of nuts flew from his hand and spilled down the hill. He rolled and slipped across still damp leaves and several black walnuts squashed beneath his back. 

When he finally came to a rest at the bottom of the hill, Floof was intimately aware of the many bruises across his back. Even though the leafy canopy overhead was a blurry mess, he could have sworn he saw a winged shadow pass overhead. Capìtan Floofnorn decided he did not want to deal with reality at the moment and passed the fuck out.

Coming to, the first thing he noticed was the smell of smoke. The second thing was he hurt all over, but, thankfully, nothing seemed broken. Third, someone was singing softly. He groaned and opened his eyes. A red dragon with thin black stripes, smoke curling from its nose, was standing by his outdoor stove and staring down at him. He was flat on his back, on the deck behind his house with a chair cushion under his head.

"You're awake now, eh?" she asked him. "We saw that spill you took there, it was a helluva thing. I'm heating up some water so you can get cleaned up. My buddy went to get more of these pods you spilled all over the hill.” She held one of the black walnuts in her ruby red hand. The sleeves of her worn but serviceable shirt were rolled up past her elbows. Leather pants, dyed a forest green, stopped half way down her muscular calves. Her tail swished back and forth, never quite knocking into the stove, table or stool on his porch.

"My name's Tanerax. You just rest there, eh. My friend and I’ll take care of you” She reached out to touch him with a scaled hand, then paused, her green eyes staring into his. "May I? We did a quick check when we found you, but I want to make sure nothing is broken. It's hard to see with your coat coming in." 

An instinct at the back of his brain was yelling at him to run. Despite being woozy, Floofencorn was able to suppress this knee-jerk fear. He was injured, and she had clearly been strong enough to carry him back to his home. She wanted to help, he told himself. 

"Go ahead, I think the most harm was done to my pride. I'm Floofencorn,” he said. 
Tanerax sat on her haunches. To Floof it seems like she was trying to smile in a reassuring way, but her pointed teeth made him shiver. She examined the side of his head with her hand. "Let me know if anything hurts when I touch you, eh? I'll do my best to be gentle."

She pressed her hands against the base of his neck, the back of his head, his cheek, and across the top of his skull. The dragon's hands paused briefly by his horn.

"Is everything okay?" He asked when she started to stare.

"Oh, sorry, I've never seen a sheep with just one horn," she said. Then in a much more business-like manner checked his arms, chest and legs for injury.

Despite wincing when she touched his fetlock, he was surprised by how soft and warm her hands were, a gentle heat radiated from them. Dragon, he reminded himself, not lizard.

"I'm not a doctor, just have some first aid, yuh know? I don't think you broke anything, but that spot on your leg is definitely tender, maybe a sprain?” Tanerax pointed to Floof's stove. "I started to heat some water in the big pots there if you want to clean up.”

"What?" Floof was still feeling shaken. "Oh, those are for dye, I've got a place to clean up, inside.”

A bang further down the porch mode both of them jump. A purple and blue dragon set down a basket overflowing with black walnuts. 

"What are these things Sheepy-corn? They’re spilled all over the hill!” Floof sat up to get a better view of the purple and green dragon now standing on his back porch. She was taller than her red and black companion, and less muscular, but seemed to vibrate with energy. A worn black leather vest hugged her torso, and matching shorts hung loose just above her knees.

"You didn't have to do that, but I really appreciate it,” he said.

"You seemed broken and I was bored,” she said with a shrug. “Do you normally harvest the whole hill? I'll trade you that for dinner tonight while Tanner makes sure you don't die.”

Floof started to laugh and winced when it made him aware of just how many bruises he had. "I'm not going to die, but room and board seem a more than fair trade for my rescue and your help harvesting the walnut crop. Take my gloves so they don't stain your lovely scales." He took his work gloves from a pocket in his pants and handed them over.

"I'm Capitan Floofencorn, not sheepy-corn," he said.

"I'm Pax," said the dragon as she took the gloves from him. Before she flew off Pax planted a kiss on Tanerax's cheek. “See you in a bit.”

Tanerax and Floofencorn stared at each other in awkward silence. 

"I built my house around a hot spring, would you help me there so I can clean up?" Floof made himself reach out a hand to the dragon.

Tanerax clasped Floof’s wrist and in one smooth motion hauled the sheep to his feet. She was a little shorter than Floof, and his arm rested easily across the dragon’s shoulders, just above her wing joints. Heat seemed to radiate off of her and he imagined being wrapped in her wings on a cold winter night. He shook his head to chase this image away.

"You okay there?” She asked, whisper-soft next to his ear.

"Yeah, thinking about the strange turns in the day. It started so well, and could have ended terribly. But then there you two were.”

"You are lucky we got lost, I guess.” She laughed as they traveled through his house. Floof navigated while Tan helped him through his workshop, kitchen, and living room to get to the hot spring. It was open to the autumn sky and let in the soft glow of early afternoon. Steaming water bubbled up from between two rocks and flowed into a pool made by boulders set into the ground. From the pool the water followed in a stream under a bridge connecting two parts of the house and out of view. Cypress, cedar, and willow trees in large planters and trimmed to the height of the roof hid the walls of the courtyard. A short boardwalk led from the house to a wooden bench next to the pool. 

Tanerax stopped to take the space in. "Oh, Capìtan, I don't know who got luckier today. This looks like heaven."

They stood there while Tanerax absorbed the beauty of the room. Floofencorn watched her lose herself taking the space. After a couple minutes his arm started to ache from using her shoulders for support.

"Can you set me down on the bench? I want to take some of these dirty clothes off before getting in.” He sighed as he sat, taking the weight off his healthy leg and lowering his arm. “Please, call me Floof, almost no one calls me anything else.” 

"Then call me Tan," she replied. “Only Pax calls me Tanner.” 

Floof took off his shirt, groaning as his bruised back protested. Tan helped when he got stuck because a bruise on his shoulder kept him from raising his arm any higher. She knelt down to help him with his pants, her warm, sure hands being careful not to bump his forelock.

"Hold on a sec, eh, and I'll help you into the pool." She quickly undid the buttons securing her shirt under each wing and pulled it over her head. The red and black scales of her chest and arms rippled. Likewise, undoing the button over her tail let Tan slip off her pants, leaving Tan in only her underwear. Stepping into the pool, Tanerax submerged her whole body. The cold of flying had never bothered her, she generated enough body heat for it never to be an issue. That being said, the hot water sent an invigorating pulse through her body.

Floofencorn watched Tanerax spin and roll under the water for several minutes. When she surfaced her breathing was barely strained, and each breath she took expanded her chest considerably. Beads of water made the dragon’s scales glisten like garnets and obsidian. Floof nearly forgot his aches watching Tanerax spread her wings and float in luxury on the pool’s surface. She even blew a satisfied smoke ring from her mouth. He was able to take her in for the first time without also being observed, or waking up from being knocked out. The details of Tan’s wing membranes mesmerized him. Still scaled, they also had tiny veins traveling between long supporting bones. They reminded him of a maple leaf. Powerfully muscled legs ran to feet that ended in talons.  He was reminded again of the difference between lizards and dragons. He wondered if she did that tongue thing.

Tanerax luxuriated in the hot water long enough to feel a prick of embarrassment at realizing she’d left Floof on the bench. He had a smile on his face when she came to the edge of the pool that made her think he did not mind waiting.

"This is where you bathe? All the time?" Tan asked, stepping out of the water. She helped him out of his coveralls. The dragon took his arms and supported his weight as he moved to sit on the pool's rim and gingerly slipped in. Floofencorn’s wool fluffed up, making him look like he’d been too close to a lightning strike.

Tan pressed some of the wool on his arm down, only for it to bounce back immediately after, and she let out a delighted laugh. Floof could only shrug, the gesture exaggerated by the sodden wool, making primary colored, cotton candy clouds around him.

Tanerax rested a hand on Floofencorn's shoulder, taking in the pool, the garden, and the cloudless afternoon sky. “This is a beautiful spot you’ve created.”

Trying to see it with fresh eyes, Floof looked at the space he'd spent so much time in since building his house years ago. A breeze blew into the courtyard, stirring the trees, mingling the mild sulfuric odor of the water with the smell of cedar and cypress. It truly was a special place. Floof had not taken many opportunities to share it.

"I'm glad you like it," He said, balancing on his draconic rescuer. "I don't think I said it, but thank you for stopping to care for me when you saw me fall."

With a serious expression on her face Tan looked into his eyes. "To be fair, we definitely laughed at you first. Sorry. It was a pretty ridiculous spill you took." She paused a moment before cracking a grin. 

With his free hand Capìtan Floofencorn splashed her in the face. Tanerax sputtered and pushed him away. The injured sheep tried to catch his balance, but his sprained fetlock wouldn't hold weight and he started to fall backwards. Red and black striped wings snapped out and caught him, spraying water and steam, before he could tumble too much. Tanerax grabbed his arms and held on until Floof had his balance.

Floof looked at her wings and the beautiful creature holding him up and struggled to find words. "Thank you again,” he finally managed. "One more time and I feel being rescued by you will become a trend. I'm not sure what I will do then.” For several heartbeats they stood screened off from the world by Tanerax's wings.

"Um, do you have soap? We should try to clean you up,” she eventually mumbled.

"Right, um..." Floof looked around the tent mode by Tan’s wings. "Is this how you normally help an injured sheep? It is very cozy."

"Pax calls it the super hug. Arms and wings." The dragon squeezed him a little tighter.

She ran a hand across his arm. "Why is your wool so soft?" She felt like she was running fingers through extra thick clouds.

"Something about being part sheep and part unicorn." Floof suppressed a shiver. Tanerax's claws pressed into his wool, never catching or pulling, instead softly kneading it. He was very aware that he'd been living alone for a long time. When was the last time he'd been touched? He didn't want to Tanerax to stop. To the surprise of both of them, she ran her hands up his shoulder and to the dry wool on the back of her head. She was careful not to poke him with her claws. Even so, he could feel their points against his skin. A flash of fear and excitement arced through his brain.

"I don't know why I can't stop touching you. Is this okay?" She asked. 

Sighing, Floof leaned his head into her hands. They cradled and massaged his neck. "I could stay like this all day." Looking up into her eyes, Floof wondered what it would be like to kiss a dragon. Still needing to keep weight off his injured leg, he rested a hand on Tan's hip for balance.

The dragon's hands worked their way up his neck to the back of his skull. Tan was filled with the need to press her face into the cloud-soft wool and experience how it felt on her cheek. Keeping her wings around the two of them, she leaned her head towards Floof’s to nuzzle her cheek against his. Floofencorn moved his head in her hands and their lips met in a kiss. It lasted only a moment. Tan pulled back and stared at him.

"I'm..." She started to say. 

"That was..." He also tried to say at the same time. 

Both stopped, waiting for the other to start talking again. For that brief moment, shrouded in Tan's wings, time stopped. 

Simultaneously, hysterical giggles overcame them. The laughing fit threatened to topple sheep and dragon into the pool, making each cling harder to the other for support. As they leaned together, scaled head ridges rested against spiral horn.

"I had an overwhelming need to feel your wool on my cheek," she said through her laughter.

"I really wanted to know what it was like to kiss you," he responded.

"Maybe we try again…?" she said. 

Floofencorn put his hand on Tanerax's cheek, and careful not to poke her wing with his horn, nuzzled her so the soft wool on his cheek caressed her head ridges. With a sigh Tan felt the remnants of tension melt from her. 

The instinctual voice at the back of Floofencorn’s brain started to get louder again, telling him he was in danger. He reminded himself that Tanerax had sought his consent at every step, he was in no danger. Still he could feel his heart rate increase.

"May I touch your horn?" she asked.


Tan’s scaled fingers traced the base of Floof’s horn, where its spiral flowed into the wool at the top of his head. Wanting to relax into Tan's touch and feeling his healthy leg grow tired of supporting him, Floof blindly pulled Tan toward a platform carved into the side of the pool. They broke their embrace long enough to rearrange limbs and wings, careful not to bump his injured leg. Tanerax spun them around to sit on the ledge, lifting Floof onto her lap.

"I've never touched anything as soft as your wool." Before Floof could respond she wrapped a hand around his horn and pulled him to her for a kiss. All of Floof’s words vanished in a gasp at the intimate gesture. Forked dragon tongue undulated against broad sheep tongue in a deep kiss that had them clutching at each others' bodies.

Mirroring Tan, Floof ran a hand across her head ridges. This caress froze the dragon, her eyes half-lidded, mouth opened in a silent sigh. Each time Floof touched the red and black ridges the dragon seemed to melt, until he thought she was going to fall off her seat, wings still wrapped around him, taking them both under the water.

"I've still got myself braced with my tail," she said when he paused. "That feels really nice. Intimate. Not many people touch me there."

"Like my horn," Floof replied.

Tan traced a finger down his horn, her talon clicking on each bump of the spiral. Floof, mesmerized by this feeling, bleated in surprise when she grasped the base of it and pulled him to her in another kiss.

"This is very useful!" She whispered into his ear. Before he could respond, the dragon stood up. One hand holding him around the waist, the other still on his horn. She spun and set him on the rock ledge. Instead of cocooning them both in her wings again, she spread them wide and high, like a tent, over Floof’s body. Trapped against the edge of the pool sent a spike of fear through him. The prospect of continuing to kiss this beautiful dragon overrode that fear.

Earlier, when she'd grabbed the injured sheep's horn she felt him get hard. Tanerax wanted to see what his cock looked and tasted like. She kept a controlling hand on his horn and reached the other between his legs. Pausing with the hand on his thigh, she looked into his eyes, raising an eye ridge and cocking her head down. She waited. It took Floof a moment to realize what she was asking. He nodded.

Tanerax had never had sex with a mammal before. His cock felt more blunt than the dragons she had fucked, still smooth, but no scales. Trapped in her grasp, Flufe could only gasp and writhe. A short moan escaped his lips when she started to stroke him. She slowed the jerking when her new lover raised his hips in a counter rhythm. He bleated in protest to this.

"Do you not like my touch? I can stop," she said in response.

"Anything but that! Don't stop, please." Floof begged.

"Do you want more?" Tan had moved to kiss him, keeping him pinned with a hand on his horn and another his cock. "Beg,” she whispered into his ear.

"Please, don't stop." Floof begged. "Keep going. I haven't been touched in so long. Please."

Tanerax had to let go of Floof's horn so she could use her hands to remove his underwear. Instead, she used her tail to keep him pinned. He wasn't trying to escape but a part of her thrilled at having control over her host. Floof couldn't believe the day he was having. A normal fall harvest had turned into a disaster, but was now turning into one of the best days he'd had in a long time. Pinned by the dragon's tail and blanketed by her wings he felt excited rather than trapped.

Tan knew she could have asked Floof to raise his legs and make removing his last piece of clothing easier, but she enjoyed having him helpless and begging. She bobbed under the refreshingly hot water. With one hand she lifted his lower back. The other tried to pull down his underwear but the opposite side stuck to his hips. Taking it between her teeth, she was able to pull the difficult piece of clothing off his hips and down his body.

She resurfaced enough to toss Floof’s underwear to the side of the pool and get a full breath. Diving back into the water, Tanerax engulfed his phallus in her mouth. She had to adjust to it being more cylindrical, instead of a dragon’s that ended in a bulb. It  was fun to experiment with this new cock! She bobbed up and down feeling it move inside her mouth and against her tongue. Because of the water the taste was dulled, but she enjoyed how her tongue felt wrapped around the sheep’s cock. She kept her long tongue a beat behind each bob, like a spring pressed or stretched and then released.

Floof didn't know what Tanerax was doing to him, at first. The warmth of a mouth around his cock had always been the initial sensation of a blow job. The hot spring's heat masked that sensation. Instead, Floof felt Tan's lips begin to move on his shaft, and then something else wrapped around it. 

Was that her tongue?

Feeling Tan's tongue gripping and sliding up and down on his cock added new sensations to the blowjob. This was a new experience for Floof. Needing something to do with his hands, he gripped the tail restraining him. 

Sputtering, Tan resurfaced, and glared at him from between his legs. "Careful with my tail ridges!” The sharp look in her eyes sent a new frisson of fear down his spine. The instinctual voice at the back of his brain started gibbering about running away, again. “That squeezing hurts, but soft touches moving down the tail will feel really nice."

Floof slid his finger down the thin rolling ridges of her tail. An approving rumble from the dragon filled the tent made by her wings. She dragged the back of her talons up his phallus, making him shudder and stop caressing her.

"Don't stop," she cooed from his lap, "or I might have to do the same." The light, but still dangerous feeling touch disappeared from his cock. Floof groaned in distress. Instead of continuing to caress her tail as he had been, he placed his thumb and middle fingers on either side of her ridges. Keeping his pointer on the top of each ridge, he zippered the hand down Tan's tail. They traveled all the way to her tip and back again. A shiver went through her, causing condensation from her wings to rain down on him.

Using the same three fingered touch, Floof traced one of the supporting ridges on the inside of Tanerax’s wing. ”Oh good boy," the dragon purred. 

Floofencorn was able to quiet the fearful voice saying the dragon was going to eat him. The adrenaline washing through his system made his desire flare brighter.

Taking another deep breath, she slipped her head under the water, continuing his blowjob. This time, as she moved her mouth up and down on his cock she used her tongue to lick his balls and perineum. Tan could feel the sheep's hands stutter in their touching, his legs shudder and press up into her face. Basking in her host’s own intimate touch, Tan continued her blow job. She wanted to see what reached its limit first: her considerable breath control or Floof's endurance. 

As Tanerax bobbed on his cock and used her tongue to play with his balls, she was disappointed that he played with her wings less. He must have been getting close. Squeezing his thighs and swallowing her need for air, she worked his cock faster. He'd begun to shudder and fervently press his hips into her face when she was forced to surface for a breath. 

Floofencorn had been resisting the urge to cum as hard as he could. Between the new way of getting blown - her tongue was driving him wild - and the adrenaline flowing through him, he was about to reach his limit when she surfaced to breathe.

Tan furled her wings, slid her tail off his chest and crawled up his body for a deep, shaking kiss. A hand on the back of his neck made Floof feel like she owned him. When she eventually broke away there was a predatory glint in her eyes that sent a frisson of fear through Floof's body.

"What a good boy you have been." Tanerax was straddling Floof, moving her hips so his cock slid between her thighs and bumped into her tail. "Can you keep being a good boy?" She
reached up to caress his horn.

"I would love to," he gasped.

"Then you can lean your head back on the edge of this amazing pool. I'm going to sit on the edge and you can use your tongue to pleasure me." Looking down at him she cocked an eyebrow and waited.

"Let me be your good boy, please.” Floof whispered. Again, the sense that he had become the dragon’s prey flashed through him. A part of the sheep wanted to run from her, and at the same time he wanted to be stalked by the crimson and black- scaled creature now using his horn to direct his head onto the edge of the pool.

Tanerax pressed herself out of the water, and placed her knees on either side of his head. For any other creature balancing on just their knees at pool’s edge would be a tenuous experience. Not so for the dragon. While one hand gripped Floof's horn, pulling his face into her, Tan's wings opened and stabilized her on the dry ground while her tail, pressing against the sheep's thigh, did the same.

"Lick me like a good boy," she commanded.

Floof, already pulled into her pussy, had easy reach with his tongue. Never having eaten a dragon he wanted to savor the experience. He rimmed the outside of her labia, tracing them, feeling her smooth outer scales. One hand gripped the valley made by her thigh and hip as she bent over his face. His other hand cupped her magnificent ass, just below her tail. Floofencorn was going to be a good boy, but he was going to enjoy this new experience as well.

The hand around his horn shifted, levering his head into her and demanding more. Parting her lips for the first time, Floof felt Tan's soft inner folds. He heard her gasp and start to gyrate. Her juices spilled onto his tongue. She was delicious and he wanted as much of her as he could get. At times she would press and squeeze so he struggled to breathe. Never, though, did he remove his tongue from her inner folds. 

Tanerax was used to other dragons' slender and more nimble tongues pleasuring her. The sheep’s, by comparison, was shorter, blunt, and still very capable. It could not reach into her as far as a dragon's, but it filled her.  Instead of touching specific places with a dragon’s long deft reach, it touched every place at once, rolling or sliding through her, a blunt inexorable wave instead of a nimble dancing stream.

"You are being so good," she cooed, "but a really good boy would lick my clit as well as my cunt." Using his horn like a handle tan directed his licking away from inside her pussy to her clit.

Floof used the tip of his tongue to swirl and flick her nub and then rolled across it with the flat of his tongue. Tan shuddered and shook above him. When she wanted his tongue inside her she used his horn to shift him there. When she wanted him licking her clit she pulled him back. Floofncom submitted to the commands with joy. 

He knew she was about to cum when the whole angle of her body changed. Tanerax's other hand crunched into the ground just above his head, her hips tilted forward even more. The hand controlling his horn forced his head to an uncomfortable angle. Her legs gripped his skull between them like a melon.

"There just like that," Floof heard the dragon say, muffled by her legs. He kept licking just as he had been commanded, like the very good boy he was. "Oh, fuck... Fuck!" The hand holding his horn let go, but her pussy ground into his face. He did his best to keep using his tongue just as he'd been doing, trapped as he was between her knees and rolling pelvis. Fully engrossed as he  was in pleasing Tanerax, Floof was caught off-guard by a flash of light and burst of hea. Still, he rode out Tan's body-quakes until they settled into aftershocks and she rolled off him.

"Oh what a very good boy you are, indeed!" Tanerax purred, eyes closed, her body still not ready to move. “Give me a moment and I will give you a reward for how well you follow directions.”

After a minute of deep breaths Tanerax opened her eyes. She rolled off his face and onto her side, wings splayed out behind her.  "Ooh, that was delightful, I'm so glad we stopped to check on you!" The dragon sighed, and stretched, her body bending in ways that fired the sheep's imagination. A look of embarrassment crossed her face and she looked over at the pool. One of the rocks at water’s edge was scorched. “I tried to aim my fire at the water, I missed…”

Floofencorn stared at the still smoking rock. Looking back he asked “So, that was a good one?”

Tan was flummoxed. She was usually much better at controlling, or at least aiming, her fire. She also would have expected, and forgiven, any non-dragon to be reacting to this display of lust driven fir- breath with fear. He seemed to be even more turned on!

Tan got to her feet and held her hands out to her lover. "I should take care of you, now. Slide out of the water."

She helped Floof out of the hot pool and onto the wooden bench. He sat there, water pooling under him, as the dragon stared down at his body. Beads of water glistened on her ruby scales as she pressed the sheep onto his back and straddled him.  

"I've been looking forward to this," she said, leaning over to whisper in his ear. Using a hand on his chest to support herself, Tan guided his cock into her cunt with the other. The less bulbous shape meant she needed to give it some extra support, but once it was in, Tan felt filled up. 

Floof looked up at Tannerax as she ground on him, rolling her hips on powerful legs. Both hands now rested on his chest, helping her balance. Reaching out to touch her chest, Floof could feel heat radiating from it.

He slid his hands across her body, awash in how warm and smooth she was. The feel of her smooth and sturdy scales fed the building ecstasy from her fucking him. As she rode him faster, Tan extended her wings around their bodies. Gently taking the top edge of one in his hand, Floofencorn brought it to his mouth. A kiss on the very tip of the wing made Tan gasp. One hand gently held the crest of the wing while the other traced where the wing membrane met supporting bone and muscle. Floofncom kissed and sucked on Tan's wing tip with an intensity matching the tide of pleasure growing within him. He did all he could to resist the moment when it would overwhelm him.

The pleasure branching through Tan's body was fed by Floofencorn’s worship of her wing. Pleasure suffused her. It was about to overflow when she felt Floof begin to tense. "I can't hold..." he half whispered before filling her with his cum.

Tanerax rode his orgasmic convulsions, and waited for him to catch his breath. Sliding off his cock, she kissed him and whispered, "I was so close to cumming again."

"Oh no! Let me help. I won’t leave you frustrated." He put his hands on her hips and pulled her further up his body. She was straddling his chest when he slid two fingers into her cum filled pussy. Slowly at first, and looking up to make sure Tan was enjoying herself, Floofencorn finger fucked her. She rested her hands on the bench above Floof's head. One hand supported her hips while the other hand’s fingers were feeding the starved orgasm that had been building in her. With each pump it fed on the pleasure he was returning to her body. She twined her tail around one of his legs. The soft wool against her ridges and crests added new sensations to her  growing orgasm. 

The combination of pleasure pressed into her by Floofencorn's fingers and his incredibly soft wool tickling her scales ignited nerves all across Tan’s body, flinging her into a second orgasm. With a moan that built into a cry of pleasure, she collapsed. Only a puff of smoke escaped Tan’s mouth this time, having already spent much flame a few minutes before, Her legs gave out and her wings splayed uselessly around them. Her head rested on his shoulder. Tan caught her breath on a pillow of the softest wool she'd ever felt.

"That. Was amazing," Tan whispered into Floof's ear. "Maybe we could stay here a few days and help you recover.”

"Yes, please." Floof whispered back to her. "I promise to be a diligent patient and an agreeable host."

"Did you accidentally switch there? Don't you mean agreeable patient and diligent host?"

"Trying to be a diligent host in my condition might break me more. But if this is how you care for a patient I will work diligently at it."

Tan slowly recombobulated her limbs and stood up. Wrapping her wings around her like a roll, she smiled down at him. “It would be a pleasure to nurse you back to health,” she said formally.

"But first," she said, smile becoming a mild grimace, "I need to clean up. Your cum is leaking down my leg!’ After she had slid back into the hot water, she reached out to her host. “Care to actually get cleaned up before Pax comes looking for us?”

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Elbow Deep

“Is it really Thanksgiving if you’ve not been elbow deep in a turkey?” I grumbled, walking out of the shower, a big fluffy towel around my body, another wrapping my hair up.
“Sorry, Alli, what?” Corinne poked her head up from the open fridge door.
“At least I got to make pies. The crust came out so flaky - Thanks for sharing your grandpa’s pie recipe.” I leaned around the door and kissed her on the top of the head. 
Corinne fiddled a bit more, making room for the pies to cool without getting squished. She stood and pulled me into a hug. A long red curl had escaped her clip and tickled my face. Her green robe neatly tied at her waist, but open enough that my cheek rested comfortably on her chest. Sometimes being short has advantages. It made up for the fact that I would look like a hobbit amongst vikings during the holiday meal at her family’s place.
“I know you wanted to host,” Corinne grinned, “but this apartment is too small, even if all the people going were you sized.” As if to emphasize this she squatted down, lifted me up, and plopped me onto the counter. My ass nearly knocked the can of Crisco I’d forgotten to put away onto the floor..
“I just cleaned this place up!” I squawked, blushing and painting a fake frown across my face. “At least my family aren’t all giants like your family. It’s going to look like Frodo was the only one who made it to the Council of Elrond. Besides, I’m five feet, that’s taller than a hobbit!”
“Says the person who cooks like a hobbit. At least you don’t have hairy feet.” She balanced her hands on my knees and kissed me on the nose. “I’d still love you if you did, but just saying.” 
I wrapped my legs around her ass and pulled her against me. I reached up and pulled her head into a deep kiss. If she was going to try and fluster me I was going to try right back. Slipping a hand down her body, I insinuated it into her robe and grabbed an ass cheek. It fit perfectly into the little cleft at the top of her thigh.  
“What are you doing? We just cleaned up!” Her squawk was a rude imitation of mine. Even her grin was mocking. What a butt! 
“Good! I wouldn’t want to put my naked ass on the counter if it were covered in flour.” To emphasize this undid my towel, letting it pool around me. “At least I wasn’t making dirty jokes about Crisco the entire time baking was going on! Ugh!” 
“I’ve heard from some of the old guys I work with, it makes a good lubricant.” She retorted. 
“You trust old men on this?” I tried to sound sharp, but Corinne was now kissing my neck. I leaned into her attention, loving the feeling of her lips on my shower warmed skin. Each kiss and small bite sent tingles rushing across my neck and down my spine. Shivers of pleasure rippled across my body.
A groan of disappointment slipped from me when Corinne stopped playing with my neck. Opening my eyes I saw she was  holding the referenced can of vegetable shortening. I leaned to grab it, but she just held it at arm’s length above my head.
“That is for making pastries like your grampy used to make!” I grumbled at her. “Tasty and really bad for you, not… butt stuff!”
Corinne laughed and leaned back in to kiss me. “Oh I don’t know. Sounds like they found uses for it besides cooking.” She put a hand behind my back and pulled me in for another kiss. I heard the lid pop off the can, and when she broke the kiss a small dollop of the white grease was planted on my nose. 
“Ugh! why?” I used two fingers to clean the Crisco off my face then wiped it off on her arm. “So much for the shower!”
“Oh no, we have to shower again, whatever will we do? I’d better make the most of this.” She grinned down at me. 
Corinne’s free hand pressed against my chest, gently forcing me down until I was laid back on the counter top, the towel protecting me from the cold of the stone. That hand moved to play with one of my nipples, sending another warm shiver across my body. More groans escaped me, filled with pleasure and anticipation. She set down her prop and used that free hand to pry a leg away from her. I tried to sit up, but the size difference does not work in my favor. The hand on my chest had me pinned.
The hand holding my leg lifted it over Corinne’s shoulder. She bit me, just above my inner thigh, and walked more to my center from there. I tried to wiggle away, giggling and making noises of mock frustration and protest. Is it really trying to escape when you are also using your free leg to pull your lover closer?
When her lips touched my labia, I melted. Her breath was warm on my crotch and her tongue suffused me with pleasure. It stretched into me several times, pliable, textured, and strong. She snaked it in and out, and then switched to licking up and down my lips, almost reaching my click, but not giving me the satisfaction. 
“You tease,” I said, the words barely escaping my mouth between my breaths, “that’s just mean!”
“What? Not doing this?” She asked, giving one quick flick to my clit before returning her teasing attention to my sensitive folds and inner cunt. 
“You want more of that?” Corinne asked between licks.
“Yes, please!” This was almost a squeak.
“You only have to ask.” She said but didn’t change what she was doing to me.
“Oh my god, please just lick my clit!” I felt like I was going to shake myself to pieces. She carried me to an orgasmic edge and was holding me there with her tongue!
“As you wish.” That amazing tongue that had been so focussed on teasing brought all of its  focus to my clit. Bliss built inside me, a wave that grew and pulsed like a beacon before crashing through my body. I shuddered. My legs flexed, squeezing Corinne’s face against my pussy. She kept trying to lick me, but having her face fully squished against my bits made that difficult. Having to move her head so she could keep breathing didn’t help. Neither did the amused laughter that bubbled out of her
Corinne kissed her way up my body. Somehow the towel around my hair was still on. She untwisted it, making my dirty blonde hair plop onto the counter. That towel was used to clean my juices from her face. My girlfriend stopped and looked down at me, hair tumbling across the countertop, fresh sweat glistening across my body, and cum leaking from my pussy.
”Oops,” she said, laying her head on my stomach, “I made a mess.”“That’s…” I struggled to speak. “That’s fine. I’ll care about that in a minute. Don’t move, you feel really good right there.” Her body’s pressure and warmth leveled me. It was sweet, and comforting after she had tossed me around and used me like a plaything. 
There was a game I wanted to play with her. After a few more minutes I started to wiggle. “My turn.” I said.
“Your turn? I think you just got your turn.” Corinne lifted herself onto her forearms and moved so we were almost eye to eye. It was like she floated above me.  Sometimes I hate how much taller she is. Times like this I absolutely love it. 
“Fine, your turn! Whatever. Now, let me up and bend over the counter.” She made me wiggle out from under her. The towel I was laying on slid to the ground with me.
I pushed her over so her chest pressed against the counter. The lovely green robe she was wearing was still tied and draped down her body. Instead of opening it I lifted the hem up over her bottom and pulled it up until the belt got in the way. There was enough hanging free I could get it up Corinne’s shoulders.
“Hold this,” I said and put a corner into her hand. Corrine’s bare butt was waving like a flag, I bit it and made her squawk. She could make silly sounds too! 
I slid to my knees behind her. My hand traced its way up the inside of her leg, from knee to pussy. I kept rubbing her pussy lips, starting to slide fingers between them, coaxing little noises of pleasure from her. A sound of disappointment escaped her mouth the moment my fingers slid out of her pussy. That sound quickly became another moan when my tongue glided up her pussy to her ass and I started to rim her. Each hand supported my weight on one of her ass cheeks as I lifted myself a little off the ground to slide my tongue in and out of her ass, then lowered myself back to her clit. Corinne was getting close to cumming after several minutes of this. Her moans of pleasure were building to a crescendo. She was so delicious, and her moans made it hard to stop licking, but there was one thing I had to do before I could make her cum. I pulled my mouth back and bit one of her ass cheeks.  
“Really? Now? Is this revenge?” She stayed where she was, I’d slipped two fingers into her pussy. Gently fucking her with them gave enough incentive not to stand up. 
I leaned my head on her ass just long enough to say: “Maybe a little. I could do more, but I want to try out the Crisco. I know how much you like it when I use my strap-on your ass, and you have been talking about using Crisco as lube all day…”
She looked back at me, her mouth in a lopsided smile. “Yeah, let’s do it.”
“Open,” I said and slid the jar over to her with my free hand. 
She popped the lid off and slid it over to me. “Here’s to experimenting.
Feeling impatient, I took a large dollop of Crisco and deposited it at the top of her cheeks. Corinne whimpered about it being cold. I took a finger full of shortening, rubbed it around her ring to warm everything up, before inserting my pointer finger. I worked it in and out, knuckle by knuckle until I felt her start to relax. To help this along, and to add to her pleasure, I used the fingers on my other hand to caress her clit.
“Are you ready for finger number two?” I asked. She nodded and moaned in assent, so I took my finger out long enough to add a little more shortening to her butt and slather my middle finger in it. Butt cheeks are great for this. You put a little at the top and use the cleft between them to help spread it around. 
My left hand was free to keep playing with her clit without interruption. 
After making sure both fingers were properly greasy, I started to slide my middle and forefinger back into her behind. The two fingers slid in with relative ease, but I looked up to check on Corinne before pushing past the first knuckle.
“How are you doing? Let me know if this gets too much.” I said.
“This isn’t even as big as your strap.” She was almost panting, “I’ll let you know. You’re good. I’m great!”
She relaxed a little more as I used those two fingers to slowly fuck her ass. Corinne had pressed a cheek to the counter top, her eyes were closed and her mouth open. Noises I knew from fucking her with my strap slipped from her lips. These moans were relaxed and contented. She wasn’t going to rush an orgasm. She was living completely in this moment.
“Add,” a breathy command from Corinne, “the next one.”
“Alright, number three, you sure?” I asked.
“Oh yeah.’ 
Barely anything had to be done to lube up my ring finger. The Crisco had warmed up and started to run down between her ass cheeks. Plus, the finger-fucking I had already given her was spreading the shortening everywhere. The triangle made by those three fingers pushed into her, and her ass opened to welcome them. Pointer, middle, and ring finger together were about the size of the biggest dildo I used on her. Lubed up, I was able to slide all three fingers into her ass. I might have worried about how she was doing, if Corinne hadn’t been pressing against my hand. 
I had three fingers inside her as far as they would go. My thumb pointed up in a parody of the hitchhiking gesture, my pinky was able to rub against her pussy lips, even as the other hand rubbed her clit.
“Do not stop. This is amazing.” Corinne kept pushing back on my right hand. I wasn’t finger fucking her ass anymore, she was fucking my fingers. My left hand tried to follow her movements and keep rubbing her clit. So quickly was she rocking back and forth it became clear the best thing I could do was hold my hand in place so she could rub against it. I was stuck where I was and it was great!
“I’m not doing anything until you say so.” I said.
This was a bit of a lie. Even as I stood there, hands locked in place, I was taking opportunities to kiss or nibble on her ass cheeks. My face was getting as lubed up as her butt. Crisco makes food so good, and it really has no flavor to it. 
Corinne kept fucking my hands faster and harder. She was pressing onto the fingers in her ass so hard they bottomed out with every thrust. Every time she pressed back a grunt of pleasure would escape her. Fingertips grasped the flat counter top and helped her add force to every movement. I thought she was going to cum any moment. 
“Add the next.” Corinne said, slowing her fucking to a crawl. 
“You sure?” I asked, this was going to be more than I had ever put inside her before. “We can stop anytime…” I had removed my hands. I wanted to make sure this was what she wanted, but really hoped she meant to keep going. I wanted to stuff something this Thanksgiving. 
“I know. I want to see how far I can go. Do not stop rubbing with that other hand.” Her forehead was pressed into the counter, her back was hunched, she winked at me and wiggled her ass. There was a gleam in her eye I only saw when she was being competitive. Who was she competing against?
Making sure it was plenty lubricated, I slid my pinky between her ass cheeks where the glob of Crisco still clung. 
A tiny bit at a time, I slid all four fingers into her ass. There was no rushing here. A little in, back out. Push until there was resistance and then back. Corinne’s grones were sounds I had not heard before. She was gripping the counter so hard her knuckles were turning white. My free hand was back to rubbing her clit, I didn’t try to put a finger into her pussy. Was there even enough room with most of my other hand working its way into her ass? 
Corinne was trembling, from pain or wanting to cum, I couldn’t tell. Maybe both? Whichever it was, she was taking in deep, stuttering breaths and sounding like a barnyard animal when she breathed out. 
Finally, my hand pressed all the way into her. Only my extended thumb stopped more from entering her. There was no pause, the moment she felt my thumb pressing between her cheeks, Corinne started fucking me just as she had before. Maybe she had been edging herself, because within moments a smile filled her face. 
“I’m. Gunna. Cum.” A breath was stuffed between each word. “Do. not. Stop!” And then she shook. I felt her legs lock and she stopped fucking my hand. My fingers were stuck all the way inside her ass. As she slumped a little I tried to catch her, but my one hand was diddling her clit. The hand that had four fingers inside and the thumb on the outside of her ass that was holding some of her weight. 
Corrine held herself on locked legs riding the orgasmic quakes. My fingers inside her ass were pressed together as each wave of bliss.  This was Corinne’s show, I was there to hold on. 
“Next, careful, but quick. I want to fall over.” There was a feral gleam in her eyes now, and I was not about to say no.
This was a messy process and I had already coated my thumb in Crisco. I made a wedge with my five digits and pressed into her. Despite making the smallest, pointiest plug I could, it looked like I was trying to stuff so much into her.
“Oh. My. God.” We went bit by bit. Millimeter in, millimeter out. I was not adding pressure at all, she was completely controlling this. She pressed back and moved forward carefully mimicking the way she had just been fucking my hand. Every time she pushed back she took a deep breath and sphincter muscles squeezed all my fingers together. I couldn’t believe it when she made it to the second knuckles.
“You’re an inch away.” I told her.“That’s nothing.” She was looking back at me. Her eyes were as wide as I had ever seen them. “I’m so close!”
“To cumming again?” I asked.
“That too.” And she pressed more. 
I could feel her shaking again. She kept pressing. It was hypnotic, watching a little more of my hand disappear into her every time she pushed back. Maybe I should have been more concerned by her wellbeing, but instead I kept rooting for her.
“Almost there! You are at the last knuckles!” I tried to squish my hand even smaller.
And then the whole hand was inside of her. I could feel her legs shaking so much I was afraid she was going to collapse, taking us both down. All of her upper body seemed to be pressing on the counter, holding her up.
“Holy shit! That is so weird. Keep rubbing me, but do not move that other hand!” I don’t know how she was coherent. “Why didn’t we do this with a mirror behind us. I want to see what it looks like! Huhhhgh.”
I think she came then. Her whole body tensed up and my wrist felt compressed.  I stopped rubbing with my left hand and just tried to keep her standing.
"Oh god, don't stop rubbing my clit!" Corinne started pushing back on my hand again. 
It was incredible to see my hand inside her like this.  Watching a dildo slide in and out of her ass while I fucked her was one thing. Corinne was fucking my arm now. I could feel her warmth surrounding my whole hand. I was inside her! I could feel her from the inside like I never had before! 
The fingers of my other hand kept rubbing her clit and she kept pushing back more. 
Corinne was completely lost in the moment. It didn't look like she was aware of anything outside her body. I felt her begin to tense again. Her ass clenched around my arm. And again I watched as every muscle in her body shuddered. This beautiful fiery haired Amazon of a woman was cumming with my whole hand in her ass!
“Oh god. That’s so much. Fuck. I can't believe you have your hand in me!" A puddle of drool had formed on the counter. She was gasping for breath like a fish. Her eyes were glassed over. I could only imagine where she had gone.
"We're up to half my forearm, babe. I think I've just become your biggest dildo ever." I leaned forward and kissed the small of her back. "How are you doing?”
"I'm incredible, and I need to be done." That mischievous grin came back. "Do you think you can pull out?"
"I don't know, I've heard that's not very effective..." It was a terrible joke and I'm not sorry I made it. Corinne started laughing, it helped her start to relax.
"How do you want to do this? Should I keep rubbing your clit, maybe tell another bad joke?” I asked.
"I don't think I could handle more of either of those right now, just go slow." Eyes that had looked excited until now showed a glint of fear. “Be careful."
With greater ease than it had gone in, my hand slid out of her. I could see her ring start to stretch again. It really was amazing to see what she had fit into her body. I'm small but I would not want something the size of my hand inside me, anywhere!
With a quick ‘schloop’ sound my hand slid free of her. "Oh god, holy fucking. Ugh! That part felt like taking the most epic shit of my life!" Corinne slumped to her knees. "That was so great! I still can't believe we did that! I can't believe I told you to that! What was I thinking?"
I got down next to her. "I'm glad you had fun. I'm going to clean myself up real quick, but then I'll be back. Are you going to be okay?"
"Oh, I'm going to be good here for a minute. And then another shower. Got get all that grease off of us." As I stood up she grinned at me. “Hey, it's officially Thanksgiving now. You were elbows deep in a bird!"

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Three Witches

Within a secluded encampment three witches awaited the forecast time. Beyond the sundries typical of a normal camp, provisions, tools, and shelter, the trappings of their craft lay about them. A mobile apothecary sat open and ready. A fire had been built, fed, and burned to ashes, smoldering around a cauldron large enough to fit a person. A fog bank hovered, shivering with anticipation. Each witch used their familiar to pass the time, eliciting slight pleasures; shadows of the delights to come. 

Agatha rested upon a couch made of tangling vines and a supplicant tree. The vine’s tendrils and leaves played across her body, each blade tracing her skin as light as a breeze. Her nerves ached for more but she denied herself, awaiting the satisfaction that was to come. 

Jane floated within the cauldron cradled in a net of tentacles. They writhed and teased between her legs, touching and pressing like the fingers of a sleepy lover. She wanted more, but the knowledge of the evening ahead allowed her to be patient.

Within her sanctuary of fog, Mary prepared for the evening ahead of her. She had warmed it to a sauna and soaked in its heat until every speck of tension had melted from her body. Wisps of the fog scrubbed her skin until she felt soft and radiant. Ghostly hands brushed and braided her hair until it was set perfectly in place. She was ready for their visitor. 

"Thrice the brindled cat hath mowed." Agatha reclined in her crimson robe, sinking into the depths of her verdant couch formed of vine and bent tree. The tree was hunched, bound and submitting to the vine that entangled its every branch and twig. Few leaves were allowed to escape and collect sunlight, providing scant nourishment, only where they would not discomfit the witch. The vine itself undulated over Agatha's supine form. Her face was flushed as with a gesture the vine slid from betwixt her legs.

"Thrice, and once the hedge pig whined," sighed her sister, cheek resting on the curved rim of a massive copper cauldron. Jane’s curly salt and pepper hair flowed over the rim, dripping liquid onto dull orange coals. The old cauldron had the shape of a church bell beaten into a pot by an indifferent hammer. Water steamed and bubbled, and a lazy tentacle rimmed the edges of her buttocks and pulsed. More wrapped her torso and legs, supporting her in the boiling liquid. Jane let out an indolent moan as they massaged her flesh.

"’Tis time, this time," cried Mary, stepping through an arch in her bower, a room constructed of fog, unrealized ambitions, andbound, impotent, ghosts. A fraction of the fog followed, forming slacks, a vest and jacket upon her frame. It fit as if perfectly tailored to her lanky, tanned form, and never stopped roiling- sending constant small frissons across her body. Another piece of the ghostly fog rested across her closely trimmed copper-colored hair as a trilby hat. 

Jane extricated herself from the cauldron. The be-tentacled creature, its yellow skin covered with vivid blue rings, draped itself upon her voluptuous form as a halter-topped summer dress. At a gesture, the fire under the cauldron burst to life and licked around the cauldron. 

Agatha lifted herself from the depths of the couch. A piece of the vine detached itself to become a braided belt that fastened around her sanguine robes. She was of a height with the other two only because more parts of the tree became lifted boots before her feet could touch the ground. A piece of stew clung to the back of Jane's dress. Pinching it, Agatha peeled it away and tossed it into the witches' brew.

"Round about the cauldron go," Agatha said, "in the poisoned entrails throw. Toad, that under cold stone days and nights has thirty-one Sweltered venom sleeping got, boil thou first i’ th’ charmèd pot." 

Her coven mates joined her circling the cauldron. "Double, double toil and trouble; fire burn and cauldron bubble.”

Jane gesticulated towards a nearby hollow stump. Tentacles whipped - out and back from her dress -  dropping more pieces into the potion. "Fillet of fenny snake in the cauldron boil and bake. Eye of newt and toe of frog. Wool of bat and tongue of dog, adder's fork and blindworm's sting, lizard's leg and howlets wing, for a charm of powerful trouble: fire burn and cauldron bubble.”

Again all three intoned, "Double, Double toil and trouble; fire burn, and cauldron bubble." 

Mary doffed the hat from her head, crown pinched between her thumb and middle fingers, as if showing something inside it to the sky. She then upended it over the cauldron, never breaking pace. Pieces of fog, like reluctant snow, drifted into the fetid stew.

"Scale of dragon, tooth of wolf, witches mummy, man and gulf of ravined salt sea shark, root of hemlock digged in the dark..." On she chanted until nothing else fell from her hat.

"Double, double toil and trouble; fire burn and cauldron bubble." From the cauldron, emanating purple light levitated a woman clad in streaks of aurora and pitch night. Hecate opened her hands, left to Agatha, right to Jane. Auroric light cuffed them from ankle and wrist, navel and neck, and lifted them from the ground. At a nod from Hecate, Mary was bound, calf to thigh, wrist to shoulder in ropes of night, her fog suit fleeing back to the bower. Jane's creature dress changed to a yellow and blue-ringed corset, tentacles becoming ties. Agatha's robe
spilled open, the vine fell smoldering on the ground.

Hecate blinked and more night spread to blindfold Mary. When she smiled Agatha and Jane were gagged by frozen light. Each witch orbited Hecate and the cauldron, no longer under any power of their own. Each witch's binding shuddered and morphed.

Borealic light crackled across Agatha, jolts of lightning dancing from arctic light to skin. She was limned in a violet glow as hundreds of bolts raced across her body. She felt as if she were on fire, but each stroke of electricity lasted only long enough to activate pleasure and pain for an instant before dissipating. She hung there wanting to scream and cum, stymied, floating on the edge of both and denied the ability to do either by Hecate's power.

The antarctic light around Jane warmed her body. Tongues of the Aurora Austrolis licked places that welcomed them best. Her gag became a passionate kiss. Green and purple light warmed her lips, firm and supple it pressed into her mouth caressing her tongue, managing to feel wet and elastic: a lover kissing their partner after a long absence. Tendrils of the light wrapped around the back of her head, fingers pulling and contracting against her bichromate hair. Around her neck another tongue explored under her jaw and up her neck. When she reacted to the stimulation, the tongue would nibble to induce greater pleasure. More tongues of light played with her nipples teasing them to their greatest sensitivity. A trio of tongues were working on her nethers. One had found its way into her cunt. 

Jane had always wondered what it would be like to be fucked by a truly long tongue, one that not only moved across her insides, but reached deep inside her. This oral appendage was thrusting inside her, but also moving and morphing as only a tongue could. One moment it was stiff and thin, the next short and wide, flattened to undulate like a breaking wave inside her. It was still able to explore and probe in ways nothing that had fucked her before was capable. The second appendage of light rimmed her. As good as this also felt, it had the same abilities as the tongue in her sex. How it licked her asshole was exquisite. Long slow undulations were mixed with staccato swirls around her star. 

Jane could not understand how she had not cum yet. Between the ministrations of these two oral appendages, she felt should have come already, especially because there was also a third tongue building a tsunami of pressure within her. Against her clit the third instrument of pleasure was at work. It would vibrate like a hummingbird's wings, then the flat of it would slide up her, a colored tentacle, lubricated just right to be sensational instead of rough. Jane thought she would swoon when the tip returned again and gyred around her bean. The wave of pleasure crested and crested again but always surfed the edge of pleasure instead rolling over itself, never crashing 

For Mary, being bound and blinded by night meant she could not see what pleasures were being inflicted upon her coven. She merely heard their muffled moans, the crackle of the fire, and an occasional hiss as the cauldron boiled over. She was bound and opened by the night, and wholly engrossed in its depths. Constellations played across her body, pinpricks of starlight rolled across her body. Every needle wakening a nerve's reaction, but remaining distant enough never to fulfill each ending's desire. Orion and Canis Major hunted Leo in an orbit around Mary's back, pinpricks of pleasure marked their passage. Hydra climbed Mary's left leg, coiling around her calf and inner thigh, its stars pinwheeling needles. It rose across her navel, between her breasts, and sunk its teeth into her neck. Mary tried to writhe, but the ropes of night limited her to ecstatic shaking. 

Each star sank into her flesh. Glowing brighter as they found a new home outside the umbral cords binding their host. Mary's skin radiated. It twinkled around her bindings like the corona of a solar eclipse. The starlight seared under her skin finding every pleasure center in her body filling them to capacity. She rode the edge of this cascade and, like her sisters, no release was allowed. Each witch shivered, shook, and writhed as much as their restraints allowed. 

Hecate smiled with the warmth of a hearth at midwinter. "Oh, well done! I commend your pains and everyone shall share i’ th’ gains,” she purred, her voice a summer's night breeze. "And now about the cauldron sing like elves and fairies in a ring, enchanting all that you put in!" 

These words released reservoirs already overflowing with the sensation and pleasure elicited within the witch’s bodies by Hecate. Night and light supported each witch off the ground, and all inner bindings were released. Sensation washed past the precipice of the damn built within them. Stone by stone, it broke away until their orgasms became cascades of bliss washing away their minds, each empty of care and thought for the world around them, and each suffused with her own inner glow. Starlight mingled with shadow under Mary’s skin, shade and light tattooing an orgasm across her skin. Within Jane the light of the Australis Borealis vibrated, pulsed and rolled. Corporeal light fucked her until she hung boneless as a doll, drained of vitality by her pleasures. The lightning that danced across Agatha bunched in her mouth. It danced on her tongue then coruscated down her body, within and around her pussy. Every nerve that could be activated in pleasure stimulated by the lightning’s passage. She arched and shook from the bolts of pleasure. Agatha, and her coven-mates, floated ‘round Hecate, each lost to her own orgasm.

Rewards given Hecate lowered each woman to bask in their own slow, indolent pleasure. As the ruinous flood of bliss settled into streams and puddles, so too was each witch returned to her place of rest. Branches settled ‘round Agatha, cuddling and supporting her. A vine cracked itself open and fed her with its sap. Jane slid into her cauldron with an unconscious sigh. The blue-ringed tentacles became a hammock within the cauldron depths to cradle her within its soothing waters. A tentacle collected nearby herbs to add soothing aromas to the curling steam. Mary was lifted by four anonymous ghosts onto a sedan chair of fog and returned to her bower. They never lost balance, even as a gesture from Mary's hand turned one into an apple. As curtains of fog obscured her as she took a voracious chomp from its side. 

The camp was silent until midnight when clumsy stomping could be heard from the woods. Jane's familiar nipped at her hand, "By the pricking of my thumbs, something wicked this way comes." She allowed herself a small chuckle. "Open, locks, whoever knocks?”

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Everyone warned me the house was haunted when I bought it. They told me no owner had ever lasted beyond a year. It was haunted, that was always emphasized, and no one seemed to want the place. 

If I had known how the haunting manifested, I would have made a much higher offer.

When the first week passed without incident, I thought it had all been an elaborate prank. As the first month passed quickly and quietly, I started to relax. By the end of the second month, I had all but forgotten about the supposed ghostly inhabitant. It was three months to the day I moved in that I first felt the hairs on the back of my neck rise when I stepped out of the shower. There was a shift in the air; that's the only way to describe it. I don’t mean to say I saw a ghost - it almost would have been easier if I had. Instead, there was just a vague feeling of being watched. It was the same feeling I used to get when I walked home late at night when I lived in the city. That constant reminder that there are people all around me, to stay on guard, be vigilant. I shook my head, clearing the cobwebs of paranoia. I had to laugh at myself; clearly, the stories the former owner had told were getting to me. I pulled on my pajamas and climbed into bed, collapsing into a dreamless sleep.

Over the course of the next few weeks, it got harder to ignore the sensation of being watched. There was no pattern to the prickling at the back of my neck. Sometimes it came over me when I was making dinner, sometimes as I was doing my makeup for the day. I often noticed it when I was in the shower at the end of the day. When nothing ever came of it, I chalked my hypervigilance up as too many stories of peeping toms and unsolved murder mysteries - a guilty pleasure I couldn’t quite shake, despite the minor paranoia it created. 

Eventually, I got used to the sensation. I couldn’t tell if it was all in my head or if I really was sharing my home with a ghost, but I had to laugh at the absolute scaredy cats that lived here before me. If these were the “nightly visitations” that bothered the previous owners so much, they were absolute weaklings! 

As I grew accustomed to the vague sensation of being observed, I started to use the strange presence to my advantage. Ever since I was a teenager, when my fingers roamed over my flesh in the quiet of the darkness, I would create elaborate fantasies of alleyway fucking or masturbating on trains, or would even imagin a stranger peering in my window. The titillating idea of someone watching me, wanting me, lusting after me always made the orgasms so much stronger. Now, whether this ghostie was real or a figment of my imagination, I got to dream of my personal voyeur watching every time I made myself cum. 

Late one night, as summer gave way to the coolness of early autumn, I struggled into wakefulness, confused and disoriented. I had been in the middle of the most delicious dream. A wicked and beautiful woman had been sitting next to me in the darkness of a movie theatre. While the screen flickered in front of us, her deft fingers flicked back and forth over my clit, driving me to distraction. I bit back a moan as she teased me, trying not to draw attention to what we were doing. She kept her eyes on the movie screen, never so much as glancing my way, she teasing me closer to orgasm. I tried to shift my hips discreetly to get a little more pressure on my clit, but she withdrew her hand and I choked back a frustrated “fuck you.” Over and over she did this, bringing me right up to the edge, only to deny me each time. This erotic game of cat and mouse dragged on for an eternity, my subconscious resisting orgasm in ways my flesh never could. Then, as I felt the undeniable build of an orgasm about to release, I startled awake.

I groaned in absolute frustration; of COURSE I would wake up right before the good part! Grumbling, I pulled the blankets off my overheated body and settled my hand between my thighs. I was shocked to see how swollen my cunt was. This wasn’t the first dream that had me wet when I awoke, but it was unusual for me to be this physically aroused. At least that meant it wasn’t going to take long at all to chase down the orgasm that had evaded me in my dream. I slid my middle finger down towards my slick opening and gasped in shock when an ice cold draft blew over my skin. 

My nipples prickled at the sudden sensation. I must have left the window open last night, I love sleeping in a cold room. I spread my legs, my hips undulating as I stroked my clit slowly and deliberately. While I had initially intended to just rub one out so I could fall back asleep, the crisp breeze had shaken me into full wakefulness. Inspired by the movie theatre of my subconscious, I wanted to drag the pleasure out as long as possible. The icy breeze cut across my chest again, even colder, but it seemed to be moving slower, almost like a lover’s hand dragging over my skin. I groaned, letting my mind wander to thoughts of a mysterious stranger groping me surreptitiously. 

Without warning, the chilly draft changed direction and dragged deliberately down my stomach, splitting to smooth over spread legs without so much as a whisper against my cunt. My eyes flew open and I sat bolt upright in bed. 

"That’s not fucking possible,” I mumbled to myself. "That… that can’t be." The breeze vanished and its absence made me painfully aware of how hot my skin was, how flushed and heated I felt. 

Lying there in the darkness, the realtor’s warnings came flooding back to the forefront of my brain. "Technically, there’s nothing wrong with the house. Even though it was built in the 1920s, it was completely renovated about ten years ago. Since the renovation, you’re the sixth person to buy it. People don’t seem to last here. Rumor has it there's a poltergeist. Obviously that’s pure nonsense, but each owner has insisted that after a few months, they can’t seem to sleep through the night. Granted, none of them have ever  really been able to tell me why; they all just turn red and mumble something about strange noises and change the subject. I sincerely hope nine is the magic number - I’m tired of reselling this house!”

I slid out of bed and flicked the light on, pulling a silk bathrobe around me. Clearly, I was losing it if I was starting to believe in ghosts. At the same time, no draft could have changed direction like that inside a house. I turned to close the window closest to my bed and my jaw dropped to see it was not only closed, but latched shut. My heart racing, I rushed over to the opposite side of the bedroom only to discover THAT window was also shut tight. I collapsed into an oversized armchair and stared at myself in the ornate antique mirror perched in the corner of the room. God, I look simultaneously terrified…and thoroughly fucked.

My eyes were wide and my face pale from the confusion and fear. My hair in a rat’s nest of tangles, looked for all the world like a lover had been gripping it, turning it into a  handhold to control me. My nipples were hard points showing through the delicate silk of my bathrobe; I let it fall open, exposing a strip of soft skin down the center of my body. Unable to ignore the undercurrent of arousal that hadn’t dissipated yet, I spread my legs once more and stared at my swollen lips glistening wet in the soft glow of lamplight. I took a deep breath and, keeping my gaze locked on my wanton reflection, I whispered into the empty room, "Please. Show me I’m not going crazy."

My reflection stared back at me, my frozen twin holding her breath as one minute passed, and then another. Nothing happened. I chanced another whisper. "Are you just in my imagination? Please. Please, I can not handle a mental breakdown right now. " My mood was quickly dropping from horny to humiliated; thank god no one else was actually there to witness my delusions. I sighed and dropped my head back on the chair, closing my eyes against my own embarrassment. Back to bed, I suppose.

The icy breeze rippled down the opening in my bathrobe and I shrieked in surprise, nearly sliding out of the chair as I jumped out of my skin. "NO WAY!" I screamed. “No FUCKING way!" A grin broke out as I realized I might have lost it, but that didn’t mean I couldn’t have some fun. 

"Alright, smartass. You wanna play that way? Fine. Challenge accepted. Prove to me you’re real. Prove to me without a shadow of a doubt that you’re not just my wildly overactive imagination." 

I settled myself in the chair and waited. To my terrified delight, I barely had to wait. Within the span of a heartbeat or two, the icy breeze traced a line up my stomach, between my breasts, swirled around my throat, and brushed the edge of my ear. I let out a low moan, surrendering to the breeze. It wound along my jawline and across my lips; I opened my mouth involuntarily and was rewarded with the impossible sensation of cool pressure on my tongue. What had started as a feather light touch was somehow becoming denser and heavier, like cold, smooth glass. I watched my reflection, mouth open and tongue moving as though there were fingers in my mouth. The cold pressure slowly pulled out of my mouth and I watched in rapt fascination as my lower lip was dragged down, rebounding back into place when the touch dropped away.

Fuck it. In for a penny, in for a pound.

I smirked. "Is that the best you've got? A quick little fondle that might be a face fuck when it grows up?" I held my breath as the air froze around me. Nervous anticipation built and just as I started to regret my bratty tongue, a coil of cold wound around my neck, squeezing ever so slightly. I let out a moan and grinned. Now we’re talking!

I gripped the arms of the chair, determined to let this strange invisible presence do… honestly, whatever it wanted. While the cold band around my throat pressed against my throat, pinning me to the chair, another icy hand slid down my chest, settling on one breast. I watch, breathless, as the soft flesh of my breast puckered and dimpled, indentations pressed into my skin. I let out a soft gasp as my nipple was pinched and rolled. Heat rose in me. The ice around my neck dissolved and twin points of cold held my other breast. My back arched as invisible hands first pinched, then tugged gently on my nipples. In the mirror, my breasts moved under the invisible influence, lifting when the ghost pulled on them and then dropped them. 

All at once, the cold disappeared and I blushed at the involuntary little whimper that escaped me. It was so fucking hot have an unobstructed view of my body getting teased like that, without a lover’s body or even a hand to block the view. My gaze had gone soft, that unfocused look of heavy lust obvious in my parted lips and heavy eyelids. My nipples still stood out, aching for more attention, and my hips ground slowly as I tried to will myself to orgasm. I dug my fingers into the armchair, determined to resist the urge to slide them knuckle-deep into myself. Just as I was about to crack, that beautifully cold, glass-like sensation returned. It lifted my right foot and traced a languid line up my calf and up along my inner thigh, grazing ever-so-carefully along the damp hair between my legs. 

I moaned in frustration, desperate for more. As though the ghost could read my thoughts, two icy hands grabbed my hips and pulled me to the edge of the chair. Startled, I nearly toppled over, but my right leg hooked over a solid surface I couldn’t see in either the mirror or between my legs. I laughed, teasing the ghost. “My my, on your knees for me the first time we fuck? What a good…little…ghostie,” my words trailed off into a moan as the cold pooled between my legs.

The amorphous cold formed into lithe, agile fingers. They dragged slowly along my inner thighs, kneading and massaging as they neared the slick entrance of my cunt. I couldn’t take my eyes off the sight in the mirror as I watched my flesh parted under my invisible lover’s insistent demand. Part of me desperately wished I could see the ghost's finger slide into my body; the rest was too turned on by the sight of my opening widening to accommodate the invisible flesh. The cold slid in and out of my cunt at a frustratingly slow and steady pace. I squirmed, trying to press up into the touch, trying to urge the ghost to move quicker. I’d been on the edge for so long, it didn’t seem possible that I haven’t cum yet. Another finger pushed in alongside the first and I groaned as it stretched me. I chanced a look in the mirror and immediately felt my face flush at the sight of the literal puddle dripping out of me. I clenched around the ghost’s fingers wondering if I could kegel my way to the orgasm I was craving.

Instantly, a collar of ice wove around my throat, tightening to the point that I could barely breathe. My focus shifted to the difficult task of breathing. When a third finger slipped inside me and a shock of ice hit my clit, I realized any illusion of being in control of this situation was just that - an illusion. The fingers moved faster, pulling almost all the way out of me, only to rush back in, rubbing against my clit with each pass. My heart was racing and my breath hissed out in tiny little gasps as the inevitable orgasm built. In the mirror, I saw my hips rocking in time to the finger fucking, my swollen cunt spread on display by my leg slung over the ghost’s shoulder. 

“Please, please, please,” I whispered, “god I’m so close. Please, please, please…” the mantra poured out of me, practically incoherent. The fingers settled deep in me, flexing slightly, while the thumb on my clit started rubbing quick circles. I screamed with pleasure as the orgasm exploded through me, the walls of my cunt spasming around the cool glassy fingers buried there. The orgasm felt like it dragged on forever. That invisible thumb traced maddening circles across my clit. Just as it started to subside, the fingers start fucking me again, faster this time, and I was immediately flung back into another orgasm. My back arched and my head dropped back while wave after wave of orgasm pulsed through me, until my cries of pleasure subsided into whimpers and moans. 

All at once, the cold presence vanished. It didn’t withdraw or drop away; it simply evaporated. My leg dropped down onto the chair with a sudden whump and the sensation of a full, stretched cunt was just…disorientingly gone. I sprawled there, limbs hanging as though I were a marionette who had her strings abruptly cut. I luxuriated in the post-orgasm glow as my heartrate steadied and I caught my breath.

“Well,” I said weakly into the dim light of dawn creeping through the window. “If you’re trying to scare me off, that isn’t going to work. I don’t know what kind of prudes tried to live here before me, but believe me when I say…Challenge Accepted.”

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