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I am Le Stag, and I am creating a video game about the Netorase / Hotwifing lifestyle called Netorase Phone.By joining this community, you will help support the game's development, and get access to new versions earlier.


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Netorase Phone version 0. 12 is now available! This version adds Act X, including Chapters 27 and...

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Netorase Phone version 0. 11 is now available! This version adds Act IX, made up of chapters 24 t...

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Netorase Phone version 0.5.1

Netorase Phone version 0.5 is now available!
This version once again adds 3 new chapters, 10 to 12, making up Act IV, and taking place on a single evening. You've all been waiting for that part. ;)
It also includes a reworked Save System, with an autosave and 5 manual save slots. Sadly, it means that your current saves won't work, but I added an option to start directly on Chapter 10.
I hope you will enjoy this new version. As always, I'm open to feedback and suggestion
Have fun!

UPDATE: version 0.5 has been replaced by version 0.5.1, correcting a small issue with saves. Saves from version 0.5 will, sadly, not be usable anymore. I'm sorry for the inconvenience.

Here is the complete patch notes:

- Act 3 now ends after chapter 9
- Added Act 4, including chapters 10 to 12, all taking place over a single evening
- Implemented Dominant, Balanced and Submissive relationship tendencies, that affect the tone of the messages sent to you by Laura. These tendencies will be determined by your choices in chapters 1 to 8 in the future, but currently, you'll have to trigger them via debug options in the Settings menu.
- Added 8 new interludes
- 18 new pictures

- Reworked the saving system, added an autosave and five manual save slots. Only autosave is loaded automatically for now, you'll have to manually load manual saves if you want to use them.
- Added a Gaming Mode setting displaying Tendencies changes on some choices (not all of them, as some may be removed later), and route-specific messages with a colored background (blue when you're Dominant, red when you're Submissive). Note that, when you're in a Balanced relationship, Laura will sometimes send you messages taken from the Dominant or Submissive routes, depending on the situation.
- Added a button in the Settings application to start the story on Chapter 10, and not have to redo all the previous content.

- Added text sounds, and a setting to disable them.

Bug corrections:
- Limited Android version to API version 33 instead of 34, which should improve compatibility with some Android versions (looking at you, Android 14).
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