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Kingdom of Subversion profile
Kingdom of Subversion
Kingdom of Subversion
"Serve me, little one, and I will give you the power to enact revenge upon the kingdom that has discarded you so." - Queen Selvana

Subscription Tiers

  • Access to the discord as "citizen"
USD monthly
  • Access to the discord as "Soldier"
  • Access to Basic Rewards (Sneak Peeks & 1 Bi-Monthly Sketch from the sketch series)
USD monthly
  • Access to discord as "General"
  • Access to any beta builds when they are released
  • Access to Basic Rewards (Sneak Peeks & 1 Bi-Monthly Sketch from the sketch series)
USD monthly
Royal Court
  • Access to discord as "Royal Court"
  • Access to any beta builds when they are released
  • Access to Basic Rewards (Sneak Peeks)
  • Access to Advanced Rewards (All Bi-Monthly Sketches from the Sketch Series)
Royal Court
USD monthly
  • Access to discord as "Royalty"
  • Access to any beta builds when they are released
  • Access to Basic Rewards (Sneak Peeks)
  • Access to Advanced Rewards (All Bi-Monthly Sketches from the Sketch Series)
  • Access to voting powers, picking Sketch Series content & next scene to be animated
USD monthly
Aspect of Animation
  • Access to discord as "Aspect of Animation"
  • Same rewards as Royalty
  • PLUS, select one scene already in the game to be animated (send a message here or via discord confirming your selection)
  • The animation will be added within 3 months of confirmed payment
Limited (2 out of 2) subscriptions
Aspect of Animation
Limit reached


  • Fantasy, corruption based adult rgp
  • Featuring elves, kitsune and many more different species!
  • Claim the kingdom and the women within!
Kingdom of Subversion

Welcome to Kingdom of Subversion!

Kingdom of Subversion is an adult fantasy rpg, where you take control of a half goblin outcast. Forced into exile from the Kingdom of Lumis, you join forces with the Queen of the rivaling kingdom, Queen Selvana of Umbrus. She grants you new power, that will allow you to subtly infiltrate Lumis and begin to plot its demise.
With these new powers and your body transformed into a human, your mission is simple, but will require great skill. Become a well known name in the land, become a hero. Use your influence to infiltrate Lumis' royal court. Subvert them to your will and with that, gain access to Queen Roserra, ruler of Lumis. Then the final stroke can be delivered and Lumis is ripe for the taking.

With a diverse cast of characters, we are sure you will enjoy our project! Consider pledging today to recieve rewards such as early access, additional unique sketches and voting powers for animations.

Beta builds are released the last Friday of every other month (March, May, July, September, November)

Play the demo (Coming soon)

Latest beta build (0.26)

Get Basic Rewards here (Soldier & General)

Get Advanced Rewards here (Royal Court & Royalty)

Royalty also don't forget your voting privileges!

Join our discord! (Only followers & subscribers can comment)

Kingdom of Subversion
Public post

Welcome to Kingdom of Subversion!

Kingdom of Subversion is an adult fantasy rpg, where you take control of a half goblin outcast. Forced into exile from the Kingdom of Lumis, you join forces with the Queen of the rivaling kingdom, Queen Selvana of Umbrus. She grants you new power, that will allow you to subtly infiltrate Lumis and begin to plot its demise.
With these new powers and your body transformed into a human, your mission is simple, but will require great skill. Become a well known name in the land, become a hero. Use your influence to infiltrate Lumis' royal court. Subvert them to your will and with that, gain access to Queen Roserra, ruler of Lumis. Then the final stroke can be delivered and Lumis is ripe for the taking.

With a diverse cast of characters, we are sure you will enjoy our project! Consider pledging today to recieve rewards such as early access, additional unique sketches and voting powers for animations.

Beta builds are released the last Friday of every other month (March, May, July, September, November)

Play the demo (Coming soon)

Latest beta build (0.26)

Get Basic Rewards here (Soldier & General)

Get Advanced Rewards here (Royal Court & Royalty)

Royalty also don't forget your voting privileges!

Join our discord! (Only followers & subscribers can comment)
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Kingdom of Subversion
Public post

Reward folders updated!

Hey guys,

Just to let you know the reward folders have been updated!
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Kingdom of Subversion

Sketch Series #25

Posted for $20, $215 tiers
Unlock Tier
Kingdom of Subversion

0. 27. 1 Release!

This post also includes Mega.NZ content links
Comments (2)
Posted for $6, $11, $20, $215 tiers
Unlock Tier
Kingdom of Subversion
Public post

Rewards Updated & 0.27 Plan

Hey guys

Just to let you know the reward folders have been updated!

In terms of 0.27, which is scheduled to be released this month, I just wanted to give everyone a heads up about what to expect. It will likely release very late next week (hopefully by Friday) and it will be a smaller build focusing on Queen Selvana. 

It will contain all her scenes as planned, but I think some may be surprised by how quickly it will unfold and there is a genuine reason behind that. In terms of gameplay, the way Selvana will progress is after every milestone, she will "reward" the player. A milestone in this instance is fully corrupting one of the royal court members, or progressing with Queen Roserra. Of course, for most of you that means you will basically trigger every milestone alternating one after another since you have likely done all the content in the game so far. So it may feel like the progression flies by.

I just wanted to give everyone a heads up on this and unfortunately due to the way the game has been developed and structured this is pretty much unavoidable. 

Another reason for the smaller build is I want to dedicate some time to replaying the entire game, making notes of bugs and quality of life improvements that can be made. It's been a long while since I have done this and I think the game is long overdue one, so while there may not be as much juicy content as expected, the state of the game should hopefully improve (which is super important if we are aiming to fully release it this year!)

Hope you all can understand and support the decision, and hope you're looking forward to unlocking some sexy scenes with Queen Selvana at last!

 - Charon
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Kingdom of Subversion

Sketch Series #24

Posted for $20, $215 tiers
Unlock Tier
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Creator Stats

679 subscribers
48 posts


to reach
We are at the same place we were at before the shut down. Luckily the project can continue ahead! Thank you all so much for supporting <3

Other Creators


Předplatné vám poskytuje:
  • Přístup k obsahu profilu Creator.
  • Schopnost podpořit vaši hvězdu přispěním-jednorázovým nebo opakovaným.
  • Znamená oslovit hvězdu přímo pomocí Instant Messengeru.
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