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KeloGames profile
Ciao, my name is Michele (Mike is fine too.) I'm from Rome, Italy. I love video games, and I like adult games too. It's my first project, and I'm working on it in my free time as a hobby.

Планы подписки

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Angelica's Followers

Officially become an Angelica Follower. Thanks!

You'll have access to previous versions of the game! (Or any version released at least 1 month prior).

Only for you:

PREVIEWS OF THE COMING SCENES! (Warning: Adult content.) Uncensored news only for patrons (Warning: Adult content.)

2 подписчика Angelica's Followers
USD в месяц
Angelica's Fans

Join Angelica's Fans if you really want to support my hard work to create a good game. Thank you!

You'll have access to each GAME UPDATE 2 WEEKS AFTER its release.

Only for you:

PREVIEWS OF THE COMING SCENES! (Warning: Adult content.) Uncensored News only for patrons (Warning: Adult content.)


Poll: You can vote on polls. The results of the polls will be part of the game!

0 подписчиков Angelica's Fans
USD в месяц
Angelica's Lovers

Join Angelica's Lovers if you believe in me. You'll make me happy and you'll give me a lot of motivation. Thank you so much!

You'll have access to each GAME UPDATE 7 DAYS AFTER its release.

Only for you:

PREVIEWS OF THE COMING SCENES! (Warning: Adult content.) Uncensored news only for patrons (Warning: Adult content.) Poll: You can vote on polls. The results of the polls will be part of the game!


Full walkthrough by Kelo Games!

0 подписчиков Angelica's Lovers
USD в месяц
Angelica's Angels

You're an Angelica's Angel: choose this tier if you are in love with Angelica! She is your heroine and you are her hero. You're one of the most important Angelica's patrons and for this reason you'll be one of the first to play the game's new updates. Angelica is very grateful to you!

You'll have access to each GAME UPDATE ON DAY ONE!

Only for you:

PREVIEWS OF THE COMING SCENES! (Warning: Adult content.) Uncensored news only for patrons (Warning: Adult content.) Poll: You can vote on polls. The results of the polls will be part of the game!


UNCENSORED image collection! (Warning: Adult content.)

1 подписчик Angelica's Angels
USD в месяц
Angelica's Dreamers

ANGELICA'S DREAMERS: Congratulations, you're a VIP patron.

Choose this tier if you want to be more than a patron of Kelo Games. You can share all your ideas directly with me, Mike (Angelica's creator and game developer). Nobody will know more about this game than you.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart!

You'll have access to each GAME UPDATE BEFORE DAY ONE! You will be one of my FIRST TESTERS.

Only for you:

PREVIEWS OF THE COMING SCENES! (Warning: Adult content.) Uncensored news only for patrons (Warning: Adult content.) Poll: You can create polls with me and vote. Full walkthrough by Kelo Games! UNCENSORED image collection! (Warning: Adult content.)


Join the "Angelica's dreamers" channel on discord and share your ideas and suggestions directly with me. (If you don't have a discord account let me know.)


0 подписчиков Angelica's Dreamers


  • -Full access to all post with informations about the game, previews and join other fans.
  • -Download the game, extra images (Read your tier description to know your rewards)
  • -You can cancel this subscription at any time.
Displaying posts with tag Screenshot.Reset Filter

Angelica Origins - Chapter 2 (0. 7. 0)

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Men at work (in progress! )

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