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Sloths Command profile
Sloths Command
Sloths Command
I'm a game developer who makes games. My the development in this moment - School Game.

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  • Early Access (getting a game update 14 days earlier than others)
  • Friend tier Patreon Code for the latest version
  • Access to polls that affect new updates and the content part of the game.
  • Patches and improvements reach you much faster
  • If you want your nickname can be added in the table of those who support the game! (for 6 or more months of active donating)
  • Many thanks from the developers
USD monthly
Best Friend
  • All privileges of Supporters and Friends
  • Early Access (getting a game update 30 days earlier than others)
  • Access to micro-updates 10 days after their release (you can read more about this by clicking here)
  • The key to the Steam version of the game when the game is released on this platform (it is enough to buy this subscription once so that after you can get the key to the game)
  • Best Friend tier Patreon Code for the latest version (this privilege works for 0.921 version of the game and higher)
  • You get the opportunity to play as a female character (in the editor of your character, just click the appropriate button)
  • You will have the opportunity to generate futanari (this privilege works for 0.921 version of the game and higher)
  • You will have a new breast variation (the smallest) for creating and generating randomized female NPCs (this privilege works for 0.921 version of the game and higher)
  • You will get access to a menu that will allow you to configure the rules by which randomized NPCs will be generated: set only the breast size/hair color that you like, set different generation modes, etc. (this privilege works for 0.925 version of the game and higher. - - You can read more about this by by clicking here) If you want your nickname can be added in the table of those who support the game! (to do this, write to us in the PM of this patreon page or contact us email [email protected])
  • Make a suggestion for improvement or creation of new features/events in the game (in the personal messages of the game's patreon or in any comments with releases. We will review everything!)
  • Access to the developer chat (in discord channel game)
  • A huge thank you from the developers.
Best Friend
USD monthly
Super Best Friend
  • All privileges of Supporters, Friends and Best Friends
  • Access to micro-updates immediately after their release (you can read more about this by clicking here)
  • Access to download modifications using our online servers, right from the game! (since version 0.943a) (you can read more about this by clicking here)
  • Access to cloud cross-platform saves, even in case of subscription cancellation! (since version 0.943a) (you can read more about this by clicking here)
  • The key to the Steam/Google Play/etc version of the game when the game is released on these platform (it is enough to buy this subscription once so that after you can get the key to the game)
  • If you want your nickname can be added in the table of those who support the game!
  • An incredible thank you from the developer for your support.
Super Best Friend
USD monthly
School Game is my life!
  • All privileges of Supporters, Friends, Best Friends and Super Best Friends.
  • The guide will be extremely happy with your support and will even cry with happiness...
  • If you want your nickname can be added in the table of those who support the game! (your nickname will be colored in amber «#f3ca75» instead of the standard white color and will be in highest priority in in sponsors list)
  • Incredibly huge thanks from the developers.
School Game is my life!
Sloths Command

Links of the last versions:

Last paid version (0.963a) for Super Best Friend:
Last paid version (0.963) for Best Friend:
Last paid version (0.962b) for Friend:
Last paid version (0.962a) for Friend:
Last public version (0.962):

Your patreon code is your email. If you have problems with it, write about it our tech support, please. We'll help you with any problem:

Email: [email protected]
Discord: maloletniydb / black_idol
Telegram: @piereedunn / @soo_lucky_man


  • You'll be have opportunity playing in School Game earlier other!
  • More opportunity for generation/diversity/and other moments in your game session!
  • The more subscribers we have, the more content we can develop for the game.
Sloths Command
Public post
Version 0.963a is already available for download for subscribers of the Best Friend tier ($10). To view the post with this version, follow this link:

So, today is March 5th, which means it's time to release weekly news, to do some interim results of what was done during the week. Yes, this period is shorter than we usually had in terms of time, but we still have something to say - basically, we worked on fixing bugs in the game, exceptions, releasing corresponding bug fixes for the game versions, but even taking this into account, some... Innovations and fixes appeared in the game. But first things first.

First, randomized NPCs. As usual, we'll start specifically with this point, and we have a lot to tell you here. Let's start with the most global change here - we listen to your feedback and see how there are overly loaded mechanics in the game, taking up a lot of time and not very fun at all - the initial leveling of relations with randomized NPCs. We introduced a new system to speed up the leveling of these very relations a little - the ability to change how long the dialogue will last.
You can see its interface below. Instead of the usual 30-minute dialogue, you have the opportunity to increase its duration by 4 times. Accordingly, any dialogue in this case will also give 4 times more relationship points. However, it will cost more in relationship points, in a smaller percentage ratio than from the bonus to relationship points.
To improve the variety of interactions with the RNPC, we also made a huge number of different variations of dialogues on romantic topics, everyday and sexual - in total, about five dozen different variations came out. They come out in random order, the dialogues themselves can move from an everyday topic to a burning one, increasing the bonuses to relationship points. In addition, we see how the buttons in the interface of the menu of interaction with the RNPC can cause certain ... Misunderstandings. The player turned off the tips, without suspecting it, using a button that was unknown to him. How did we fix this? Outgoing tips. Now it is enough to hover your finger over the button for a tip to appear for you, well, or a cursor. Depends on what you play on.
This is minor, but will make life easier for the player, especially for a newbie. What else was added? Five new hairstyles for the female RNPC. You can see some of them below:
Classically - they can be generated on the female RNPC, can be selected in the corresponding interface.
Secondly, system changes. We have slightly changed the tradition and the point here will now be system changes, not plot changes for the sake of a smoother narrative. So, what was done here?
Initially - the smallest change in filtering. The word "Filter" was completely removed.
It caused some misunderstandings among players and was redundant. In addition, for convenience, a new quick-access button to the interface in your character's room was added - quick access to the cooking menu, along with a quick-access button to the PC.
This is especially useful on high difficulties of the game, and the next innovation will reduce the number of unnecessary button presses - the ability to buy items in the online store both with your character's cash and with banking (we are talking about the in-game bank, not the real one).
So, now without screenshots, in words. We heard your complaints that the game has too much variety in music, and we fixed it by adding two dozen new tracks that will play right during the gameplay. So if you previously turned off the music in the game, this is a reason to turn it on again.
Another innovation designed to make life easier for players is keymaps on PC. There are more of them now, they have become more understandable: U - opens the diary, I - inventory, M - in-game map, and T - the menu for equipping clothes for your character.
Thirdly, the plot. Well, let's start with what was done and inserted into the game - the continuation of the storyline with Azumi Yoshida. It's about 5k words, several events, including 18+ content. For those who haven't seen them - you can see them on our Twitter. Unfortunately, we can't show them right here due to the rules of the site.
So, Ayano Yoshida... We definitely have something to tell you here, or to be more precise - a new sprite. It is already ready for integration into the game and will be integrated soon, and we present it to you here. (We remind you that all characters are over 21):
As usual, the redraw will support two types of breast size. What we showed you here is a small breast size, which will be considered standard. And now large:
It can be changed later. Either throughout the story, like with Suzuki Matsui, in separate events, or via the console at the player's choice. You can also leave the breasts as they are in the standard - everything works the same way as with other characters, everything is completely optional and can be customized to your own taste in detail.
Fourth, the translation of the game. We know and understand that the translation of the game into English is not the best, and we are actively fixing its problems. Here we highlighted this in a separate point to inform that the entire storyline with Yuki Oota has been improved as an English translation. This is a huge amount of content and a volume of work that can reach hundreds of thousands of characters.

New content:
The storyline with the story character Azumi Yoshida was continued: in addition to the continuation of the story, which also affects other story characters in the game, the new part of the story contains 18+ content with new scenes drawn specifically for this character. To open the continuation of this storyline, your character needs to go through a small part of the story with the vocal club and Ayano Yoshida, as well as the storyline of Azumi Yoshida, before opening it in your character's phone.
5 new possible hairstyles for female RNPC were added to the game. They can either be generated on them at the beginning of the game session, or can be selected in the RNPC / your character editor.
More than twenty different tracks were added to the game, which will now play in the background, constantly changing between each other. Now there are more than three dozen of them in total, which will give the opportunity to listen to about 90 minutes of various tracks in the background. The English translation of the game has been improved in a huge section with text with the Yuki Oota storyline - all interactions with her, the plot and even some related events have been translated more correctly, which is a huge amount of information and text.
A new interface and a tab in general have been added to the menu for interaction with the RNPC: with it, you can adjust how long the dialogue with a randomized NPC should last. The longer it is, the greater the debuff to the chance of a successful dialogue, the more time it will take/energy/satiety, but also give many times more relationship points, which will reduce the potential level of "clicks" in this relationship system and give more scope for study.
About four dozen new dialogues have been added during the interaction "Everyday Topics" with randomized female NPCs. They are chosen randomly, so pumping up relationship points with them becomes a more interesting and varied activity, and the "everyday topics" themselves can randomly turn into romantic topics or any other, giving a little more relationship points than they originally should have, with some rare chance of that.
Now, when you hover over all the buttons in the menu for interacting with the RNPC, hints appear that explain what certain buttons do. This was done because of frequent questions about this, as well as because of the general lack of obviousness of this entire system.
Two dozen new dialogue flows were added to "Romantic Topics" and "Sexual Topics" for randomized female NPCs.
New keymaps were added to the general controls in the game when playing on a PC device: U - opens the diary, I - inventory, M - in-game map, and T - the menu for equipping clothes for your character.
The word “Filter” was removed from the initial content filtering menu when starting a new game session because it confused quite a lot of people.
In events with randomized NPCs, there are now even more options for the development of events that completely depend on the attributes of your character: for example, now a girl hitting your character in the stomach during an event will not make your character hunch over in pain for no reason, but rather the opposite. The same applies to events where the outcome could be unclear to the player due to his high level of attributes and an unsatisfactory result for himself.
A new button has been added to the game control interface if your character is at the location of his apartment: a quick transition to the cooking interface is akin to a quick transition to the player's PC.
The game's weight has been slightly reduced by compressing some PNG files in the game, as well as by removing some rudimentary, redundant and more unnecessary files in the game itself.
A fairly large refactoring of some fundamental systems, on which 70 percent of the game and its systems/mechanics in general were built, was carried out, due to which the overall performance of the game in some places became faster, in some it became more flexible and understandable, and somewhere less problematic in exceptions.
The code associated with enumeration and the ability to iterate and select RNPC for events has been significantly improved: now, when the corresponding list appears, instead of simply selecting, the game will check each RNPC in it and whether it is suitable for performing this event, a little better, which fixes many errors associated with this, as well as a huge number of non-critical flaws.
Now when buying something through the online store in the interface of your character's computer, the game will offer two payment methods: by card or cash. (We are talking about in-game currency, not real. Previously, only a card was accepted for payment in this menu. IN-GAME bank card, NOT REAL.)
Slightly improved performance by cleaning some types of data, merging others and using caching in some moments of the game, due to which there are fewer crashes, the performance itself is better, and the game has become more stable than it was before.
The weight of the music has been reduced by compressing it, which will significantly reduce the weight occupied by them and, accordingly, the game.
The game's performance was slightly improved by reducing possible data requirements, new caching methods, initialization, and reworking a couple of other things - the game began to take up fewer device resources when starting a game session and became slightly less heavy in terms of saving/RNPC data and other things due to changes in the data generation and randomization systems.
A huge refactoring of the code responsible for the initialization of game data about RNPC was carried out: this fixed many possible bugs, the code itself became much more flexible and there were fewer problem areas where exceptions could appear. In addition, the initialization itself now, even without any caching, became almost instantaneous even on especially weak devices.
Fixed bugs:
Fixed a bug due to which in some dialogues with randomized NPCs the game could display the name of the RNPC incorrectly, and instead of his name simply write “Name of the RNPC”.
Fixed a bug due to which in scenes with randomized female NPCs the body of this very RNPC was displayed incorrectly, changing in the game every frame, which generally made it impossible to use this interface.
Fixed a bug due to which changes in the RNPC editor/your character appearance and some other data were not saved properly, completely resetting everything after switching to another RNPC/full start of the game session.
Fixed a bug due to which your character's body could suddenly change in the editor of your character for no reason and without the ability to stop it.
Fixed a bug due to which the default performance settings were in the form of maximum simulation, and not just simulation, as it was originally supposed to be.
Fixed a bug due to which the game could throw errors and exceptions without any reason during the initialization of the 18+ interaction scene “Blowjob”.
Fixed a bug due to which the game could throw exceptions without any reason during attempts to generate/display events with RNPC and some other gameplay details tied to randomness.
Fixed a bug due to which the game could throw exceptions during the initialization of 18+ scenes with randomized NPCs when playing as both a girl and a man.
Fixed a bug due to which RNPC could say that it was time for him/her to go home/to classes at the academy, even if you and this character were not in the academy locations at that time.
Fixed a bug due to which the inventory could be bugged at some points in the gameplay without the ability to do anything about it.
Fixed a bug due to which the game could throw an exception during loading of relationship points with RNPC with some very low chance at the beginning of the game session and without any reason.
Fixed a bug due to which the game could throw an error on Android devices during an attempt to load the list of exported RNPC in the corresponding interface.
Fixed a bug due to which the game could throw an error when trying to calculate relationships and reputation with peers and hooligans in very rare situations of the gameplay.
Fixed a bug due to which the game could throw exceptions when the game tried to calculate whether a given file was inside the game folders. This happened very rarely and on certain devices.
Fixed a bug due to which the bitrate of existing music was much lower than before, due to which the game had sound artifacts and other problems associated with this during music playback. Fixed a bug due to which some scenes with the story character Azumi Yoshida could be displayed incorrectly, with too many artifacts/too high PNG resolution.
Fixed a bug due to which your character could be kicked out of the academy during dialogues with Ayano Yoshida, even if at that time she lived in your apartment, and at that time the dialogue itself took place in your home, and not inside the walls of the academy.
Fixed a bug with duplicating items inside your character's inventory in the closet/under some other circumstances of the gameplay.
Fixed a bug due to which lists of locations for the RNPC could simply not work correctly and completely change during the gameplay, which subsequently led to bugs, exceptions and flaws in related systems.
Fixed a bug due to which it was impossible to collect any resources in the forest except for one, even if the game showed a successful search inside the location "Forest".
Fixed a bug due to which after the interaction "Grope naked ass" and "Grope naked chest" RNPC still remained without any clothes, without returning the ones that were on it before the interactions.
Fixed a bug due to which it was possible to move from the RNPC to the “Alley” location, even if the academy was closed at that very moment. Due to the fact that the academy was closed, and the alley is considered part of it, the RNPC and your character were expelled from the location.
Fixed a bug due to which when choosing “Use a condom” and when playing in English, these two choices were completely identical and did not differ in any way (instead of choosing “Do not use a condom”, there was a choice in the form of “Use a condom”).
Fixed a bug due to which after receiving 80 units of strength and agility, your character was not given the “Nimble Grip” perk.
Fixed a bug due to which, in very rare cases of gameplay, the game could issue exceptions when switching to the acquaintances menu, where all the RNPC familiar to your character were displayed.
Fixed a bug due to which the sale price and business upgrade price were displayed incorrectly and could be either higher or lower than the actual value.
Fixed a flaw due to which the profit and expenses of a purchased business could change too abruptly without any particular reason.
Fixed a fundamental bug due to which the game could throw exceptions when trying to save the game and after a long process of creating a character/RNPC in the RNPC editor, which completely broke the progress and did not allow saving at all, never, under any circumstances.
Fixed a bug due to which randomized male NPCs could move around the screen in the activity menu without any reason.
Fixed a bug due to which blood could be displayed on the genitals of virgin female RNPC, even if there was no penetration as such and should not have been.
Fixed a bug due to which the mouth of a male RNPC with whom your character interacts could simply disappear without any reason.
Fixed a bug that could cause an exception to occur during the event when the RNPC visits your character and goes to visit him, as well as during some specific scenes with MILFs.
Fixed a bug due to which transferring a save from old versions could break the same save on the new version due to the number of exceptions that were issued after.
Fixed a bug with unpleasant graphical artifacts in scene 69 18+ character with a female RNPC if she had big legs, not the standard ones.
Fixed a bug due to which the game could issue an exception when trying to calculate who is a guy and who is a girl in scenes with randomized NPCs. Although very rare, but this could happen, especially in case of errors without exceptions when trying to initialize the RNPC.
Fixed a bug due to which your character's hands in the "Grope Breasts" scene might not reproduce the real color of his hands, but the standard color instead.
Fixed a bug due to which raising and upgrading business through your player's computer and the "Business" tab did not work correctly, due to which the values ​​​​went into huge numbers after just a couple of such actions.
Fixed a bug due to which a female RNPC could have a short skirt not due to her vulgarity level, as it should have been, but it was simply short for no reason.
Fixed a bug due to which the game could throw an exception when playing in the English translation of the game during certain actions with a randomized female NPC.
Fixed a bug due to which text could overlap each other in certain buttons in the randomized NPC editing interface when playing in English.
Fixed a bug due to which, when playing in English, in some places in the game, the language might not be displayed at all, and instead, Russian.
Fixed a bug due to which the game could throw an error when trying to open the acquaintances interface without any reason, but this is only relevant during the period of the beginning of the game session (the first hour of the game).
Fixed a bug due to which, when going through the storylines with the story character Suzuki Matsui, the game could start giving critical errors without the ability to ignore/press back, etc.
Fixed a bug due to which your character RNPC could/could give as a gift an item for modifications, strange glasses and other items that should not have been given to them as a gift.
Fixed a bug where an exception would occur after fights with randomized NPCs with some chance and without any reason.
Fixed a bug where an exception would occur without any reason during scene initialization with randomized female NPCs, in 18+ scenes and normal ones.
Fixed a bug where the reputation information among bullies/normal peers was mixed up with each other and different information was shown everywhere in the phone interface and the corresponding tab there.
Fixed a bug where it was impossible to talk to the story character Ayano Yoshida when living with her after 8 pm - the game thought that your character was in the academy.
Fixed a bug where RNPCs could be present in some closed locations.
Fixed a bug due to which events with RNPC with a narrative in the Academy locations could occur not only in the Academy itself, but also in other urban locations.
Fixed a bug due to which the game could start to issue an exception in the menu of the interface for interacting with RNPC if your character had a special quest item - X-ray glasses.
Fixed a bug due to which the game could issue exceptions during fights/certain choices and other processes that change the general attitude of RNPC towards your character on a global level.
Fixed a bug due to which during the event where RNPC dives your character with a knife, and he successfully dodges - regardless of the results, the whole process still took too much time - three hours.

As you can see, a huge amount of work has been done, especially in a period of time less than a week - 5 days. We will continue working on the game at the same pace, a new issue of weekly news will be released on March 15, and somewhere around the 6th or 7th - voting on the vector of development of the game for the 964th update.
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Sloths Command

Released 0. 963a version [micro-update]

This post also includes Mega.NZ content links
Posted for $25, $50 tiers
Unlock Tier
Sloths Command
Public post

Released 0.963 version

So, another month has passed since the release of the last version of the game. It's time for the release of a new full version, which has brought quite a lot. Well, the first thing worth mentioning is a significant improvement in the game's performance, improvements in its stability. Compared to previous versions of the game, in some places the improvements can reach 30-40 percent. In addition, here you can also make quite large innovations: the ability to edit the names and surnames with which the RNPC are generated, a large continuation of the storyline with Suzuki Matsui, which tells new details of her personal story, new scenes with the story character Azumi Yoshida, completely new systems in the occult club in the form of skills / rules for the club itself, where you can make your own, absolutely unique club with its own rules and traditions, new improved interfaces in some places, significant improvement of the game in terms of content (new events, improvements to old events), dozens of new chokers / accessories and knee socks for female RNPC and many, many other things and details. The update turned out to be very diverse, it has many things that different layers of players wanted in their opinions, and most importantly - improved stability and performance, which will make the players' experience smoother and more enjoyable. Some interface improvements in this update will also help with this. Well, now we won’t increase the size of the preface once again and will immediately proceed to the release date of the version for different Patreon roles, and then to the changelog.

  • On February 27, Early Access to version 0.963 will be open for Best Friend tier ($10) and higher. (Available now): Download Links
  • On March 15, Early Access to version 0.963 will be open for Friend tier ($5) and higher.
  • On March 21, Early Access to version 0.963 will be open for Supporter tier ($1) and higher.
  • On March 25, 0.963 version will be released to the public.

You can download modification from our discord channel.
New content:
The storyline with the story character - Suzuki Matsui - has been continued. More specifically, you can now take tasks from Orel, earn money from this, and also continue the girl's storyline if you did not know where her apartment is at that time. In addition, during these tasks, you can get new items that can be used in the gameplay in different ways.
Some new plot branches have been added for the story character and her line - Azumi Yoshida. To view them, your character's "Luck" attribute must be high enough, and the branches themselves directly affect the corresponding 18+ character scene with her, slightly transforming it during subsequent replays.
The game performance has been significantly improved: the speed of calculations, the speed of the game, its stability, and the requirements for the game on the performance settings have been reduced - “Maximum performance” and “Simulation” due to some tricks and a general reduction in the number of calculations. This also makes saving instant (on particularly weak devices), and also makes the gradation between the performance settings more obvious, due to which you can play comfortably on particularly weak devices, without freezing and other moments.
Now in your character's phone, in the corresponding interface, there is a redesigned tab for status, attributes and statistics. These tabs are straight from the diary interface and have all the necessary information from there in the form of a more pleasant and suitable for the general style of the interface. In addition, some tabs from the diary were combined into one in the phone, which allows you to see a more complete picture of pumping / attributes and other details of the gameplay, which is relevant for your particular game session.
The ability to configure the number of adults in relation to students in the city has been added to the interface for editing the appearance of your character, in the category for setting up a game session. To do this, simply click “Next”. In this way, they can be completely disabled, or made the prevailing part of the city’s population, if the power of your device allows it.
A new notification interface has been added. Now, when the game requires and uses your character's luck indicator for some actions in the form of a hidden check/trigger, the game will notify the player about it with a small and short notification. This is done to better understand for players where and how the luck attribute is used.
The ability to reprimand characters in the occultism club has been added. Each reprimand increases the chance of following the rules introduced by your character when they are ignored by the RNPC, and after three reprimands you exclude the RNPC from the occultism club.
A huge number of different rules and systems have been added to the occultism club interface, which allows the player to further customize the club for themselves, as well as benefit from it in some specific rules or improve the club with these rules in terms of statistical improvements - club purity, finding new club members and many other things. In addition, these rules can now be ignored if the RNPC has enough individual characteristics to ignore it.
A new button has been added to the Occultism Club management interface - the ability to open the biographical interface for the RNPC. There you can find out all the information about him in more detail, and not just something general - attitude towards your character, influence statistics, and so on.
For the story character Azumi Yoshida, the last two scenes have been completely and entirely redrawn, which now support showing/hiding glasses on her face, changing her breast size, and many other details related to this.
The quick save and quick load buttons in the game session and in the interface of your character's phone have been completely changed and improved. They were moved to separate buttons at the top of the phone interface to avoid missclicks from players playing on the phone, as well as for the general convenience of using these buttons.
A new possible interface and system as a whole was added to the occultism club in the corresponding tab of the occultism club management - rules. There you can assign the necessary rules that your club members will follow, including those of 18+ character. Each rule requires the authority of your character, and not just a number, but specifically points received per day, and with the help of this system as a whole you can make your club at your own discretion, as you yourself want.
For the occultism club and its management, one new fairly global mechanic was added for the development of the occultism club - the skills menu. After each club level increased by your efforts, it is given certain points, which you can then spend on developing this club, opening new mechanics. For example, one development point will cost a new mechanic - the ability to create your own rules within the club, as well as small improvements for interaction with your fellow club members, the mechanics of creating your own flags for it, slogans and greetings.
For female RNPC, a dozen new possible stockings were added that can be generated on them or selected by you in the corresponding interface of the RNPC editor.
For female RNPC, a dozen new possible chokers were added that are available in the corresponding category "Accessory settings" in the RNPC editor.
A new category was added to the settings menu - dictionary settings. With it, you can completely customize the names with which these very RNPC will be generated, influence the general dictionaries for generating RNPC, deleting names / surnames that are unacceptable for you, or adding something of your own. These dictionaries are persistent data, so they will remain in the game even when starting new game sessions or after deleting/reinstalling/updating the game.
When playing as a girl, new exclusive events with randomized male NPCs of 18+ character, as well as regular events, have been added. They drop rarely and depend on the character of the RNPC, their influence statistics and many other factors that your girl character can influence.
In the game location "Casino", which appears according to the game plot with Ayano Yoshida and Mikoto, a new possible location interaction has been added - play slot machines. With it, you can either lose all your in-game money, or significantly improve your financial situation, where everything depends directly on the attribute of luck of your character, which, with huge values, will literally allow your character to win huge amounts of in-game currency in this location and with the help of this interaction.
The experience system for the club, as well as for each individual section of the occult club, has been slightly reworked - now experience is earned twice as easily, and the chances of a greater increase in experience points depend on your character's luck indicator, as well as the RNPC (the club level is pumped up at the same time as the RNPC increases its level). In addition, successful festivals/global projects now also affect the club's experience.
The system of the influence of the club level on the effectiveness of any club activity has been reworked - now for increasing this very level, the club activity and the percentage of its effectiveness are increased and improved - by 10 percent per level.
The system of festivals and global projects in the game has been slightly changed - now, if your club has not managed to finish everything in a week, the progress of festivals and global projects is reduced by 20 percent, which saves the game from problems with the balance of the plan, when only one person could do something global. In addition, the "Caring" perk from your fellow club members now affects not only the global project, but also the festival, allowing you to save points after finishing something global, and in addition to this, your character's luck can also affect this.
A bartender has been added to the Eagle Club, which opens during the passage of Suzuki Matsui's storyline, from whom you can buy vodka and use it in various ways in the gameplay of the game.
New possible information has been added to the biography interface of a randomized NPC - whether he drinks. Depending on this indicator, he will refuse alcohol or accept interactions related to it.
A new button has been added to the corresponding category of location interactions, in addition to going to classes and going to work - go to the occult club, if your character is already a member.
Now in the 18+ character scene nipples, nipple piercings, new intimate hairstyles and some other details that were recently added to the editor, as the ability to edit the intimate places of girls, are properly displayed in the “Missionary” pose.
The 18+ character scene of the “69” position has been improved. If earlier the girl’s breasts were not displayed there at all and were as if hidden by her hands, now, depending on the size of the breasts, everything will be displayed properly and realistically. All breasts with a small size are displayed there, and at the same time, nipple piercings, typical nipples themselves and many other body details that were recently added to the game are displayed.
Now in the 18+ character scene nipples, nipple piercings, new intimate hairstyles and some other details that were recently added to the editor, as the ability to edit the intimate places of girls, are properly displayed in the “Doggystyle” pose.
Now in the 18+ character scene, nipples, nipple piercings, new intimate hairstyles and some other details that were recently added to the editor, such as the ability to edit the intimate places of girls, are properly displayed in the "Jerk off in front of me" pose.
Now in the 18+ character scene, nipples, nipple piercings, new intimate hairstyles and some other details that were recently added to the editor, such as the ability to edit the intimate places of girls, are properly displayed in the "Jerk off to me" pose.
Now in the 18+ character scene, nipples, nipple piercings, new intimate hairstyles and some other details that were recently added to the editor, such as the ability to edit the intimate places of girls, are properly displayed in the "Cowgirl" pose.
Now in the 18+ character scene, nipples, nipple piercings, new intimate hairstyles and some other details that were recently added to the editor, such as the ability to edit the intimate places of girls, are properly displayed in the "Side" pose.
Now in the 18+ character scene nipples, nipple piercings, new intimate hairstyles and some other details that were recently added to the editor, such as the ability to edit girls' intimate places, are properly displayed in the "Blowjob" pose.
Now, in the interaction and scene in the toilet and peeping at the female RNPC, all intimate hairstyles that were recently added to the game are displayed.
For dialogues with RNPC of both sexes, during dialogue on everyday topics, more than two dozen different variations have been added, how this dialogue will proceed, so that pumping up these very relations with the RNPC will proceed in a more pleasant and memorable way, as well as less "stuffy".
New events have been added for your male character, both 18+ character and regular ones, with an emphasis on role-playing. They rarely drop out and depend on the generated game session and luck.
New events have been added that drop out for your character in the case of bad events with hooligans, as a community - they will try to fight you and interfere with your character.
The RNPC generator has been slightly refactored, and more inputs have been added to influence this generation, making it more modular, upgradable, and easier for modders to use.
Now, when you make any saves, the game automatically imports the required libraries if they were not previously imported in the game itself, which caused a rare but annoying bug - the inability to save due to the absence of these libraries.
The Chinese translation of the game has been updated: some untranslated parts of the game have been translated, the translation in other places has been improved, and in general it has become better.
The number of times you can promote a business is now limited to ten times, which fixes the problem when a business could bring in too much money.
The ability to configure and change the economy mode in the game engine itself through a single setting in the game settings was added - its activation/deactivation affects the speed of the game and allows you to save the device's battery if necessary or increase the performance of the game and its interface due to changes (the default value is on, so it can always be turned off for a small performance improvement, albeit only visual)
The setting for disabling the back of the hair from the RNPC editor is now relevant for both sexes at once, and not only for the female gender.
A new set of clothes has been added for your character, if she is a girl - without clothes. In essence, this is an opportunity to engage in exhibitionism when playing as a female, which was available for the male gender for some time, but not for the female.
Now each reprimand/expulsion from the Occultism Club reduces the RNPC attitude towards your character in a significant manner, which eliminates the possibility of unnecessary use of this button, especially in cases of “Good acquaintances” with the RNPC, forcing the user to think several times before doing so.
The speed of saving the game was accelerated by 30-40 percent, due to which saving for several tens of seconds on especially old Android devices will no longer occur, and on newer devices it again becomes almost instantaneous.
The "Configure" button from the connection menu was completely cut out because it became rudimentary and stopped performing the functions for which it was made.
A global refactoring of the systems responsible for calculating the occult club statistics was carried out, bringing this entire system to a more complete form, as well as fixing some bugs and shortcomings associated with all this.
Now, when your character eats something from the refrigerator in the cooking interface and if this food restores satiety more than a certain level and the initial percentage of satiety, the game will warn you about this, preventing your character from eating the entire refrigerator without special reasons.
A complete refactoring of the auto-feeding system was carried out, which fixes all the errors associated with this system, and many other things associated with it, due to which, in general, the code itself has become more understandable, and nutrition at a high difficulty level, if the player does not want to deal with it - now you can not do it, leaving everything to the appropriate script.
Now the salary in the grocery store takes into account the inflation rate in the game session itself, although not much, so as not to oversimplify the game.
A minor refactoring of the business in the game was carried out: now, when it is improved and profits increase because of this, inflation in the game is taken into account to a greater extent than before, so that it brings at least some profit at huge levels. In addition, the business is now more dynamic and, depending on the game and the economic situation in the game session, the game can change some business parameters, such as profit, costs and its price.
A minor refactoring of the systems responsible for the movement of the RNPC across locations was carried out, due to which the system itself became a little more realistic, began to take into account a little more individual features of the RNPC, and most importantly - the game became a little more stable and more pleasant to work due to the reworking of the code inside this module. Fewer freezes / microfreezes and other negative aspects.
A minor refactoring of the systems responsible for the distribution of RNPC activity and the entire RNPC activity module in general was carried out: the system became a little more understandable, became less demanding, problems with memory leaks inside this module were fixed, which improved the situation with stability and performance during the game itself.
A minor refactoring of the systems responsible for the RNPC and their generation was carried out, due to which the RNPC themselves became less demanding on the user's device RAM, the game became slightly less demanding, especially on certain performance settings, and in general it became slightly smaller (saves of 20 megabytes should no longer be, unless you include a million RNPC).
Minimum and maximum indicators for the location of nipples along the X and Y axis were added when editing the RNPC of a female gender / your character with a female gender to such values ​​​​that these nipples do not go beyond the breasts at all, as could be the case before.
The connection to the game servers was completely redesigned, which ensures not only an uninterrupted connection to your Patreon subscriber account, but also uninterrupted use of cloud saves / downloading modifications through our servers and many other online features. Several servers were created specifically for this purpose in different parts of the world, as well as a completely changed system of connection to these very servers in order to evenly distribute the load across them.
Now the standard performance settings become like a simple "Simulation", and not a full simulation for the reason not to unnecessarily load the device of users who do not particularly care about this.
Improved game performance on the "Maximum Simulation" settings due to less use and creation of in-game data to play this simulation.
The game now clears some unnecessary data for the game, such as those that are used only during generation, in order to reduce the load on the player's device, and also in general slightly, but reduce the overall weight of the game.
A minor refactoring of all newly added content was carried out to eradicate some problems with access to it under certain game conditions.
The bribe statistic has been reworked. Now its initial value depends not only on random circumstances and randomness, but also on the character and other dependencies.
Now, if your character was wearing a mask on his face, events with randomized NPCs will simply not drop out for the reason that no one will want to communicate with your character.
A minor refactoring of the RNPC display systems in the RNPC editor was carried out in order to avoid some visual bugs and shortcomings associated with this, such as tattoos / scars and other RNPC details.
The game's performance was slightly improved by reducing possible data requirements, new caching methods, initialization, and reworking a couple of other things - the game began to take up fewer device resources when starting a game session and became slightly less heavy in terms of saving/RNPC data and other things due to changes in the data generation and randomization systems.
A huge refactoring of the code responsible for the initialization of game data about RNPC was carried out: this fixed many possible bugs, the code itself became much more flexible and there were fewer problem areas where exceptions could appear. In addition, the initialization itself now, even without any caching, became almost instantaneous even on especially weak devices.
 Fixed bugs:
Fixed a bug due to which the reputation display between bullies/students could not be updated in time, due to which it would remain either the same as it was at the time of its last update, or even be False in some individual cases of the gameplay.
Fixed a bug due to which, when opening a diary/any other statistics that is related to your character, the game could give very rare exceptions in the gameplay itself.
Fixed a bug due to which a condom could hang in the air during the playback of the missionary position with a randomized female NPC with some settings of this very sex enabled.
Fixed a defect due to which the height reduction button, displayed only on Android devices, could be displayed incorrectly without the corresponding signs to simplify interaction with them.
Fixed a bug due to which the absence of pubic hair on a randomized NPC in the RNPC editor was displayed in the button as False, and not as 0, as it should have been displayed originally. In addition, a bug was fixed due to which when clicking on a button with the right mouse button, nothing changed in it, and instead of any changes in the parameter, the main menu of the game was opened.
Fixed a bug due to which a large penis with phimosis on a male RNPC/your character could be displayed as a penis without phimosis without any reason.
Fixed a bug due to which some events with RNPC could not drop at all for no reason due to certain errors in their drop conditions in the script.
Fixed a bug due to which randomized female NPCs could be completely naked for no particular reason, and all in the game session.
Fixed a bug due to which the indicator of businesses purchased by your character could be displayed completely incorrectly or not displayed at all in the corresponding interface of your character's computer.
Fixed a bug due to which purchasing goods through online stores in the corresponding interface of your character's PC worked incorrectly and/or did not work at all.
Fixed bugs due to which existing content in the game could not be displayed and be unavailable for use, despite the fact that in fact it was in the files and code themselves.
Fixed a bug where when trying to randomize your character in your character editor, the game would throw an exception for no reason and not allow you to do so.
Fixed a bug where when trying to randomize your character in your character editor, a dialog box could pop up for no objective reason.
Fixed a bug where the game could throw an exception during 18+ character scenes with your character when she was a woman instead of a man. The same applies to solo scenes (for example, masturbation).
Fixed a bug where when using mods and trying to make randomized NPCs walk around your location, you would fail for no reason - RNPCs refused to visit your location.
Fixed a bug where there could be an empty button on the screen when entering your patreon code.
Fixed an issue where using the Beauty Salon in the Mall would move your character out of the location after using any location interactions in the location where your character was previously.
Fixed an issue where the guy swiping the otter would drop too often and with almost no conditions at the start of a game session, instead of being a rare event.
Fixed an issue where the stupid girl offering herself for an intelligence upgrade would always be a virgin in the event text, even if she technically wasn't.
Fixed an issue where the girl punching your character in the stomach because she lost a bet would still punch through and make your character writhe in pain, even if your character had more physical attributes than hers. Also, the chance that she will demand from your character is now affected by her relationship level with him, not just your character's luck attribute.
Fixed a bug due to which a character who was already acquainted with your character could want to get acquainted with your character, which ultimately looked extremely strange.
Fixed a bug due to which the number of part-time jobs at the labor exchange could be too large and go beyond the edges of the interface screen.
Fixed a bug due to which sometimes the “About Ayano…” option during a conversation with Yuki Oota could not appear without entering the “Wish Menu”.
Fixed a bug due to which the X-ray glasses, which should see through clothes, did not see through the clothes of redrawn RNPC, such as Suzuki Matsui and Azumi Yoshida - in this case, they will now be naked, like the RNPC around them.
Fixed a bug due to which a randomized male NPC with the weak or reclusive character trait could have tattoos, although they should not have them.
Fixed a bug where the game could throw an exception when playing in the English translation of the game during certain actions with a randomized female NPC.
Fixed a bug where text could overlap in certain buttons in the randomized NPC editing interface when playing in English.
Fixed a bug where the game could not work correctly with translations of the game, such as Chinese and English, throwing rare exceptions due to fonts.
Fixed a bug where the hide clothes and underwear buttons did not work correctly and did not change the necessary variables in the game, due to which sometimes the hide/show state itself could completely freeze on one value.
Fixed a bug where the front of the palm could be displayed not on top of the clothes of a female RNPC in the RNPC generator, due to which her hand was somewhere behind it, which looked, at the very least, unrealistic.
Fixed a bug due to which the appearance of the RNPC in some event with him/her could simply change every time you hovered over the button without any reason.
Fixed a bug due to which progress for some successful/unsuccessful interactions could be given to a character other than the one your character was talking to, in very rare cases of gameplay.
Fixed a bug due to which the character creation icon was still displayed even if it was covered by the interface in the interface for creating your own character - now it is automatically hidden on certain tabs.
Fixed a bug due to which the biographies of RNPC in the corresponding menu could go beyond the interface when the biography was too long/had too much information.
Fixed a bug due to which some information from the RNPC biographies menu could differ from the actual information.
Fixed a bug due to which randomized NPCs could be in already closed locations at the time of movement, which created a situation where your character had no opportunity to go somewhere where there could be a lot of RNPCs.
Fixed a bug due to which the chances of success/the result of success itself in some interactions with female RNPCs could be calculated incorrectly and be either too small or too large.
Fixed a bug due to which RNPCs could interact with the character “No No” in a group activity, and after switching to this group activity, the game could throw an error and an exception.
Fixed a bug due to which the game could throw exceptions in some very rare cases and during multi-threaded calculations in the module for calculating RNPC movements around game locations.
Fixed a bug due to which the game could throw exceptions in some very rare cases when buying/putting products in the basket in the grocery store interface.
Fixed a bug due to which the game could work incorrectly at the moment of calculating the activity of the RNPC during the transition of the game and the game could hang a little during this on very weak Android devices.
Fixed a bug due to which the game could throw an exception at some points in the gameplay when passing the plot with characters.
Fixed a bug due to which the game could crash during calculations related to the time of day of the game, on particularly weak Android devices.
Fixed a bug due to which some systems of the journalism club could work incorrectly / not work at all when it was captured.
Fixed a bug due to which, when subscribing to the boost service, login data could be registered much longer than usual.
Fixed a bug due to which, after generating the appearance of your character at the beginning of the game session, your character could have tattoos and things that should not have been present at that moment.
Fixed a bug where a tattoo could suddenly and for no reason appear on your character's neck when viewing it in the equipped clothing menu.
Fixed a bug where during an 18+ character scene and in moments when she was a virgin, she could have blood from penetration without it, appearing during cunnilingus.
Fixed a bug where the area near the nipples could be a different color from the real skin color of a randomized female NPC during 18+ character scenes.
Fixed a bug where the relationship with the RNPC after the interface with sexual contact could not change in any way, despite the control tab showing that changes should have been made.
Fixed a bug due to which instead of functions in the game when calculating attributes, old formulas for calculating them could be used, which could lead to unpleasant consequences in the form of incorrect display of these same attributes in the menu of the diary interface of your character.
Fixed a bug where the maximum number of attributes your character can earn in your character's journal interface was displayed incorrectly and only took into account the initial values of it, completely ignoring the fact that they can change over the course of a game session.
Fixed a bug due to which, with a huge level of inflation, your character's business could bring in incredibly huge amounts of money, which could be calculated in trillions.
Fixed a bug due to which, when hovering over the "Go to work" or "Go to the club" buttons, both of these buttons would glow as if hovered.
Fixed a bug due to which recipes in the cooking menu in the corresponding interface and on the recipes page could display recipes that were simple fast food without the ability to cook it.
Fixed a bug due to which in the cooking interface, recipes and food in general did not show how much it restores satiety, which could mislead the player and make this interface seem incomplete. Now all this information is displayed in the description.
Fixed a bug due to which a mini-game could be skipped when pressing the corresponding button “Don’t skip mini-game” in the “Push-ups” interaction in your character’s room.
Fixed a bug due to which, even when mini-games were completely disabled, the choice with “Skip mini-game or not” could still appear. Now, when mini-games are disabled in the game settings, this question is also disabled - everything is permanently disabled.
Fixed a bug due to which the game, when connecting to your Patreon subscriber account, could issue an exception without any reason due to the inability to connect to the game servers.
Fixed a bug due to which the question about what kind of sex should be could interfere and overlap other parts of the interface for no reason. This happened rarely, but now this interface hides itself 10 seconds after opening, and it also closes when switching to any other positions.
Fixed a bug where the game could throw an exception in some very rare cases during 18+ character scenes with female RNPC.
Fixed a bug where the condom in the 18+ Missionary scene would remain in the air even if you switched everything to cunnilingus/petting and some other settings for that scene.
Fixed a bug due to which, in very rare cases of gameplay in the occult club management interface, the game could not hide clubs that had 0 members, despite the fact that it should have hidden them.
Fixed a bug due to which the efficiency indicator of a randomized NPC in the occult club interface could have high fractional values. Now they are rounded in the interface itself.
Fixed a bug due to which the game could enter an infinite loop in the code, which would cause it to freeze completely, and then, after a short time, throw an exception.
Fixed a bug due to which the game could throw an exception in some very rare interactions with randomized NPCs and with a very low chance of it.
Fixed a bug due to which, in rare cases of gameplay, the game could not take into account the relationship of RNPCs between each other when distributing their activity.
Fixed a bug where the game could throw an exception when using functions from the Academy Election Management UI and their influence in the branch against Yuki Oota.
Fixed a bug due to which the lower part of the clothes in the RNPC point setting in the RNPC editor could work incorrectly for no reason.
Fixed a bug where the game could throw exceptions in cases where the game would throw any 18+ in-game scenes that your character did not participate in.
Fixed a bug where the game could throw exceptions in some very rare gameplay instances when attempting to interact with randomized NPCs.
Fixed a bug where your character creation interface could get stuck on one tab, making it impossible to exit that interface into the game session itself.
Fixed a bug due to which a different type of data was used when initializing the vulva of a female RNPC, due to which it could all differ from the initially specified/edited type.
Fixed a bug due to which scars on a female RNPC were displayed incorrectly in the game session itself on the sprite, and sometimes even caused an exception without any reason.
Fixed a bug due to which tattoos/piercings and other small parts of the RNPC sprite of any gender could cause some exceptions and not allow communication with it at all due to the presence of these very errors and exceptions.
Fixed a bug due to which the game could throw exceptions when some specific events with randomized NPCs dropped out, not giving the player the opportunity to even ignore this exception - the bug and the exception as a whole were critical.
Fixed a bug where the list of stockings available to equip for female NPCs/your character if female would not display correctly and the buttons for existing stockings would extend beyond the UI.
Fixed a bug where the female NPC Choker accessory would display incorrectly when on top of the front of the hair. It is now positioned as it should be in the layer queue.
Fixed a bug where random NPC pubic hair would appear far behind the sprite, in mid-air, instead of on top of it as it should be.
Fixed a bug where opening certain tabs in the game settings menu would throw an exception, preventing you from playing or saving in any way.
Fixed a bug where initializing the interaction menu with a randomized female MILF NPC would throw certain exceptions in some rare gameplay cases.
Fixed a bug due to which some clubs inside the academy itself were not displayed in the corresponding sublocations of the academy and were not available for transition from your character. On the other hand, they existed and RNPC were transferred to them.
Fixed a bug due to which some content was not available for play and use when playing on certain versions of the game without any reason.
Fixed a bug due to which the number of people in the location "Ooyama Academy" did not take into account new and recently added locations, due to which the actual number of people in this location was more than the corresponding interface initially showed.
Fixed a bug due to which the sublocation menu in the location "Ooyama Academy" was too small, due to which some sublocations were "Behind the screen", and it was impossible to get to them by any methods except for searching for RNPC located there.
Fixed a bug due to which global project points were not saved, even if your club had RNPC with the "Careful" perk. Now these points will return and not in a random value from 1 to 10, but in a specific one - 5 points, however, the maximum of these returned points will be 30 percent.
Fixed a bug due to which the piercing on the nipples of a female RNPC and her sprite could be displayed completely incorrectly, due to which it could hang somewhere in the air.
Fixed a bug due to which in the 18+ character scene or the "Jerk off in front of me" interaction in the corresponding RNPC interaction interface, the buttons for hiding the bra/her underwear in general did not work.
Fixed a bug due to which in the 18+ character scene or the "Jerk off in front of me" interaction in the corresponding RNPC interaction interface, the buttons for hiding the bra did not work.
Fixed a bug due to which pubic hair could be displayed incorrectly or completely absent on the sprite in 18+ character scenes, despite the fact that it was on the sprite outside of the scenes.
Fixed a bug due to which in some 18+ character scenes, nipple piercings could be duplicated on the female RNPCs on their body sprite.
Fixed a defect due to which the tab in the occult club interface with information about the club had some incorrect positions of the text, tooltips, unlike other interfaces, due to which the interface itself did not look as solid as it should have.
Fixed a bug due to which the appearance of a randomized NPC could suddenly change in the interface of interaction with him for no apparent reason.
Fixed a bug due to which the vulva of a randomized female NPC could hang somewhere in the air and not be displayed on the RNPC properly.
Fixed a bug with an infinite loop and further exclusion after winning in strip maps of a randomized NPC in some very rare cases of gameplay.
Fixed a bug with an infinite loop and exclusion without any reason during normal play in a game session.
Fixed a bug with game crashes due to some errors in some main scripts of the game, which happened quite rarely and on weak devices.
Fixed a bug that caused an exception to occur when opening the Occult Club interface menu without any reason
Fixed a bug that could cause the game to throw errors in some places in the Chinese and English translations of the game, which were relevant due to some flaws in the fonts used by the game.
Fixed a bug that could cause some story events to work incorrectly and either not drop at the right time, or simply drop after the right time.
Fixed a bug that could cause certain events with randomized NPCs to cause certain issues for some reason, which already caused constant exceptions.

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Weekly News #156

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So, another week and a half has passed since the last news release. It's time for a new release, summing up the recent vote, and also a story about what has been done in such a short period of time. However, we will start with the vote, summing up:
So, as you can see, as always, the priority was the game for the girl. After the RNPC, refactoring and other points. What can we say about this? We will work on all this for the remaining time until the release of a full update, especially on the game for the girl. Well, now let's move on to what has been done in the game in such a short time.
First, randomized NPCs. The first thing worth mentioning is the ability to customize the percentage of milfs in relation to students - a simple interface that for some reason was required from us since the days of milfs.
In principle, this is all, oddly enough, but this does not mean that we have nothing to show - a new scene for the RNPC will be ready very soon, and you can see it here:
In the next month, it will be introduced into the game, which will make interactions with the RNPC more dynamic and diverse. In addition, this interaction will be timed to coincide with a new interaction that will be done very soon.
Secondly, the plot. Well, here we can tell you that the first 18+ scene, which was expected by a certain layer of players, was made for the plot character Azumi Yoshida. However, for obvious reasons, we cannot show it to you here, but you can look at it on our Twitter.
Thirdly, system changes. So, these are the main changes that we got our hands on in these one and a half weeks. We will start with something simpler - some fundamental changes within the game systems have improved its performance and stability. If you previously had problems with very long saves - this has also been fixed. In principle - this update will significantly improve the situation with the game's performance and stability, but on particularly weak devices (even if you think that it is average, do not forget that it is 2025 now and a mid-range phone from 2015 is not an average phone) it is worth setting certain performance settings, and not a full simulation.
Another innovation in the system plan is new rules in the occult club. A huge number of new rules will allow you to make your club a much more secluded corner with its own rules and codes of laws.
For those who do not know, the rules were introduced literally a week and a half ago, and this update already gives more variety here. It would seem that there are rules, but someone might not follow them? Reprimands will help you with this.
Each reprimand can become a trigger for the RNPC to follow these rules, and if this does not help, only an exception will help. However, for a general understanding, it is better to use the new button that opens the RNPC biographies menu and view the influence statistics to understand whether he/she will follow your set of rules at all.
Another innovation that does not concern the occult club is a small notification interface that notifies you when the game makes a luck check. There are a huge number of hidden checks for this parameter, and this notification will make players understand that this attribute is not as simple as others, and affects a huge number of systems and mechanics, even in events.
Another innovation is new tabs inside the phone. Very soon, the phone should become a complete replacement for the diary, and the first steps for this have already been taken.
These are tabs straight from the diary interface and have all the necessary information from there in the form of a more pleasant and suitable to the general style of the interface. In addition, some tabs from the diary have been combined into one on the phone, which allows you to see a more complete picture of pumping/attributes and other details of the gameplay that is relevant for your particular game session.
Fourth, new backgrounds and locations. It's been a while since we've introduced new locations to the game, right? In principle, there was no need for this, but with some reworking, new locations are also required: the police station.
You can see the lobby and the outside of this police station. In the near future, systems will be introduced that will not allow your character to do various negative things to other students with impunity, and at the same time, another negative ending for your character will be available... However, for now this is only in the plans and has not even been introduced into the game, but in the near future and updates - you should be more careful. This will only be relevant on difficult and medium difficulty levels.
Fifth, fixed bugs and shortcomings. Refactoring and other points related to the system part of the game. Here, as always, we will get by with the simplest list of changes:

New content:
The game performance has been significantly improved: the speed of calculations, the speed of the game, its stability, and the requirements for the game on the performance settings have been reduced - “Maximum performance” and “Simulation” due to some tricks and a general reduction in the number of calculations. This also makes saving instant (on particularly weak devices), and also makes the gradation between the performance settings more obvious, due to which you can play comfortably on particularly weak devices, without freezing and other moments.
Now in your character's phone, in the corresponding interface, there is a redesigned tab for status, attributes and statistics. These tabs are straight from the diary interface and have all the necessary information from there in the form of a more pleasant and suitable for the general style of the interface. In addition, some tabs from the diary were combined into one in the phone, which allows you to see a more complete picture of pumping / attributes and other details of the gameplay, which is relevant for your particular game session.
The ability to configure the number of adults in relation to students in the city has been added to the interface for editing the appearance of your character, in the category for setting up a game session. To do this, simply click “Next”. In this way, they can be completely disabled, or made the prevailing part of the city’s population, if the power of your device allows it.
A new notification interface has been added. Now, when the game requires and uses your character's luck indicator for some actions in the form of a hidden check/trigger, the game will notify the player about it with a small and short notification. This is done to better understand for players where and how the luck attribute is used.
The ability to reprimand characters in the occultism club has been added. Each reprimand increases the chance of following the rules introduced by your character when they are ignored by the RNPC, and after three reprimands you exclude the RNPC from the occultism club.
A huge number of different rules and systems have been added to the occultism club interface, which allows the player to further customize the club for themselves, as well as benefit from it in some specific rules or improve the club with these rules in terms of statistical improvements - club purity, finding new club members and many other things. In addition, these rules can now be ignored if the RNPC has enough individual characteristics to ignore it.
A new button has been added to the Occultism Club management interface - the ability to open the biographical interface for the RNPC. There you can find out all the information about him in more detail, and not just something general - attitude towards your character, influence statistics, and so on.
A new set of clothes has been added for your character, if she is a girl - without clothes. In essence, this is an opportunity to engage in exhibitionism when playing as a female, which was available for the male gender for some time, but not for the female.
Now each reprimand/expulsion from the Occultism Club reduces the RNPC attitude towards your character in a significant manner, which eliminates the possibility of unnecessary use of this button, especially in cases of “Good acquaintances” with the RNPC, forcing the user to think several times before doing so.
The speed of saving the game was accelerated by 30-40 percent, due to which saving for several tens of seconds on especially old Android devices will no longer occur, and on newer devices it again becomes almost instantaneous.
The "Configure" button from the connection menu was completely cut out because it became rudimentary and stopped performing the functions for which it was made.
A global refactoring of the systems responsible for calculating the occult club statistics was carried out, bringing this entire system to a more complete form, as well as fixing some bugs and shortcomings associated with all this.
Now, when your character eats something from the refrigerator in the cooking interface and if this food restores satiety more than a certain level and the initial percentage of satiety, the game will warn you about this, preventing your character from eating the entire refrigerator without special reasons.
A complete refactoring of the auto-feeding system was carried out, which fixes all the errors associated with this system, and many other things associated with it, due to which, in general, the code itself has become more understandable, and nutrition at a high difficulty level, if the player does not want to deal with it - now you can not do it, leaving everything to the appropriate script.
Now the salary in the grocery store takes into account the inflation rate in the game session itself, although not much, so as not to oversimplify the game.
A minor refactoring of the business in the game was carried out: now, when it is improved and profits increase because of this, inflation in the game is taken into account to a greater extent than before, so that it brings at least some profit at huge levels. In addition, the business is now more dynamic and, depending on the game and the economic situation in the game session, the game can change some business parameters, such as profit, costs and its price.
A minor refactoring of the systems responsible for the movement of the RNPC across locations was carried out, due to which the system itself became a little more realistic, began to take into account a little more individual features of the RNPC, and most importantly - the game became a little more stable and more pleasant to work due to the reworking of the code inside this module. Fewer freezes / microfreezes and other negative aspects.
A minor refactoring of the systems responsible for the distribution of RNPC activity and the entire RNPC activity module in general was carried out: the system became a little more understandable, became less demanding, problems with memory leaks inside this module were fixed, which improved the situation with stability and performance during the game itself.
A minor refactoring of the systems responsible for the RNPC and their generation was carried out, due to which the RNPC themselves became less demanding on the user's device RAM, the game became slightly less demanding, especially on certain performance settings, and in general it became slightly smaller (saves of 20 megabytes should no longer be, unless you include a million RNPC).
Minimum and maximum indicators for the location of nipples along the X and Y axis were added when editing the RNPC of a female gender / your character with a female gender to such values ​​​​that these nipples do not go beyond the breasts at all, as could be the case before.
The connection to the game servers was completely redesigned, which ensures not only an uninterrupted connection to your Patreon subscriber account, but also uninterrupted use of cloud saves / downloading modifications through our servers and many other online features. Several servers were created specifically for this purpose in different parts of the world, as well as a completely changed system of connection to these very servers in order to evenly distribute the load across them.
Fixed bugs:
Fixed a bug where the game could throw an exception when playing in the English translation of the game during certain actions with a randomized female NPC.
Fixed a bug where text could overlap in certain buttons in the randomized NPC editing interface when playing in English.
Fixed a bug where the game could not work correctly with translations of the game, such as Chinese and English, throwing rare exceptions due to fonts.
Fixed a bug where the hide clothes and underwear buttons did not work correctly and did not change the necessary variables in the game, due to which sometimes the hide/show state itself could completely freeze on one value.
Fixed a bug where the front of the palm could be displayed not on top of the clothes of a female RNPC in the RNPC generator, due to which her hand was somewhere behind it, which looked, at the very least, unrealistic.
Fixed a bug due to which the appearance of the RNPC in some event with him/her could simply change every time you hovered over the button without any reason.
Fixed a bug due to which progress for some successful/unsuccessful interactions could be given to a character other than the one your character was talking to, in very rare cases of gameplay.
Fixed a bug due to which the character creation icon was still displayed even if it was covered by the interface in the interface for creating your own character - now it is automatically hidden on certain tabs.
Fixed a bug due to which the biographies of RNPC in the corresponding menu could go beyond the interface when the biography was too long/had too much information.
Fixed a bug due to which some information from the RNPC biographies menu could differ from the actual information.
Fixed a bug due to which randomized NPCs could be in already closed locations at the time of movement, which created a situation where your character had no opportunity to go somewhere where there could be a lot of RNPCs.
Fixed a bug due to which the chances of success/the result of success itself in some interactions with female RNPCs could be calculated incorrectly and be either too small or too large.
Fixed a bug due to which RNPCs could interact with the character “No No” in a group activity, and after switching to this group activity, the game could throw an error and an exception.
Fixed a bug due to which the game could throw exceptions in some very rare cases and during multi-threaded calculations in the module for calculating RNPC movements around game locations.
Fixed a bug due to which the game could throw exceptions in some very rare cases when buying/putting products in the basket in the grocery store interface.
Fixed a bug due to which the game could work incorrectly at the moment of calculating the activity of the RNPC during the transition of the game and the game could hang a little during this on very weak Android devices.
Fixed a bug due to which the game could throw an exception at some points in the gameplay when passing the plot with characters.
Fixed a bug due to which the game could crash during calculations related to the time of day of the game, on particularly weak Android devices.
Fixed a bug due to which some systems of the journalism club could work incorrectly / not work at all when it was captured.
Fixed a bug due to which, when subscribing to the boost service, login data could be registered much longer than usual.
Fixed a bug due to which, after generating the appearance of your character at the beginning of the game session, your character could have tattoos and things that should not have been present at that moment.
Fixed a bug where a tattoo could suddenly and for no reason appear on your character's neck when viewing it in the equipped clothing menu.
Fixed a bug where during an 18+ character scene and in moments when she was a virgin, she could have blood from penetration without it, appearing during cunnilingus.
Fixed a bug where the area near the nipples could be a different color from the real skin color of a randomized female NPC during 18+ character scenes.
Fixed a bug where the relationship with the RNPC after the interface with sexual contact could not change in any way, despite the control tab showing that changes should have been made.
Fixed a bug due to which instead of functions in the game when calculating attributes, old formulas for calculating them could be used, which could lead to unpleasant consequences in the form of incorrect display of these same attributes in the menu of the diary interface of your character.
Fixed a bug where the maximum number of attributes your character can earn in your character's journal interface was displayed incorrectly and only took into account the initial values of it, completely ignoring the fact that they can change over the course of a game session.
Fixed a bug due to which, with a huge level of inflation, your character's business could bring in incredibly huge amounts of money, which could be calculated in trillions.
Fixed a bug due to which, when hovering over the "Go to work" or "Go to the club" buttons, both of these buttons would glow as if hovered.
Fixed a bug due to which recipes in the cooking menu in the corresponding interface and on the recipes page could display recipes that were simple fast food without the ability to cook it.
Fixed a bug due to which in the cooking interface, recipes and food in general did not show how much it restores satiety, which could mislead the player and make this interface seem incomplete. Now all this information is displayed in the description.
Fixed a bug due to which a mini-game could be skipped when pressing the corresponding button “Don’t skip mini-game” in the “Push-ups” interaction in your character’s room.
Fixed a bug due to which, even when mini-games were completely disabled, the choice with “Skip mini-game or not” could still appear. Now, when mini-games are disabled in the game settings, this question is also disabled - everything is permanently disabled.
Fixed a bug due to which the game, when connecting to your Patreon subscriber account, could issue an exception without any reason due to the inability to connect to the game servers.
Fixed a bug due to which the question about what kind of sex should be could interfere and overlap other parts of the interface for no reason. This happened rarely, but now this interface hides itself 10 seconds after opening, and it also closes when switching to any other positions.
Fixed a bug where the game could throw an exception in some very rare cases during 18+ character scenes with female RNPC.
Fixed a bug where the condom in the 18+ Missionary scene would remain in the air even if you switched everything to cunnilingus/petting and some other settings for that scene.
Fixed a bug due to which, in very rare cases of gameplay in the occult club management interface, the game could not hide clubs that had 0 members, despite the fact that it should have hidden them.
Fixed a bug due to which the efficiency indicator of a randomized NPC in the occult club interface could have high fractional values. Now they are rounded in the interface itself.
Fixed a bug due to which the game could enter an infinite loop in the code, which would cause it to freeze completely, and then, after a short time, throw an exception.
Fixed a bug due to which the game could throw an exception in some very rare interactions with randomized NPCs and with a very low chance of it.
Fixed a bug due to which, in rare cases of gameplay, the game could not take into account the relationship of RNPCs between each other when distributing their activity.
Fixed a bug where the game could throw an exception when using functions from the Academy Election Management UI and their influence in the branch against Yuki Oota.

As you can see, quite a lot has been done. Of course, there may not be such important updates and new content for a certain layer of players, but it is quite important due to the improvement of the game's performance and stability, as well as generally complementing the previous update. Quite a lot of work has been done in terms of refactoring, bug fixing. Not just enough, but the main part of the work at this time was focused on this, so that the player had a smoother and more enjoyable gameplay, and therefore experience. However, we will not drag out our news even longer, especially unnecessary information. The Micro-Update was large and quite important, and a full-fledged update, 0.963, will be released soon on February 27.
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