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KaineD profile
I am an erotica writer with a focus on ryona, superheroine in peril (SHIP) and damsel in distress fetishes. Tip jar for people who like my stories and wish to encourage me.
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  • I am an erotica writer with a focus on ryona, superheroine in peril (SHIP) and damsel in distress fetishes. My writing will portray unfair, sometimes grim scenarios involving an innocent girl put through physical and mental distress and suffering (not permanent injury) for evil fucks that enjoy it - all in the safety of fiction and fantasy. This is my first attempt at seeing if it is possible to earn money from this work. If you enjoy what I do, subscribing and sending money my way would be excellent incentive for me to do more. Perhaps in the future I can customize my work towards what subscribers want. Let's see how things go.

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  • Access to Creator's profile content.
  • Ability to support your Creator by pledging โ€“ one-time or recurring.
  • Means to reaching out to the Creator directly via Instant Messenger.
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