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Jasonafex profile
Director of Amorous & Bare Backstreets!

Планы подписки

в месяц
Queens Compliments

• Your name added to the games credits! • Keep up to date with update news • Custom BBS Discord Role • Community Chat & Memes • Access to public build (Free Version)

25 подписчиков SubscribeStar $2.00 tier
в месяц
Fast Pass

• Extra Playable Characters • Extra NSFW Animations • New Enemies • More Pallets • More Stages + All previous perks

133 подписчика SubscribeStar $5.00 tier
в месяц
Content Influencer

• Exclusive monthly votes that dictate upcoming content (New animations, characters, stages etc) + All previous perks

11 подписчиков SubscribeStar $10.00 tier
в месяц
Behind the Scenes

• Get access to all character artwork frames and animations featured in the game, rendered in HD for personal use or fan projects (Mugen, Webm, Outfits etc). Updated monthly! + All previous perks

10 подписчиков SubscribeStar $20.00 tier
в месяц
MVP Vore Monster

• Each month, share one of your favorite ideas that you would like to see in future builds of the game. Illustrations, references or general descriptions of what you would like to see are welcome, we will then consider your suggestions as inspiration for future content updates. + All Previous Perks

1 подписчик SubscribeStar $50.00 tier
в месяц
Trading Merchant YCH

$1000 or more in lifetime pledges (Spawns once per game) • Partial gallery integration • SFW & NSFW Idle animation • Closeup Dialogue Portrait • One alternate color pallet • Partial gallery integration • Dialogue lines upon greeting and trade • Offers the player new items at the cost of existing items

  • All previous rewards!
0 подписчиков SubscribeStar $100.00 tier
в месяц
Rescue Bondage YCH

$1500 or more in lifetime pledges (Spawns once per level) • Partial gallery integration • SFW & NSFW Idle animation • Closeup Dialogue Portrait • Struggling bondage animation • Two alternate color pallets • Dialogue lines upon greeting and rescue • Poses influenced by your interests • Drops a handy item for the player and a small amount of EXP

  • All previous rewards!
0 подписчиков SubscribeStar $100.00 tier
в месяц
Intimate Bondage YCH

$3000 or mote in lifetime pledges (Spawns once per level)
• Partial gallery integration • SFW & NSFW Idle animation • Closeup Dialogue Portrait • Struggling bondage animation • Three alternate color pallets • Partial gallery integration • S*x animation • Climax animation • Poses influenced by your interests • Dialogue lines upon greeting, s*x and climax • Restores the players health to max and provides a large amount of EXP

  • All previous rewards!
0 подписчиков SubscribeStar $100.00 tier
в месяц
Fully Fledged Enemy YCH

$4500 or more in lifetime pledges (Spawns Often) • Idle animation • Walking animation • Attack animation • Damage taken, falling and defeat poses • S*x animation with player • Climax animation • Five alternate color pallets • Closeup Dialogue Portrait • Full gallery integration • Moveset, Playstyle and poses influenced by your interests • 3 dialogue lines during s*x and climax

  • All previous rewards!
0 подписчиков SubscribeStar $100.00 tier

Добро пожаловать!

  • Supporters will get to play early versions of our furry NSFW game! Check out the tiers below to spice up your rewards!


The Powerup update 0. 8It's Koy! Hiya! It's been a while! My life has been suuuuper busy over the...

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​Hiya! Koy here! This past month I've been working hard to provide you all with Baxter™ ​It's bee...

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Публичный пост
It's my birthday today!

I'm currently recovering from Septoplasty (This corrects any airflow disturbance caused by a deviated septum). I'll have my stitches and tubes removed on the 11th. Fortunately, there will be no delays to BBS as my trusty team has things covered while I'm recovering. I'll be waiting until then to celebrate with any cake or desserts as can't taste too well without my nose :P

We will now be releasing micro-patches instead of monthly, as we will be able to iterate on feedback in real time, and deliver those changes faster without having to wait. We will just have one set password for a billing cycle (1 month) so it's easy.

Expect more BBS builds!

V 0.7.5 (July 2/2024)
Koy here! Welcome to the first micro-patch for BBS! Lovense support is back! Demo mode works again! You won't crash on the main menu! Wow! Patch Notes:
  • Fixed Demo Mode (You can now access it)
  • Fixed Lovense support (Keen players may have noticed that it still partially worked in the last build)
    • Proper support for Android, IOS, and Windows Lovense apps! (for the windows app, change the IP to
  • Slightly changed Lovense backend
  • Fixed crashing at start/main menu
  • Fixed soft lock where score screen does not appear upon entering the portal at the end of a level
  • Nerfed hornets again (Now they have a delay for their attacks, and will only fire in bursts of 2)
  • Other minor bug fixes
Expect more micro-patches! Keep reporting bugs, it's super helpful and allows me to focus on making the game more enjoyable! Peace out!
P.S. I highly recommend the desktop app! It's going to make downloading future patches a lot faster, and automatically update your game to the newest version.
Password for all unlockable content:
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V 0. 7. 4 (June 20/2024)

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Пост заблокирован прайс-планом $5, $10, $20, $50, $100, $100, $100, $100 .s
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BBS Monthly Roadmap - JuneHello Subscribers! It's Kabs once again with another BBS monthly progre...

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Пост заблокирован прайс-планом $5, $10, $20, $50, $100, $100, $100, $100 .s
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BBS Monthly Roadmap - MayHey there! It's Kabs again with another update! I've been putting in a t...

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Пост заблокирован прайс-планом $5, $10, $20, $50, $100, $100, $100, $100 .s
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Core Team Funded: Includes our Lead Artist, Project Manager and Lead Coder.

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