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Developer of the game "Mending Society".

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0.4.0 Release

My life has been quite eventful for the past 2 months, so I haven't been able to work much. Luckily, I had put quite a decent amount of work on 0.4.0 prior to this. I am releasing what I have done so far to keep you updated, but this isn't the full version of what I want 0.4 to be. I am working on freeing some time on my schedule to work on the game in a more regular fashion.

Also, some people found the Google links sketchy and felt safer with links, so you can find the new update on my new page:

The changelog is already there.

One of the biggest change is that condoms and birth control have been replaced with a ring of birth control. The previous condoms and birth control weren't that medieval-fantastic immersive, were too complex while the game doesn't need that much focus on that mechanic. The new ring of birth control is more intuitive, shows up on characters (so you know which characters is on birth control instantly). You can't remove it during sex scenes for the moment.
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0.3.1 bugfixes and vote results for 0.4

The results are in for 0.4. With 3 votes for it (3 on subscribestar, 0 on patreon) and 0 against, the next update will focus on relationships (wifes, husbands, marriages, girlfriends, boyfriends, mistresses).

There were a few bugs on 0.3.0 that have been patched, so the fixes are being released as to not spoil your experience while waiting for 0.4. It also has a few features I wanted to keep for 0.4, but it doesn't hurt to release them now (famous last words) so there you go.

I am also slowly working on an page in case you don't trust my links, so it should be ready for 0.4.

  • added family names
  • added the foundations of acquaintances system (very little visible)
  • events and some events details in which the player character is involved are now remembered by the involved NPCs (the data isn't used or displayed anywhere yet)
  • added a third option to the thief event
  • replaced multi-pages menus with scrollbars
  • merged fire/hire menus and add/remove clothing menus
  • added clothes preview in business management menu
  • added tooltips (on information bars and on street menu options)
  • removed Remove Bookmarks menu as it was mostly redundant
  • polished choice buttons length calculation (marginally less wasted screen space)
  • fixed small MenuClass memory leak
  • fixed crash in NewMonth function
  • fixed crash in MonthUpdate function
  • fixed crashes in business management menu
  • fixed crash in male sex scene if you have bought a potion of the mare
  • fixed images disappearing after loading a save
  • fixed minor bug in incest detection system
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Mending Society 0.3.0: pot-pourri update, quests, female player characters, and so much more

First, I want to apologize for having gone silent for 3 months. I will probably do a different post later on to explain what I am going to change for supporters. But I didn't come empty handed: as an apology, I have worked a lot more than planned and added a lot of features on top of everything I had promised for 0.3.0, including female player characters. There is roughly the equivalent of 2 updates in that one (arguably even 3).

A bug in saves in 0.2.1 mean they won't work in 0.3.0 (I did an oopsie and aliased dynamic values with values in init blocks for people who know how renpy works). There was so much change and code refactoring between the 2 updates I had decided to not make saves compatible anyways. That would have been an insane amount of work: something like 75% of the code was rewritten in some way).

A massive performance upgrade in world generation and skipping years mean Android version now have much better performance, and the same parameters than the PC version. Basically, performance issues with the game are gone.
  • added quest system (5 quest types)
  • added 2 tutorial quests (very short content)
  • added 4 events
  • added gameplay tips on the main menu
  • removed tutorial prompts
  • added character customization
  • added african skin
  • added black hair
  • added color variants for tiger tails and ears
  • added elf ears
  • added placeholder image for male characters
  • modified asian skin
  • fixed/added pubic hair
  • added 5 pieces of cloth (1 student vest, 1 student skirt, 1 elven bra, 2 elven panties)
  • added female player character option
  • added female player character MF sex scene system
  • added female player character MFF sex scene system
  • added female player character clothing options
  • added female player character ability to buy clothes at a cloth shop
  • added birth control both for male and female player characters
  • added super fecundation
  • simplified the genetic system
  • overhauled the follower system
  • can bring follower to brothel for a threesome
  • dialogue option to know a character's family (WIP)
  • dialogue option to hire someone the player is talking to
  • can recruit a babysitter now (no event linked at the moment)
  • can only adopt adults now
  • added age ranges to the search function of the Census
  • converted all dynamic menus from Ren'Py language to Python
  • dynamic menus now show characters when hovered
  • clothes and sex effects are now shared in and out of a sex scene (ie characters clothes carry over from a normal scene to a sex scene, and visual sex effects keep applying after the sex scene has ended)
  • massively improved world generation and skipping years execution time (10 times faster)
  • android version now has identical parameters to the pc version
  • reduced the minimum city population from 2000 to 1000 for gameplay reason
  • increased the maximum of skipped years from 9 to 99
  • many small execution time improvements (insignificant compared to the one above)
  • added musics
  • added UI sounds
  • added experience bar
  • changed backgrounds
  • text buttons now scale with the longest text
  • fixed saving bug
  • fixed rollback except when skipping years
  • fixed "SameParent" memory leak
  • fixed "CharacterClass.Children" memory leak
  • fixed ClothingInventory attribute error
  • fixed Orphanage crash
  • fixed mistake confusing profit and benefice
  • fixed many minor and insignificant bugs (due to typos in the code)
  • removed many inconveniences. Example: some menu options would lead to empty dynamic menus, this has been severely reduced.
  • other code refactoring: reduced self-referencement (deleted HouseholdClass, improved BusinessClass, it helps with saving time), added static class attributes, added optional arguments, replaced a lot of renpy calls by renpy jumps
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Mending Society 0.2.1

Mostly meant for bug fixes, some giving crashes. But also quite a few QoL changes, including the addition of genealogical trees.
  •  Player can now work at the alchemist and choose between a potion or Mana as pay
  • potions of the Rabbit can be bought without using them (can be used when receiving a massage)
  • added 'adult' as search option in the Census
  • added basic genealogical trees in the Census
  • firing employees menus now show both salaries and profits of each employee
  • added some monthly lewdness gains for brothels and bath houses employees
  • added some basic skimpy outfits (ie standard clothes with no shirt/pants/bra/panties). They require some lewdness, so brothel employees are the most likely to use them outside of their job.
  • redrew pubic hair images
  • girlfriends can now be asked to shave or grow pubic hair
  • increasing spontaneous household creation in the previous update had the side-effect of lowering the average age of first NPC pregnancy, it was increased back up in this update
  • streets, buildings and appartments should no longer change position in their respective menus
  • fixed a crash when opening a mail
  • fixed a crash after visiting the orphanage
  • fixed a crash when managing the college
  • fixed 2 crashes when using the search engine in the Census
  • fixed masseuses not using the correct outfit
  • fixed being able to have simple sex with 0 Actions left
  • fixed some typos and very minor bugs
  • minor code refactoring
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Mending Society 0.2.0 (Meaning Business) release

Like last time, there will be a Patron/Supporter poll for the what the next update will be.  It will last 1 week. The 3 choices will be:
- potpourri: focuses on content (events, clothes) + a quest system
- 2 new cities and a new race
- female player characters

Old saves aren't compatible. If there is a save you really want to keep, send me a message. Making old saves compatible would take me around a week of work because of all the stuff that has changed and has been added. So I will only do it if someone actually cares.


- PC
- Mac
- Android

- added businesses: you can buy them, and manage them: hire and fire workers, change uniforms
- employees bring income to the player: different people have different base profit, with a random monthly modifier. Their profit decrease each year while their salary increase each year, incentivizing the player to manage their businesses from time to time.
- added alchemists: gives access to 4 potions and an alchemist dress
- potion of the Lion: gives a boost of Stamina experience
- potion of the Bull: gives an extra orgasm during a sex scene
- potion of the Rabbit: increases a female character readiness to have sex (only used in 1 cases at the moment)
- potion of the Mare: increases a female character fertility during a sex scene
- added bath houses: player can give and receive massages there
- added brothels: can have simple or threesome sex, virginity and impregnation auctions, and a brothel dress
- added clothing shops: player can invite a character there to buy them clothes (only alchemist and brothel dresses available at the moment)
- cleaned up the clothing system: characters can choose their outfits by themselves (choice very limited for the moment), players will no longer see WIP clothes (ie unfinished content)
- added mail system (ie notifications)
- player will receive a mail if a character retires (dates, girlfriends and housemate)
- player will receive a mail if a character gives birth to a player child
- many small UI improvements: irrelevant options are now greyed out in a lot of situations, improved the info screen displaying Mana, Stamina and Actions, modified skipping time (player input rather than buttons), merged a few options in the home menu in a single inventory
- female characters at Player home no longer leave to create a new household
- children from female characters at Player home automatically join the Player's household (they don't need to be adopted anymore)
- children now also show up in the dialogue options (still can't talk to them)
- male characters now also show up in the Orphanage
- increased the probability of NPCs to create a household arbitrarily to reduce the number of characters in the Orphanage
- changed FemaLexicon into Census (added male characters)
- expanded the search options in the Census: female, male, pregnant, non-pregnant, twin, isparent, isnotparent
- children now also show up in the Census
- unborn characters no longer show up in the Census
- added books to explain game mechanics
- game/parameters.rpy is now unarchived and can be modified
- added more backgrounds
- fixed some characters showing -1 as their age
- fixed character love or lewdness going above 1000
- fixed a crash when asking for the first time someone about her job while she doesn't have a job
- fixed a crash when asking someone to move in your household while they aren't in a household already
- refactored a lot of code (removed narration functions, removed MarkerClass and replaced it with a much simpler ID system, breaking functions into smaller functions, optimized NPC impregnations, replaced of calls by jumps)
- improved performance by reworking the appartment selection process and the incest detection system
- increased Android minimal population from 400 to 600
- switch from Ren'py 7 to Ren'py 8 (and therefore from Python 2 to Python 3)
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0.1.2 release: Linux, MacOS and Android first version, UI rework and bugfixes

Hi, a small update following various requests on Reddit, with other small improvements as a bonus. Mostly to make the game as widely available as possible.

Note for Android users: I know that you are tired of cheap ports, so I have spent a respectable amount of time on QA for your version. The UI on the Android version has been reworked to take into account stuff like the virtual keyboard (input screen at the top instead of the bottom). So please give it a try, and if there is anything wrong, don't hesitate to contact me. Thank you.
Also the website wouldn't let me upload the Android version, so download from this link instead.

Note for Linux users: the website wouldn't let me upload the Linux version, so download the "pc" version instead, the Linux version is included in it.

- Android port
- changed versioning
- modest overhaul of the UI: right character has been moved left, menus and textbox moved right, infoscreen is now top left, home button is now left
- added love and lewdness meter bars on displayed characters
- cleaned up the spam of choices in the threesome hand action menu
- fixed 2 different crashes that happened during intro/monthupdate
- fixed a crash that happened when asking for a threesome
- fixed a crash that happened during threesomes
- fixed a memory leak (MarkerClass)
- minor change in the code to make the number of NPC impregnations scale more smoothly with the city population.
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