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htfcuddles's corner profile
htfcuddles's corner
htfcuddles's corner
Artwork, mainly vore sketches and comic page previews.

Планы подписки

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This tier is for things I'll likely want out of the public timeline but at the same time not necessaringly paywalled. E.g. normal porn art or CV.

USD в месяц
Basic support

Access to art packs and non-public doodles

USD в месяц

This tier basically will give you access to pictures I use for practicing/improving my art. Be aware this may be anything, from random comic pages to random colores pictures or even strange-looking things, or me trying (and often failing) different art styles.

Some few of these pics may end in art packs some weeks or months down the line.



  • For starters you'll get the same art packs that are being posted to Patreon once every month, and ocasionally comic pages. These pages can be from content I'm working on, or from my webcomic before they get released.
  • In addition to that, each pack will include some pictures that due to... reasons cannot be uploaded to the other side.
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htfcuddles's corner

This is the art pack for the month of April. 3The first picture is not a comic, just three unrela...

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