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Age of Sin profile
Age of Sin
Age of Sin
Hello! I'm Häxan (HEK-san), a queer artist, writer and historian with a passion for bringing fantasies of queer and trans history to life through art and writing. Here you can get in-depth looks at all my illustrations & chapters of my current work, The Lord of Astiigos, a 19th century gothic horror novel. Join for as much as you can afford without hardship, and help keep trans-made art alive!

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a bat nests beneath the eaves
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a small silver dagger
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white fangs, red lips
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pale moonlight
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Displaying posts with tag BookCover.Reset Filter
Age of Sin

hauntings, rituals and being generally "back at it at krispy kreme"

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Age of Sin

idiot, sigils, cruel love

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Age of Sin

Everlasting Tapeworm + updates

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