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Gym Buddies Game profile
Gym Buddies Game
Gym Buddies Game

A Vacation Mode enabled

Gym Buddies Game has decided to take a break from September 11, 2024 till October 10, 2024, but you can subscribe anyway.

Планы подписки

в месяц
Gym Beginner

You enjoy our work and want to see more. A monthly contribution at this level helps more than you think.

You have been granted access to the following benefits:

Gym Beg discord role

Access to the latest playable build one week before the public

7 days
10 подписчиков
в месяц
Gym Buddy

You love to train and want this game to have a bright future.

You have access to the following benefits:

Gym Buddy discord role

Access to the latest playable build three weeks before the public

Access to the Subscribestar feed

7 days
2 подписчика


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Gym Buddies Game
Публичный пост

Gym Buddies launch roundup and Roadmap

Hey everyone, Panzone here.
First off, I want to thank everyone for your incredible support, we launched Gym Buddies two weeks ago and we have received A LOT of positive comments and valuable feedback. The demo got more than 7000 downloads, which has exceeded our expectations by a HUGE margin, which is making us very excited to keep working on this project and make a cool as fuck game.
Here's our roadmap if you want a glimpse of what's coming next.
Upcoming updates
Version 0.2 - The steamy update (Target release: end July - mid-August 2024)
This update will be focused on expandingg the Gym and establishing the core mechanics of the game. The update will include new rooms in the gym, including the Sauna, which will be the setting for various spicy situations in the game.
Here's a sneak peek of the room, with our main character and Sunny.
Expect more wips and sneak peeks for the update in the upcoming two months.

Version 0.3 - Rock and Roll (Target release: TBA)
This update will focus on Rose and her story arc.  It will also include a new setting: the city pub, where many of Rose's story bits will take place, and where you will be able to meet many new NPCs. No sneak peek for this one, yet.
Long term goals
My intention with the game is to develop the character arcs of all of the 5 main characters of the game (The four personal trainers, and Mark), which would mean 5 major updates, all including new zones and NPCs that will be involved in each character story. If we count an average development time of two months and a half per update, the game should be finished in about a year and a half.

Before closing off, I want to give a special shoutout to our early subscribers for trusting us. Your contribution and support make a huge difference and allow us to keep improving our game and being motivated to make the best game possible. Check out our Patreon page in the upcoming weeks to have some exclusive sneak peeks for the new update!
Thank you all for your help and for being part of this adventure!
Best regards,

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