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Art of Grimm3D profile
Art of Grimm3D
Art of Grimm3D
Greetings! I'm Grimm3D. I animate 3d furry/scalie porn and been at it since 2005 or so. I've ended up filling the rape niche and I take that seriously so no, the victims don't start enjoying themselves after a while... Sometimes I make some consensual stuff to balance things out a bit though. I make "R34" stuff and I'm currently in the process of making my own set of original characters. (I do not condone rape. This material is purely made for fantasy purposes. All characters are considered to be of legal age in their worlds)

Subscription Tiers

USD monthly
The Mouse

The Mouse tier gains access to full resolution images and animations + early access to finished art and access to my Discord server. All tiers may also get to see unfinished/abandoned art stuff every now and then.

27 subscribers The Mouse
USD monthly
The Rat

The Rat tier additionally gains access to work in progress updates, previews, weekly updates, polls and access to Discord channel where I will share updates/sketches as I work on stuff.

2 subscribers The Rat
USD monthly
The Wild Mouse

The Wild Mouse tier additionally gains access to the "nastier than usual" stuff which is planned with the Wild Rat tier subscribers. This artwork is only available for this and The Wild Rat tiers for now. Possibly at some point they may go semi-public after extremely long delay of up to 12 months.

226 subscribers The Wild Mouse
USD monthly
The Wild Rat

The Wild Rat tier additionally gains access to exclusive Discord channel which is meant for discussing, planning and requesting nastier artwork. (one pic/render selected per month) This artwork is only available for this and The Wild Mouse tiers for now. Possibly at some point they may go semi-public after extremely long delay of up to 12 months.

52 subscribers The Wild Rat


  • Supporting me here helps me justify spending more time on creating more art which means more stuff!
  • All subscribers gain early access to released artwork in best available resolution and access to Discord channel(s).
  • My content is divided into "normal" and "nastier than usual" stuff. Your tier decides if you get to see both or just the normal stuff. My normal stuff may be quite nasty enough for most though.

The subscription gives you:
  • Access to Creator's profile content.
  • Ability to support your Creator by pledging – one-time or recurring.
  • Means to reaching out to the Creator directly via Instant Messenger.

Creator Stats

268 posts


I will start adding basic sounds to some of my shorter animations. Longer animations with voice acting goes case by case depending on how much time I have and whether or not I find suitable voice actors.
I will be able to put more time in making new characters and animations. At least 1 new character or longer animation with several scenes and camera angles per month.

Other Creators


The subscription gives you:
  • Access to Creator's profile content.
  • Ability to support your Creator by pledging – one-time or recurring.
  • Means to reaching out to the Creator directly via Instant Messenger.

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