The Mouse tier gains access to full resolution images and animations + early access to finished art and access to my Discord server. All tiers may also get to see unfinished/abandoned art stuff every now and then.
The Mouse tier gains access to full resolution images and animations + early access to finished art and access to my Discord server. All tiers may also get to see unfinished/abandoned art stuff every now and then.
The Rat tier additionally gains access to work in progress updates, previews, weekly updates, polls and access to Discord channel where I will share updates/sketches as I work on stuff.
The Wild Mouse tier additionally gains access to the "nastier than usual" stuff which is planned with the Wild Rat tier subscribers. This artwork is only available for this and The Wild Rat tiers for now. Possibly at some point they may go semi-public after extremely long delay of up to 12 months.
The Wild Rat tier additionally gains access to exclusive Discord channel which is meant for discussing, planning and requesting nastier artwork. (one pic/render selected per month) This artwork is only available for this and The Wild Mouse tiers for now. Possibly at some point they may go semi-public after extremely long delay of up to 12 months.