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Grim Figment
Grim Figment
Trans artist and writer from the US.
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Grim Figment
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I play a writing game with some of my friends, and what I will write for my turn is pretty much up in the air until I finally sit down to write it.

Apparently this turn was destined to be horny-adjacent without being full smut? I'm sharing it here because I had fun with it, but also I do not edit these even when I post them. I'm here to have a good time so just- Here. Take this!

The Premise: Sora gets his by an enemy attack that causes a status effect that is just a fucking aphrodisiac. Once they get to safety, Sora expects to just have to ride it out, and Riku is there to make sure Sora doesn't need anything or something.

Status Check

Established Relationship | Trans Sora | First Time (or at least the leadup to it)

"It doesn't last long."

The groan that tore itself free from Sora’s throat was honestly really fucking impressive, if you asked him. Between his head pounding like an out of tune timpani and the complete searing dryness of his vocal chords, it was almost a point of pride for Sora to be able to keep up his usual level of theatrics. He heard a deep chuckle somewhere across the room, and despite the rough, strained edge to it Sora knew Riku agreed with him. Agreement was victory, but victory would have to hold on for a moment while Sora smooshed the pillow over his face harder against him to maybe, hopefully squeeze the train of thought stuck on that fucking laugh right out of his brain.

Some kind of shuffling sound drifted into Sora’s awareness next, and whether it was Riku moving in his seat or Sora’s legs squirming (again, his thighs pressing together rhythmically in search of something Sora was trying so hard to ignore), he couldn’t be sure. “Rikuuuuuu,” Sora whined, and- Fuck, okay his own voice sounded… Raspy, breathy, a little weak, and…

Wrecked. Sora’s voice sounded wrecked, and not a damn fucking soul had even touched him.

The soft down of the pillow molded perfectly around Sora’s face when he squished it into his face again, a futile attempt to muffle the next drawn out groan that did not really sound as innocently miffed as he aimed. He heard Riku - and it was definitely Riku this time - reposition himself again, accompanied by a huff of air that Sora could have sworn was a grunt. Punched out but cut off sharply, as if Riku hadn’t meant to make it at all.

In the following moments, Sora became keenly aware that he was not under any blankets, was wearing his thinnest possible shorts, and was very, very, very wet. His thighs pressed together again on reflex to hide the surely visibly dampened patch of fabric between his legs, only to suck his bottom lip between his teeth when that action only made the whole wet problem notably worse. Suffocating himself in his pillow hadn’t worked for Sora so far, but he was willing to give it another shot when the too hot sparks in his belly shot out through the rest of his body, making him tense and curl into himself on instinct.

“Are y-” The words cut off with a beautifully rough cough as Riku cleared his throat. “Are you… okay?”

Damn, he was cute. Sora’s boyfriend was cute. Sora was literally laid out on his bed in horny agony from a status effect he didn’t even know existed. Sora was actively trying his damndest to not shove the pillow on his face down between his legs and hump it to hopefully satisfied completion. Sora’s pussy was wet enough to be a waterpark, he could charge entry to it, high rates and all. Sora wanted to be completely debauched and fucked and here was Riku, seemingly just as turned on but shoving it to the side to be a gentleman and ask Sora if he was okay.

He was so cute, and so stupid.

“Just great,” Sora grit out, too distracted and frustrated to wonder if Riku could even hear him through the pillow. “Never better, really.”

He heard a snort, which should not have been hot or sexy at all, but Sora whimpered as his underwear drenched itself anew in response anyway. “I’m detecting sarcasm there.”

Oh, for the love of- “No fucking shit, Riku!” Sora ripped the pillow away from his face to rest on his belly (and not between his legs, sadly) and whipped his head to the side to glare at Riku. The glare almost died a sad, lonely death when Sora caught sight of his boyfriend, taut, flushed, and sporting a very impressive bulge in his pants where he sat at the desk across the room. Almost. “I feel like a cat in heat who really needs to be fucked out of my mind, yet for some reason my boyfriend is not even touching me! At all!” Riku’s expression shuttered briefly with guilt, and it almost took the venom right out of Sora’s veins.


Still, Sora knew he was maybe not being super kind at the moment, so he let out another groan and plopped his pillow back on his face. “Sorry,” he mumbled out. “You don’t have to touch me or anything if you don’t want.” He waited for a beat and heard nothing. “Just ignore me.”

Silence pressed on, and Sora felt shame mix with the heat in his belly to form an unpleasant, nauseating mixture. He almost rolled onto his side, back to Riku, just to hide a little bit, but doing that would keep his thighs even more pressed together than they already were. Anymore and Sora would absolutely lose the battle on not humping himself to orgasm like the horny fool he currently was.

He was about to return to his earlier plan of suffocating himself in his pillow when he heard the desk chair creak, and Sora stopped breathing. A moment after came the soft pad of Riku’s socked feet against the floor, each slow step crawling closer to the bed and filling Sora with nervous hope. He laid there, remarkably still and quiet, straining to hear anything more, and when the bed groaned and dipped under a new weight, Sora gasped and allowed air to flush his lungs.

“Sora,” Riku muttered, shy and hesitant. “I don’t not want to touch you…” His voice trailed off, faint and uncertain. Sora wanted to be patient and wait for him to continue, because that was a good and polite thing to do, but the resumed supply of air gave fresh oxygen to the arousal tearing through his blood. He wiggled his hips as subtly as he could manage, both annoyed and relieved when even that mere fraction of friction, wet and hot, had him moaning into the pillowcase.

Riku’s breath caught at the sound, providing him with enough something to finally keep talking. “Because I really want to touch you right now,” he exhaled in a rush.

The admission felt a lot like finally and a lot more like then hurry up to Sora’s feverish emotions, but he swallowed down the snappy words building up in his throat and switched them out for something else instead. “You can, you know,” he mumbled, suddenly feeling a little shy himself. “I uh- really want you to. If you do too…” Extra emphasis on the really, because once Sora’s mind fully registered Riku’s new proximity, it gave his body the green flag to dial up the heat from a simmer to a raging boil, and Sora needed to be touched now.

Another cough, but it did nothing to clear Riku’s rough throat when he next spoke. “Yeah, I- I just-” A forceful sigh, and a jostle of movement that Sora was willing to bet was Riku dragging a hand through his hair. “It’s just that we… We haven't done this before. Any of this.” The weight of the bed shifted again, and Sora really did his best to stay quiet about the way that movement affected him. “I don’t want to do anything just because of magic affecting you. It’d feel-” Riku trailed off again, but Sora could pick up on the rest.

Manipulative, unfair, wrong.

And that was really damn stupid, if you asked Sora.

He huffed a sigh into the pillow and pulled it down to his chest, careful to keep his eyes locked on the ceiling. “I’m thinking clearly, you know.”

“The magic that hit you-”

Absolutely did not affect my head, Riku. I promise.” Sora winced, brows coming together when another hot wave of need coursed through him, and he continued speaking even though he knew his voice would not come out steady. “I swear I don’t want you to- touch me just because of magic, Riku. I’ve-” Oh boy, honesty. Always felt a little weird. “I’ve wanted you to for a while, really,” Sora murmured. “Like, a while. Just never knew how to bring it up.” And then, honesty hour over and embarrassment prickling at his skin alongside the horniness, Sora returned his pillow to its rightful place over his face.

The seconds ticked by quietly again, but Sora knew enough about Riku to know he was just processing things. Just thinking, quiet and thorough so he could make a decision. Sora let him think and let himself indulge in another drag of his thighs together, good and not nearly enough at once. He felt actually, physically empty, and need alone couldn’t fill that up.

Maybe Sora should just kick Riku out already so he could put the pillow humping plan into action? It would at least take the edge off for-

“Okay,” Riku said. His tone was still a little shaky and a lot rough, but there was a determination there that did very bad things to Sora’s willpower. “If you’re sure, then I am too.”

Oh, holy fuck yes.

Sora was going to say something like I’m very sure or maybe I love you, you know. Things that he would say with actual words. Instead, all he eked out was a wanton, whorishly loud moan, and- Well. Guess that got the point across too. His face red as fire, Sora peeked out from under the pillow, immediately finding Riku’s eyes where he was half turned to face him.

Riku smiled at him, tender and soft and kinda meek in a really cute way, and reached out to brush Sora’s bangs from his sweaty forehead. “You gotta tell me how you’re doing though, okay?”

Sora’s nod was too quick, and Sora was too far into this to be ashamed about it. “Yeah, for sure. No problem. I should-” He cut himself off, flinging out an arm to push himself into sitting, pillow clutched to his stomach all the while. It took a couple seconds to actually get himself up, settled, and not giving into the urge to shove his hand down his shorts, but he managed it so he could look at Riku properly. “We should definitely kiss right now,” he breathed out.

Riku snorted out a startled chuckle, still smiling, but didn’t disagree. He cupped Sora cheek instead, scooting farther onto the bed to draw Sora in closer. Sora’s eyelids fluttered immediately, breathy want and the familiar anticipation of kissing Riku settling into his bones, but a sudden thought cut him off. “Wait.”

Riku waited, his brows furrowed tight. Before he could open his mouth to ask silly questions like are you okay? Sora beat him to the punch. “How do you know this whole thing doesn’t last long?”

Green eyes widened, shiny and stunned, moments before Riku’s face flushed the deepest, most impressive shade of red Sora had ever seen on him. Well, that answered his question pretty clearly. “Hey,” Sora said through a rising set of giggles. “It’s okay, I get it.” He leaned forward to peck a kiss against Riku’s nose and leaned back, a smirk toying at his lips.

“Just be sure to invite me next time."

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