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Gem Busters profile
Gem Busters
Gem Busters
ElFatGato in collaboration with AmazonessKing brings you Gem Domination, a "What if" Steven Universe game set after the ending of Steven Universe Future. The basic premise is "You can't fix everything with a hug".
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Gem Busters
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Funhole Suck Poll

Last time, Rose won the poll, so she is out. I will add the remaining characters, but feel free to suggest more, as long as they are not in already, of course.
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Gem Busters
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What's next

Hey guys! As promised a couple of weeks ago, I wanted to hold a poll to see what you guys want to future of the game to be, ie, which character comes next. Consider that when it comes to characters per se, their stories are self-contained (most of them) until we reach the threesome stage of their route. We can also move forward with the main story, which means more new characters, especially new gems, like Peridot.
We are finishing Kiki's first scene since that's something we already had in the back burner, but we can either continue with her story or just move on to something else. The choice is yours!
Any suggestion is also welcome! Outside of the main gems, of course, since their stories are already planned.
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Gem Busters
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Gloryhole Blowjob Poll

Is that time again! We are almost done with the month, so I thought I could go ahead and make the poll for the gloryhole. I removed Lapis from the poll for obvious reasons. As usual, any suggestion to be added will be accepted!
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Gem Busters
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Scene Portraits

So, one thing I wanted to ask: What did you guys think about the new portraits in the scene? I'm referring, of course, to these:
I want to use them to convey emotions, as you may have noticed.However, truth be told, they are a huge time sink. It's a one time time sink, but a time sink nonetheless.
As of now, Jenny's scene is ready to roll, just writing the scene, but once that's done, I can simply release it as it is. But depending on your opinion about it, we could still go back to this concept.
What do you think?
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Gem Busters
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Regarding Future Content

So. As you may remember if you've been following the game since last year and before the Lapis update and before DigitalKaiju became the main artist for the game, we did things differently on the game. The updates lasted longer to be released, BUT they had a lot of content, we focused on batches of scenes as well.
As of now, our plans are to release updates more often, way more often. Likely: once a month, once every two months, or every 3 months, depending on how quickly the scenes are done.
I have to explain, DigitalKaiju doesn't work exclusively on the game, he has other projects to attend to, so the amount of time he invests on Gem Dom is proportional to how much support the game gets. That doesn't mean that more money means faster updates, but it hopefully does mean more consideration on his part.
I mention this so you are aware that update time may vary based on these factors, but the idea remains that at least 1 scene should be released every 3 months at worse.
This ties in with today's poll: What do you think it's the best course of action regarding scenes? The question comes from the fact that, following this recently released Sadie update, we are going to release one scene for Jenny, then 1 scene for Kiki, since the original plan was to focus on townies at this point, having all the gems at 5 scenes each.
So I'm wondering if you guys like that we are making one scene per girl until we have a bunch of individual scenes per girl, or if you rather we go at least 2 or 3 scenes per girl.
  • We are releasing individual scenes more often, but the time is not necessarily constant (up to 3 months)
  • We are wondering if we should release a bunch of individual scenes for various characters, or get to focus on a handful per batch of updates

This subject is a bit dense to tackle in a single poll, so I accept suggestions, however; how do you guys think we should move forward?
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Gem Busters
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Presentation Gifts vs Clothes

So, as mentioned in the free post, I need to do know what you guys think. About the presentation, I want to keep things as uniform as possible, as long as it doesn't hurt the final product, so, I want to do a comparison between these two.
The biggest difference between the two is that when you change clothes, the sprite stays on the screen and comments on it. This is a special screen I had to do to achieve this, and it's a bit annoying to work with, when you give a gift, it calls a new context, which hides the screens momentarily, for dialogue to begin, which is easier for me to work with, and I can even add extra dialogue.
Now, the problem is: The former can't really be implemented for the latter because of how both methods work. So... My question is: Should I make them both uniform with the latter, should I still try to find a way to make the former work with the latter (gifts would work like with clothing), or is it's ok to keep one and the other?
Up to you, guys!
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