Gem Domination v0.11.1
Version 0.11.1
Gem Domination v0.11.1 is live!
- Bug Fixes
- Maheswaran’s second scene didn’t show correctly in the redemption route
- Maheswaran’s first scene gave an error if done on replay and naked
- Changes
- Added the correct Vidalia VHS
Version 0.11
- General:
- 3 New Scenes
- 2 Remade Scenes
- Sprite art remade
- Scenes:
- 2 new scenes for Kiki
- 1 new scene for Vidalia
- Remade scenes:
- Remade Amethyst’s first scene
- Remade Garnet’s first scene
- Sprite art remade
- Bug Fixes
- Pearl scene had a problem with her Leash
- Clicking Location in Peridot’s contact menu led to an error
- Amethyst 4th scene was bugged if done at night
- Likewise, Amethyst’s ropes were missing after the time lapse
- Maheswaran 3rd scene left to her corruption version in the redemption route
- Grammar and misspelling
- To do:
- Vidalia VHS tape is missing, using a placeholder instead
- Threesome implementation
- I need to add a storyline and implement Connie’s threesome into the story as mentioned
- Peridot phone portrait missing
As usual, a lot happened between updates.
First of all, we have a new artist! Spakka is a great artist and man his art was needed for the game. The remade sprites look great, not to mention the remade art. I also want to work with artist Nyoronyan for some scenes and just to speed things up, considering I want to potentially remake all the scenes done by ElFatGato. Hope you guys enjoy the new art!
I don’t want to justify myself, plus if I have to say it straight, I feel like this update was held so long because of me. I have to be honest, I grew to hate writing for Gem Domination, because it becomes repetitive having 2 routes. But well, it is what it is, I hope I can get help with the writing and get things moving faster!
Likewise, I’m so sorry for the delay, but I hope you guys can enjoy it.