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Smutty bondage illustrations for all the kinky weirdos out there ;)
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See completed works at least a month before I post them publicly, in addition to variants, observational studies of nude models, and some works that are a little extra spicy than what I post elsewhere ;)

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Access comics, bundles, my spiciest and most hardcore work, including a back-catalogue of smut via MEGA folders. Follow my Anna & Rebecca comic as it comes along, vote in polls to determine future drawings, and more! :D

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June Poll Winner: Pet Play!!!

Well, I woke up this morning expecting to see 'breath play' as the winner of the poll, since it had a decent lead last time I checked, but nope--by a single vote, 'pet play' won the day!

So, for June, I'll do a nice pet play drawing for everyone, most likely starring Anna & Rebecca!
I know I've drawn various stages of 'Becca's puppy play training over the course of a bunch of drawings, so maybe I'll add something to that narrative. And since I can get extra-spicy here on SubscribeStar, I guess I should find a way to do that here :P Any suggestions? Maybe showing Rebecca getting a tail butt plug put in? Or some doggy-style? I dunno, just spit-balling! Feel free to add to that brain-storming in the comments, hehe

Anyway, thank you all for suggesting kinks and voting for them! Hope you're eager to see what I come up with--I can't wait to share it :D
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I'm Finally Back from South America! :D 

Hello, everyone!
I just got back from South America! I had a really excellent times, saw more ancient ruins than I can count, hiked the Inca Trail, forgot my life problems for a bit, it was really nice. It's gonna take me a while to get back into the swing of things, but good thing I still have a few posts I can pull from that are about ready to go (I just couldn't schedule them to go up because apparently SubscribeStar sets a limit on how many posts you can schedule in advance)!

In other news, I've seen the results of this poll! Footie fun time won, so that's what I'll be drawing for this month! Perhaps I'll develop all the 'odd jobs' sketches into a bunch of full artworks for a new bundle? We'll see!

But for now, I'm kinda curious what your thoughts are regarding which character should be showing off her foot skills in the drawing? I know the original sketch shows Hinata, but I feel like I've drawn her too recently... so was considering swapping her out for some alternates. Do you think I should stick to Hinata, or change it up? Here are some alternates I thought of: Miruku from The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya, Starfire from Teen Titans, Orihime from Bleach, or maybe a My Hero Academia girl? Also open to suggestions! Feel free to comment your thoughts :D

Nice to be back, and I can't wait to get back into the swing of things! >;)
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Leaving for South America Tomorrow! Scheduled Posts Will Go Up While I'm Away!

Hi everybody! Just dropping a last personal message before I go on my way to Peru (and later, Bolivia) tomorrow! I get up at like 2am for a 5am flight so today's gonna just be stuffing my suitcases and sleeping super early. Then it's off for 23 days of South America (I get back on May 9). If I die on the Inca Trail or something, just know that I died doing what I love... complaining ;) Seriously though, I'm both super excited and nervous!

It's probably not the most responsible thing to do a big trip while still struggling to make rent after getting kicked from Patreon, but in fairness I had this trip planned and paid for before then, and cancelling it woulda been the most depressing thing for me ever, since I've just been grinding since COVID basically, so I'm very excited to have a break for the first time in like 4 years ^^;

Anyway, I have scheduled posts to continue going up all during the time I'm away. This includes a link to a bunch of old bundles that'll go up on the 15th, including the recent "Spicy Anna & Rebecca" bundle I just started selling on Gumroad. There will even be a poll at the start of May! So stick around, because I'm obviously very generous with all my lovely kinky rewards ;)

So yeah, keep in mind replies from me will be pretty slow, but that I'll also be reading all your comments when I get the chance! See you guys in May, and enjoy the work that goes up in the meantime! <3

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April Plans for SubscribeStar!

I am going to Peru and Bolivia between April 14 and May 10. I'll be scheduling posts to go up during the time I'm away, including posting all past bundles in April and a full comic that I've kept mostly under wraps for years in May, so don't worry--though I'll be gone, there's still gonna be a ton of kinky stuff to enjoy!

Huge thank you to everyone who signed up this month, and those who stuck around from February! Thanks to you, I'm getting close to be able to pay rent via SubscribeStar again--a very important thing to have in order to allow me to keep doing the smutty art we all love :P  Just like an anime protagonist, I won't give up, lol. Here are some things I have planned for April!

GAG PORTRAIT RAFFLE FOR TOP TIER SUBSCRIBERS! In lieu of the usual polls I do at the start of each month, April (and possibly May as well) will instead have me doing a raffle! I'll pick among all top tier patrons who are currently signed up on April 3rd or 4th, and randomly select one person, who can then give me a character and gag combination for me to draw for them! I miiiight even be able to start on it before I leave. I'll finish up when I get back. So, staying signed up for April and May will be your chance to get a complimentary drawing of your favourite character wearing your favourite gag >;)

Build a Damsel continues! 
The recent poll determining how Hermione should be pleasured just finished up, and 'toys' won handily! So, for the final installment of this little project, I'll draw Hermione being made happy for a change! Again, hoping to start before I leave, but if I don't, I'll be sure to finish it when I get back!

Anna & Rebecca, Chapter 3 continues!
I'm hoping to finish page 6 and also get to the line art stage of page 7 in April, and keep that pattern going (one update per week of sketch, line art, coloured page) going forward, meaning about 1.5 pages per month. We're entering 'phase two' of this chapter, where we move from the tentacle scene to Rebecca having a heart to heart with herself before going with Anna to a kink club. Eager to show you what I have in store there, even though it's slow going! I have a lot of projects to juggle, after all :P Once I return from my trip I might ask if you want me to put heavier priority in the comic so that it comes along faster, or if you like the balance I'm currently striking.

Other drawings:
I'm working on a few other things, including the 'Tongue Trap' gag portrait of Rebecca that I did the sketch of! I also finished a few commissions that I've got lined up, including a couple of pony play ones (one starring Carmen SanDiego, another starring characters from Edens Zero). There's also a drawing of an abducted Anna & Rebecca in a pervert's basement. Also, in my "Odd Jobs" post I mentioned finding a lot of old, unfinished works. I decided on turning one of the generic pose drawings into a bound and gagged lady, who is one of my all-time favourite badass, penguin-owning characters, so that may be coming up later in the month too... we'll see what I have time for and how the scheduled posting turns out. But that should give you some idea!

Continuing to revive former Patreon posts too!
The biggest revived posts I'll be doing will be a drop of all the past bundles I've done--Deviously Depraved, Lady Love, etc! I'll schedule that to go up on the day I leave so that you guys won't mind a few days' worth of inactivity between my departure and the scheduled posts kicking in. I also plan on reviving several more popular posts from Patreon for those who missed 'em, including some nose hook stuff since I know I've got a couple supporters on here who specifically asked me for more of that, hehehe...

There'll be lots of kinky content to enjoy in April, so I hope you'll stick around and continue to support me! Thank you all so, so much for coming to support me right now. It means more than I can say. I'm really appreciative that you guys like my work enough to support me and allow me to continue doing what I love. So thank you, hope to see you in April, and hope you continue to enjoy the extra content! <3


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March Poll Winner: Addams' Family Sleepover!

Wow, what an interesting turn of events! Last month when I asked you lovely supporters to give me drawing ideas for March's Damsel of the Month poll, one of you decided to resurrect a suggestion I got over on Patreon for Halloween's drawing--and that option won by a wide margin!

...It  just happens to be the one related to a franchise I know absolutely nothing about, lol. That's right, the winning idea is:

"Enid is tied down to a bed which can slide into the wall like a drawer wearing a muzzle gag, connected to toys. Wednesday is sliding the bed into the wall, wishing Enid sweet dreams!"

I've never watched Addam's Family (in any of its iterations), I just know that Type O Negative references them a lot, lol. So I guess I have my research cut out for me! But yeah, anyway, this idea is gonna be brought back from the dead (no pun intended) and drawn into March's Damsel of the Month drawing! Hope you're all excited! <3 And thank you for voting! ^^
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Thank You For Your Support <3 <3 <3 Here are my SubscribeStar Plans for March!

Well, it's the end of February--somehow, we made it through the first month after my ban on Patreon. Though I'm still far from where I was with my Patreon page and am really uncertain about how long it'll take me to get back to that point (if I ever do), I want to say how grateful I am for those of you who came over from Patreon to support me here. Some of you were even kind enough to float me some donated support right when the ban happened, which was overwhelmingly generous of you, and I don't know how to possibly thank you, except to say I really hope that you continue to enjoy my work here. I will certainly continue to work as hard as I can to bring you lots of fun kinky content. So, let's talk about some of that upcoming content now! Here are the plans I have for March:

Damsel of the Month poll: March's poll will take your suggestions that I asked for in this post, and have you decide which of your ideas I should turn into the Damsel of the Month drawing! If you still haven't suggested something, you have until I post the poll on March 1 or 2 to make a suggestion for the poll! I hope to have many more polls asking for you to contribute ideas too :)

Additional poll(s); Build a Damsel continues!
I'll be finally continuing the Build a Damsel project that got started on Patreon, starring Hermione. I don't know how much work I'll get into drawing the next stage of her ordeal next month, but I'll at least post one or two polls to help determine where to go with her next--basically to figure out what should be happening to her while in bondage. Hope you're excited to pick that project up!

"Anna & Rebecca" Chapter 3 Continues! I'll be finishing page 5 in March, and should also make it decently far into page 6 as well. Page 6 will be the one that ends the current bizarre sequence that's going on, meaning we'll get to the next 'phase' of the chapter! I'm very excited to post the next few pages, since we'll be getting a bit of a character deep dive with Rebecca :> So be sure to leave lots of comments so I know what you think of the weird direction I'm taking the story, lolol

Upcoming drawings:
In the last poll I posted, I asked you to vote for which drawing I had up my sleeve that I should post next,a nd just yesterday I posted the sketch of the winner: Mina & Jirou from MHA tied in the intricate shape of a heart, getting mutual endless orgasms! But the other ideas you voted for will be posted as well, in roughly the order of highest to lowest voted. Next month I should be able to post the Hinata/Kurenai idea, plus the one of Annie from the Iron Giant. We'll see about the sadistic/humiliating abduction of Anna and Rebecca!

I also got a pretty unusual commission: someone asked me to do a full-sized painting of Anna & Rebecca, and send it to them o.O;; You know who you are, haha. I'm hoping to get a decent way into that, or even finish, before I have to leave for around a month in mid-April (speaking of which, I plan on working hard to have enough backlogged for me to post over the course of my time away--but that's still a couple months in the future, so nothing to worry about in March). I'm eager to start posting updates on that, once I get around to starting it!
Reposting Work from Patreon: I will also be reposting older stuff from my Patreon throughout the month of March (please let me know if that's getting boring or anything--I just want to beef up the content I have on here so newcomers who might have missed things or people who haven't seen the years-old stuff I had on Patreon can be introduced to it! I'd also like to post some of my old observational studies of nude models I've done too :)

Between the old and the new, there'll be lots of kinky content to enjoy in March, so I hope you'll stick around and continue to support me as I endeavor to build up the content on this new platform! And once again, thank you so, so much for coming to support me right now. It means more than I can say, especially with things being a bit precarious for me at the moment. I'm really appreciative that you guys like my work enough to support me and allow me to continue doing what I love--if not for you, I'd have to really slow down or altogether stop making smut, and that would be awful for me, haha. So thank you, hope to see you in March, and hope you continue to enjoy the extra content! <3

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What I pay in rent. Getting to this point will allow me to put more time into doing the kinky art that I love, and get back to the pace I was at when I had my Patreon up. Being able to do this professionally means a lot to me and I'm determined to get back to that. :)
to reach
Approximately how much I earned before being banned from Patreon. At this point I was able to cover all expenses, not just rent. As with previous goal, reaching this point will be a big step towards freeing up time for content creation, resulting in me taking on more ambitious projects at once.

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