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gaabycoding profile
Developing Disrupted an html text-based game

Планы подписки

USD в месяц

• One week early access to the new update

• Access and costumized role on discord

• Ability to suggest new content/ideas.

• My eternal gratitude

6 подписчиков Disrupted
USD в месяц
Completely Disrupted

• Two weeks early access!

• Ability to speak directly to me and be prioritized on discord!

• Ability to suggest ideas and influence the story directly!

• Progression posts!

• Access to discord!

• Special discord role!

• My eternal gratitude!

23 подписчика Completely Disrupted
USD в месяц
Ultimate Disruption

• This tier is for those who really want to support the project in a more advanced way!

• Special thanks in the beginning of the game and on the info button

• You can make your own scene and add it to the game, with due credits

• Your suggestions will be prioritized over any of the others and you can influence the game!

• You'll receive the new version before anyone else and be able to bug test it on discord, you can give feedback and ideas before it comes out!

• Two weeks early access!

• Ability to speak directly to me and be prioritized on discord!

• Ability to suggest ideas and influence the story directly!

• Progression posts!

• Access to discord!

• Special discord role!

• My eternal gratitude!

5 подписчиков Ultimate Disruption
USD в месяц

All the rewards from the last tiers including Ultimate Disruption

You can add your own personal kink or fetish to the game! I'll make a character or scene for it inside the game so you can enjoy your own taste inside a game!

Your nickname on the sidebar!

This is in case you really enjoy me or the game and you want to support me closely, thank you!

0 подписчиков Sponsor


  • • Two weeks early access! • Ability to speak directly to me and be prioritized on discord! • Ability to suggest ideas and influence the story directly! • Progression posts! • Access to discord! • Special discord role! • My eternal gratitude!

v0. 39 is out for Completely Disrupted members and above! Two weeks early access! Download hereHe...

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Пост заблокирован прайс-планом $5, $12.50, $22.99 .s
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v0. 39 dev release early access is out for Sponsors and Ultimate Disruption members! Download her...

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Пост заблокирован прайс-планом $12.50, $22.99 .s
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v0. 38 is out for Disrupted patreon members! One week early accessDownload hereHello my friends! ...

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Пост заблокирован прайс-планом $3, $5, $12.50, $22.99 .s
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v0. 38 is out for Completely Disrupted members and above! Two weeks early access! Download hereHe...

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Пост заблокирован прайс-планом $5, $12.50, $22.99 .s
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v0. 38 dev release early access is out for Sponsors and Ultimate Disruption members! Download her...

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Пост заблокирован прайс-планом $12.50, $22.99 .s
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v0. 37 is out for Disrupted patreon members! One week early accessDownload hereHello my friends! ...

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Пост заблокирован прайс-планом $3, $5, $12.50, $22.99 .s
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