Weekly Update! (2025-01-19) Freezing Solid
Weekly Update! (2025-01-19) Freezing Solid
Hey there peebs!
Still chipping away at things, but slowly we're getting more organized! We've almost caught up on our uploads from last year, and once that's done, that'll be another thing I won't have to be dumping so much time into!
The remainder of Chapter 6 of Various Happenings is being worked on as we speak, and then, once that's in upload mode, we'll get to working on Clara while the VH comics are running. Hopefully, once we've gotten a little bit of a buffer, things will run a bit smoother, and I'll be able to keep up with the new and exciting things rather than chipping away at stuff I've had sitting in documents for over a year at this point.
Still, every day I get closer to being current and to catching up to my enthusiasm on things. I've also got two of the bookmarks done, and the two extras that were voted on have been decided, so I hope you enjoy those when they come out, soon enough!
In other news, it's fucking cold out! > <; Holy crap!
My feet are frozen half the time. @3@; We're down below 0°F at night and I have to run my space heater constantly. But that's okay. Hopefully the next place we end up has better insulation than this one does so I can actually enjoy the wintertime like I want to!
Regardless, I'll see you all around! I'm gonna keep updating the site and we'll see what happens from here! Until next week!
Various Happenings: https://www.varioushappenings.com/
The Adventures of Clara Cosmos: https://www.claracosmos.space/
SubscribeStar: https://subscribestar.adult/foxsaliant