[Various Happenings] INTEIIp1 - p.26
Other adjectives include robust, eclectic, and challenging. Better brace yourself for breakfast... the food might be a tad exotic in spots for Cassandra. Edwina is having little trouble, however.
Battling sickness and the general overestimation of myself and my ability to work on two things while still having other obligations, it seems things have taken a bit.
It's been rough, and I have had a hard time but we've eeked it out.
We're going to be doing Clara and Various Happenings in alternation, so if you like all-ages space adventures, I emplore you to check out my other work,
The Adventures of Clara Cosmos. If not, I'll be back as soon as possible with another update. I'm aiming one a week, alternating, so we'll see where that gets us.
Regardless, until next time!