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Forest Harbinger profile
Forest Harbinger
Forest Harbinger
Creator of mainly MxM Nsfw Animations, Comics and Artworks
Forest Harbinger
Hello and welcome to my SubscribeStar!

I have had this account for a while, but this is the first time I've actually Posted! If you're seeing this, thank you for showing up! Your contributions really help me stay afloat in more ways than one, so I do appreciate you all from the bottom of my heart. Thank you!

What to expect...

I fancy this page will mostly be MxM animated content of my OCs, but I'm sure I'll branch out here and there (I already Have in fact). Parody Fanart are in the cards. Work-in-progress posts along with my personal thoughts are also to be expected. This is a learning journey for me, and I would like to share my thoughts proactively with you!
The unique setup of SubscribeStar also allows me to write erotic short stories now and then to accompany my Art! Video posting access has also allowed me a viable way to show and share high quality animated projects with sound design! I want this to be just as much an experience for you as it will be for me. So you will definitely get a bang for your buck!

A little bit about The Forest...

The Forest is called "The Forest" because it is the only "Forest" that exists in this world. It is a magical space of mysterious origins that encapsulates the many wants and desires of those who walk into it and manifests them into 'reality'. Mankind, forced to use The Forest to sustain themselves, live in the outer proximity of its borders; everywhere else is a wasteland. It holds few rules and many mythical creatures, bound within the mystical lands by a curse. Those too weak to resist the Forest's allure, rarely come back. It's a space all about intention and desires, feeding off the emotional responses of Man. In our case, The Forest has manifested itself as a place of lust and wantonness. 
 And with that I leave you all to let your minds run free. Welcome to the Forest! :)


  • By gracing me with your contribution, you get full access to all my past works and works to come! This also includes erotic writings and a chance to vote on the next animation!
Forest Harbinger

Arch Venus and V-Nectar Fanatic

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Forest Harbinger

Edouard caught by the Night Creature Animation! (Sound)

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Forest Harbinger

Animated Scenes for Fan Animation + Teaser Trailer

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Forest Harbinger
Публичный пост

Good morning Wanderers~ Update

I believe I spoke on this before, but work has been trickling in a bit more lately which is definitely been keeping the lights paid for the past few months. Still looking for alternative viable means of income which is why I have been so inactive lately. I'm working on a system to where I can still get work out while tasking myself with other things...Maybe I'll post every Monday or Wednesday? I hear Wednesday is a good day to post- Updates, Life stuff, Art know the usual.
Regardless, I'm giving myself the time constraint to get the Castlevania Animation with Adouard and the Night Creature out by the 15th.  My fans have supported me when no one else could/would and I definitely appreciate every one of you that has stuck around for the ride. So I should honor that generosity. :)
I have some other ideas for the rest of the month, but we'll see where the wind blows when we get there.
Side note, I want to do a poll for the  next animation at 5 Paid subscribers (or another odd number). Is that too soon? Perhaps that number is too small for a poll but I never thought I'd get one patreon, and now I got a WHOLE 2 haha! I'm pretty happy about you guys liking my work so I might be jumping the gun. What do you guys think?
Комментарии  загрузка...
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Forest Harbinger

For Titty day

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Forest Harbinger

WIP Castlvania animation Scene 01 - 02

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18 постов


$0.00 of $5,200
per month
Adjusting for Taxes, this was roughly around the kind of money I was making back before my Contract job replaced me with AI. If I could support myself with this kind of income, that would really give me hope in my art as being a main source of income. It would also allow me to spend more time on Content and even hire inbetweeners to help with the workload! It's a far fetch dream, but we're putting the intention out there!

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