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Author's Note: Standard disclaimer applies: this story contains fictional depictions of erotic scenarios, so act accordingly! All characters are at least eighteen, all situations are entirely fictional, and any resemblance to any real-life individuals or situations is entirely coincidental. Copyright Fidget, all rights reserved. Enjoy!


by Fidget

How could they be so short-sighted?! I asked myself, slamming the door to my laboratory.

It was probably the stupid Ethics Committee, the perpetual enemy of real scientific progress. And just as I was on the verge of a breakthrough!

I had recently finalized a prototype for a project I'd been working on for three years, but at this rate it was all going to be for nothing.

I'd just have to take matters into my own hands and do it the old fashioned way, with an "unofficial" field test. If successful, I could use the results to secure independent funding, though the sources of that funding would likely be less-than-legitimate. Still, my work would live on, and I'd be well compensated.

My project was a completely original idea: a formula that increased libido and fertility in both men and women, intended for couples having trouble conceiving or with hormonal imbalances leading to a lack of interest in sex.

The more muscle mass the drug had to work with in the male subject, the greater the effects, so the most sensical and accessible location for the test would be a local gym, where the muscular subject would have his pick of available females. To ensure that mating occurred, I amped up the formula's effects far beyond what they would ultimately be in practice, and tweaked the chemistry to increase aggression in the male and submission in the female. Also, I needed to ensure that impregnation occurred in order to guarantee conception in the final product, so I made sure the formula would both disable all forms of hormonal birth control and trigger powerful maternal instincts in the impregnated female.

Once I was satisfied that the formula would make copulation irresistible to male and female alike, I drew off one dose into a vial and headed to the gym.

I liked to stay in shape myself, knowing that a healthy mind required a healthy body, and so I knew that my toned mid-20s physique clad in a nondescript sports bra and workout tights would fit right in among the gym's patrons.

I walked in and took stock of the room while I was issued a one-day trial pass, just as any other potential member would. I immediately noted that one of the trainers, a man comically bulging with a truly ridiculous amount of muscle, was walking around with a protein shake in an open cup - a perfect target.

He had plenty of mass for the formula to utilize, and the exertion generated by his frequent lifting would both catalyze the changes inside his body and increase his sweat production, the primary means by which his potent new pheromones would be released into the air. The women around him would breathe in these special pheromones which would quickly trigger submission, infatuation, and powerful physical arousal. In the meantime, his testosterone levels would drastically increase, his semen production would go through the roof, and he would find the women around him becoming much harder to resist, while also finding himself less and less inclined to resist them.

I wandered aimlessly around the gym, slowly working my way toward his ridiculous figure, and then discreetly emptied the vial's contents into his cup while he corrected another patron's form. The formula was nearly tasteless, so he shouldn't notice it under the artificial flavorings in his protein shake. I smiled to myself, realizing that he should be thanking me for the mind-blowing, uninhibited sex he was unknowingly about to have.

A few minutes later he had finished the shake none the wiser. It would take about five minutes for his body to start producing his irresistible new pheromones, so I hid myself on a bench behind one of the leg press machines to record the experiment thus far.

"Excuse me," was the next thing I heard, and, startled out of my note-taking, I looked up into the face of the very trainer I had just dosed.

Not good! I thought to myself, feeling a brief spike of adrenaline that involuntarily increased my breath rate and blood flow. Everything would be fine, of course, but I needed to extricate myself from this situation quickly to make sure the drug didn't begin affecting me by mistake.

It was a regrettable but unavoidable fact of nature that my own biochemistry was that of a young, sexually mature female, which ensured that my body's physical response to the trainer's modified pheromones would be just as strong as that of the other women in the gym. I was more than confident in my ability to recognize and resist the feelings of infatuation and submission even if I were exposed, of course, but even so it was better to avoid that situation anyway for the sake of the experiment.

"Yes?" I answered brusquely, trying to end the conversation as quickly as possible.

"Oh, sorry!" he said, taken aback my by bluntness, but recovering with an easy smile. "I just wanted to know what you were doing hiding over here." Underneath his cologne I caught a whiff of the strong tang of his sweat from working out all day.

"Oh, just taking some notes for my workout," I answered dismissively. Why won't he go away already?

"Ah, gotcha. No problem, it just seemed like you were hiding from someone, and I wanted to make sure you were ok." He was so considerate! I was glad I had picked such a nice guy for my experiment. He'd definitely take care of whatever girl he ended up ensnaring with his heady musk. Lucky girl, I thought, giving his physique a second glance. I'd been too harsh in my first assessment - his muscles gave him a bit of a dominant aura, which was always attractive in a man.

He moved to get up, not wanting to bother me further, and I suddenly felt ashamed of my initial rudeness. He hadn't done anything wrong, after all. "Wait!" I exclaimed unexpectedly, and a little too loudly.

"Yes?" He turned back, giving me a great view of his bulging bicep. Wow, I could really see why I'd chosen him for this test. His arms were thick and powerful, precisely the kind you'd want wrapped around your torso as he held you down. I blushed a bit at such a naughty thought. Where had that come from?

Either way, I had to say something. "Oh, I just wanted to apologize for snapping at you. I was focused on what I was writing and you just startled me." What was I writing? Oh yeah, notes about the test subject. The test subject right in front of me who I need to get away from ASAP.

He leaned back over me, and I sighed in unexpected relief at once again filling my nose with the pungent stink of his sweat, which finally set off alarm bells in the back of my head.

I now recognized that my body was already responding to the cocktail of pheromones he was giving off. I didn't expected it to work so quickly, or so powerfully, I thought as the temptation to stay here and continue to sniff this increasingly attractive man grew. Except I had, I recalled, because that's exactly how I'd designed the formula. I just hadn't expected that I would be the one at risk of falling under its influence. Even so, this was excellent data.

Exposed females quickly exhibit symptoms of infatuation, I calmly noted to myself, trying to resist the effects of the sour musk that was still filling my nostrils, but then I felt a tightening in my chest as my nipples suddenly stiffened against my sports bra in spite of my efforts. And physical arousal, I added wryly. So much for trying to resist the effects - in stark contrast to my mind, my body was entirely at the mercy of his enhanced virility and was beginning to respond whether I wanted it to or not.

"Yeah, no worries," he said reassuringly. "I get it. Is this your first time here?"

I saw his eyes momentarily flick down to the pert breasts filling out my tight B-cups, and, knowing that he could see my nipples standing out through the thin fabric, I felt myself gasp softly in excitement at the attention. Even so, I studiously took the time to make an additional mental note: Subject has started to focus on the sex characteristics of nearby potential mates. Subject is likely finding potential mates increasingly sexually desirable, and may even be contemplating intercourse. I shivered in pleasure at that last thought, still breathing in the powerful masculinity of his scent, and felt a tingle start up between my thighs as my vagina began to lubricate, clearly contemplating intercourse as well.

As tempting as it was to just sit and take notes in the trainer's captivating presence, I knew that if I didn't do something soon, shift his attention onto another target for his affections somehow, the situation could quickly spiral out of control. I couldn't feel it, but my body had likely already begun producing my own modified sex hormones in response to his, and they would soon overpower and deactivate my hormonal IUD. My formula was designed to make me submissive, infatuated, and fertile, after all, and I knew that I would be ovulating any minute now, putting me at severe risk of impregnation if the hunky trainer were to release his sperm into my vagina somehow. I made a mental note to have my IUD replaced once the test was over.

All the while his body would be busy dumping testosterone into his system, increasing semen production and sperm motility and ramping up his aggression, dominance, and sexual desire. In short, before long he'd be sporting a throbbing erection along with an overwhelming need to relieve that tension by filling the closest receptive pussy with his genetic information. I tried to ignore how close, willing, and receptive my own pussy was feeling at the moment, but continued to sit there nonetheless, enjoying the pleasant tingle slowly growing between my thighs for just a few more seconds. Meanwhile, my susceptible body continued to obey the enticing, procreative instructions I'd hidden in the stink of his body odor. RUN AWAY, I screamed silently at myself, but I couldn't seem to muster the willpower for some reason.

"Yeah, I thought I'd try the place out first. See if the view was worth it," I responded flirtatiously, giving him an obvious once-over followed by an impish little wink. Uh-oh. Not only did the overt flirting demonstrate just how strongly I was being affected, but it also advertised my sexual interest and invited him to respond in kind.

Sure enough, he asked "Well, do you like what you see?" and flexed his massive muscles, causing my pussy to practically gush and clench with need. God his pecs and abs were so yummy. I could barely stop myself from running my hands up and down the entire front of his body. And he smelled so good, so masculine. Would it really be so bad to let him slide his penis inside me, even just for a minute? I could surrender to my delightful infatuation with his sexy body for a bit, and let him indulge in his urge to thrust into my appealing little pussy a few times. Then all I had to do was ignore my body's instinct to let him cum inside me, overcome my growing submissiveness, and nicely ask my testosterone-addled Adonis to please pull out of my slick, silky vagina before he inevitably lost control and flooded my fertile reproductive tract with his eager little swimmers... Sigh. It seemed ridiculous that such life-altering consequences had to come from an act that was so natural and, well, desirable. It was all just so tempting all of a sudden.

My increasingly graphic daydreaming was making it clear that I'd made a grave error in assuming that I could resist my formula's effects, and I felt my skin growing warmer as my face and chest flushed with the strength of my physical excitement, especially now that he was clearly returning my interest. My nipples were almost painfully stiff against my scratchy sports bra, stimulating them further and driving my arousal even higher. The tingling in my crotch became insistent, and I had to squeeze my thighs together for a bit of relief. It was getting harder to think clearly. I knew that by this point I was grinning like a silly girl with a crush as his eyes roamed over my body more and more shamelessly, but I couldn't seem to stop myself. YOU'VE GOT TO RUN AWAY BEFORE IT'S TOO LATE!

At that moment, however, he lifted his leg onto the machine beside me, and I was suddenly face to face with his growing cock, every vein clearly visible through his skin-tight compression shorts as it inched longer and longer.

I gasped audibly. It was perfect. I squirmed with anticipation, knowing that monster would be spurting inside me any minute now. It was unavoidable. It was destiny.

Not wanting to be outdone, I began to arch my back, sticking my chest out for his appraisal. I knew that I shouldn't, but I also knew that I had nice tits, and his approval suddenly seemed really important for some reason. He must have been satisfied with them, since his nostrils flared as his breathing deepened even further and his muscles tensed to provide more blood flow to his thick cock. I shifted my stare to his glistening physique once again, all the while continuing to take deep breaths of his pungent, hypnotic scent. My mind was suddenly filled with appealing images of him restraining me with those powerful arms, forcing me to accept that thick cock over and over again, and I knew that I didn't have much time left.

But it was just so nice to stay there, letting his musk wash over me and make me hornier and hornier. I may be a scientist, but I was quickly learning that I was also very much a woman. A very aroused woman who needed to be ruthlessly held down and physically dominated by a virile man, and to hell with the consequences. I regretfully noted that I was indeed becoming more submissive, more awed by his masculine presence, and increasingly willing to let him do whatever he wanted with me. This was, again, intended behavior to ensure that the female target would compliantly allow herself to be inseminated. I felt an unwelcome shiver of anticipation go up my spine at the thought of compliantly allowing myself to be inseminated.

We had both fallen silent by this point, and were just sitting there openly leering at each other's bodies, caught up in the exciting sensation of mutual physical arousal as our reproductive organs urged us to mate. I watched his eyes bounce up and down between my flaring hips and the hard nipples on my firm young tits, before settling on the increasingly alluring gap between my thighs. I spread my legs a bit to give him a better view of my swollen vulva, standing out out clearly against the tight spandex, darkened by my vaginal lubrication. I felt so vulnerable. We both knew that I could be penetrated so easily. His cock was fully erect and visibly throbbing through his thin shorts. A bead of cloudy pre-cum soaked through. Impregnation was seeming more appealing by the second.

In an uncharacteristic moment of weakness, I stuck out my hand and slowly stroked a fingernail along the underside of his shaft.

It was more than either of us could take.

His brows lowered as his face took on a domineering frown. "Follow me."

It was my last chance to leave. Instead, I only nodded meekly, completely submitting myself to this powerful man and his irresistible virility. I could feel my own receptive femininity burning in answer, eager to receive his seed. As a scientist, I was still fully aware that my current condition had been chemically induced, of course, but as a fertile young female I was unable to resist my body's need to procreate with this powerful male who stank of pure sex.

He gripped my arm tightly, bruising me as he practically dragged me to a private massage room in the back of the gym.

The enclosed nature of the small room only increased the concentration of his tainted pheromones, and I could feel the stink of his sweat closing in around me, clouding my remaining rational thoughts even further. He crushed me against his hard, angular body and roughly pawed at my breasts while I mewled encouragement, stroking his shaft through his shorts, and then he turned me around and forced my torso down across the massage table, driving me nearly out of my mind with desire at receiving exactly the kind of treatment I deserved. He pressed up against my firm ass from behind as he held me down, and my body responded automatically, pushing back against his hard cock, feeling it nestle into my asscrack and press against my swollen, needy vulva from behind. I could even feel his balls clenching against the insides of my thighs as his cock throbbed. In my haze of arousal I thought about how full those testicles were, weighed down by their heavy load of dangerous sperm that would easily overwhelm and fertilize the egg my body had released.

Wasting no time, the trainer roughly pulled down my leggings, revealing my naked ass and vulnerable pussy to his greedy gaze. I tried to turn around, but he pushed me back down with one hand while he pulled his shorts down with the other. His massive cock and balls finally flopped out, slapping against my ass and thighs. A cloud of pungent ball musk was released into the air as his junk was freed, and the remainder of my mind clouded over with blind lust. I dumbly spread my legs, offering my exposed, dripping pussy for his pleasure, finally his fully willing breedslut. My only purpose was to have this man's babies, and his only purpose was to fill me with them.

His cock slammed fully into me with no warning and no resistance, filling me to the brim and overwhelming my frazzled mind with irresistible fireworks of ecstasy. I felt myself tense up, and then my hips were involuntarily spasming, and my pussy clamped down on his dick and began contracting, squeezing, encouraging him to lose control inside me.

His reaction to the sudden stimulation was to grab my hair and yank, hard, pulling my ass back against his hips before withdrawing halfway and slamming back in, needing more of the addictive sensation, quickly building up his pace until he was painfully jackhammering into me, holding me facedown with his powerful arms as he railed my helpless cunt.

I couldn't get enough of the pain. The sex was so much rougher than anything I had experienced before, but in my current state I wanted nothing more than to be held down and brutally used. I wanted him to force me to receive his seed, to prove that he was the one who deserved to breed me.

The trainer's artificially heightened arousal was designed to make him lose control quickly, and his gutteral moaning as his release approached sent me over the edge again. My fertile body was telling me that it was time to be impregnated, and I couldn't help but agree as my pussy clamped down on his dick and started milking. I wanted him to fill my baby-maker with his spunk, and with the testosterone pounding through his veins and my tight pussy insistently gripping and stroking his over-sensitive, stiffening cock, I knew he could no longer avoid giving me what I wanted.

With a grunt of release he began to ejaculate, slamming his heavy body fully into mine as I finally felt his thick spurts blasting painfully against my cervix again and again.

Here it comes I thought dreamily, smiling in bruised anticipation as what felt like steel clamps locked down around my thoughts. His cum had activated the maternal conditioning built into my formula, as I had known it would, and as my mind glazed over in ecstasy at his orgasm, my body chemistry made my current obsession with having his baby permanent.

The conditioning had been intended to ensure his lucky girl's conception, but I had never even considered that that lucky girl could just as easily be me. It was too late now, of course, and I couldn't be happier to feel this stranger's warm jizz coating my unprotected womb as his cock continued to rhythmically pulse inside me. Conception confirmed.

After ejaculating what felt like a gallon of thick, pungent cum, the trainer's cock finally finished its reflexive jerking. He wasted no time pulling out, and I immediately missed the sensation of his cock filling me up. I glanced over my shoulder for one final look at his magic schlong, watching it droop a bit as one last giant glob dripped from the tip onto the floor.

I could feel an ample supply oozing out of me and onto the massage table as well, and felt a warm glow of satisfaction as I made a mental note that semen production increase had been a resounding success.

I took a second to double-check my mental state, just in case, but happily confirmed that the conditioning had worked as intended. A minute ago I couldn't wait for the trainer to inseminate me, and now I couldn't wait for my body to start swelling from the spunk he had just put inside me. He had done his part, sliding his sensitive cock into my attractive, fertile body until he came, and now it was my job to get good and knocked up so I could produce his offspring.

As he reached for his clothes I meekly suggested that he go take a shower first, since washing off the pheromones would likely decrease his chances of affecting another woman. He had already lost interest in me, however, and, after pulling his shorts over his half-erect dick, he stumbled out of the room without a backward glance. That didn't bode well. I didn't know exactly how long the effects of the dose I had given him would last, but until he washed it off, any woman within smelling distance would quickly become just as eager to let him cum inside her as I had.

When I had put myself back together enough to painfully hobble out of the back room, I saw the trainer talking to a gym bunny on the elliptical with massive fake tits, barely contained in a tight, revealing tank top. I could tell that her body was already responding strongly to his powerful masculinity: she was hanging on his every word, taking deep breaths of his enticing, addictive musk, and I knew that she was becoming more receptive by the second, both physically and mentally, to being impregnated.

It occurred to me that I should probably do something, warn her somehow, but it was so hard to muster any will to act. Plus, I knew how badly my thickly muscled stud wanted to empty his swelling balls inside her fuckable body, and it just felt so natural for me to submit to his wishes. I was aware that I was still being affected by his musk, so fresh in my nostrils, but in the end all I could do was stand by and watch as the busty future mother began to subconsciously arch her back to show off her tits, just as I had.

When I caught her discreetly sliding her thumb along the throbbing erection once again tenting his shorts, I rubbed my toned belly in anticipation, knowing that my offspring would be getting at least one sibling today.

Finally, I watched her meekly follow him back to the massage room, fake tits jiggling, her perfectly made-up face full of the same adoration and unbridled lust that mine had shown mere minutes before, just as eager for him to forcefully use her curvy body to relieve his reproductive urges as I had been. Her mind was being bombarded by a cocktail of amped-up sex hormones, overwhelming her inhibitions with lofty thoughts of romance, submission, pleasure, love, destiny...

But I knew that there was no magic, no romance. She was merely under the influence of a chemical that I had specifically designed to convince her to let him cum inside her. Once she had successfully drained his heavy balls into her tight slit and flooded her waiting egg, it would be too late. Her fertilized body would reprogram her into his breedslut, just as I was, and she would be discarded, just as I had been. Her horny stud would move on, obeying his own amped-up instinctual need to spread his seed still further, filling as many willing, fertile pussies with his cum as he could, and leaving a trail of brainwashed, knocked-up hotties in his wake.

It was almost surreal watching her be subjected to the same irresistible sequence of events that I had experienced just minutes before, seeing each stage of my own submission mirrored in her body and behavior. Still, as I watched her tapered waist and tight ass disappear into the back room, I completely understood her eagerness to spread her toned legs and allow him to plunge his cock deep into her unprotected pussy over and over again until he came. From my outside perspective it seemed like a needlessly risky, irrational decision on her part, and yet I had fallen under his intoxicating influence just as easily, and hadn't been able to resist letting him impregnate me either. And, of course, now that his cum was working its magic inside me I still couldn't help thinking he was special too, despite knowing intellectually that it was all a lie. I left the determined young couple to enjoy the exertions that would eventually trigger their euphoric gene-mixing, gathered up my forgotten notes, and made my way home.

I knew that I should have been horrified at what had happened, at having accidentally conditioned myself into becoming a single mom, but my formula's power over my mind was absolute, and I couldn't wait for my mate's powerful seed to force my sexy body to swell and grow for him.

I staggered into work the following Monday, bruised, sore, bred, and brainwashed by my own work, but nonetheless very satisfied on the whole.

Field test 1 a complete success. I noted, rubbing my trim belly expectantly. Field test 2 won't be ready for at least nine months.

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Author's Note: Standard disclaimer applies: this story contains fictional depictions of erotic scenarios, so act accordingly! All characters are at least eighteen, all situations are entirely fictional, and any resemblance to any real-life individuals or situations is entirely coincidental. Copyright Fidget, all rights reserved. Enjoy!

The F.E.T.I.S.H. Ray Tales

By Fidget

Control: Heidi's Story

John was kinky. He had been completely up front about it when Heidi had started dating him, and Heidi had known full well what she was signing up for, but even so it got to be a little much every once in a while. She'd almost gotten used to walking in on him jerking off to weird degradation porn, but the thrill in his eyes each time he realized he'd been caught, combined with the hopeful look on his face as though her catching him like this would somehow one day turn her on, had been the cause of more than a few small-scale arguments. He was a model boyfriend in practically every other way, however, respecting her boundaries and never pushing her to do anything she didn't want to. Even so, she could tell that he clearly thought her hangups were ridiculous, and that he wished she could be a bit more adventurous, both in the bedroom and out in public.

And it's not like Heidi was completely vanilla either. She loved sex as long as it was in the privacy of their own house, and was up for giving John a blowjob every now and again, though she didn't really enjoy it. Heck, she even got a thrill out of the little bit of PDA she would let him get away with when they were out and about. Before her embarrassment got the best of her and she abruptly shut him down, of course.

And it wasn't even on purpose. Heidi had nothing against his preferences in principle, and tried expand her boundaries with him whenever she felt up to trying, but it always resulted in uncomfortable failure. Once, she had even taken the initiative of ordering some rope, not realizing that John already had more than plenty, and she'd never forget the excitement on his face when she told him she wanted to try letting him tie her up. As soon as she felt the rope around her wrists, however, something twisted up inside her, and instead of having mind-blowing sex she instead had a panic attack.

On the whole, it sucked, because in practically every other way she felt like she wanted to spend the rest of her life with this man. If there were a pill she could take to somehow turn her into John's perfect girlfriend, she'd down it in a heartbeat.

Which was why Heidi had purchased the F.E.T.I.S.H. Ray. She'd seen it on the news, and while she was genuinely appalled at the endless videos of women gleefully flashing their tits or propositioning the reporters for sex, she nonetheless immediately recognized that it could fix all of her problems with John.

Pulling it out of the box, however, all of the small icons just seemed so confusing. She saw a spiral setting, and spun the dial to point to it. Maybe this would hypnotize her to be kinky or something. In desperation, she aimed the ray at herself and impulsively pulled the trigger, anxious to feel the ray's effects. Instead of feeling some sort of fog or tingling in her head as she had expected to, however, she just froze mindlessly as she was enveloped in a golden glow and a small but significant portion of her personality was rewritten.

Heidi came back to her senses a few seconds later, not recognizing that any time had passed or that her behavior had been irreversibly altered. It didn't work, she thought to herself sadly, almost crushed with disappointed. She had hung all of her hopes on this ray, but more than that she had been really looking forward to having her thoughts altered with no way to resist the changes. Even thinking about the possibility was a turn-on, but now those dreams were shattered.

John came into the room a minute later to find Heidi looking despondently down at the ray on the desk.

"John, I got this fetish zapper thing and tried to use it on myself so that I could be sexually adventurous like you, but it didn't work!" she complained. "And I really wanted to feel it changing me too! I imagined it like a seductive voice in my head, making me want to be all sexy for you as I sat here, helplessly enraptured, unable to stop listening, but... nothing!"

After giving Heidi a long, odd look for her incredibly uncharacteristic comment, John walked over and glanced down at the ray's packaging, noting the instruction book peeking out of the packing materials. "Did you read the instructions?"

"...No," Heidi admitted sheepishly, beginning to feel a bit of a tingle between her legs in the hope that she might yet get to experience having her thoughts irresistibly overwritten.

John grabbed the manual, noted the ALL CHANGES ARE PERMANENT AND IRREVERSIBLE on the front cover, and flipped to the symbol key in the back, where he found the spiral on the gun's current setting.

"You shot yourself with this?" he asked, his voice full of genuine concern for his girlfriend, but unable to hide his curiosity all the same.

"I tried to, but it didn't do anything!"

"Are you sure? Didn't you say that you wanted to feel the ray changing you a few seconds ago?"

"Well, duh. Who wouldn't?" Heidi was visibly confused at being asked such an obvious question, and began to get the feeling that something wasn't adding up, but had no idea what it could be. "The idea of having my mind played with is super hot. Think about all of the kinky stuff you could make me do, and I'd be completely unable to resist!" she continued, as though it were the most obvious thing in the world.

John was way ahead of her on that point, and his pants were already beginning to tighten at the prospect.

"Dear, you shot yourself with the 'Control' setting. You gave yourself a fetish for being controlled against your will." John's voice was beginning to shake with barely-contained excitement.

"That doesn't make any sense. I've always thought being controlled was hot - it just never seemed like it would ever be possible. And it's not like being mind-controlled is a weird fetish or anything. Anyone in my position would feel this way."

"You may be right about that, but I wouldn't want to be in your position," John said in a low, oddly intense voice, and Heidi began to tingle at the almost predatory glint in her boyfriend's eye as he looked down at the literal mind control device sitting in his hands.

"Oh god, you're right," she moaned as the pieces fell into place and she realized the full extent of what she'd done to herself. "I've turned myself into a pervert!" Though these new desires felt perfectly natural to Heidi, her discomfort at the thought of having such unconventional fetishes remained unchanged. Even so, she couldn't deny the welcome arousal growing within her at the the nature of her situation, the fact that she'd unwittingly done it to herself, or her growing need to submit herself to the Ray's potent effects once more.

"So you like the idea of being zapped by this without your knowledge?" John asked quietly.

"Oh, absolutely!" Heidi responded automatically, subconsciously arching her back and pressing out her small chest to make herself a more appealing target for the Ray's seductive beam, not realizing that her behavior was anything out of the norm.

"So you would give me permission to zap you with this thing, knowing that it would permanently change who you are and that you'd have no way of knowing what I'd done to you?"

"Oh god yes! Though I can't deny that it would be hotter if I didn't consent, and you did it to me anyway," Heidi reluctantly admitted, suddenly terrified of her own words, yet entirely unable to resist her compulsion to give voice to the desires that were now central to her sexuality, practically quaking with lust at the thought of her boyfriend (or anyone else, for that matter) controlling her in mind and body.

John agreed that her way was hotter, and his dick began to throb with the implications of what his lovely little girlfriend had unwittingly done to herself. It was a literal dream come true, and despite his better judgment the temptation to use the device on his helplessly brainwashed lover became harder and harder to ignore. His own natural, inborn desire to control and dominate his sexual partners was no easier for him to resist despite its authenticity, and those feelings began to assert themselves more strongly as his arousal grew, knowing that Heidi was entirely at his mercy.

Ultimately his dick won out, and he decided to test the Ray's effects with "Flashing", inspired by the scenes they'd seen on the news together. He'd been incredibly turned on by the implications of the Ray as soon as he'd heard about it, though he hadn't said anything because he knew Heidi would find it appalling, and for good reason. Knowing that the unmodified Heidi would be appalled at her behavior made it too tempting to resist, however, and so John swiveled the dial to point to a tiny picture of a shirt being pulled up to reveal a pair of large, supple tits, pointed the Ray at Heidi, and activated it, momentarily surprised by the golden glow that enveloped his petite girlfriend.

"What did you do?" Heidi asked once her glow faded, entirely ignorant of the new compulsion floating around inside her subconscious. The not knowing was the sexiest part though, and the idea that even now she could be doing something sexual and entirely inappropriate with no way to tell made her practically gush with horrified arousal.

"Nothing. Just testing the dial out. Would you mind flashing me your tits real quick?" he replied, trying to keep his voice calm even as the twitching tent in his pants belied his anticipation and extreme sexual excitement.

"Oh, no problem," she responded, disappointed, but her disappointment was tempered by the familiar thrill of giddy happiness that always accompanied showing her body off, and she couldn't help but smile as her hands automatically lifted her shirt and bra. Her perky little B-cups dropped into the open air, and she enjoyed the look of open desire on John's face as he ogled her naked chest.

"Well, it looks like the Ray does in fact work," John said, grinning devilishly.

"What do you mean?"

"Remember when we were watching the news about the F.E.T.I.S.H. Ray, and you commented on how horrible it was that the women were being compelled to flash their tits at everyone?"

"I do remember that, but I can't imagine why I complained about it. Hell, it's a privilege to show these puppies off! It's so sexy to know that they're getting you horndogs all hot and bothered," she smirked, jiggling her small tits for John to emphasize her point.

"You complained about it because the idea legitimately horrified you. What feels to you like a lifelong desire to jiggle your tits in the face of any guy who asks is a really just a compulsion I gave you with the F.E.T.I.S.H. Ray not two minutes ago," John responded, watching her closely to enjoy her reaction to the revelation as much as possible.

"You mean I wouldn't normally flash you like that?" she asked, eyes wide as her face flushed and her legs squeezed together in arousal at how effortlessly she had been changed without even realizing it.

"You probably would, but definitely not that enthusiastically," he said. "Now, however, you won't be able to resist displaying yourself to any horny guy who asks," he continued, clearly turned on himself at the idea. Heidi knew that he was right as she dropped her shirt to cover her chest, which even now begged to be displayed in all its perky glory once more, and it felt so weird and sexy to think that feeling could be anything out of the ordinary.

"I bet you like to show off that slick, tight little cockhole you've got there too, don't you?" John continued without missing a beat. Heidi had never let him talk about her body like this before, so he was a bit trepidatious, but the sight of her eyes widening with excitement at the suggestion was almost more than his throbbing dick could stand, and his hand began to tease toward his crotch as his girlfriend rushed to obey his suggestion and reveal herself to him.

"Duh," Heidi replied grinning, before turning around, pulling down her athletic shorts, and bending over to show off her delightful love canal, which was already glistening from her awareness of how easily she had been manipulated. She spread her slick lips, and stuck a finger in herself, squirming at how naughty it felt for her actions to feel so automatic and natural after having been so thoroughly brainwashed.

But then she looked back and was slightly put off to discover that John was stroking himself through his pants as he watched her. His lewd display left a bad taste in her mouth - as much as she loved flashing herself, and knowing that her body was sexually enticing to those around her, she couldn't help but feel that "look but don't touch (yourself)" was only proper, and the sight of her boyfriend physically stimulating himself like this made her feel dirty somehow.

John saw her look, but noted that it wasn't enough to stop her from showing herself off and continued his light strokes, incredibly turned on yet careful not to cum, wanting to extend this powerful feeling of knowing that he had done this to her for as long as possible.

"Give me a blowjob!" he ordered suddenly, caught up in the moment and catching them both by surprise. As turned on as she was from showing her body off, however, Heidi wasn't sure if she really wanted to do something so demeaning right now with all of the weird stuff that was going on, even taking into consideration how arousing it all was and how much she was starting to crave sexual release herself.

John immediately noticed her reservation and changed his mind, though not necessarily out of kindness. "Actually, nevermind. I have a better idea. How would you feel about being made to submit to me?" he asked suddenly, not giving her a chance to fully pull her shorts back up before he blurted the question out.

Her hands froze around mid-thigh, but her tight pussy continued to peek out from between her muscular legs and she continued to enjoy the feeling of his eyes being magnetically pulled to it, even as she recoiled at the notion. Still, John could see the hunger growing in her eyes nonetheless.

"The idea of being submissive like that is appalling, but I can't deny that the idea of being made submissive against my will turns me on," she said honestly, but then her blush of embarrassment was frozen on her face as John pulled the trigger and she unknowingly succumbed to the effects of the F.E.T.I.S.H. Ray once more.

Once her glow faded, Heidi was surprised to see that John was grabbing his keys and wallet as though he planned to go somewhere. "Go get ready to leave, Heidi. We're going to a movie," he commanded. "There's something I've been wanting to do for a long time. And make sure to wear a low-cut top and a short skirt." The incredible rush of arousal he got from ordering her around like this was making his desire to live out each and every one of his deepest, darkest fantasies with his mind-controlled girlfriend harder and harder to resist. He knew he should probably take things more slowly, but the temptation was just too great.

"Ok," Heidi breathed meekly, squirming with arousal at being ordered around as her new unconscious compulsion forced her to obey him. She hated the thought of wearing such revealing clothes out in public, but that instinct only turned her on all the more as she put them on anyway.

When she was ready, she watched as John shoved the Ray and instructions into a shoulder bag and then quietly followed him out to the car, cringing in embarrassment at showing off so much skin even as her panties soaked up her arousal at following John's orders.

Once in the car, John quickly became aware of, and was highly intrigued by, the odd logical disconnect between Heidi being more than happy to flash herself at random strangers as they drove down the street, yet feeling embarrassed about wearing clothes that revealed her body to a much lesser degree.

"It just isn't proper!" is all she would say when he asked her about it, and her furious blush would deepen further.

John shifted slightly in the driver's seat to ease the pressure in his throbbing dick. He loved knowing that he was responsible for her current contradictory impulses, and her confusion and embarrassment at behavior that she now found comfortable and instinctual only increased his arousal. He continued to command her to expose herself to pedestrians, which she always did immediately and with a complete lack of self-consciousness, though John could tell that her awareness of her inability to even consider resisting her appealing compulsion was making her hornier and hornier. He watched her thighs squeeze together under her short pleated skirt as she excitedly pressed her pert breasts against the car window again and again, and decided to keep her in the dark about the truth of her new, submissive nature. For now.

John bought the first tickets available once they arrived at the theater, since the movie itself wasn't important for what he had planned. The theater was about half full, and he chose seats for them about three quarters back, in the middle.

Heidi sat there, happily watching the movie because she'd been told to, though she was constantly beset by the uncomfortable, seductive arousal that came from knowing that John could mess with her mind at any moment, and that she would obey her new compulsions with no idea that she'd even been altered. So, she was mildly surprised when John asked, seemingly entirely unprompted, "How about a handjob?"

She looked over at him with suspicion, her arousal raging even higher at the possibility that he might have secretly programmed her in anticipation of this command. She didn't feel any sort of independent urge to give him a handjob, but even so, his words pounded their way into her submissive mind all the same, and she enjoyed giving in to her urge to obey him even as her discomfort at doing something like this in public began to grow. So, she reached over into his lap and began to rub and tease in spite of herself.

As turned on as he was by the entire situation, John's cock quickly reacted to her gentle strokes and squeezes through his pants. "Take it out," he commanded, and, obediently, she unzipped him and pulled him out into the open air. Once she had his dick out, however, the realization that she was about to give her boyfriend a handy in the back of a movie theater started to settle in. She began to quake with discomfort at the sight of his dick twitching publicly in her hand as a result of her stimulations, even as she continued to bask in the paradoxical pleasure of doing what he had told her to.

John watched her for a minute, savoring her clear embarrassment as his dick continued to strain against her fingers, but he soon realized that even though she was enjoying doing what she was told, she was still experiencing genuine discomfort. Feeling a bit guilty at taking pleasure in his girlfriend's distress, he decided to put her out of her misery. For her part, Heidi was so focused on what she was doing in his lap that she didn't notice the Ray in John's hand, and once again her mind gleefully accepted its instructions to further sexualize her behavior, entirely without her knowledge. Her reluctance and discomfort immediately disappeared as "Handjob" took effect.

"You're enjoying that, aren't you?" John asked with a self-satisfied grin.

"Of course I am!" she responded, eyeing him suspiciously once more even as she continued to joyfully massage his cock and balls. She was always amazed at just how good it felt to have a nice, thick cock in her delicate fingers, its skin so soft and sensitive, and so eager to receive the pleasure she had always enjoyed giving it. Her other hand fondled and hefted his heavy balls, ready and waiting for her to make them clench in powerful release as she continued to tease and encourage them. It all just felt so natural, so right. As she gradually and skillfully worked John toward his inevitable ejaculation, Heidi reflected that there truly was little in life as satisfying as having her hands full of cock. Except for having her mind messed with, of course. If only there were a handjob setting on John's new toy, so that she could somehow make handjobs even more irresistible than they already were.

As John watched Heidi revel in her new urge to worship his cock, he realized that her compulsion didn't extend to enjoying the public aspect of this the way that he did. So, he pulled out the manual and flipped to the back to see if there was something more appropriate.

"How about a blowjob instead?" he asked abruptly, finally finding the setting he was looking for.

"What? O...ok," Heidi meekly responded. Her natural displeasure from being forced to give him a blowjob in public was clearly augmented by her reluctance to have anything take her attention away from what her hands were doing. Even though John could still see the pleasure in her eyes as she gave in to her desire to obey his orders and bent over into his lap, he could tell that she was disappointed.

Not wanting her to suffer too much, he clandestinely zapped her with Exhibitionist and looked forward to watching the difference in her behavior.

Once again, the change was immediate. Heidi still looked a bit squicked out, but John knew that was just her natural reaction to blowjobs in general, and he could tell from the way her eyes glanced around the theater whenever she came up for air that she too now found the idea of getting caught exciting. He realized that Heidi likely wouldn't get the same thrill from handjobs, especially now that she thought it was perfectly natural to give them to any man at any time, so he second-guessed his further impulse to zap her with "Blowjob" so that she could continue to fully enjoy her newfound, lifelong exhibitionism.

"I'm amazed that you're so eager to blow me in public like this. Yesterday you told me off in the store just for trying to give you a hug!"

"I know I did, but that doesn't make any sense. I love doing stuff in public, and after you told me to it seemed like such a good idea that I just couldn't resist... wait, you did it again, didn't you!?" Heidi accused, having recognized what John's obviously leading statements signified. "Oh god you changed me again!" Her eyes rolled back in extreme arousal at just how easily he could manipulate her mind whenever he wanted, and at how helpless she was to resist. She didn't even know what it was that he'd done to her, only that he'd done something.

"Let's just say that you didn't always take such pleasure in your... handywork, and that you used to hate PDA more than anything else in the world. Oh, and you don't have to blow me anymore if you don't want to. How about a handjob instead?" he asked with a wink, emphasizing the word and watching the hunger flare in her eyes.

"Oh god, that's so hot!" Heidi hissed as she sat up and her hand automatically went back to work in John's crotch. At the same time she was unable to resist sticking her free hand under her own short skirt, spurred to even higher arousal since they were out in public. "I didn't even realize you'd zapped me! Twice!! Here I was just thinking that it's always been exciting to do stuff out in the open, knowing you could get caught, and it's like I've always loved that thrill. Oh god you've messed with my head again. You've permanently changed who I am, and there was nothing I could do to stop you", she moaned as her hands worked faster in both of their laps, knowing that the other patrons were becoming increasingly likely to notice what she was doing, and also realizing that her perfectly natural rush of arousal at this knowledge was due to the fact that she had been helplessly brainwashed. The final straw, however, came when she realized that all of this was her fault. She had done this to herself, without even realizing it, and she couldn't even remember what it was like to feel any other way.

And then John leaned over in his seat one final time, his own cock beginning to tense up with irresistible finality from Heidi's stroking and from what he was about to tell her. "By the way," he whispered directly into her ear. "An hour ago you hated the idea of being submissive. And then I made you submissive anyway. And now, for the rest of your life, you'll do whatever I tell you, and you'll get off on it. Now cum!"

"Ohhh godddd," Heidi moaned as her reprogrammed brain was overwhelmed by the combined effect of this practically endless cycle of arousal, with each consecutive thought and reason for thinking it only adding to the inevitable pleasure building within her, and then she was quaking in her seat, unable to resist loudly moaning in the middle of the theater as her body began to clench and buck on her fingers with the strongest orgasm she'd ever experienced.

John, too, felt the irresistible call of orgasm rising up within him as he intently watched his beloved girlfriend cum hard in public, and then his dick was tightening in her soft hand as well, and he was shooting rope after rope of thick cum straight up into the air, covering his shirt and jeans, as well as Heidi's hand, arm, and skirt, and he too let out a moan that made sure everyone in the theater knew exactly what they were doing.

They were immediately thrown out, of course, but luckily John was able to talk his way out of getting arrested, and they drove home covered in his cum, more sexually satisfied than either of them had ever been in their lives.

For the next few days, life continued mostly as normal, except with a lot more sex. John had ordered Heidi to wear short skirts with no underwear whenever she went out in public so that the effects of triggering her flashing compulsion would be that much more immediate and provocative. He loved sitting with her on a park bench, watching her face flush with arousal as she spread her legs and flipped her skirt up at his command when other men walked by, accompanied by partners or not. Heidi always complied without hesitation, fully aware that her mind was being controlled and getting off on being unable to resist, which further fueled her artificial desire to act out and display herself in public.

Whenever one of the men showed any interest, John would wave him over and order Heidi to give him a handjob in the nearby bushes. She relished feeling her compulsion washing over her, and would enthusiastically lead the horny stranger just far enough into the bushes that John couldn't see them clearly, before giving in to her urges and sensuously massaging the stranger's cock until he inevitably came all over her face, hair, and clothes. Intellectually, Heidi knew that his was socially unacceptable behavior, but she was no longer able to feel anything but eager enthusiasm for stroking strangers' cocks until they came, and it wasn't like she could resist her new compulsions in any case. Her knowledge that her mind had been helplessly manipulated, combined with the arousal from the handjob and her shameless exhibitionism, meant that she came from her adulterous ministrations more often than not as well.

When she would get back to the park bench, covered in a stranger's cum, John would order her back behind the bushes once the man had left, shove his cock into her needy pussy, and rail her until they both came.

One day later that week, in the safety of their own home, John decided to up the ante once more.

Heidi was in her usual place between his legs, loving the slick sensation of his heavy, lube-coated cock and balls throbbing in her soft hands as she slowly stroked, and hefted, and caressed. She sighed and cooed with absentminded satisfaction, clearly enraptured by her work, fully intent on giving that cock as much pleasure as she could before it erupted all over her.

In one smooth motion, John grabbed up the Ray, spun the dial to what looked like a mouth yelling angrily, and pointed it at her, breaking her concentration, though not enough to make her stop what she was doing. He threatened her with the Ray so often that she no longer reacted as strongly to it, especially if she was giving him a handjob, but even so John noticed her subtly sticking out her naked chest a bit farther as her stroking become slightly more insistent, clearly wishing for yet another compulsion to be inflicted on her.

"I think it's finally time you realize what a worthless slut you are," he said as he tightened his finger on the Ray once more.

Heidi was momentarily taken aback, and her eyes widened in shock. Sure, she loved being submissive and doing what she was told, but this sort of language went way too far. Then, however, the effects of the Ray took hold of her once more, and his insulting words and derogatory tone began to exert a new erotic effect over her brainwashed body.

"Oh god, you're right! I'm such a worthless slut!" Heidi moaned as her pussy lit up with even greater need at his outburst. "I can't even keep my hands off your cock. Jerking you off is like the hottest thing in the world to me now; the entire time I can't help but think about how the only reason I'm doing it is that you've compelled me to, but I'm such a needy cumslut that I'm helpless to resist these urges because they just feel so natural!" she whined, her cheeks flushed with her own clear arousal at the truth of her words as she continued to enthusiastically pump his cock.

"Well, I'd tell you that if you want to jerk me off so badly, you should just go for it," he said disdainfully as she whimpered in need, "but you're such a cock-hungry, brainwashed cumslut that we both know you wouldn't be able to stop anyway. Just make sure to catch all of my cum in your mouth. I don't want to mess up these pants, but I don't mind getting your mouth dirty at all."

This caused Heidi to close her lips around the tip of his cock and moan even louder, and the added vibration was more than John's could resist. He looked down with blissful satisfaction while his formerly prudish girlfriend reveled in her debasement, squealing with happiness as he began pumping into her mouth. She sucked her lips tight around his cockhead and began firmly stroking from base to tip, overwhelmed with her artificial need to squeeze as much cum out of him as possible, just as John had said, and the tingle in her pussy echoed the powerful throbs of the thick cock in her mouth. She was still grossed out by the feeling of cum on her tongue, but she was also fully aware of the fact that her distaste made zero sense with respect to her otherwise slutty behavior. Her recognition of that cognitive dissonance was just further evidence of her mind having been tampered with, and that meant that the squicky feeling of cum in her mouth just sent her arousal even higher. 

As they cuddled in bed later that night, John made sure she was ok with their play from earlier that day, though he was saving the knowledge that he'd given her that compulsion for another day.

After she enthusiastically nodded her agreement, he continued with, "are you sure that you're ok with me making you submissive a few days ago?" though he was only half-serious.

"It doesn't really matter if I'm ok with it or not, now does it?" she responded playfully. "And this is definitely the Ray talking, but I'm so glad you did! It just feels so natural to obey you, and I can't imagine living life any other way. I love you John," she sighed breathlessly as she wrapped herself in his arms.

"I love you too babe. I can't believe you were willing to literally rewrite your own personality for me like that." Heidi squirmed with renewed need at how hot that idea made her, once again bolstered even further by her knowledge that she couldn't resist feeling this way, before he continued. "It's the nicest thing anyone's ever done for me, and I won't forget it. In fact, I was thinking of asking you if you wanted to make our relationship a little more permanent," he continued as he reached over for the ray, and flicked the switch down to "Impregnation".

This time, Heidi was fully aware of what he was doing, and she shivered with anticipation, realizing that her need for cum was about to become a lot more... internalized... as her arousal was driven to new heights by the strength of her discomfort at the idea.

One golden flash later, however, everything was better once more, and Heidi clamored to get her boyfriend's hardening cock into her pussy where it belonged.

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