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Evils profile
Creating: Demon hunter
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The free version will be released after the next version update. I suddenly realized that subscribestar doesn't have a follow button, so I added this tier.

por mês
Tier 1

Thank you for supporting,in this version, you can get:

Get the latest version of the game(20 days after release) Exclusive voting power Access to progress reports Get a special role on the Discord server

Tier 1
por mês
Tier 2

Thank you for supporting,in this version, you can get:

Get the latest version of the game(7 days after release) Exclusive voting power(+2) Access to progress reports Get a special role on the Discord server

Tier 2
por mês
Tier 3

If you choose it ,I would greatly appreciate your help and support. It has been a great help to me.

in this version, you can get:

Get the latest version of the game (Direct access) Exclusive voting power(+5) Access to progress reports You can obtain dynamic CG files Shortcut to maze-like maps Get a special role on the Discord server

Tier 3
por mês
Tier 4

You are marvelous! This has helped me tremendously!

in this version, you can get:

Get the latest version of the game (Direct access) Exclusive voting power(+15) Access to progress reports Shortcut to maze-like maps Watch the CG animation of the later version in advance You can make suggestions for plot/characters/sexual predilections.I will add it to the game. You can obtain dynamic CG files Get a special role on the Discord server

Tier 4
por mês

You're my hero! You are such a great person! Thank you so much for helping me, I've been having a really bad time lately, I've lost a lot, but everyone who's been willing to help me has boosted my confidence. I know it's not something you have to do, it's obviously something you've volunteered to do, so I'm grateful for that. For everyone who has helped me, I'm going to make you a thank you list. It's called: Thank you to those who never give up on me.


Bem vinda

  • I like NTR and incest games, but I won't be involved in making incest games at the moment. I will do my best to make a quality game.The free version will be released at the same time as the next version.

About recent events

Hi ereryone, I was going to notify when everything was in order, but apparently some sites are not working efficiently. I can't concentrate on the make game until this is resolved.
I've said more than once that if it was just a patreon account ban it wouldn't be that big of a deal because people like my game. But the fact that it refunded all of my earnings for the past 4 months (not including the month I took off) was a huge blow, and if you don't understand that, imagine “your boss fired you and deducted 4 months of your salary.”

So I've opened a return line:
For past Tier 3 users you can choose the rutuin line.
For past Tier 2 subscribers you can choose tier 3 or 4.
For past Tier 1 subscribers you can choose tier2.

For those subscribers who are willing to refund me, I thank you very much for your help, which will obviously give me the confidence I need to make the game again. I've already written my gratitude on the rutuin thread, so I won't go into it here. (Obviously these days I've been dealing with patreon and I'm not in the mood to work on the game.)


V0. 24 release: Upper part end. (Tier 1+)

This post also includes Mega.NZ content links
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V0.23 release(public version)

Add 1 CGs scene for Mom
(3 different CGs in total)
Add 2 CGs scene for Lisa (3 different CGs in total)
Add 2 CGs scene for Bella (4 different CGs in total)
Fixed an issue with the main character's skills. (Protagonist has skills from the start. It wasn't displayed due to some bugs)

Newbie Village Treasure Chest Password:9636
(The 20th archive is always the end of the previous version.)
If you encounter an error, please send a screenshot.
Download link:MEGA--GOFILE

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