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EmberWings profile
World's Crossing Academy is an expansive, linear Adult Visual Novel with a deep, engaging story and memorable, endearing characters.
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Subscription Tiers

per month
T1 - Giver

Aww... how sweet.

Giving just to support our dream? That's very nice of you. But we'd still like to give something small back. Access to Discord - T1 Role Access to Subscriber-only posts Pre-Release Access: Usually a few days before release (estimated 3 days before release) Voting in Subscriber Polls

Limited (6 out of 10) subscriptions
T1 - Giver
per month
T2 - Player

You're the video game person! You're the one that wins!

Fantastic! Looks like you'll be able to play the newest versions of the game on release! You're gonna get:

T2 Discord Role Enhanced Early Access: 1 week before public release

19 subscribers T2 - Player
per month
T3 - Supporter

Eyy, now we're talkin!

So you wanna help test, yeah? Don't lie. You just wanna play the game updates earlier than everyone else. We gotchu fam.

T3 Discord Role Beta Tester Access (Play new build 2 weeks before release) Ask questions in the Dev AMAs All Previous Tier Rewards

11 subscribers T3 - Supporter
per month
T4 - Tester

Gettin' a lil creative, are we?

I see, I see... Well, then. How about we make you something special?

T4 Discord Role Invitation to the Design Team section of the Discord, where you can work with me and the rest of the Team to suggest and chat about story bits for any characters I and the T5 Team have created. This is a Discord-only benefit; it is your responsibility to join the Discord to take part in this. INSTANT Access to new builds, 3 weeks before public release. All Previous Tier Rewards

1 subscriber T4 - Tester
per month
T5 - Creator

I hear those creative juices a-brewin'.

So you want to put your creation in the game? Say no more. Let's do it.

T5 Discord Role INSTANT Access to new game builds, 3 weeks before public release. Monthly Requests: - A Pinup Pack - A Character Voicemail - A Custom Video Clip - Or Side Story Advancement (1 scene) for a character of your choice. Monthly Requests are a Discord-only benefit; it is your responsibility to join the Discord to take part in this.

Limited (3 out of 10) subscriptions
T5 - Creator
per month
T6 - Director

In it for the long hall, huh? Strap in; it'll be a wild ride.

This is an exclusive role where I will allow you to influence the game's story direction. I will ask your opinion on the direction of some quests, and consider your requests when it comes to future content. The story is priority, so not all requests will be implemented, and not all opinions will be honored. But you will have input.

T6 Discord Role Monthly Requests: (1 Month) Create your own monster girl with me for use in Pinup Packs and Custom Video Clips! (3 Months) Your created character joins the game in a future build with a short storyline and 1 H Scene Your created character gets more scenes and screen time the longer you're subscribed Exclusive access to the Story Chat section of Discord, where you can put your ideas and chat with me about future content These are all Discord Exclusive benefits; it is your responsibility to connect your Discord account and contact me for your requests! All Previous Tier Rewards

Limited (0 out of 3) subscriptions
T6 - Director
per month
T7 - Conspirator

Joining the fray in the most intimate of ways.

We're upping the ante on this one. This is a lot of support, so we're giving a lot of influence over the game.

T7 Discord Role Your created character joins the game in a future build (1 Month) Your created character gets more scenes and screen time per month subscribed Increased quest line length for your custom character You get to suggest scenes for the game* 1 Custom scene per month for your eyes only with any in-game character* (it is YOUR RESPONSIBILITY to contact me via Discord for this perk) Ability to make suggestions for the quest lines of existing characters Ability to suggest plot twists and overall story direction All Previous Tier Rewards *Creator reserves the right to alter or decline to make scenes based on comfort level

Limited (0 out of 1) subscription
T7 - Conspirator

[PUBLIC RELEASE] v1.0 and 3 Year Anniversary!

  • Previous version: Season 1 - Season 2 -
  • Current version: WCA
  • Both games have been combined into one. There is now only one game page:
  • Android version is being worked on. Use Estrada's unofficial Android port for now.
  • Yes you will have to start over due to new variables. This should be the last time.

Happy 3 Year Anniversary, all! Boy, it took fighting tooth and nail, but we are HERE, folks. Seasons 1 and 2 have been combined into one game and Season 1 has received a bit of a repolish that addresses some common player complaints and quality of life changes. New choices that actually matter, new text conversations, new adjustments to the prologue to ease up on the negativity, but also respecting and retaining the original story direction. This should be the last time I say this:
Yes, you'll have to start over due to the new variables. Those new choices need to be made so those variables will be set for Season 2. Trust me, it'll be worth it. The new story arrangement flows a lot better.
The Itch page for WCA Season 2 has been taken offline, and this and future downloads will all happen at
Now, you may notice that only PC and MAC builds are available. That's because I'm working on a downloader game for mobile that will act like most game apps where you install a small APK, and then that program downloads the rest of the game automatically. This allows us to bypass the 2gb limit on mobile games. If you can't wait and absolutely must play it on mobile, I may grab Estrada's unofficial Android port and post that publicly as long as they have no issues with it. Then, once I have the downloader game complete and the proper files hosted on the web, I can swap the unofficial port out for the downloader game.
I wish I had more to say, but I'm falling asleep in my computer chair after the 12 hour shift I just finished... and I have another one tonight. Be sure to report bugs in the Discord (link on the site) and I'll handle them and upload new bugfixed versions as necessary.
Thank you all for your continued love and support. I'mma go to bed.


  • Exclusive HD Renders of your favorite girls via Pinup Packs
  • Custom video clips of your favorite girls
  • Make your own monster girl and put her in the game for the community to enjoy
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[ANDROID RELEASE] Estrada777 to the Rescue!

Here we go! The man, the myth, the legend delivers! 

Attached to the post and also on the game download page ( you will now see an Android port of WCA. The plan is to continue using these ports as a substitution for the official Android version up until the official releases (which will be a launcher that downloads the rest of the game from a web service). After that, I'd like to continue providing Estrada's port as an alternative for those who don't wish to go the launcher route.

I also have exciting news about something in Season 2 Episode 3 that I coded in about an hour and it worked on the first fuggin try. I am trying SO goddamn hard not to spill the beans early so that this sequence surprises everyone. But trust me when I say I got something for you in this next build. HO boy do I got something for you. Stay tuned.

- Vic

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Okay. Lots of suggestions from y'all. Lots of great points. Lots of feedback. I've compiled it all into this version. I've had to move some stuff around, I've had to frankenstein a few scenes, and I even added an extra one to explain how the flower bracelet won't wilt. Took me a night and a day, but after pounding code for a bit, I think this version of Season 1 will be better.
Now, I don't think a restart will be necessary unless you wanna see the new stuff I put in. There are no new variables, and I've only really moved a variable later in the story, so that SHOULDN'T trip anything up. Shouldn't. 
Anyways, download it here:
I need a nap.
- Vic
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[BUGFIX INCOMING] Some Adjustments to the Rework

Wow, there has been a LOT of helpful feedback regarding this Season 1 rework. I've made a bunch of changes, and there are still some to do.
The main piece of feedback I'm hearing is that even though introducing the Chiara and Eshtel choice was a good thing, the pacing was wrong and it just felt way too early in the story. So I'm moving that to Eshtel's side story file that you'll get access to in Season 2. For now, you'll receive the bracelet from Chiara, and decide what to do with it later. 
There were a bunch of bugfixes (were because I have already fixed them), some typos, and a weird bit of missed conditional dialogue surrounding the morning after Gillie's cathedral scene. I'mma revisit that and also set about moving all the conditional dialogue with Chiara about Eshtel, since it won't be needed till later. should be ready for y'all within a day or so. We'll see how that feels and tweak from there. Once this is stable and there are no more issues, I'm turning my attention to the Android version.
I've also changed the wording of this project a bit. I used to call it a game. But I think that gives the wrong impression. Rather than having to keep explaining that this isn't your bread and butter porn game, I'm more referring to it as a story that includes sexual content. So, if people are looking for a quick fap game with a lot of easy sex scenes, they'll know this story isn't for them. 
Thanks for your patience, all.
- Vic
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[TESTING RELEASE] WCA Version 1. 2. 2. 0

Posted for $25, $50, $200, $250 tiers
Unlock Tier
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[PROGRESS REPORT] The Season 1 Rework is Done

So um... Surprise.
I ended up blasting through Chapters 1 through 6 last night and setting everything up for WCA to be combined into one game. Got all the choices and rewritten content in, though the story hasn't changed much. All of the sex scenes are now skippable, but there IS some unavoidable nudity in there, so playing it totally SFW isn't quite possible yet.
I know. I know. ADHD is a bitch. 
Seriously grinds my gears knowing I can pump out this much work in one night, and yet most nights I just sit there, staring at the screen, unable to do anything because Monkey Brain is demanding I work on music stuff, or D&D stuff, or ANYTHING besides this. But I had an opportunity and I took it, and here we are.
Tier 4 and 5 supporters are going to help me test this for a few days and iron out as many bugs as we can, and then it's releasing to the public directly as a gift for the game's 3rd anniversary. It will only be available for PC/Linux and Mac for a little bit while I work on setting up Cloudflare for hosting the files for the Android game. The new Ren'py update allows me to make a separate "downloader game" that you install on your mobile device which will then fetch the rest of the game from Cloudflare, allowing us to break the 2GB limit for mobile games. I'm about halfway through the whole process. The cool thing is, on mobile, once this is done, you shouldn't ever have to download anything new because the "downloader game" will automatically detect updates when I upload a new version and will download it whenever you open the base app! Until that's ready, feel free to use Estrada's unofficial android ports (found on F95Zone).
This also means the page for Season 2 will be shut down, and all downloadables will be moved to the Season 1 page. I'll probably make new art to celebrate what will be the 1.0 launch of the game in earnest. Massive thanks to all of you for your patience. I'm just glad this turned out to be a lot easier than I thought it would. 
That being said, the 1.0 version is still undergoing bugtesting, and there are bugs that are simple to fix and there are bugs that are massive pains in the ass to fix. And I have no idea how many of each we'll be facing. But as soon as we have 'em all squashed, you all can expect a direct-to-public release, skipping the month long Patreon/SubscribeStar cycle! And hopefully, we'll have a new pinup pack to celebrate, as well.
Again, thank you all! T4 and T5 supporters, check the page for the download links!
- Vic
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[PROGRESS REPORT] An Interesting Spread of Data

Hey all!
You may recall that I did a poll recently. Well, I did 3. One on SubscribeStar, one on Patreon, and one in the Discord just to see how things would shake up. And wouldn't you know it, the data I got had some interesting nuance to it. Let's start with SubscribeStar.
So OF the 15 or so that voted, this was the spread. And this is really interesting because it's unique out of the three data sets. Here's Patreon.
As you can see, the spread is VERY different. But by and large, paying members or members that have already played are very much leaning towards more Season 2 content as opposed to finally getting the... I keep saying Rewrite but it's essentially a Revision or a Repolish... done. Finally, here's Discord.
Again, I find myself quite surprised, as it seems the Discord poll was VERY polarizing; either deliver as much Season 2 content as possible or drop everything and get the revision done with. 
Further, it's come to my attention that a lot of games have undergone rewrites for the very same reason as I initially had for mine, which was complaints. Not only that, but some games changed so much during the revision process that the original audience no longer recognized or liked the projects anymore, and the ones who cried for the changes weren't interested either. I'm looking to avoid that, and really keep the spirit of what made WCA so enjoyable to the original audience as I go through and polish up the first few chapters. So I decided that I wasn't really going to be doing much "rewriting" as I was going to be revising key moments. I'm leaning much more toward the playerbase that liked the original way the script was written, with a few added quality of life changes, such as being able to make a choice with Eshtel rather than being forced to give her away to Chiara. I do want to smooth out a LITTLE bit of the man-hating atmosphere in the beginning, but I also believe the oppressive circumstances make for great obstacles for Aurum to overcome and that losing that underdog feeling will lose the meaning of the story for most people. Otherwise, most of the script is gonna stay as-is, with any sexual content like lesbian scenes giving you a choice to view or skip them as some of the scenes are baked into the story and hard to remove. One of the biggest problems was forcing people to watch content they didn't wanna watch, and that's the main focus for the quality of life changes.
Anyways, thanks for reading. Lot going on right now so progress is slow (I STILL NEED TO HIRE A POSER;  APPLY PLEASE!). But I SHOULD have Episode 3 out to top tier supporters before the end of the month, and also SHOULD have a special surprise for the game's 3 year anniversary, which is this month! Thank you all for the continued support!
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