M’Lady, the Dark Mystress
Copyrighted, 6/2024, all rights reserved.

Dark Mystress

 Dear, Slave;
 I have carefully considered your application and you will be pleased to hear I have accepted you for a newly created permanent position.  The panties stained with your ejaculate you mailed to me as a token of your affection has moved me to accept you into my harem of house slaves.  Before this, I was certain I had no need of you and I thought I had been quite clear when I insisted you seek your pathetic kink elsewhere, but your disgusting response has shown me your determination to serve me, and has inspired me to create a new permanent position exclusively for you in my household.

 Since this is a permanent position you’ll no longer be in need of possessions.  You are to liquidate them immediately.  You’ll have three days from receipt of this letter to sell everything save one pair of trousers, a button up shirt, and a pair of shoes.  Anything not sold within that time you will abandon.
 You will communicate to what friends or family you may have that you are traveling to Asia to become a monk and it is unlikely you will ever see them again.  It is not as if anyone would miss you, and I am certain their lives will be much improved without you in it.  
 This is a permanent position, so I can assure you, you won’t see them again.
 On the third day you will walk out of your residence for the last time.  What money you have from selling your things you will put it in the first charity bucket you stumble across on your way to your first step in serving me.  Enclosed is a card with an address a few miles from you.  You will walk there.  When you arrive you will have nothing but the clothes I instructed you to have, and your License and Passport.  There you will be picked up by car and taken to a place where you will be assisted in properly preparing your tribute to me.
 As a Dark Mystress, I demand and deserve a true tribute.  From you, my slave who enjoys sending his sperm through the mail, I demand your penis.  Not figuratively, literally.  You will be taken to the lair of an associate who will restrain you in his operating theatre.  Strapped down on his operating table so you can’t move a muscle, he will surgically remove your penis and place it in a jar of formaldehyde.  He will then seal the jar for you. 
 Your testicles will remain intact as I have plans for them.
 He will then reroute your urethra, and sever the nerves to your prostate, rendering you incontinent.  He will install a permanent catheter. 
 Once your tribute has been prepared, my associate will want payment for his services.  Since you have no money, you will have to trade with him.  He has an odd collection, to my understanding.  I myself have a diverse collection of penises, so to each his own.  His, however, you may find even more macabre.  
 He collects teeth.
 He will rip out your teeth, one at a time, until he has them all.
 There will be no pain relief, or drugs.  Knowing you will suffer pleases me, and pleasing me is your world now.  Difficult as it may be, while your teeth are being extracted, take heart and comfort knowing your screams provide me with a modicum of entertainment.  You, as a slave, or so you claim to be, will be happy to submit to this pain since it entertains me.

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Copyrighted 6/2024, all rights reserved.