A New Doll


Copyrighted 6/2003, 8/2023 All rights reserved.

Annette wanted to be a rich man's plaything, but he was looking for a new toy.

 Annette lay in darkness.  She could feel her face gel and stiffen.  Her skin was rapidly transforming, becoming smoother, perfect, plastic.  Despite her pounding heart, soon she would be paralyzed, trapped within her own body, a doll's body. She could barely struggle, and soon her restraints would be unnecessary.  She had to communicate somehow, escape this coffin before it was too late, before she was nothing more than a toy. 
 She suddenly thought it funny; to be a play thing, and if she could, she would laugh.  Being someone's play thing was what got her in this mess in the first place.

 Candlelight danced magically in the ice water as the waiter again filled her glass.  Annette sighed angrily as she looked at her watch.  Robert was late for their date and he was going to pay for it.  A new fur coat, a diamond neckless, Annette would have no problem guilting a prize out of him.  As she mentally made a list of new prizes, she looked up and her heart stopped.
 Madge strode in, almost charging straight at the table.  "You and I must talk."  She said taking a seat.
 Annette sat up, stammering.  "Mrs. Chambers," She put up a weak smile.  "What a surprise to see you here."
 "Cut the crap." Madge hissed as she dragged her cigarettes from her purse.  "I know you're here to meet my husband."  She lipped a cigarette and lit up.  "I know all about you two."
 Annette coughed from the stream of smoke.  "I don't know what you're..."
 "I'll move this along for you."  Madge went on.  "I left the message for you to come here.  Robert doesn't know you're here."  She took a drag.  "I have a business proposition for you.  You can have Robert.  The house, the cars, the yacht, everything.”  She flicked her ash at the center piece.  "What's he giving you now, an apartment?  Lewd dates and lousy quick fucks?  How about it all?”
 Annette was speechless as Madge went on.  "I'll spell it out.  Due to a pre-nuptial agreement if I divorce him without cause I get nothing but the stole on my back.  If I have cause, say proof of an affair, I'll get about five million for an initial settlement and several million a year in perpetuity.  I think I can live with that.  The hard part is the proof.  You guys are clever."  Madge sat back and dropped her cigarette into her water.  "How's that for a deal?  You give up a cheesy apartment in exchange for a villa in the Alps, I get some cash to comfort my pain.  All you have to do is drop me a little jingle when you go for your next date.  My private eyes will handle the rest.  Perhaps you can leave the shades open a crack.  When the dust settles, he'll be all your's."
 Annette sat back, struggling to keep a poker face.  "Give me half of your initial settlement."
 Madge snorted a laugh. "I'll give you a million."
 "A million."  Annette agreed.  "Plus five hundred thousand up front."  A hint of a smile escaped Annette.  "Listen, I don't want him.  I don't even like him.  I just want the toys I get for hanging off his arm.  A little spending cash would be nice too.  Rest assured if we do marry, there won't be such a restrictive pre-nupt.
 Madge signaled the waiter.  "A shrewd business woman, I like that."  She reached back and took a glass of champagne the waiter offered her.  “Agreed.  To us."  She toasted.
 Annette took a glass.  She clinked Madge's.  "To us."  She sipped the expensive champagne, letting its sparkling taste float on her tongue.  Suddenly the room became too bright, the glass growing heavy in her hand.  "What?"  She whispered as the room began to swim.
 She could hear Madge calling the waiter.  "The lady has taken ill.  Would you help her to my car so I may take her home?"
 Annette could barely speak as the waiter half lifted her and carried her out to the street.  The valet attendant was already there with the car and the two of them loaded Annette into the back seat.  Annette struggled to stay conscious as Madge drove through a myriad of winding back streets and twisting alleys before coming to a stop at a darkened, dilapidated warehouse.  Hands pulled her from the car and deftly strapped her to a gurney and wheeled her in.  Peeling paint, flickering flourescents and rusted pipes greeted her as they wheeled Annette into a makeshift operating theater.  A gowned figure loomed over her and wedged a rubber mouth piece between her teeth, and gagged her feeble cries.
 With burning eyes, she watched as Madge walked over, but Madge paid her little mind. "Well what do you think, doctor?"
 The gowned figure looked up. "She's beautiful. I think she'll be a perfect candidate."
 Madge reached down and fondled a lock of Annette's hair.  "She does have lovely hair.  Harvest it and make a wig out of it for me."
 Annette wretched her head from Madge's grasp.  Madge only smiled.  "The little drug I put in the champagne is wearing off.  I'm sorry about the little ruse, but I had to find out just what kind of person you are.  I had to be sure you're Robert's kind of girl."  She looked up at the doctor, watching him set up, then back to Annette.  "Try not to be too mad, I don't want worry lines etched into that beautiful face.  It'll be the only thing you'll get to keep.  You see, Robert likes his women just so…”  She drew an hour glass figure in the air.  "He's a breast man, and an ass man, and he likes long elegant neck lines and small wasp waists; so to be the object of Robert's desire, you'll need a little work.  I'm here to help you out.  The only down side is that Robert's tastes are so extreme, that diet and exercise simply won't cut it.  A few nips and tucks will be required.  The doctor here is going to make you into Robert's image of beauty."  Madge looked back at the doctor.  "What do you think?"
 The doctor looked up as he wheeled in a cart covered with a sheet.  "Well, first the usual."  He pulled off the sheet showing two massive gel filled transparent balloons.  "New breasts."
 Madge's eyes bulged.  "My God!"  She reached down with both hands and tried to lift one.  "Ugh, this must be fifteen pounds!"
 "Twenty pounds each."  He said simply.  

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